Class Partners (closed with shooshoo)

Will jumped a little at that proposal, and immediately scolded himself, praying his surprise wasn't too obvious. "Uhh...yeah, sure! Especially if we have to demonstrate next week..." he rubbed at his belly as he thought about what the teacher said. "I have a tendency to forget stuff, too, so seeing your notes would help."

He looked to the bigger man and smiled. "How about Friday? Since we're both free on that day now anyways?"

"I work until 8. Is that too late? I can bring food with me. I work security at a restaurant."

Ben looked at him hopefully and pulled out his phone. "Let me get your number."

"That's not too late! I'm a bit of a night owl anyways," Will smiled. He took Ben's phone and entered in his number for him. "Text me your name so I have your number, and I'll send you my address, okay?"

Ben smiled at him happily, texting Will his name and 'your new Lamaze partner.'

"This is great." Ben pulled himself to his feet, stretching his arms over his head and arching his back. His shirt pulled up, revealing the bottom curve of his round belly. He tilted his head back and forth, stretching out. "I'm so glad I switched into this class."

"I am too," Will said, standing up with him. For the first time he could see how much taller Ben was, by a full head at least. Though at a quick glance, Will's belly seemed bigger. "So I'll see you Friday, then?"

Ben grinned at him widely, holding out his hand to shake. "You bet. I can't wait."

Ben grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "Walk you to your car?"

"Oh! Sure," Will said, caught off guard once more by another kind gesture. "You're really too kind, Ben. I mean, we've only just met..."

"My momma raised me to be polite," Ben shrugged. "Plus I work security. I spend a lot of time walking people to their cars that I like a whole lot less than I like you."

Will moved a little slower then him, his waddle more pronounced then Ben's, so he modulated his steps to walk next to him. Ben wouldn't admit it but there was something about Will that seemed to kick up his protective instincts.

"Alright, here we are," said Will, almost reluctantly. He didn't want to leave Ben but he knew if he stayed any longer he'd shove his foot further into his mouth and scare him off. 

"Thanks again for the help. I'll send you my address tonight and I'll see you on Friday!" he beamed as he lowered himself carefully into his car.

Ben waved goodbye and headed over to his own car, keeping an eye on Will's car as he pulled away. He settled himself in his car, rubbing his belly gently to settle down the baby who had decided that the walk to the car meant it wasting to wake up.

He pulled away, his thoughts preoccupied with Will and how he was already looking forward to seeing him again.

Come Friday, Will was a bundle of nerves. He was so desperate to make another good impression on Ben that he wasn't sure what he would do.  And all of those nerves had transferred to the baby, who for once was awake in the middle of the day. He could feel it kicking him every which way and no belly rub could calm either of them down. He waited impatiently for Ben's text saying he was arriving, hoping it was soon and with plenty of food.

Ben sent a quick text to Will to let him know he was on the way. The head chef handed him a few boxes of food, patting Ben's belly and kissing his cheek. "Go have fun with your new friend."

Ben flushed a little and pressed a kiss to Mario's cheek in return. "Thanks, boss." Okay, maybe he had mentioned Will once or twice since Tuesday.

It wasn't a long drive to Will's from the restaurant and he gathered up the boxes and bag, hauling himself out of the car. The baby kicked him under the ribs and he rubbed there , murmuring how she should be nicer to him and they would eat soon.

He rang the doorbell, feeling oddly nervous.

Will nearly leaped out of his seat when he heard the doorbell, sprinting towards the door to see Ben. He had to catch himself so he wouldn't slip, and take a few deep breaths so he wouldn't look too eager to see the other pregnant man. He composed himself, and opened the door to find Ben standing there, just as tall as he remembered.

"Ben! Glad you're finally here! Come on in," Will ushered him in and closed the door behind him. "That food smells delicious, by the way!"

"I hope you like Italian food. The head chef put a little of everything in here, I think,." Ben smiled warmly at Will, feeling a little flutter in his stomach that had nothing to do with the baby.

"How are you?" Ben asked. "Do you mind if I take off my shoes?"

"How did you know? Italian is my favorite!" Will took some of the bags from him and set them on the table.

"I'm great, by the way..." Will moved on, "please, take off your shoes, make yourself at home! Mi casa es su casa..." Will said in very inauthentic Spanish. He blushed, embarrassed at his obvious attempts at small talk. "I'm starving, though, obviously. How have you been?"

"Tired," Ben admitted. He toed off his shoes, pushing them aside. He loosened his tie as well, pulling it over his head and shoving it in his bag. At least he had left his suit coat in the car. "Long day today that I spent on my feet for way too long."

Ben sat down at the table, accepting the plate Will handed him. "Dig in. Mario sent plenty since he knew I was coming to see you. It's his mission to feed me up and he decided he's going to do the same for you."

"The last thing I need is more food!" Will laughed. "Okay, I lied," he admitted, "I need more food, and I like this Mario guy already! Daddy needs to feed this belly!" he patted his stomach with that last sentiment. The baby was still doing flips inside of him, and he hoped the food would help them both calm down before he and Ben had to do anything besides sit at the table.

Ben laughed at that, rolling his shirt sleeves up to show off his tattooed forearms. "He even handles weird cravings. He's been a life-saver."

Ben dished up a plate for himself, taking a hunk of lasagna and a big piece of salmon. Mario called salmon brain food and made it much more often when he had a pregnant employee. "I hope you like everything."

"It's all delicious. I hope you don't mind me asking for more in the future," Will said as he took some chicken and spaghetti. "He knows just what a pregnant man likes!" Will ate to his heart's content, hoping Ben didn't think he was too sloppy.

"I'm at the restaurant most nights," Ben said, reaching for some chicken. "Feel free to come on by. I'm in the office unless I'm needed on the floor, but if you tell the host you're there to see me, I'll come down."

Ben rubbed his belly as the baby settled down now that he was eating. It was nice to watch Will enjoying the food. To be fair, he thought Will needed a little more meat on his bones and he may have mentioned to Mario that Will was a little skinny.

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