Class Partners (closed with shooshoo)

"I'll plan on it, then," Will assured his friend. He continued to eat, before finally groaning at his full stomach and rubbing at it. "God...that was so good!" He stretched out his back and yawned, before looking to Ben expectantly. 

"So, do you have your notes? We should probably get to practicing."

Ben wiped his mouth on a napkin, closing up the boxes of food. He pushed them over to Will. "Keep the leftovers. I'll just get more tomorrow."

He pulled his notes out of his bag, wincing a little at the pull in his back. He really had been on his feet too long. "You want to move somewhere more comfortable? The couch maybe?"

"Yeah, the couch is probably better," Will said as he stood up from the chair. He could tell Ben was tired, but the couch would be more comfortable than his little wooden dining chairs. He hadn't really thought ahead, and those chairs were hardly enough support for his pregnant form.  
He waddled over to the couch and plopped himself into the cushions. "Okay, what's our first exercise?"

Ben sat down as well, shifting so he had one leg tucked under him, facing Will. He put the notebook between the two of them so they both could see.

"He said that we need to be able to demonstrate three different types of breathing and talk about when it would be best to use them during labor," Ben said, pointing out the patterns. "I have no idea how we're supposed to remember which ones to do when we're actually in labor though."

"I don't think it really matters in the moment, does it? They all work to a degree, and so long as you remember one of them it should be good, right?" Will scratched his head, a nervous habit he had that he used more often now when he'd think about giving birth.

"Whatever. What's the first technique?"

"This one," Ben pointed out one of the breathing patterns. "The teacher said it was good for early labor when the contractions are less painful."

He mimicked the breathing pattern, trying not to feel as self-conscious as he actually was. He laughed a little self-deprecatingly. "It feels silly doing it like this."

"Yeah, I get the feeling I'll be a little preoccupied to remember some stupid breathing techniques," Will joked. "But we gotta do it fast does it need to be? Just a slow inhale and exhale at the beginning, right?" He took a deep breath, held it, and then exhaled. The exercise itself was very relaxing, he may just use it before labor.

Ben nodded, watching Will. He did the same thing, feeling himself relax a little. "It is really just a relaxation technique. We're supposed to pair that with - " Ben sighed. "With your partner rubbing your shoulders and back. I wonder if this guy has every heard of single parents."

For some reason it was annoying him more now then it had in class. Probably because he was tired. Definitely because he had been feeling a little lonely lately.

"Okay, would you like me to rub your shoulders or for you to rub mine?" Will asked eagerly. Frankly, he thought he could use a good massage. It had been weeks since he'd really destressed and this was the best opportunity he was going to get. 

"I'll do yours first," Ben said, shifting so Will could sit between his legs. They got as close as they could since Ben's belly was in the way. "Tell me if I hurt you any."

He began to massage Will's shoulders, feeling the tension there. It felt nice to touch him though. It had been too long since Ben had done this with anyone else, way before he had even gotten pregnant. His last boyfriend had been over two years ago and near the end, they certainly hadn't been giving each other massages.

"Now you just breath and relax."

"That feels really nice..." Will sighed as he felt Ben's large hands work into his tense shoulders. He began the breathing technique they'd felt earlier and really started to relax. Maybe it was helped by having Ben's belly supporting his back, but this was more comfortable than any chair he'd sat in. Inhale. Then exhale. Inhale. Exhale, and repeat. "This is really relaxing....thank you."

Ben moved to work on Will's upper back as well, pressing down on the tense muscles. Will was leaning against him and his weight was comforting, familiar in a way that Ben hadn't expected.

"Good," Ben said softly. "This should be relaxing. You can also use this breathing technique while your partner strokes your belly as well. It's supposed to help with pain management when the contractions start to get worse."

"Okay..." Will hesitated about getting so much closer. But if it's what the instructor told them to practice then he could hardly say no. "Alright, here," he reached up and grabbed each of Ben's hands, moving them down to either side of his belly. He neglected to pull up his shirt, but maybe Ben would do that for him. He continued to breathe, feeling his belly rise and fall with Ben's hands on it.

Ben cradled Will's belly in his hands, demonstrating the stroking movements from the top of his belly to the bottom. Will's belly was firm, round, and so very warm. Ben swallowed a little thickly, deciding that now was definitely not the time for his second trimester horniness to pop up.

"When you're in labor, you can do this directly on the skin," Ben said. "I ... I don't want to be presumptuous."

"No...go ahead. It's better to practice the right way, you know?" Will lifted up his shirt and tucked it up by his chest. Ben's hands were even warmer than before, and feeling them go in their little circles felt amazing. Nobody had really touched his belly before. He felt his baby stir a little inside, and wondered if Ben could feel it, too.

Ben moved his hands the way the teacher had showed. Will's skin was warm and soft. He could feel the baby move and stretch inside of him. He had to shift into a more comfortable position so he could reach Will's belly.

"The baby seems to like this," Ben said softly. He had forgotten how nice it was to touch someone else, to feel their skin under his hands. "Is this relaxing?"

"No kidding. He usually is either still or kicking up a storm. I never get him just to stir like this..." Will added his own hands to the mix, but when he did, he'd get a sharp kick to one side or the other. "Huh...I guess he just likes you," he laughed.

Ben laughed as well, keeping his hands on Will's belly but no longer moving them. He moved his thumb thoughtlessly, just stroking the curve of Will's belly. Neither of them said anything for a long time, just feeling the baby stretch and roll.

"It feels so different like this," Ben mused. "Feeling him inside of you from the outside versus feeling mine inside of me."

"I can't say I'd know...I've never felt another belly besides mine. Then again, it's not like I have too many opportunities..." Will said as the baby started to calm down. "Must've tired himself out," he smiled.

"Maybe you'll get some rest tonight," Ben said, tugging Will's shirt back down and reluctantly moving away. He took one of Will's hands and placed it on his belly right where his little girl was hiccuping. "She has the hiccups. Can you feel?"

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