Class Partners (closed with shooshoo)

"I was about to say the same," Will remarked as they finished up with the dishes. He followed Ben into the living room and looked down at the array of pillows. 

"How about I help you first this time? Or more likely you can demonstrate for me," Will blushed as he gestured towards the pillows.

Ben nodded and got on to the ground awkwardly, laughing a little. He held out his hands to help Will down as well which ended up being even more awkward but they both ended up on the ground.

"Maybe we should have just used my bed," Ben said as he settled back on the pillows, his knees up and legs slightly splayed open. "This is the typical position you think of people laboring in but it's not the best. It's okay for a bit but it doesn't really help bring the baby down with guys. We need more help from gravity then women."

"Maybe we use the bed next time," Will suggested. He nodded intently as Ben explained the proper way of laboring. He felt like was going to learn more here than in class.

"So what, then? Do we need to squat? Or get on our hands and knees?" He tried to avoid looking right at Ben's crotch as he spoke.

Ben shifted and got on his knees. He knee-walked closer to Will and turned his back to him. "Put your arms under mine. The idea is that you would help support me while I'm squatting."

Ben got in a squat, supporting himself with his hand until Will got close enough to help hold him. It wasn't the easiest since Will was pregnant as well but Ben felt like he was at least able to demonstrate an option.

"This helps to open you up more then being on your back," Ben said, trying not to think about the warm press of Will's belly against his back.

"I see..." Will said as he hoisted Ben up on his arms. "Sorry my belly is kinda in the way. Not much to do about that I suppose..." he apologized, thankful at least that his baby wasn't kicking Ben in the back.

"Let me try some coaching," he suggested. "Don't worry aboutkeeping yourself up. Just lean into me and breathe. Open your legs up as wide as you can, I've got you here."

"If I'm too heavy, let me know," Ben said as he deepened his squat, his hands on his knees. Will was holding him easily enough it seemed so he let himself lean back and he practiced the breathing, Will following along.

"We can also do this one facing the other way with my arms around your neck," Ben said as he went back down on his knees. He turned so he was facing Will this time, putting his arms around Will's neck before getting back into a squat. In this position, he was a little taller than Will. Their bellies pressed together and Ben looked Will in the eye, smiling a little.

Will tried to control the flushing in his face. He felt so warm being this close to Ben and hoped it didn't show. 

"Yeah...that's good. I'm here, just breathe like we learned and I'll support you," Will raised a hand to Ben's round stomach, rubbing like he would were it contracting and painful, hoping it felt nice to him. 

Ben lowered his gaze to where Will was rubbing his belly soothingly. It felt good and he imagined it would feel good if he was having contractions as well.

"That's good," Ben said as he leaned his head against Will's shoulder and let Will take more of his weight. "The idea of this is that the partner is letting the person in labor rest against them. You can rub their back and belly fairly easily in this position."

Will was thankful Ben couldn't see his face from this angle. His eyes were practically bugging out of his skull with how excited he was.

"Yeah, this is easier for me to reach too," he said as he moved around to massage Ben's back. His hands slowly started to move further down his spine. He wondered if Ben would notice.

"That really feels nice," Ben admitted, shifting so he was kneeling instead of squatting. He dropped a hand to Will's belly, feeling the baby kick. "Sorry, I guess we woke him up."

Ben lifted his head up again, looking at Will's face again. Will's hands were low on his back and they were pressed so close. Ben licked his lips, catching the way Will's gaze dropped. He really, really hoped that he wasn't reading this wrong as he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to Will's.

Will moaned a bit when their lips met, only in part from the kicking of his baby. He moved his hands lower and clutched at Ben's ass as theyou kissed.

He'd never really been so forward, and that included when he'd gotten pregnant a few months earlier. When they broke off, he looked into Ben's eyes somewhat shocked. "It's alright...he'd been sleeping for a while anyway."

Ben brushed a bit of Will's hair back, tucking it behind his ear. Will hadn't moved his hands which he was really not complaining about at all. He leaned in to kiss him again, a little rougher this time. Will just tightened his grip in response.

When Ben pulled away this time, he pressed his lips to Will's neck. "I'm not reading this wrong, right?"

"Of course not..." Will encouraged as they made contact once more. "If I seem tense it's just...I'm scared of moving quickly I suppose. Not that this is too fast just...don't listen to me." Will shut himself up.

"Just tell me to shut up and kiss you," he said as he brought a hand up to Ben's rugged face.

"I want to listen to you," Ben said seriously. "I like listening to you."

Ben sat back a little, not separating too much but wanting to get a little space to reply without kissing Will instead. "And I want you to tell me if we're moving too quickly or if something bothers you. I want us both to be on the same page."

"It's just that we only met a few days ago..." Will admitted. "But I'm more worried about how that makes you view me than the other way around."

He readjusted himself and put a hand on his belly to soothe the child within. "You've been more supportive than anyone else I know, though. Even in such a short time. I want this. Don't think that I don't."

Ben moved as well, shifting so he was sitting against some of the pillows. He reached out for Will, tugging him against his side. He was glad he had put so many pillows down.

"I don't date often," Ben said quietly. "It's been two years since I've met anyone I wanted to. So we can do this as slow or as quickly as you want. I like you a lot."

"I'm in the same boat, more or less," Will sighed. "Which is what makes this so weird for me. There's a big part of me that just wants to throw caution to the wind and let it all out. There's always a part of me that's holding back. And I feel like with you I can finally shut that part down. What do you say?"

Ben tipped Will's chin up and kissed him again, soft and sweetly. It wasn't the ideal situation, two guys who were 7 months pregnant getting together, but Ben wasn't going to say no. Not when he had Will agreeing with him.

"That sounds like a plan to me."

"Sounds great," Will smiled. "I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but we'll have to talk about this eventually," he said with a circling gesture towards their bellies. 

"Things are going to get a little more complicated in a few months," Ben agreed. He chewed a little on his lip. He knew that he wasn't tied to anyone. This baby was entirely his. Will though. There was someone else.

"Your ex. He's not involved? Doesn't want to be involved?"

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