Class Partners (closed with shooshoo)

Will waddled in to Ben's office as quickly as he was able in his condition. His belly preceded him by a fair bit, sticking out several inches in front of him. It wasn't helped by the support his back needed, his hand now thrusting his belly outwards even further. He'd taken to wearing sweats more often than not nowadays. It pained him that he couldn't look nice for Ben, but if anyone understood, it was him.

"Hey babe," Will smiled as he entered the doorway. He did his best to lean in and kiss Ben on the cheek, but noticed that Ben's attention was on the conversation before him. "Oh," Will said, hushing himself. "What's happening here?"

Ben held his finger up to his lips, patting the seat next to him so Will would sit down. The meeting ended a few minutes later and the food started to come out. Ben turned away from the monitors, smiling warmly at Will.

"Hey, baby," Ben said, leaning in to kiss him. "Just some guys I'd rather not be around talking about stuff I'd rather not know about. I still have to keep an eye on things while they are eating but I don't have to be as involved in what they are saying. I just need to make sure no one is doing anything stupid. Did you order anything to eat?"

Will groaned as he eased himself into the chair. Such motions were nowhere near as easy as they used to be.  
"Well then," Will replied nonchalantly. "No! I didn't order yet. But I'm really craving some lasagna. Do you have banana peppers here? I'm craving those too."

"Do you ever try and figure out what's causing the fusses that you have to deal with? Make up stories or something? Like, if you had to guess...what would you say they're talking about?"

"I know what they're talking about," Ben said with a sigh. "I don't want to know but I do." He pointed at one of the monitors that showed the dining room. "In that room are our normal patrons who have know idea they are eating in the same room as two known hit men for one of the Russian families. Neither of them have weapons because I patted them down when they arrived with the rest of their group," he tapped the monitor he had been paying close attention to. "Who are talking to a group of Romanian businessmen about cargo ships."

Ben looked over at Will. "And I would rather not get into what type of cargo they are talking about. I'd rather you not know."

Will's face grew dark at the revelation. He looked into the room, and then looked back to Ben. "You're hosting mobsters? Criminals? What the hell, Ben?" he asked in a very aggressive whisper. He felt very nervous all of a sudden, and an intense desire to leave. 

"The restaurant is considered neutral ground for everyone. That's why I, or one of my other security guards, are here," Ben said gently. He put a hand on Will's arm. "This is how it has been for years. Mario isn't the owner, just the manager and head chef. I've only met the owner a few times and I wouldn't want to get in his way and neither do any of the people who eat here."

Ben leaned back a little. "I told you I didn't deal with nice people."

"I always figured you meant drunks! Or, or, angry customers! Normal people!" Will exclaimed. He felt scared, now. "How can you put yourself in that kind of danger!? Especially now!"

Ben frowned a little. "Because 95% of the time I get to meet wonderful people, work with people who are my friends, and help put smiles on people's faces. I'm *good* at my job and I enjoy doing it. 5% of the time there are assholes eating here, but they know the rules. I stand by the bar so they know I'm here and usually I don't have to do anything. And right now," he stabbed at one of the monitors. "I don't even stand at the bar. I sit up here and watch because I'm not fucking stupid and I won't endanger my child's life!"

"I know..." Will said somewhat shaken by Ben's impassioned response. "...forget I said anything. I'm sorry," Will sniffled a bit. He didn't mean to insult Ben, but he couldn't help but fear for his safety in this situation. He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to him. Their food came soon after that, and Will ate ravenously--though in silence.

Ben let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead, a headache forming behind his eyes. "Baby, I'm sorry. I know you care and that's why you're upset."

He looked over at Will who was eating but looked like someone had just kicked his puppy which made Ben feel like shit. He reached over and squeezed Will's hand. "Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled."

"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong," Will sighed. He felt so stupid. He should have been able to keep himself from getting this emotional, but sometimes it felt like he had no control. Perhaps it was just the pregnancy going wild on his body. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I know you. You're smart and strong and more than capable of making the best decision for you. And I know how much this job means to you."

Ben moved a little closer and wrapped his arms around Will from the side, resting his head on Will's shoulder. His head was hurting and his back hurt and he was just so tired. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Will and yet he managed to do that.

"It hasn't been a great day for me," he said quietly. "I'm not feeling very good."

Will leaned his head to rest on Ben's, and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, baby," he said, both sympathetically and for their heated exchange earlier. "What doesn't feel well?"

"Everything hurts right now," Ben admitted. "I'm sore and achy. I've had a headache off and on all day. And I swear I've been having false contractions all day."

Ben rubbed his belly. "I really wish I was home in sweats and no shoes."

"You should have texted me, Ben," Will said as he rubbed the other man's back gently. "I would have brought you some Advil or something. The contractions worry me, though," Will went on as he pondered Ben's words. "They're not regular, are they? You're probably just over working yourself. Tell your boss you don't feel well and take a sick day, for once," he teased.

"What do you consider regular?" Ben hedged, not sure if he wanted to admit they were about two an hour. "They're not painful. They're just," he stopped, feeling his belly tighten.

"Here, I'm having one now." he pulled Will's hand to his belly. "They're just uncomfortable. My belly just gets tight."

"I don't like that, Ben..." Will cautioned. "Have you considered calling your doctor? You're getting to the point now where anything unusual should probably get checked."

"I'll call my midwife when I get home if they continue. As soon as the room clears out, I can leave." Ben looked back at the monitors, noticing that most of them were either eating dessert or having an after dinner drink. "It shouldn't be that long."

Ben kissed Will's hand, squeezing it. "You haven't had any yet?"

"Alright, that makes me feel better," Will smiled. He would take care of Ben himself, though he was far from an expert.  
"No, I'm afraid not. Little guy seems content to stay put for now. Good I suppose since he's not due for another couple of weeks," Will said nervously.

Ben reached over and rubbed Will's belly gently. "We want them both to stay in as long as possible so they get big and healthy."

Ben grabbed his water and took a long drink, looking at Will's empty plate. "Do you want anything else to eat?"

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