Bride of the King (closed with Regifortis)

The King smiled at the statement then reached up to the last shelf and picked up the strand of eight large balls with attached by a thin reed with a circle hook at the end.  "These are a very good choice," he agreed.  "You will enjoy these."  He said as he dropped the beads over Tobias' shoulder.  "Humans tell me they bring incredible, life changing pleasure." 

He looked down at the human of him and decided to have a bit of fun.  If the man wanted to believe himself an adventurer trying to sneak passed a dragon to recover some treasure, he would play along.  He knew that human couldn't understand what was going on or why the dragon hadn't just gobbled him up but he learned a long time ago, that dragons needed to be mysterious.  That bit of mystery and magic is what made the legends.  He couldn't let the human discover all his secrets which is why he did what he did. 

He watched the human walk along the shelves looking at all the objects he could choose from.  He studied every object carefully debating the merits of each one before he took another step.  He must have seen something he liked because he picked up the silver oil lamp.  It was beautiful and would sparkle in between the human's ass cheeks.  The walking cane was a surprise, he admitted to himself.  The cane would be the perfect toy when the King wanted to get in on the action.  Maybe he could the human into using both the lamp and the cane on himself at one point. 

"You made three very good choices but now I want to pick a toy for you."  The King stated as he looked over the shelves.  He picked up two clamps with several crystal beads attached at the end.  "Kneel down for me so I can put these on you." 

Tobias hadn't paid attention to the kinds of faces or expressions he must have been making this whole time. But he was sure blushing was part of the list, especially now. He hadn't even suggested assplay to his wife, let alone imagined it for himself. With a dragon. But now he had a "toy" up his butt, and he had another strung around his neck, like a yoke for cattle. And the way his King talked about Tobias's 'pleasure' made him acutely aware of how his erection was not only visible but how it hadn't receded this whole time. What a sight. A woodcutter with the kind of body only woodcutting could get, full beard, married with two children, and he was sheepishly getting hard from the Dragon King teasing him.

But insanity was his only refuge, his last line of defense. Tobias looked to the frighteningly insightful eyes of the Dragon King. Those eyes and ears that could see and hear into his soul. The King didn't seem upset anymore, at least. If his 'last line of defense' was really and truly what this dragon wanted, then maybe he could learn to deal with--

A crushing sorrow came over him. This was to be his life? This was 'his place'? Subjecting himself to toys and humiliation as his King pleased until he wasn't fun anymore? Tobias doubted there was any other punishment like this in the world. But again, he wasn't in a position to refuse. He knelt for his King to...attach clamps? Where did he plan to put them--OH...!

The King loved watching his human, now that the man was his own private pet.  He had forgotten just how expressive a human could be from his years up in the mountains.  "You blush so beautifully."  The King took in the deep pink of the human's cheek that spread over his face and down his neck. 

He knew the human just discovered he enjoyed having his ass filled even though, the man never thought of it before.  It was a shame that humans denied themselves so much pleasure because they just didn't know how to explore their dark desires.  "Have you ever had your ass played with before?"  He asked even though he already knew the answer.  This burly body full of hair and muscles, the hair would have to go, the King reminded himself but that could wait, found out just how much he needed a toy in his ass.  He made sure to note that Tobias' erection never faded, never wavered since he inserted the treasure into his ass.  In fact that man seemed to grow harder with every single step he took. 

He ignored the wave of sorrow that suddenly came off the human.  He knew it would recede in a moment as the man's body learned of true pleasure. 

"You're are such a good, obedient human," the King complimented as he watched his human.  "Play with your nipples, get them hard for me." 

Play with his nipples? Tobias thought about how he would do that very thing with his wife, one of their few excursions into the variety of making love. He loved the soft flesh in his hands, teasing her pretty pert nipples hard before he...well, he was just going to make himself sad if he continued down those memories any further. But now, he was to administer that to himself, with these clamps. It was a little different...maybe he was just supposed to pull on the clamps themselves--


The response was immediate, like lightning and hot water mixed and pressed together in his chest. No, Tobias's nipples couldn't be that sensitive! He felt the death grip that the teeth of the clamps had on him, but that shouldn't mean that pulling them forward would make his cock jump like that. But his breathing got shorter and faster...he found himself sitting down to push the candle holder in as far as it could go as he started tugging the clamps at a steady rhythm. All the while, the praise and compliments from his King played on loop in his head. He felt pressure building...

The King chuckled to himself at the sight of Tobias clamping his nipples.  The little human was so responsive, his back arching as he let out a lusty moan.  "Never had your ass or your nipples played with little human?"  He asked as he watched his toy's reaction.  "Humans are so silly, unwilling to seek pleasure if they think someone would look down on them." 

He watched Tobias ride the treasure in his ass and pull on the clamps.  He wanted the human to discover all the pleasures he denied himself over the years.  He thought about how men like Tobias never wanted to stray from their comforts and now that he was King's toy, he could finally get himself over to the sinful desires.  "Little human, you look so good like that, tugging on your own nipples and fucking yourself on the treasure.  You are so beautiful - your nipples standing upright and just begging for more attention.  And your cock, it's leaking so much.  You want to ride this to climax?"  He teased as he ran his finger along the curve of Tobias' spine.  "Do you need to climax?" 

Every sensation was magnified. The toy inside him rubbing his insides; the clamps pulling on his chest like they flipped two switches and flooded him with ecstasy; the voice that teased him as well as praised him; the warm dragon breath that bathed him; the finger running delicately up his back; all of it turned him into horny mess of a man. He wanted that finish, the same peak of euphoria he got the first time he ever had an orgasm. But this last vestige of fear...this one last idea that he was headed down a path of no return, that he would forever become a slave to his irritated him. The pride and dignity of manhood and fatherhood just got in the way right now. So much momentum to being nothing but a slut of a man, for a king of a dragon, it was making sense more and more not to fight it. He just needed...there was something more he needed...

The fear in his heart made sense now. He needed permission.

"PLEASE!" He was at his limit, both in restraint and in frustration with his own ambivalence. "Please, my King, let me climax! I-I-I need it! I need release!"

The King smiled warmly then placed his head right next to the human's ear.  He breathed out twice just to keep the moment alive a bit longer.  "I love that you're begging.  I love the way you look like right now so debauched and open."  He paused, looked down at his little human, then agreed.  "You may climax."  He gave Tobias permission to finally throw off any resistance he might have. 

Three words, and suddenly the world went fuzzy. He had heard bragging of climaxing so intense that the man sees stars, and Tobias used to think that to be completely made-up. But the way his vision clouded, the bright and glittery halation that came as soon as he couldn't hold it back anymore...he couldn't think of any other way to describe it. As bizarre as it was to admit it, the Dragon King just gave him the best orgasm he ever had.

Or...was it just him by himself? No, this place had to be magic to make him feel so careless about begging for an orgasm. These pleasurable convulsions and the seed spilling onto the floor were the responsibility of the King. He went from feeling horrible to feeling amazing in a span of time he couldn't even define.

"...Thank you." It was all he could think to say. He added: "M-My King" as the grip of orgasm finally released him.

"You are very welcome, little human," the King purred with a great deal of affection.  "You gave me quite a show.  I haven't watched something so beautiful in ages."  He traced his hand over Tobias' sweaty check.  "The only way that would have been a better show was if you can climaxed over your own face."  He saw a man to that once and wished he could see it again. 

He placed a steadying hand on Tobias' back since he didn't know if the human was truly capable of keeping himself up at the moment.  His thighs quivered and his still hard cock jumped in time with his rapid breathing.  The King looked at Tobias' face, his eyes gazed over with lust, tongue hanging out to the side just slightly.  He snapped his fingers and a canvas appeared.  In the blink of an eye, color created a perfect rendering of Tobias' state.  He would now have an eternal copy of his little human's orgasm. 

"Tell me truthfully, Tobias.  Did you enjoy it?  Do you want it to happen again?"  He asked as he toyed with the clamps on the human's nipples. 

Mercy...! He already felt unsteady, and now his amorous King was trying to put him in the same state again! But he'd be lying if he said "No". The toy inside him was making him sore with how it stretched him, but the sensations it gave him far outpaced it. And now the King himself was playing with those clamps! Tobias tried to steady his breathing so he could speak. Truthfully...truth it was, then.

"...Did I ever tell you my name?" But he felt foolish even as he said it. For all he knew, his King knew what Tobias had for breakfast five years ago. "E-Er, please pardon my mind wandering, my King. I...speakin' truthful, I'd die a happy man iffen I could feel that good even one more time."

"I knew your name the moment you came into my forest for my trees," the King explained as he nudged the human with his head.  He wanted Tobias to turn so he could see what that glorious ass looked like now.  "You think that's the highest pleasure you'll ever feel, Tobias?" 

The King shook his head before he whispered into Tobias' ear.  "This was just the beginning, little human.  You will discover so many pleasures that this will seem like pain."  He flicked his tongue out making sure to lick the base of the treasure into the human.  He used his tongue to lick Tobias' sweaty checks while he pinched and teased the man's nipples.  "Do you feel a bit empty now?  Like the treasure inside you just isn't enough anymore?"  It was challenge posed as a question.  He wanted an honest answer from his playmate.

Even as his body tried to come down from the peak of excitement from before, Tobias's King was determined to keep him from calming down. That cloying heat returned again. And now the King was whispering right into his ear...Tobias nearly convulsed from the bizarre pleasure it brought him. So soft and low, so gentle and firm...his chest felt warm. Distinct from his King toying with the clamps, Tobias somehow started feeling happier, in a sense.

The coarse, cat-like tongue licking his sweaty backside was absolutely indescribable. All Tobias knew was that he liked it and wanted more...especially when that tongue ventured near his 'burrow'. If he really were this dirty of a person, then it was just as well that his King was giving him a bath, even if only in one specific place.

Empty...did he feel empty? He felt the urge to clench around the candle holder, to see what the King could mean. As the King's teasing of his nipples became more insistent, he found himself doing it anyway. He could actually close around it now! It hurt like hell, but he could do it. He had finally...gotten over having it inside felt underwhelming, now. Like he was throwing a fuss earlier over nothing.

"I...I suppose I do feel a bit bored with it, my King." Words of this nature seemed to come more easily to him now. "I reckon I do feel 'empty', as you put it."

"Do you want another treasure inside you, spreading you wider and touching places this treasure can't?"  The King asked in an erotically teasing way that sent shivers down a human's spine.  "And you should never be bored, little human."  He knew exactly what he was doing and just how to tease his little human.  "Your body has adjusted to this treasure now, and it wants more.  Feel how your muscles clench and try to suck more of it inside you?  Anytime you feel empty, I want you to come in here and choose a new treasure.  You can suck them, rub  them against your body, whatever you want." 

He took a long sweep of Tobias' butt with his tongue then flicked it against the base of the treasure just to make it vibrate a bit.  "I want you to remove the treasure without using your hands," he whispered.  "If you use your hands, I'll be very disappointed in you."  He glanced down at his playmate's nipples and how they now stood proud against the skin.  "If we change the treasure, we'll change these as well." 

Whatever he wanted...this king of dragons truly did want Tobias at his most depraved. The most taboo of acts with these objects would be just par for the course. But he readily agreed that he wanted this toy out of him.

Barring the use of hands...Tobias only had one option left, then. He held his breath and started bearing down on it. The pressure he created inside him now was monstrous, pain quaking out from his rear. It reminded him of his wife giving birth to their first son. Here he was, heaving and straining to push this thing out of him. He even had to suppress a gasp of pain, when he thought he had borne enough when he pushed this toy into him!

But after a few moments, he felt the tip of the candle holder slip out of his gaping asshole. He took a moment to breathe more slowly and deeply, as meager of rest as it provided.

"So gorgeous," the King purred at the sight of Tobias pushing the treasure out of his ass.  It seemed to him that Tobias enjoyed pushing the toy out almost as much as he enjoyed having it fuck him.  He smiled when the treasure landed with clink then spun around several times on the floor.  "That was perfect, my little human." 

He picked up the candlestick and tucked it under the lowest shelf on the wall.  "It will be here if you want it again."  He watched Tobias breathe slowly as if he wanted a bit of rest.  "Did that strain you little human?"  He asked before he gently turned Tobias so he could look at his gaping asshole.  He snapped his fingers and again a canvas appeared.  Paint moved magically over the canvas creating another portrait.  "Look at this."  He showed Tobias the completed painting letting the man see his asshole.  "This is you." 


A very odd man looked back at him. His fairly short red hair was frazzled and clinging to his temples. Half-lidded eyes had pupils dilated with lust. His mouth had its tongue lolling out carelessly, while strands of saliva connected his lips like stalagtates a yawning cave. His beard had stains of tears and sweat running down it, like someone had tried to paint it. A shiny coating of sweat covered his hairy body. And most notably, a pink and red opening between his large buttocks gaped and weeped fluid from exertion. He was holding his legs up, pointing his rear end clear to the ceiling, like a prostitute ready to service another customer.

If his King didn't tell Tobias that this man was him, he wouldn't believe it. But the insanity that gripped him, and the clarity of mind he had left, told him that this had to be him.


The King held the painting up for a few more minutes letting Tobias study it closely before he snapped his fingers and it disappeared.  "You are so beautiful like this, Tobias.  The painting will be one of my greatest treasures.  I'll put it where I sleep so it will be the last image I see when before I rest and the first I see when I open my eyes." 

He looked down at the man in front of him and saw the lust in his plaything's eyes.  "You don't know how beautiful you really are.  No one told you that before have they?  You should have been told every day of your beauty." 

The speech gave his playmate a chance to rest but now it seemed the man was ready for more.  "Explain to me what your body is telling you it wants."  

Tobias reeled from the sweet things his King was saying in that sultry voice. Handsome, yes. Strapping, frequently in his youth. But never beautiful. Men weren't called things like that, certainly not a man with a wife and children. The gentle warmth in his chest grew and flowed to his limbs. As he started breathing deeper and stronger, the debauchery of the past moments felt different. He couldn't say exactly what he was feeling, but it made his predicament much less miserable.

And at that thought, the 'emptiness' the King mentioned became painfully clear to him. His hole closed around cold air, and raw flesh rubbed against itself. He didn't want to feel how sore he was. He didn't want to feel this empty...He looked to his King, thinking of how he had guided Tobias all this way in such a short time. He was the irate man in too-clean logger's clothes, wasn't he? But he ignored it all as ridiculous, regardless of how a simple man like him couldn't have known about any of it. It was like destiny, in a way. No matter how he felt about it, he was going to come to this moment. And the warmth babbling within him told him to just enjoy it.

That was when his eyes looked over the king of dragons with a base desire. He settled on the lower half of his King.

"...My King, I feel sore. I feel empty. I don't want to feel so cold and raw after so much pleasure. Speakin' truthful, I'd love to...try a toy of a more natural variety...iffen you get my meaning. I dunno iffen it's possible or what you want. But that's the kind of mood I'm in right now. I'll...I'll do as you say, my King."

The King thought about what Tobias just said.  If he understood, Tobias didn't want some old, cold treasure but the King himself.  He glanced down at Tobias' hole then did some quick calculations in his head.  "You want me to mount you."  It wasn't a question. 

"You want my dicks to fill the emptiness inside you, to stretch you beyond what you think possible."   He continued as he stared at the human.  "You want me bury myself so deep in you that your stomach bulges out and it's not a small bulge.  You want to see the tips up my cocks through your skin stopping just below your ribcage.  You'll look gorgeous like that, trapped on my dicks.  You'll look like you sat on a two missiles." 

He stopped his descriptive little speech and watched how his toy's mouth begin to water and his cock drip.  Oh yes, his playmate wanted his flesh.  He wanted to worship the King's cock with his body.  He knew the moment Tobias took his cocks the soreness, the emptiness, the cold the human would bleed away and be replaced with euphoria.

"I will grant you what you want," the King growled lustfully into the human's ear, "but you must seat yourself on them." 

With those words, the King settled onto his back legs and allowed his twin lengths to grow. 

Tobias the logger considered himself a reasonable man. He never cheated people, he let other people get the last word, and he worked hard for the livelihood that he had. But Tobias the playmate seemed to like throwing caution to the wind in the name of lust and thrills. It wouldn't be a stretch to say he now believed in miracles. He hadn't considered that his King would have more than one ribbed phallus, but the notion of having them inside him gave him a delirious kind of excitement. He had to swallow to keep from drooling.

"I will do my best to please you, my King."

With trembling body and shaky breath, Tobias stood up and walked over to his stunningly well-endowed King. The kind of length and girth and shape that would make a stud horse jealous. And he was going to quite probably risk his life for this chance to fuck himself on them. Such was his prerogative, Tobias the playmate.

He climbed onto his King's hind legs to get enough height to reach them. And so he started the journey of seating himself on the cocks of the Dragon King, letting his ring stretch to supernatural circumference. The first one was agony. The warmth and texture and liveliness made up for it, but only barely. He had to squeeze around it to force his cockhole to adjust. And then it was time for the second one...only the soft and rich encouragement of his King got him through sitting on two of these monsters. But, despite the odds and probably due to some magic, he found himself with both heads obscenely stretching his body...the shape of what was inside him protruded from his perineum.

And in spite of all that, he bit his lip and started to sink down to his King's lap...

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