Becoming the Hunted (closed with Michime)

There it was. He finally was getting what his now fat rear was asking for the longest all while getting the Shifters furious. The bouncer spared no time in letting his large unnatural cock fly out the pants that kept it restraint. If the potion did not make him so cock thirsty and horny, he probably would have freaked out. He wasn't at all, not even when Benny stuffed him him with so much food. When the organs of all various shapes, sizes and forms approached him, he only could moan painfully yet happily as the Bouncer put his inside him ball's deep. He had a feeling more were coming to do the same. He couldn't object rather he encouraged it. 

"Let'see how many he can stand!". The bouncer shouted to the others while he pulled back his hips then rammed his length back inside. He moved at a break neck pace never giving Scott's hole a chance to properly adjust to his size. He already felt the hunter's hole forcilbe loosen under the assualt.

Another shifter moved to Scott's unused mouth. This cock was just a bit smaller thanthe bouncer's in girth but it was longer. He grabbed hold of Scott's chin then squeezed the cheeks. When Scott opened his mouth, the shifter shoved his length in.

Scott gripped the pool table hard as the Bouncer pounded him mercilessly. The pain was intense, the shifter's head hitting his colon. Scott could only moan out as he felt the pressure internally, his own cock twitching madly. When another beefy man neared him, he went for his face instead. The way the Bouncer was having his way with him, Scott was taken surprise by the large organ entering his mouth. Now the cocky male was silenced again. It should have broken him, but the male inhaled the entire vial. Maybe in some twisted concept, it was a blessing in disguise because if he was in any a sane sense of mind, he would be freaking out by now. His tongue went to work as he put his front and rear to use as their personal toy.

"Stop hogging him," another shifter cried as he stepped up to Scott's butt.  He slapped the hunter's massive cheek showing his dominance over the other man.  "We need a turn."  

"We can share," the bouncer moved to the left just a bit so the newcomer could take the right side.  The newcomer agreed and took his spot behind Scott's right cheek.  It took some time and a lot of force but the second huge cock managed to find its way into the hunter's hole.  The two large members moved in and out in time for a few strokes then set up a different rhythm.  One pulled out, the other pushed in keeping the hunter filled with cock.  

"You want to know the best part about being a shifter," the bouncer gloated as they fucked the hunter.  "Every part of us can lengthen and expand."  He proved his point by doing just that, swelling his already massive member while he was buried in the man's ass.  The expansion took up all the space in Scott but that didn't stop his partner.  He wanted to get back inside the hunter.  He had to use his fingers at first to pull open the human's rim just a bit.  Once he created he slight space, he angled his cockhead and his length into the already at capacity hole.   

"Look at that," someone whistled.  "His ass muscles are gone."

More men piled up on the Hunter and began to express their desire to get inside of him. Because he could not object, that made their task relatively easy, but there was only so much he could take. Not like their freaky desires cared anyways. He could not yell out, his mouth occupied, but there was something that escaped his mouth when another object wedged itself into his already filled to the max hole. It was becoming stretched beyond repair, but his body still reacted to them because of the drugs. The pain was apparent because of the tears rolling down his face.

The two men in his ass pounded into the abused hole for a few more minutes then with a mighty roar of dominance, the bouncer came deep in the man.  He filled the hunter with his seed making sure to coat the defensive with his potent seed.  "Hope I don't knock you up," he teased as he rubbed his hands over the hunter's back.  

He pulled out roughly making sure his dick hurt more coming out of the man that going in.  As long as the bouncer stepped away, another shifter took his spot and jammed his length into Scott.  They gave him no chance to rest working like a well oiled machine with one shifter replacing another.  They laughed at the tears slapping their dicks on his cheeks.  A strange call went up in the air as in all the shifters decided at once that if they couldn't get in Scott, they should come on him instead.  Shifters surrounded the table with the dicks hard and ready.  They made sure he saw their full balls ready to dump their seed.  

"Ruin," the word grew into a steady chant.  "Ruin."  

They made him out to be their slut, splayed out on the table and passed around worse than a turkey on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Either way, he endured the pain in spite of it, the male dimly coming to his senses after the Bouncer filled his belly with his potent seed. It was potent because they were not humans yet humans were flexible. That included the men. Regardless, one left out and another took their place. When it wasn't enough, they soon surrounded him and emptied their load all over his body. "Ruin" they chanted. It would be nothing compared to when he fully came to his senses. He was willing to just let them go yet they chose to attack. That was why he was raised to see them as animals. He would treat them like that.

"Vengeance will be swift..." He mumbled lowly while his mouth was filled with the last Shifter who like the others, made him swallow it all. His body ached all over and soon he found himself collapsing, covered in an entire mess.

"Now that my men had their fun," Benny stepped up to the cum covered, fattened hunter with a vengeful sneer on his face and a red glowing metal brand in his hand, "I think it's time for you to forever bear our mark."  He stamped the metal directly on the center of the Hunter's back.  Screams and hissing were music to ears for several long minutes before he pulled back the branding iron.  

He passed the brand to the bouncer who took it away to be put away until it had to be used again.  "You should see yourself, hunter, completely covered in the seed of shifter, ass destroyed unable to close, body ruined with fat, and belly full of shifter seed.  Did they warn you about our seed?  How it plants deep into the body of men when we release it?"  He waited to see if Scott understood what he was saying.  "Yeh, boy, you're going to be our breeding bitch."   

"That's good..." He began to chuckle, slowly. Deeply. "You think you've ruined me, but I'll recover. You'll try to throw whatever you can to stop it, but I'll adjust. Because you didn't heed me when I said to let it go before, you're going to learn." His eyes of lust were replaced with a cold yet sarcastic tone. "Boy."

He was taken off guard by the potion, but now he was aware of them. He only smiled faintly before letting Benny's face have a huge load of the mess he was forced to take into his mouth. He slowly passed out afterwards from the rigorous exhaust done to his body.

"Stupid fool," Benny chuckled as he wiped the spunk off his face.  "You know how to kill us but you didn't learn what you needed."  He walked around Scott's passed out form watching the hunter's body slowly absorbed all the shifter seed.  He took out a switchblade from his pocket and cut all the ties restraining the man.  He rolled Scott onto his back letting the weight of the hunter's belly work with gravity to keep him down.  "You'll never want to leave," Benny kissed the unconscious man's face as something moved under the skin, "pregnancy makes sure of that." 

Scott rested as much as he could. The burn to his back ached worse than his backside and throat. Yet, it was doing its work, letting the rest work to subside the pain. His hunter's mark was not for show. Like a serpent, it released toxins into his body when he needed them. Toxins that aided his body. His body was racked with an intense layer of sweat as the fat from being overfed began to melt away, muscle mass returning to his body. His rectum began to shrink back to a its regular size as his rear healed and the troubles with his mouth went away. It couldn't affect the pregnancy however. That was something in his body that was not "negative." That meant most of the fat to his belly, chest and hips did not go away.

When he awoke, he found himself needing to throw up. 

"So sick..." he groaned.

Benny gave into his line of sight with a metal bucket.  "Always wondered how you hunters took so much damage in a fight one day and the next looked like virgin snow," he held Scott's head when he did get sick, it went into the bucket instead of all over the place. 

He dropped the bucket on the floor then stepped away from the table.  He pulled another tube of potion out of his back pocket in case he needed it.  "You going to try and kill me?"  

Scott soon found himself ridding his body of not just the symptoms of pregnancy, but also of the lard, the toxins from the brush and vial, and unused sperm and semen. His body began to turn into a much smaller state. He was still a bit pudgy, but not extremely fat. For whatever reason Benny wanted him to gain weight, that was as good as it was going to probably get for the time being. At least until the pregnancy advanced.  He looked at Benny and then at the vial.

"You really think that will work on me again after you've already used it?" He gritted his teeth partially as he ran a hand to his back, feeling the faint fading scar of his brand. Scott could try to fight right now, but the mark did not do anything other than to help heal. The exhaust was still present by the heavy breaths he drew and the fatigued droopy eyes. Instead, he just let the man hold his head still. "What would you do anyways that you haven't done enough of?"

"According to the fae, it's more potent each time it's used.  Something about how it builds up in human fat cells," he thought about testing that theory but something inside him told him that Scott wasn't about to fight.  Even though he shrank in size, the hunter was nowhere near the slim, built man that entered the bar.  

"You drove us to damn near extinction, hunter," he growled the words thinking about how Scott slaughtered so many of his kind.  "I should bring you to the cellar, tie you down so you can't get away, then torture you to death.  Figured it would be better to keep you pregnant so you're forced to birth the creatures you so desperately tried to destroy. Won't mind trying you into my personal breeder though, keeping you all to myself now that the men had their chance."  

He kept a careful eye on the hunter's shoulders trying to gauge if he would strike.  A large hand landed on Scott's belly bulge.  "Multiples in there already.  At least a litter of six.  And it ain't from one man."  

Scott would be startled if he was not in such a sour mood. "Clearly I didn't do a good enough job..." 

Benny's hand firmly on his belly. He said a litter, but from different men. Six sounded about right from the men who were left alive, but he wanted to confirm.

"Just one litter or a litter from them all?" He sighed before droopily rolling back on the table, his body aching with chills. "I at least honored them to their dying breath. Can you at least give me some dignity in letting me shower and giving me some clothes." He didn't like the idea, but there was no way he was going to fit into his old clothes and even though a strange blush filled his face when Benny openly suggested making him his breeder, he could not imagine parading around the place naked. Scott could tell some of the people that came there weren't shifters.

"Still got an attitude," Benny exclaimed before his hand lower before he cupped Scott's heavy balls.  "We weren't killing humans.  We weren't harming your kind but you, you wanted us dead.  Thought you hunters respected the ancient truce.   You know the one ended the first war?  Supernaturals let humans alone and you let us be?"  

"A litter from them all," he answered before he brought his other man up to pet Scott's belly.  "And you didn't kill anyone. At least not after they mated you so that dying breath line ain't true.  I like you naked.  I know you can't be hiding any weapons like this."  He thought about it.  "Only shower's upstairs and there's no way I'm letting you out of my sight.  Don't look so indignant.  You kept saying you were going to kill all of us."  He narrowed his eyes and studied the hunter as a pink blush filled his face.  

"I'm goin' to keep you for myself and turned you into my breeder," he repeated the words only this time he lowered his voice into a lusty growl just to see what the reaction would be.

That thought flushed away the moment Benny said they didn't kill anyone.

"That's bull! It was your kind that broke the truce. A mass bodies of humans began to turn up dead. When we questioned you all and brought it to the council, none of you showed. How else did you think we were going to take that?"

He got angry all over again. He wanted to smack the other man's hand away, but the thought of Benny using that potion again only frustrated him. With not much of an option, he began to sob in frustration.

"Now you're in here trying to tell me that none of you laid a hand on them when you never showed up to clear yourselves. Some of them didn't even hesitate to attack us. The moment they saw this" he waved his tattoo. "They went in like mindless animals and then what you did to me..."

He moved off the table, slowly yet as fast as he could manage. 

"It was your kind that broke the truce, so don't try to patronize me and raise yourself like some kind of Saint. I don't care..." He looked at Benny partially. "If you have to watch. I'm getting
Of me..."

Benny crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the hunter.  "The council meeting was a damn set up and you know it.  The council called the Vamps in, and looked what happened to them.  Toasted before their representative opened his mouth.  No Super is going to show up when the council asks with that on the record.  And if you hunters bothered to look, you would have known the bodies that showed up in Shifter territory had Wraith marks on them."  

He held the tube in his hand even had his thumb on the trigger ready to spray if he had to.  "I didn't think hunters sobbed like that."  He offered in a defensive position.  

He looked down at the tattoo then back up to Scott's face.  "Of course we attack an intruder.  How would hunters respond if some Super stormed into our home and started shooting?  We're Supers but we ain't indestructible."  He looked down at Scott's baby filled belly then pointed.  "We ain't Saints but we don't deserve to be exterminated for something we didn't touch."  

He placed a steadying hand on the small of Scott's back to help the former hunter off the table.  Yeah he had been cruel when the human arrived.  He wanted the hunter to feel the fear his kind felt as they were hunted down.  If he was honest, he still wanted that but he saw how the man reacted to the idea of being a breeder.  "I'm going to do more than watch.  Oh don't give me that look you know you're not going to be bend.  And I doubt you can wash your back."  

"No, I wouldn't..." He kept his gaze at Benny. "That meeting happened seven years ago. In order for the truce to thrive, Hunters agreed to not train more until a certain age. I was told of Shifters after the meeting when one decided to storm our house and tried to kill my family, so no I wouldn't know much of anything at that point other than your kind attacking us out of their territory and attempting to kill several innocent bystanders who knew nothing."

Crying really did not suit him, but it happened and he simply had to move on. "It's a sign of weakness. It won't happen again."

It would. If his hormones had anything to say about it. "I don't make excuses for my actions, but I couldn't stop until I was certain. Not until I proved to him that..." He shrugged the idea off. "...forget it..."

He could of course resist, but Benny seemed itchy for the nozzle on the spray he toted around. Much to his chagrin, the man offered to help him. That meant getting in the shower with the person who not only caused this, but also planned to breed him personally. When they were upstairs, Scott just watched as the water began to run, the steam rising up as it began to heat.

"How long do I have?" He rubbed his belly to indicate what he meant. Six litters really was making him nervous, but his face did not show it.

"The bar's closed now," he told Scott once they were in the shower, "if you're worried about someone seeing you like this.  I'll keep you in my room during operating hours."  He looked down at the hunter's belly.  "Before you get really huge, probably a week at most.  Time from seeding to birth is usually between two and three months depending on the litter size."  

"You liked the idea of being bred big, didn't you, hunter?"  The shifter asked as the water ran down the drain but Scott didn't step inside.  He kept a close watch on the man and his thumb on that sprayer.  "I saw your face when I first said it.  Something inside you liked the idea."  

"Crying's not a sign of weakness.  Tears come from anger, and hate, or any kind of eye irritation.  What you think I'm some stupid redneck that doesn't know chemistry or anything about human biology?"  He scoffed with an annoyed look.  "Ain't dumb, boy.  I know how hormones work and pretty sure your's will be all over the place.  You'll be crying when you see the sun rise or you feel them move."  He waved his hand at Scott's belly.  

"I don't forget things, boy."  He stepped up behind the hunter keeping just far enough out of range so he could get out of the way if an attack rose.  "You wanna tell somebody why you got to be the one that ends everything for Shifters.  You carry a heavy burden on those shoulders.  Can't prove nothing to somebody that will never see what you do.  Mine as well tell me, seeing you're going to be here for a while."  

"The Shifter that tried to kill your family.  You remember anything about it?"  

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