Becoming the Hunted (closed with Michime)

At least he would be hidden away from others when the club actually opened. Letting a man roam around, if he even got that, in the bar would definitely be hard to explain if they wanted to keep business running in this forsaken middle of nowhere.

"It's nothing. Really. I'm...embarrassed is all." He really did not want to get in the shower with Benny or any other man. This was only making it awkward for him, probably giving him anxiety like crazy. Benny seemed to be ready to spray him if he tried something, so he slowly moved indie the water. This couldn't be worse than the smell reeking on his body, right?

"I'm not a boy..." After what happened last night, he truly felt like one on the inside, if not smaller than the other men who handled him roughly like he was some whore. That was how they probably were seeing him right now. He tried not to think about the previous night, but being fucked like that and feeling Benny's frame or rather just seeing it was leaving him aroused. He ignored what Benny said about the hormones. If that was him trying to prove he was better than him, then maybe he was right presently.

"It had eyes like yours. Like theirs. After it left left someone in a coma close to me. I couldn't leave it off to live. I needed something to replace that hole and constantly hearing how I was weak to do anything about it over and over...I proved them wrong and now I'm being recognized..."

It dawned on him. He had to get out of there. He was not sure how these shifters would respond well to him escaping with these litters on the way. Two to three months of growing to an enormous size however was certainly enough to urge him to escape now. He may get too big to do much of anything and were they going to do the same thing they did last night? What if his mark stopped working after a certain period of time? All that thinking left him breathing heavy with panic again. 

"Breathe, boy," Benny placed a firm but gentle hand on the small of the hunter's back after the man stepped under the streaming water.  "Deep breathe in, slow breathe out."  Panic had a very distinct smell and right now that scent hung around the human. "Come on, there you go.  Keep breathing just like that."  

He watched the young man with a belly full of growing shifters try to build up a wall of bravado and faux strength.  The hunter had no idea what would happen to him, how quickly his belly would double, then triple in size as the six litters grew inside him.  He had no clue that shifters were fiercely protective of the 'brood mares' or how they treated those mares.  He knew that letting Scott know all this right now would probably just push him over the edge into madness.  Benny would wait to tell the hunter all this once he settled down, had a shower, then got something to eat.  

"Doubt you want to hear it, but you shouldn't be embarrassed," he offered an almost fatherly like smile as he rubbed the hunter's back.  "If you try anything, you'll regret it," he warned before he set the vial down on the chest high ceramic wall that kept the water from ruining the entire floor.  "And don't get any ideas, that shit only works on humans.  You hunters really pissed off the fae."   

He stripped out of his clothes even though the legs of his jeans were already soaked up to the knees.  He folded his jeans and flannel before he placed them next to the vial on the wall then stepped completely into the shower.  Benny placed his hands on Scott's shoulders then rolled the meat of his palm along the breeder's back trying to work out some of the tension.  He completely ignored the signs of Benny's arousal deciding to let the hunter take the lead on that.  "Just breathe for me, boy.  Just breathe."  

"So you decided that hunting down all the shifters, even those that didn't hurt your family needed to die?"  Benny scowled but he understood the need for revenge.  "I get it.  Look at what we did to you.  You killed a lot of our family, and you're using you to replenish the line.  You want to kill us; we would to hurt you."  His hands moved lower down to Scott's shoulder blades.  "I know I would want to run if the roles were reversed but please remember that we are in the middle of the Canadian mountains and it's winter."  

Of course panicking because of the unknown was certainly all he had presently. Feeling Benny's hands on his back certainly should have allowed his reflexes to kick in, but with the water and his hands working together, the tension began to ease away and soon Scott began to breathe deeply and relax.

"What good would running do me anyways? Running out into zero degrees weather and naked doesn't mix well for humans. Even then, look at me..." He was fat and now out of shape. The mark did all it could, but it could not stop the inevitable. He was going to get larger and larger, something he detested but not because he was just genuinely cocky and slightly arrogant. Being weighed down like that had to be tiring. Like now, all he could see was just the tip of his erect organ, but that began to ease away as he relaxed. "There's no need to express some form of sympathy. I get it, no matter how much I hate it."

What was even worse was the Hunter's code about interbreeding with the supernatural. They always had a way of knowing. Scott was going to be ruined for the rest of his life. If he stayed there, he was going to be degraded and used up by all the things he hunted. If he escaped and somehow returned, he would be outcasted and blinded, literally. 

"It doesn't make it right, but I felt great...doing made me feel like I wasn't useless again, but now I have that feeling again..." He found his head turning to look behind him and glance up at the bigger man. "Bad thing is I never bothered to know what they were. I just looked at their eyes. What are you under that skin?"

"There ya go," Benny offered in a nurturing tone when he felt the human start to relax.  The panic seemed to be ebbing out of the young man as if he was slowly letting go of the tension.  

"You like this," he gently prodded once he realized that Scott wasn't about to start a fight and instead acted like he wanted more.  "You ever been touched like this?"  

"It's only natural to want to run," he shrugged his shoulders and his hands moved lower over the expanse of the hunter's back.  "Hell, Sups run from other Sups when there's danger.  You ever seen a pissed off harpy flying at you with their talons out?"  Benny let out a rueful sound that might have been a chuckle if it didn't sound so angry.  "Ran and jump off a cliff to keep from getting my heart ripped out.  And if anyone tells you they didn't, they're lyin' 'cause they alive." 

He looked down at Scott's body with a good layer of fat to help the whelps grow.  "I think you look beautiful like that.  You're full of life.  Sorta like one of the legendary goddess that birth the universe."  He took a bold step and reached around to the hunter's belly and gently squeezed the extra flesh before he rubbed his warm hands over the stretched skin in what he hoped Scott thought he was comforting gesture.  "It's not sympathy I'm expressing.  I understand it.  Not the being bred part I mean."  His left hand drifted a bit to low and his fingers brushed against the tip of Scott's cock.  Seeing that Scott didn't punch him in the face or try to fight him off, he gently moved his fingers right and left over the tip.  "You're remarkable like this.  How can you hate that."  

Benny just let his hands wonder over Scott not really trying to seduce the hunter but trying to learn that man's body.  Even under the fat layer, he could feel the strong muscles.  There was a tremble in them like Scott had some huge secret but Benny wouldn't press for that right now.  He believed that in time, Scott would tell him whatever he wanted to know.    

Benny chuckled at the question.  Here he was in naked in the communal shower of his bar having something of a heart to heart with a hunter.  "If I shift in here, boy, you won't have any space.  Jared, the body guard, he can shift into pretty much any large legged creature - horse, giraffe, deer, bear, elk, hell I saw him shift into a moose once.  If you need something like that, Jared can do it.  Some shifters keep close to humans.  They're the cats and dogs, guinea pigs, squirrels."  

He shook his head and chastised himself for giving up shifter secrets so easily.  "Damn it.  Now you'll know where to look.  Shit!"   

Why was he allowing the enemy to do this? Scott tried to find a definite answer, but he just let Benny have his way with his body. The thought of hostility began to leave his mind and the worst part was he was not drunk under any drugs? He did not want to assume that despite the fact that he should be angry, being roughhoused like that had turned him on or was it these hormones that Benny stated would begin to develop? This could not be happening.

"No...I haven't..." He was going to be really useless in this form. When Benny ran a hand across his chest traveling down, he almost jumped. Everything up there felt sensitive. He stared down a bit. He remembered Benny attempting to pierce them the night before. They seemed hard still and were bordering an A cup, yet they drooped at the slightest. How could he ever learn to love a body that was going to constantly change as the months progressed?

"This can't be happening..." The feeling felt great, but Scott had more reasons to dislike what was going on with him than actually finding delight in the matter. He did however find Benny's story amusing. "Six litters though. I feel like I'm going to crave a lot. Do a lot. That's why I...dislike it. That and you're probably planning to do something else to me, if they aren't."

Scott turned the water off and the shower was done. With the help of Benny, he slowly eased himself out. 

"I wouldn't even know who Jared is. Everyone ganged up, fucked or jerked me senselessly..." He attempted to look at his butt. The healing restored his muscles, but his hole still felt stretched to a certain degree. "What happens after I have these litters? Am I going to become attached or something?"

"Jared was the bouncer, the guy that checks ID at the door?"  Benny figured he should at least let Scott know about Jared.  "He's the first one that had your ass.  One of the litters is definitely going to be his."  He took a deep breath and nodded.  "You think mama bears are protective of their young?  Shifters are worse."  

He helped Scott out the shower then held up one finger.  "Wait here.  I'll get you a towel."  He stated before he walked out of the room only to return a few moments later with a very fluffy, pale blue, bath sheet.  He wrapped it around the hunter's shoulders and helped dry the man off.   "Hate to tell you but it's happening.  You don't like being out of control?  And this," he patted Scott's belly for comfort, "well it's something you can't control at all.  You're knocked up.  Your body is going to want to do stuff that your mind can't stand."  

He watched Scott's poor attempt to look at his butt.  "The guys had their turn and most shifters don't plow the same field twice if you know what I mean.  You're mostly safe from them unless you just want sex.  Then all bets are off."  He slowly toweled off the hunter as he spoke taking his time around breast area.  He sensed that the growing breasts were sensitive from the way Scott had to stop himself from jumping at every touch.  

"You said something last night when I wanted to pierce them," he gently reminded the human.  "And it wasn't 'no'.  Do you like the idea of having them pierced?"  

"Gee, at least I know the name to one of my attackers..." He still swore revenge, but right now he just needed to relax. His body ached here and there and maybe, just maybe, Benny was not that bad of a person.

"So not only do I birth them, but I'm going to be protective of them as well...great..." Benny likened the term to bear. It did not help Scott's case seeing as his body was beginning to border that typical gay term. Everything to his body except for his face, now shaven clean. He hated that the most. It made him look young and because of the layer of fat, perhaps like someone had punched him under the chin and caused it to swell.

"I suppose that's good, them not bothering me anymore." It really wasn't. The way he saw it, they attempted to ruin him. They did, actually, but he had a list for revenge and he was very serious about evening the score. For now, he turned to look Benny clear in the face.

"I also seem to recall having an enormous appetite that you stuffed me down with and a huge urge to want to be the team's wide receiver. I wouldn't think too much on the idea as that...thing...had me mostly agreeing to anything said or done by you and them." That sort of opened an internal wound again since this was all fresh and the main thing he did not want to happen was happening to him right now. "Look...if you won't spare me any clothes, could I at least get some underwear or something? I can't conceal anything on me I can even barely see at this point."

Benny rolled his eyes at the human.  "You can be one impatient fucker," he snarked before he left the shower again and returned only this time with a huge, soft looking robe.  "It's what our breeders wear when they're big.  You'll too small for it now but it covers everything."  He held out the robe for Scott. 

"You think the spray made you want all that?  Boy, Fae magic don't work like that and you know it.  It builds on what's already there."  He continued as he helped the hunter into the robe.  "Lowers inhibitions and kicks lust into overdrive.  It doesn't make lust appear out of nowhere."  He smoothed out the wrinkles in the back once it was one Scott's shoulders. 

"They'll come around to check on their litter but they ain't going to want to breed you again," Benny explained once the hunter was dressed in the robe.  "Jared make a good father to the little ones.  He loved all his kids.  Seeing them dead tore him up really bad."  He knew it was a low blow but the defiance in Scott's face set a fire in his belly.  "Don't know why anyone would kill some kids that ain't done nothing." 

He sighed heavily because he wasn't about to start a fight with a pregnant person.  "If you want, you can try to sleep in the room but I doubt you'll be comfortable.  I know a place that would be better.  It's close." 

Why a robe of all things? He would scoff, but he had a feeling that Benny could tell the male was already a bit sour.

"Haven't had time to actually sit in one place for too long. Habit, I guess."

He chuckled.

"Maybe in a way the idea felt great. I doubt they would do me any good when wearing a shirt or..." He did not go on with that sentence. He had every plan of getting away from these men when this was over or find a way to kill them. He did however choke up some when Benny mentioned him killing kids. "I...didn't know...they seemed like adults." Scott wouldn't kill anything if he knew they were young. He wasn't a monster after all, though that may seem contradictory. "As I told you before, there is a code I abided with, though now that makes me wonder. How old are y'all?" The southern slang definitely cane out. He would have mentioned his bestiary, but he doubted Benny or any of them would want to see what he killed.

Scott was now in the robe and was told of another room.

"What place is that?"

"I don't like it when you stop talking mid sentence, boy.  Makes me think you're going on some kind of murder spree."  Benny announced as he grabbed his clothes.  He shoved his legs into his pants then made sure his thumb was on the sprayer.  If Scott wanted death, well Benny would dose him with the entire tube before that started. 

Benny chewed his bottom lip warring with himself about telling the hunter more about his kind.  "Shifters ain't got time to act like kids.  You learn as soon as you can walk that something wants to either eat ya, or kill ya for sport."  He wasn't afraid to give out that little piece of knowledge because it was a well known fact.  Shifters walked a fine line between the Supernatural world and the human one.  Matured in body faster than humans but aged slow like the fae.  "A shifter can look like a full grown adult and still be too young for human school.  If you're asking me how old I am?  Old enough to have seen Haley's comet three times." 

Benny motioned to the stairs.  "There's a cellar under the bar.  It's not your typical cellar before you get all riled up.  I made a full open living space there complete with all the amenities of a human home.  Full bathroom complete with a massive bath tub.  Nice kitchen if you want to cook or if you want someone to cook for you.  Six bedrooms, living room, and a space to relax." 

"Maybe when you learn to stop calling me a boy, I'll learn to finish my sentences." Of course he wouldn't, but Benny did not need to know that. Sides, he decided to withhold the information as not to offend the Shifter, though it was clear the man before him wanted to belittle him at almost every turn once in a while. "Unlike you, we humans lack the inherent grace to see that kind of thing even once."

The cellar did not sound bad and when Benny mentioned him getting riled up, he scoffed in annoyance and detest.

"Whatever. If it keeps me away from the rest of the world, then I'll happily oblige into going down the creepy cellar of no return." He was being sarcastic. "Is the place rigged with all those drugs like before? The one you hid in the paste?" 

He did not know at first, but it was quite clear why he was in such a groggy state to properly fight the men off of him. Despite the way he was acting, he was really beginning to get quite depressed. There was no way he was going to let Benny see him enraged though, not when he wanted to keep wavering that accursed potion around.

"Look, if you're going to use that thing, then use it. Using it around me like I'm some pet needing an obedience lesson is just rude." He waited for Benny at the door, waiting for whatever fate lied for him in the cellar. 

"I'll stop calling you 'boy' when you start acting like a temperamental teenager," Benny crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the younger man.  "I've got a bar full of Shifters that act like kids most of the time.  I would like the one other long term resident to a little more mature.  Maybe act like he could not go on a murder spree the second my back is turned."  

Benny took a step forward and was just about to spray the tube down the hunter's throat when he stopped himself.  "That creepy cellar of no return is where generations played.  That creepy cellar of no return was a safe haven for Shifters when they had no where to go.  That creepy cellar of no return just so happens to have more creature comforts than most of luxury homes."  He didn't like being insulted and he wasn't about to just let Scott get away with it.  Sure they were monsters but they didn't live in damp holes or abandoned buildings."

He looked down at Scott's belly.  "Can't put drugs in your food with the litters in your belly.  Don't know what that crap would do to the pups."

Benny took a deep breath then slowly let it out.  He decided to put the tube in his pocket for now.  "If you start acting like a pet in need of an obedience lesson, I'm going to use it."  He made his way down the hall then through the bar making sure the hunter followed.  He entered the kitchen then moved the large electric deck oven away from the wall revealing a secret door.  "I hope it suits your high class tastes," he snarked again after he opened the door and flipped a lightswitch so Scott could see the stairs. 

I"Gee. Compete with whose balls is the hairiest. Add my expected life rate of 83, possibly 100 years and I'm certain those who've lived to see and endure both War Worlds, heck lets throw in the dawn of man while I'm at it, and I'm certain I'm underqualified for the task." He did not need to have some Shifter tell him how to act. He was being himself and by his standards, he had already done more than enough to be seen a "man" to most. "It's always your kind, those that cling to this word masculinity, that I find deplorable in the definition of what defines a man from a boy. Every time I hear it, I swear it's something different, so why don't I be myself and you do you and we leave it at that."

Now he had done it. He caused Benny to go on a massive spree of explanations of what this cellar meant, but Scott was having none of it. In fact, the conversation went in one ear and out the other.

"Learn to lighten up if we're going to, you know, give advice to each other. Every time we have these conversations, you're the one that's getting more pissed than I should be right now."

Scott wrapped the robe around his body tightly when he was taken to the kitchen. The idea of being there again made him sick to his stomach. Even passing by most of the faces who assaulted him brutally the night before had him slowly boiling with rage. He sighed and looked down at the door.

"Whatever...long as I don't have to look at your ugly mugs for a few, anything at this moment is divine bliss."

He headed down the stairs into the hidden cellar.

"How is wanting you to act like you're not going to put a knife through my heart 'clinging to masculinity'?" Benny asked as he followed Scott down the stairs.  "You know how I define a 'man', boy?  A man is any person that accepts responsibility for their actions, repays their debts, treats others with respect, and won't kill a person in their sleep.  Think you can live up to that, boy?  You can be 100 years old and still act like a kid."

Benny flipped another switch when they got to the bottom of the stairs and the lights came on in the cellar.  The hard wood floors of the living area glistened under the soft lights and every surface gleamed as though it had just been cleaned.  There was no dust to be seen and if Scott wanted to look around, he would find a spotless kitchen to the left stocked full of a variety of food.  Several empty bedrooms with fresh linens were ready for a guest.

"Enjoy your stay.  You're the only one here."  Benny announced. 

"As I said, I find "men" and their definitions of it a redundant occurrence. I have nothing to owe you or them, so spare me the lecture or if you're going to say that it's not that, then spare me the diction..."

He was glad to be rid of Benny once and for all. At least for the time being. If he was not annoying him, then he was having a slight decent conversation. Scott did not know which one perturbed him the most, but there he was in a room supposedly vacant. That he also doubted. If Benny knew he was a hunter, chances were the place was rigged. That was fine. Scott did not need to have to worry on that for long however. He just needed to concentrate to himself. After firmly pressing a few of the beds, he finally decided on the one near the stairs and let out a soft sigh.

"How am I even supposed to deal with this..." If he had his way, he would cut them out of his body and probably bleed to death. Least then, he would not be branded a possible traitor and forced to let go of everything he began to know. He closed his eyes for a bit and found himself meditating, though he rested on the bed. Locations of where his weapons and clothes remained mattered not. He had a way of finding them. He pulled the covers over himself and left himself to his thoughts for a few hours before the urge to eat began to radiate in his body with a growl.

"I hate them so much." His mouth was not doubtful on that. It was seething with rage and if Benny was indeed watching and hearing, he did not care.

While Scott was in the cellar doing whatever Hunters did, Benny was at the bar serving drinks and taking food orders.  He tried to keep his mind off his 'guest' but if he had a spare moment, his thoughts tended to drift.  He mentally cataloged every part of the cellar, the nooks and crannies where the man might try to hide.  He thought about the kitchen full of knives and how it would be easy for Scott to get his hands on one of them.  

"Shit!"  He cursed when he realized how easy he made it for the hunter to stab him.  He should have rigged the damn place with the fae potion to keep the man under the influence.  Then he might be able to go down there and not being subjected to an attempted murder.  He growled at his own stupidity.  He was going to try Jared down there with him as protection.  Jared would easily drug Scott to high heaven in order to keep the hunter subdued.    

He looked up at the clock on the wall and realized it was well passed time for lunch.  Scott was probably hungry but Benny couldn't pull Jared off the floor right now.  He sighed before he went into the kitchen.  He made two club sandwiches and a side of fries for the hunter.  He told the one kitchen staff member to close the door behind him and roll the oven in front of it before he opened the door. He pulled out the tube of fae potion from his pocket and tucked it into his palm while he waited until the door was shut before he made his way down the stairs. 

"I got food!"  He yelled before he reached the bottom step.  He was going to install some cameras down here now that he had a hunter guest.  At least he would have an idea of where Scott was or what he was doing when he came down here.

Scott figured out everything, except the slight problem: his weight. Half the ideas he had in mind would work if he was in shape. He had his moments of contemplating and then sulking. The only possible option he had in mind was suicide but then he would never forgive himself for doing even that. When the doors opened, Scott heard the voice, but he could not be bothered to move. What was he going to even do if he managed to get out? Everything kept pointing back to being pregnant. None of this was even fair. He felt he was doing the world a favor. He disliked his father playing favoritism, but right now home sounded like the best place he would rather be at the moment.

"Home..." He rested on the bed, staring into nothing but the blank walls. He did not turn to look at Benny. When he did however, he noticed the food made required no knife or other utensil. It was just two triple stacked club sandwiches and a nice abundance of fries, the latter of which he was currently craving. He slowly turned from the covers, rising up partially.

If Scott could smell his emotions, could he smell a scent of depression, anger, and brooding all at once? His eyes were low, because he did rest a bit amid some low tears, but he could see the gold color in Benny's hand. Was he planning to spike the food in an effort to mellow out Scott from being hostile? Just how worse would it be from last night? He sighed a bit, bringing his arms out to perhaps get the plate. He could take Benny out right then and there he imagined, but what remained upstairs?

"Cool..." He would not express gratitude to the man responsible for this. That was why he found Benny so contradictory.

Benny eyed Scott carefully trying to figure out if the hunter had a kitchen knife or not.  He slowly approached the bed just to make sure he wouldn't end up in a pool of blood.  He sat the plate in Scott's outstretched hands then backed away quickly.  

"Thought you would have grabbed a knife from the kitchen," he stated as he stood in the doorway to Scott's bedroom, "but it looks like you just tried to sleep."  He watched the hunter eat like he hadn't had food in years.  Probably because of the pregnancy he reminded himself.  He would have to bring food down more often, maybe every two hours or so.  He could make that happen, set up a schedule or something so his people could be on the lookout if he didn't return in a set amount of time.  He noticed Scott looking at the gold tube in his hands.  

"Just a precaution in case you decided to try something but it doesn't look like you're going to try something."  He still kept his distance as Scott finished the first sandwich then started on the second.  

He never realized how hungry he was until he took the first bite. The male found himself eating the sandwich, almost ignoring much of what Benny was saying.

"I thought about it," he wiped his mouth of any possible crumbs or sauce. "That really wouldn't do me any good. My reaction and reflexes a bit slowed. If I were to have any good chance at that, I would have to practically bring you closer."

He resisted the urge to sound a bit flirty. All Benny did was bathe with him, mostly. There should not be a need for him to feel a closeness to the man who was twice the age of his great grandfather, yet something was beginning to form within him. Growing. Of course Scott had no idea this was happening because of the pregnancy, but right now, he did not want Benny to know he actually enjoyed his presence. He also did not want Benny to know that regular kitchen knives and other normal objects did not work on the supernatural with the exception of a few like Salt. Even if he were to use a knife from over there, it wouldn't work on Benny and the male would be having to deal with another dosage of that dreaded fume. 

"I did think about what happens after this though. Are you going to let me go?"

Benny narrowed his eyes at the slight change in the hunter's tone.  There was this subtle almost unrecognizable lit like he wanted Benny to tell him he wasn't going to let him go.  Maybe it was just a bit of wishful thinking or Benny was just that damn tired.  "After you birth the pups?"  He rubbed his eyes with a slight shrug.  "Probably not since you know where we are.  Don't need more hunters up here and you don't seem like the type to let things go."  

He looked at the empty plate then back up to Scott's face.  "You still hungry?"  He figured if the hunter didn't try and escape this time he could at least make sure the man ate his fill.   Plus the hunter just admitted he needed Benny to be closer before he could try anything.  All Benny had to do was stay out of range and he should be fine.  Still he kept his thumb on the sprayer, just in case. "I can make you some more if you need it."  

He knew he had to be tired because he could have sworn the hunter forced his voice to sound level, like he was trying to keep something out of his tone.  He rubbed his eyes and shook his head as if he wanted to chase away sleep.  Why was Scott looking at him like the hunter wanted to ride him like a horse?  He blinked then rubbed his forehead and looked at Scott again.  The hunter's mouth parted just a bit as if Scott wanted to show off his lips. 

"Or are you hoping for something else?"  

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