The waiter (closed with Roseie1991)
(12-22-2015, 07:28 AM) Wrote: *Lydia held onto his hand and continued to watch the baby coming out of Peter. One shoulder is out and another needs to be out too. She moved back in to kiss his head and nuzzled at him* "Just another push for the shoulder. Come on,Peter."

Peter gritted his teeth, in order to avoid screming, and pushed again. He was pushing so hard that he even felt dizzy for a moment and his head fell on the pillow. As soon as he realized it, he was normal again, and kept pushing until he felt again a feelinf of relief, indicating that the shoulder was off. Rowan looked at him and confirmed it

"The second shoulder is out. The first baby is almost here, Peter" he said
*Lydia ran her hand up and down Peter's head and felt his sweaty locks in between his fingers. She felt so proud of him at this moment and he was doing so well*

"It's almost out Peter. You're almost done,sweetheart."
(12-23-2015, 12:36 AM) Wrote: *Lydia ran her hand up and down Peter's head and felt his sweaty locks in between his fingers. She felt so proud of him at this moment and he was doing so well*

"It's almost out Peter. You're almost done,sweetheart."

"Thanks, Lydia, i know it's hard for you seeing me this way, but thank you so much for staying" Peter said, smiling at her. Now he would relax a little bit until next contraction would come
"Either way,I would still stay here and help you out anyway that I can. I hope that I am."

*She smiled at him back*
(12-23-2015, 02:13 AM) Wrote: "Either way,I would still stay here and help you out anyway that I can. I hope that I am."

*She smiled at him back*

"Of course you are helping me" Peter said, smiling, and holding her hand "Rowan is helping me with the medicinal part, but you are giving me the strengh i need to have to do this"
"You think so?"

*Lydia squeezed his hand back*
(12-23-2015, 08:13 AM) Wrote: "You think so?"

*Lydia squeezed his hand back*

"sure" he said, smiling at her. When another contraction begun, he pushed again, harder, and heard Rowan saying "There it is, Peter, it's almost out. Just one more big push and he will be here"

Peter smiled tired and pushed one last time, screaming as he did, and felt the baby coming out of him. He hear a cry and smiled in relief, knowing that the baby was okay. Rowan cut the cord and gave the baby to Peter
*Lydia held onto Peter's hand so tightly and she lets go in anticipation after hearing the baby cry. Lydia smiled widely with tears in her eyes and she watched the baby given to Peter*
(12-24-2015, 04:33 AM) Wrote: *Lydia held onto Peter's hand so tightly and she lets go in anticipation after hearing the baby cry. Lydia smiled widely with tears in her eyes and she watched the baby given to Peter*

"Ooh my god, he is so beautiful" Peter said, breathless after pushing the baby out. He looked at Rowan and Lydia and said "Thank you noth. For being here with me and for helping me with everything" He smiled at Lydia and asked "Would you like to hold him?"
"...I...should I?"

*She looked at the baby nervously. What if she hurts him when she takes him in her arms? What if he won't like her?*
(12-27-2015, 06:09 AM) Wrote: "...I...should I?"

*She looked at the baby nervously. What if she hurts him when she takes him in her arms? What if he won't like her?*

"of course you should" Peter said, smiling at her "Don't worry, nothing is going to go wrong. I bet he will love you"
*Lydia give a small nod and slowly held her arms out for the baby*
(12-29-2015, 10:39 AM) Wrote: *Lydia give a small nod and slowly held her arms out for the baby*

Peter gives her the baby and smiled and he saw how sweetly and carefully she was taking him, almost as if the baby was made of glass
*She held onto the baby gently. She watched his face and she looked up at Peter*
(01-02-2016, 02:45 AM) Wrote: *She held onto the baby gently. She watched his face and she looked up at Peter*

*Peter looked at her, emotioned* "Isn't he beautiful?"

He was ready to say something else when he felt another contraction, and started to push again. Now that the first baby was already out, it seemed easier for him to push the second one. Of course it wasn't easy as picking flowers in a hill, but i was not so hard as the first one
*Lydia gazed down at the little boy in her arms and slowly stood up so she can place him in the bassinet. She smiled down at the baby before returning back to Peter and by his side holding his hand*
(01-07-2016, 11:34 AM) Wrote: *Lydia gazed down at the little boy in her arms and slowly stood up so she can place him in the bassinet. She smiled down at the baby before returning back to Peter and by his side holding his hand*

"thank you, Lydia." Peter said, breathing trough a new contraction, feeling the pain and his birth canal stretching . He pushed again, trying to get the baby out of him.
"You're welcome,honey.

*She kissed his head and continued to hold his hand*
(01-23-2016, 04:36 AM) Wrote: "You're welcome,honey.

*She kissed his head and continued to hold his hand*

"ooooooh, damn, here comes another one" Peter said, referring to the contractions and pushing again. He could feel the baby's head slowly crowning
"Keep pushing sweet heart. Keep pushing."

*Lydia encouraged Peter and rubbed his shoulders*

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