Becoming the Hunted (closed with Michime)

Scott was now looking at a Xenomorph. Of course it wasn't the real deal, because the moment it started to open its mouth and talk, the hunter found himself cracking up at the strange absurdity. When he gripped the creature's hand, he could feel the sticky substance on it from the webbed appendages as well as the unnatural strength it possessed. 

"Not as spooked as I thought I would be. Probably had something to do with my parents forcing me to watch a lot of horror as a kid." Benny could probably feel the startled pulse in the male's hand when he mentioned kids again, particularly Jared's. Scott wasn't sure if the Shifter was just opening up in general about their life or if he was trying to take another jab at him like he did in the shower. "I'm..sure those were good times..."

His mind drifted back to the film, watching the crew head into the spaceship crashed by the Engineer.

"I'm curious about what else the producer has in store for the next Prometheus and Alin installments. What about you?"

The Xenomorph shook itself then Benny appeared in front of Scott without clothes.  "Shifts like that get harder to hold when we get older."  He explained as he looked around for his boxers.  "Where did my shorts go?  They were right here."  He found them under the sofa and pulled them on quickly. 

"The last movie in the Alien franchise killed it and not in a good way."  Benny answered with a slight shrug.  "They took Ripley's character and made her weak and foolish.  Aliens  3 should have ended the franchise.  I never saw Prometheus so I can't comment." 

Scott shrugged.

"I happened to like Resurrection, especially with the water scene, but that's the problem with Fox. They have the tendency to live up to their expectations no matter how terrible they turn out and no matter how much the original director and James Cameron refuse."

He did not do much to pay attention to the man as he changed clothes, but being that close to him, especially when he was looking for his shorts, Scott sort of felt his heart race a bit. Maybe it was just because he had pulled his shorts up put the couch, though the vial did not slip out with it, the toxin remaining still fixated in the cracks.

"It's sort of what they did to X-Men. The original director got busy doing another film, so they rushed his working result by putting another producer in his place and next thing you know, X-Men 3 and X-Men Origins end up being a complete load of crap. Prometheus though, was interesting. It gave a better detail of those" he pointed at the large alien in the ship's controls. "And showed how the Xenomorphs were beginning to come into existence. Some people panned it, but they kept overlooking that it was not a direct prequel to the Alien franchise that takes place 100 years before the first Alien film, rather to help expand the series."

"The newest set of X-Men movies are really good.  Days of Future Past explored some of the lesser known comic book plots and X-Men First Class, well at least it got some parts right."  Benny replied as he sat back down.  "They fucked up Fantastic Four though.  I can't believe what they tried to put out for the latest movie."  He tsked his teeth as the movie played.

"Do you want some popcorn?"  He asked after several minutes.  "I don't think it's really a movie night unless there's popcorn."

"First Class...I couldn't enjoy that one too much. The Wolverine and Days were certainly good though. It was the Producers attempt at least to correct the wrongs that other producer did in 3 and a few other films."

He chuckled.

"At this point, Fantastic Four is screaming that they don't want a movie. The worst of it is their concept for Doom though. You would think they would give a man who owns his own country more legibility than being a friend." The conversation was good to say the least. The Hunter had almost forgotten that he was presently being held prisoner in a large bar surrounded by winter and wilderness for days.

"Yea, popcorn sounds great. How do you fix it? On the stove naturally or microwave?"

"First Class did great with the Xavier/Magneto dynamic," Benny said as he got up and walked around the space in his boxers.  He hadn't found his shirt yet and he wasn't going to put his pants back on until he knew he won't shift again.  "They got a couple of characters wrong, a couple right, and took liberties in areas. If they wanted to a true X-men First Class they should have used the 1960s comic book plots and those characters." 

He moved to the kitchen area and held up a box of microwave popcorn and a couple of stove top ones.  "Why not have both? I happen to like extra buttery popcorn so stove top works the best but microwave is when you need to get over a carving.  Plus you can't flavor microwave popcorn at all." 

"That they got right. Some of the others though, just annoyed me, especially with the way they treated Moira and Mystique ultimately."

Benny was seemingly comfortable in roaming around almost nude. Scott could not imply to ask for the reason because he was not sure if in strange matter, he was enjoying the sight or if out of embarrassment, he was to nervous to ask the male to put some clothes back on. He took his naked form all the way back upstairs and asked about just making both.

"Both works then." He wasn't one to complain about food, especially now. His eyes looked back on the screen, pausing it even though they both saw the movie plenty of times. Scott just did not like letting others miss out on something. He waited on Benny's company, leaving it right before the scene the chestburster was about to rip out of its victim.

Benny used the microwave in the underground kitchen to pop three bags of popcorn then dumped them into a big bowl before he went to work on the stove top kind.  He made himself and Scott a batch each before he brought it to Scott.  "I've got flavoring if you want some.  Different kinds of cheeses, garlic, ranch, and I think the caramel powder is still good if you want it." 

He looked down at Scott then smiled.  "You want a milkshake to go along with it?"  He asked.  "I could really go for a chocolate milkshake." 

The smell of butter began to fill the male's nose. With him being so close to the kitchen, he smelled a lot of the things Benny was preparing. He returned after popping bags in the nearby microwave and leaving back upstairs. He returned with two large bowls of popcorn and Scott took one of them rather calmly. "Yea, sure. I'll get the caramel and garlic."

Probably an odd choice again, but it didn't seem bad in his head. Benny was now smiling at him, but Scott has given a small smile in return. His face had probably told off on himself in that he was blushing.

"Yea, a milkshake sounds nice."

Benny smiled again before he leaned down and without thinking gently kissed the top of Scott's head.  "I'll be right back.  You can watch the movie if you want.  I've seen it a million times."  He hurried up the stairs and returned a few minutes later with two large beer steins full of chocolate milkshakes.  "I don't have the proper glasses but I hope it works."  He stated as he set Scott's drink in front of the pregnant man. 

He hurried to the kitchen and grabbed the flavorings.  He brought every flavor he had over including several he didn't remember having.  "I don't know who wanted peanut butter or butterscotch but I have those as well."  He set the packets on the coffee table in front of the couch then rushed off again.  He returned wearing a pair of comfortable looking sweat pants and simple t shirt but he had something in his hands.  "Not sure if this will fit but maybe it will."  He held up pair of lounge pants that looked like they could fit at least three adult men in them.  "Thought you could at least try.  Doesn't look like you like the robe all that much." 

Scott was otherwise paralyzed with mixed emotions. The male had just leaned in and kissed him on his forehead. It wasn't the lips, but still it felt just as bad. What was even worse was that he, the Hunter, didn't even think to fight back or turn away from it. He just let it all happen. For a moment, he felt bad. That washed away with a strange feeling of security and warmth he seemed to get from Benny. Something about it all made him feel less compared to Benny almost like he was becoming a bit submissive. What was going on with him mentally right now?

He found himself focusing back on the film, his mind thinking dark thoughts with a sense of comedy as he thought of all the movies that made parodies of the "perfect specimen." Benny had returned minutes later with two large milkshakes and Scott could only smile a bit.

"It's perfect." When Benny left again, Scott had spared little time in seasoning the popcorn, even going as far as to dip some of it into the milkshake, which tasted even better in his opinion. It wasn't like the full on craving he had earlier. He was eating and drinking it moderately that when Benny returned, he was even halfway through either of them. He took some napkins that were in the underground kitchen to wipe his fingers as he looked at the pants.

"Gee, these are big." Scott did not look anywhere near the pant's size. He hoped he did not get that big, but chances were he was going to be near it with 6 litters in him and all, especially if they were all going to be born with the normal size. He tried them on all the same and just began to adjust it around his body as much as he could since they were seemingly suited that way. "I never enjoyed robes to be honest since I always associated them with night time and truthfully, my family never had anything like them. Just preferred to lay and roam in briefs late at night with a shirt."

Benny gave a crooked smile before he made a little hand motion to Scott's robe.  "Now you got some pants, maybe think of the robe as a really long, really big shirt that doesn't have buttons.  I don't know why but I didn't take you for the briefs type.  Boxers or those cotton boxer briefs from all the new underwear advertisements maybe but not a tighty whitey man."  He grinned before he turned his attention to the movie. 

"We'll need to work on burning out your tattoo," Benny reminded Scott when Jonesy appeared on screen.  "You said it acts like a tracker right?  The sooner we get rid of it the better."

Scott frowned.

"I wear boxer briefs, not tighty whiteys. You were the one that took my clothes."

His mind thought back to his real clothes. He wanted them badly. His mind focused back on his tattoo when Benny mentioned it.

"Yea...well I'm dealing with one of the problems presently if I didn't burn through the kitchen enough." The mark would resume its course the moment he rested. Still, more had to be done in order to push it past its limit. He eventually finished the popcorn and milkshake and contemplated what could be done next.

"It does in a way. I'm certain you have a lot of creative methods of wearing it out than just me having to eat though." He looked at Benny, part of him nervous. "What do you have in mind?"

"I was making a joke there," Benny teased when he saw the harsh look on Scott's face.  "Although now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder what you would like in a pair of black silk boxers.  I find silk very sexy."  He wiggled his eyebrows trying to break the tension. 

"Have you ever wanted to shift?"  Benny asked after several thoughtful minutes.  "I'm pretty sure you don't want a funnel shoved down your throat and food and lard poured down it again.  There's a synthetic drug used by humans so they can shift like we do.  I've seen kids do it at raves so they can turn into whatever they want.  Pretty sure it's been used to rob a couple of places and get out of trouble.  We found the producer and set down the only lab making it."  He stopped for a moment letting Scott take this all in.

"We have every single pill he made and the ingredients to make more.  You can take it, shift into different forms then back into human." 

Scott chuckled at the way Benny wiggled his eyebrows. What he asked next had left him deep in thought for a bit. He was already carrying shifter litters inside of him, which were growing at an alarming rate. It had barely been 24 hours and already he looked to be 9 months pregnant with just one regular child. They were certainly active however. He unfastened the robe to examine his slightly fuzzy orb.

"I'm pretty sure the humans weren't going around with 36 children either." He looked at Benny. "I'm not one to know much with these kind of things, but if I'm pregnant with Shifter DNA, my body's already changing especially since men, in the mundane sense, can't get pregnant. If I took some drugs that allowed, what's going to become permanent?"

He would not admit to how he enjoyed being roughed around the other night, but he was skeptical a bit. Still, it had to be better than what he was forced to endure before. He rubbed his back, feeling the brand still there. It had healed as much as it could in the sense that now it was just scarred over. Permanent. Even his rear was still damaged, but at least his muscles were restored so that he would not have a but that was literally open. Maybe shifting could undo some damage even further.

"What kind of drugs did he make specifically? You say it, at least, like there's more than one."

"I don't know Hunters knew but there's a huge black market for Supernatural body parts," Benny grumbled as he looked over at Scott.  "All types of Sups have been used to make drugs sorta like how Rhino horn is used in alternative medicine.  This guy liked to take different glands out of shifters to make his shit.  Growth hormones for athletics.  Pheromones for the libido."  A shiver ran down his spine as he explained it all.  "He ground up bones and put them in toothpaste.  We don't even know what he made out of other creatures." 

He shook his head to pull himself away from those thoughts.  Scott needed answers and he wasn't about to withhold information.  "The drugs never lasted.  One pill might last between 2 to 6 hours but never more than that.  You getting pregnant made more to do with the fae spray than being fucked by shifters."  He stopped talking for a second, looked around then shrugged.  "I don't think you want to get dosed with that again.  The pills would be different.  At least at first, I don't know what would happen if you took them for a long period of time.  Something might absorb into your system and you become a shifter.  Or they might stop working completely." 

Scott felt a little guilty. Of course the Hunters knew, especially him. It was considered part of their "clean up" service. Erase the supernatural without there being actual reports of it. That would be a lot of explaining. Scott felt guilty because he was one of the Hunters who immediately called the individual to dispose of the bodies. He did not know, however, that they would be used for various drugs. He would not say it to Benny either. What would the Shifter do? Hurt him even further. Instead, he focused on the rest of the conversation.

"The Fae potion did this? Gee..." he sighed. "That explains why I'm carrying every one's seed inside of me like I'm some EZ Bake oven." He really hated being in this state entirely, but Benny had certainly given him an idea. Scott needed to escape and what other way could he get other than shifting? Either options, him becoming a Shifter permanently or them not working sounded like hidden blessings. Maybe he could birth the kids and eventually slip away or maybe he could shift and escape. He had not thought everything that far out, but it sounded rational in his mind for the time being.

"Does it hurt, shifting?"

"Like hell but you get used to the burning," Benny answered from his spot on the couch.  "Feels like your entire body is on fire, then like you're going to be tore apart."  He wanted Scott to know the truth before he agreed to anything.  "Takes a lot of concentration as well.  Imagine having to focus on what you're going to shift into and you have to block out the pain at the same time." 

"Look, honestly, I don't know what did what to you.  I know the Fae potion would make you a lot easier to handle.  The seller told me that," Benny answered as he watched Scott's reactions.  "Pregnancy wasn't really discussed but no guy has ever gotten pregnant from fucking a shifter before.  Could be a combination for all I know.  And it's not everyone's seed."  Benny added before he could stop himself.  While he wished he did put a litter into Scott, he didn't take his turn with the hunter.  Instead he let the men that lost their families have a chance to recoup some of that lost.

"So that was just drug talking..." He recalled him partially begging for him to be bred during his entire incident of practically listing out what he wanted done to him. Benny wanted to say that it was something he wanted deep down, but how would he know he wanted to be bred with if such a thing to a human male was not possible before? "I was also trying to be a bit sarcastic about having everyone's litter in me."

He counted seven other men including Benny. Eight more people who were possibly eager and waiting to still fill his body to the brim with children. His memory was foggy though. There was probably less or more. He could not think about that presently though. There was a slight growing concern he was having for the litter as well when he thought about it.

"Maybe I should try something less for the time being with the pills. At least, until I get the hang of it. It should also work to burn this tattoo out as well."

"No the drug got you knocked up," Benny explained, "it doesn't put ideas in your head.  It amplifies what's there already."  He held up his hands before Scott could start to protest.  "Yeah you might not have wanted to be bred with a brood mare but that doesn't mean you didn't want the D." 

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