Night Bearing (Closed)

Ryne blinked in surprise. "Why are you an outcast? Is it because you like humans?" Ryne asked quickly. Then Ryne had a face filled with fright. "Will they they hurt you or the babies?"

" Yes my family humans are only ment for their blood but I think their beautiful creatures...your so beautiful...they won't hurt you I won't let them my sister is my best friend and would love to meet you though"

Ryne blushed at Damian as told him, he was beautiful. "OK. Lets go meet them." Ryne broke away from Damian's embrace until he realized something. "Uh, do you have anything that will fit me? My shirt is too tight and my coat won't be able to fit me." Ryne said with embarrassment.

Damien grabbed a huge shirt for Ryne " here you go " Damien smiled taking Ryne and leading him to the house

Ryne quickly put on the shirt as he was pulled out of the cabin and to the mansion. On the way to the mansion, Ryne started to feel scared. He started to hold onto Damian's hand tightly, afraid of what will happen if he let go.

[quote='MpregMaster9' pid='24544' dateline='1372730846']
Ryne quickly put on the shirt as he was pulled out of the cabin and to the mansion. On the way to the mansion, Ryne started to feel scared. He started to hold onto Damian's hand tightly, afraid of what will happen if he let go.
Damien walked in the house with Ryne in hand " Elaine " he called as his sister walked out with huge stomach she smiles at you and kisses me on the cheek " I see you found a mate...the baby's our kicking there coming soon.." She smiled

Ryne stared at Elaine, but really her pregnant belly. He loved a pregnant belly and felt an erection coming on. Ryne stood there dumbfounded and unable to say anything.

Elaine smiled coming over she hugged Ryne their bellys rubbing toghether " you'll make my brother very happy I can see the future..." She smile happy

Ryne blushed as Elaine hugged him. "You do? I never heard of future sight magic before." Ryne said. As their bellies rubbed, Ryne was getting turned on. His belly became more sensitive to touch. Ryne was only able to suppress a moan, but he wasn't able to hide his full erection.

Elaine smiled then moaned and a gush of water fell to the floor she moaned and grabbed onto you as a contraction ran through her body

Ryne started to worry. "Are you ok!? What do we do?!" Ryne panicked as Elaine was giving birth. He looked over to Damian to see if he had any answers.

" Ryne stay calm help me get her to bed..." Damien grabbed one side of her sister and helped her to bed " your gonna be okay baby sister..." Damien whispered

Ryne nodded as he put Elaine's arm over his shoulder and started to carry to the bed. As she was put onto the bed, Ryne still had questions. "What do we do now?"

Damien didn't say anything he just checked his sister and smiled " your fully dilated next contraction I want you to push you'll have your baby in no time "

Ryne smiled after hearing that the baby would be delivered in no time. He started to rub his own belly as he thought of his own children.

Damien held Elaine's hand as she cried and screamed and pushed then cried happy tears as Damien handed her her beautiful baby boy

Ryne was happy at Elaine's delivery. He started to cry a bit as well. "Congratulations! You must be so proud!" Ryne said with a smile

Elaine smiled " thank both of you for everything..." Damien stopped dead in his tracks as he heard his dad call " I smell human..." He looked a Ryne " run to the cabin NOW!"

Ryne nodded as he started to run as fast as he could. He ran out through the back door, down the trail that he traveled up from, and entered into the forest where he rested in the cabin. Ryne was worried for Damian. "I hope Damian is doing Ok. I'm starting to get hungry."

Ryne remembered the berries Damien told him were in the fridge

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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