Bride of the King (closed with Regifortis)

Darius picked the kid's book again and flipped through the pages.  "I didn't want to add anything that make you uncomfortable but if you want, I could add whatever you would like.  More drawings, a few more pages."  He gently nudged Tobias' shoulder.  "Anything for you, cherished." 

Tobias sighed. "I guess it has to do with what our children would think about it. I know if I were reading this as a boy, I'd want to know a little more about why the human and the dragon got along so well. Nothing graphic or dramatic, just..." He pondered over a good word for it. "A clue! Just a clue about how we grew to feel about each other. Does that make sense?"

Feeling drained from arguing so awkwardly, he let his weight fall even more into his treasured for him to bear. Tension left his muscles at not having to support such a gargantuan pregnancy distorting his form, letting the father of the whelps innocently moving around inside support them. He felt tired more easily these days, to say the just couldn't be helped.

Darius looked down at the book then smiled.  "Maybe we could add in a little something about how we had a discussion and we decided we were right for one another."  He knew that wasn't anything like what happened but it sounded like a good way to explain to a child what happened.  "And we could draw a couple of pages of us talking to one another." 

"That's it, yeah," encouraged Tobias. "I mean, every relationship needs at least a little bit of communication. It'll be good to show them that when they're young." He turned his head around and kissed his mate. "Although most of our communication is nonverbal these days...!"

He started to wonder about the very real possibility of their children walking in on them having sex. With so many of them, at least one of the little things would be bound to ask questions. Maybe their heads rolled with questions even inside his belly now. But, the same way as he let a free hand roam the immaculate human form of his treasured, he supposed the way the King of Dragons made him feel just made something like that inevitable. They'd just explain it for what it is as well they could, he supposed.

Darius kissed his mate's temple before he slid out behind the man.  "I'll be right back.  I'm going to get some paper and paint.  We'll both on it."  He smiled before he hurried off only to return a few minutes later with paper, paint, and a loaf of bread, a jar of water, and a jar of butter.  "For you."  He said as he handed the butter and bread to Tobias.  "You can use as much butter as you want.  There's plenty."

"It'll be difficult to illustrate with butter and bread, but I'll do my best!" Tobias acted as if he were about to smear it on an empty page, then withdrew the jar with a look to his husband's face. "Dammit, I thought I could fool you. For once, I want my treasured to have the incredulous face!"

He made a show of false pouting as he buttered himself a nice slice of bread. And then another. And another after that; good glory, he got hungry easily. He was stuffing his face before he realized it. He only stopped to rest when it seemed like his King was ready to start the changes. It was tricky to maintain the look of a thoughtful and critical eye over art with butter smeared on his lips, but he kept his face straight and felt determined to at least play it off.

"Are you still hungry, cherished?"  Darius asked before he opened the paint.  "I would rather make sure your belly is full before we start.  Your stomach will be happy if it's full and we won't have to take as many breaks."  He smiled as his mate before he spread the pages out over the bed.  "Maybe some cheese and crackers?" 

"I am in a snackish mood, so that sounds perfect," answered Tobias over a rumble from his stomach. He felt something wet on his chest and realized a good way to keep his lover occupied. "If you need something to do while you wait, I could suckle you as I eat. Let you really get in the mindset of the children we're writing for," teased the ridiculously pregnant man.

"I'll get your food," Darius smirked before he eased himself off the bed.  "I'll be right back then I'll tend to your other needs."   He left for a few minutes before he returned with a tray of crackers, cheese, and fruit along with a jug of water.  "Here you go."  He set the tray in front of his lover. 

"You spoil me, treasured. Good thing, too. These guys got the munchies." He moved his arm to the tray, having become a little more complacent to just how limited his flexibility became with how immense his pregnancy was. He took a few bites of fruit and cheese, snacking away while he wondered how exactly they were going to collaborate on this book. He didn't want to override the little story his King wrote for their whelps, just make it a little more interesting.

"I guess most of the book will be the same, won't it? Just a few more pages toward the start. Drawing out that moment when we met." He pulled his mate into a kiss. "That's the best part, after all. Although they're gettin' the theme of the encounter and not the eyewitness account."

"How does a grumpy logger that came into the King's Land and tried to argue that he wasn't on the King's Land sound to you?"  He smiled as his eyes twinkled with mirth. 

Tobias heard the sarcasm but decided to take the matter seriously. He shrugged. "I mean, it's true. There's something to be said for how some special pairs don't have good first impressions. Maybe I end up asking you why you're so upset, and you tell me all about how dragons used to own the world. And I see the kind of person you really are, and things start warming up between us."

He ate a fifth cracker and thought of something that made him giggle. "It's not exactly adventure on the high seas with Livian and Devan, but it's a cute way to frame it. Whaddya think?"

Darius reached back and slowly tweaked Tobias' nipple making the milk flow.  "The grumpy logger should be brave don't you think, cherished?"  He teased before he rubbed his hand over the large breast.  "Maybe there should be some kind of challenge?" 

"Well, I don't mean to say the logger would just give in," clarified Tobias after a deep breath for clarity. "They'd argue, definitely. E-Erm..." He tried to ignore his erection digging into his mountainous stomach. "Perhaps the logger found the dragon so handsome he had to be brave enough to swallow his fear and anger an' admit his growin' affection. Or something like that...? Otherwise, I'm not sure what you mean, treasured." He stopped to let his breathing quicken naturally and feel his skin pushing back against his King's incorrigibly lusty groping. He shut his eyes, momentarily forgetting about the tray of food to his side.

"I do like the idea of the logger finding the dragon so irresistible," Darius chuckled before his mouth found the puffy nipple and sealed around the mound.  He worked his cheeks and mouth drinking from his lover while his hand moved the rigid human cock. 

"Hah hah..." Tobias laughed mostly to relieve tension in his heavy, heaving body as his mate toyed with him. "W-We can tone it down for our children, too. Say that we fell in love at first sight and just had trouble admitting it. Which is true, in a way. Or would you rather give them a hint about how carnal desire resolved our conflicts better than any war?"

As proud as he was of his analogy, Tobias couldn't drink in the success with his King drinking from him so happily and lazily and naughtily. The hand on his cock commanded the rest of his attention to reveling in the subtle waves of stimulation becoming stronger and more insistent as Darius kept touching him and touching him and smiling around milk-dripping breast at what had to be Tobias's flushed face of desire.

Darius worked Tobias' cock while he drank from the heavy flesh.  He made sure to see to his lover's needs temporarily ignoring the paint and pages.  He pulled himself off one breasts then moved to the next.  "You are a very full cow." 

"You made me this way..."

Tobias never felt the weight of his predicament more fully than when his mate, the father of their children, teased him and played with his fecund body. Either human skin or dragon scales rubbing over his stretched skin, meaty or forked tongue licking him greedily yet decadently, plump lips or cool snout pecking his stomach or ass or widened hips...the one responsible for all this devoured the fact of it as readily as the milk coming from Tobias' breasts.

His King made him feel more desirable than anything or anyone in his life, hands down.

"I might have made you this way but you love being this way," Darius grinned up after he gently bit the nipple.  "We will decide after this clutches are born when your body might be like this again." 

He sped up his stroking of the human's cock hoping to bring his cherished to climax.  He wanted this man to feel pleasure from every part of his body.

Tobias wondered if he would ever grow complacent of the raw erotic power his mate wielded over him. Or vice versa. But thoughts like that ignored the kind of wholesome, existential joy that rocked his body time and time again with the beautiful Dragon King. To truly stimulate every part of him, and so lovingly, meant to have his whole being focused on nothing but desire in that moment. Being so pliant and helpless before his treasured, the one he trusted most; being so heavy with child and so, so big; having toys and cocks for his selfish indulgence at the mere mention; soft skin against hard muscle; this form of a man Tobias named himself...every single little idea of his cushy lifestyle compounded on him at once and so suddenly to make him see nothing but the stars in the dreaming worlds he visited with his dear husband. The father of their children.

His future.

His mind returned to him as the last spasms of climax ebbed away. No intention of a snappy comeback rested in his mind. He pulled his mate in for a kiss meant to last. One meant to melt away their concept of time until nothing but swollen lips told of what happened. That was how he ended each day with his King. He forgot it each time, because no figment of memory could even try to capture the full effect of what they had together. Even if it was mostly just a handjob...other forms of their love were simply longer and more agonizingly amazing. And to think they had barely started their lives together; it was all just baffling to him.

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