Our family (Closed)

Ariel smiled wide as she placed her hand on his belly she closed her eyes tightly imagining her twins looking like jack and her with a mess of hair

Jack smiled as Ariel was imagining. He bent down and kissed her neck.

She smiled as a month later jack woke up with contractions they got in the shower to help relax him he leaned against Ariel as the contractions got closer and more intense " Jackie your doing great just breathe.."

Jack complied with Ariel. "I can handle it, Elle. Don't worry." He said as he braced himself during a contraction. He felt some water come out of his ass and the babies head drop into his birth canal.

Ariel smiled and rubbed jacks stomach " you water broke do you wanna stay in here a little longer or do you wanna go to the bed? Or I can blow up the birthing tub.."

"Take me to the bed." Jack said holding his large belly. He took Ariel's hand and went into the belly.

Ariel smiled and slowly guided Jack to the bed he helped him lay down and rub his stomach " what does it feel like? " Ariel asked curious

"A painful, stomach hardening, weird feeling traveling down the birth canal, it feels great." Jack laughed as he had a contraction. "How long until the babies are in the world."

Ariel grabbed his hand as he had a contraction she leaned down and checked him " it looks like your fully dilated when you feel the urge start to push your doing great Jackie.." She smiled

Jack nodded. A contraction came and Jack pushed as hard as he could. Feeling the first child start to crown. He pushed again, the child's head was halfway out when he stopped to catch a breath.

Ariel smiled his fingers intertwined with her husband " baby...your doing a great job...the head is almost out give me a couple more pushes and will have our first baby" Ariel said cheerfully

Jack smiled. He pushed as hard as he could, the head emerging. He pushed a little more and the shoulders began to move. He pushed one more time, and the baby emerged, bringing crying into the household.

Ariel cried tears of joy she quickly wrapped up the baby. In a warm wet tell she washed it of then cut the cord wrapping it up in a blanket she laid the baby on jacks chest " it's a boy..." She smiled proudly

Jack smiled at the crying baby boy. "Let's call him Edward. How does that sound Ellie?" He asked, hoping she would approve.

" that's a wonderful name baby...I love it..." She said smiling ear to ear she leaned in and kissed Edwards head while rubbing jacks stomach

Jack smiled but then he felt another contraction hit him. He began to push as the second baby traveled down through his birth canal. He kept pushing until the baby started to crown.

" Jackie baby...keep pushing I'm so proud of you..." Jack pushed the head out the cord was wrapped around its neck she tried to remove it quickly " hey Jackie just relax don't push..."

Jack nodded as he waited. He began to worry about the second baby.

Ariel was shaking slightly as she removed the cord around the baby's neck " okay babe I got it off give me a big push.."

Jack nodded as he pushed as hard as he could. He felt the second child begin to come loose. He groaned loudly as he felt the second child leave his birth hole. He regained his breath as he got a break.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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