C Dragon Breeding Facility (Closed)

Ivy about choked when Ceral asked if a marking was permanent. It wasn't. She wouldn't just.... it wasn't like they were mated . Even if they were, matings weren't always permanent. Dragons broke bonds all the time. "No!" she answered belatedly, long after the conversation had switched topics. "Marking is... temporary. It lets other seeders know that..." I've claimed you. That I consider you mine. That I play to fight anyone who tries to woo you. "... there's already a dragon interested in them. It only lasts for a little while. It will go away soon." If she could stop herself from reapplying it every times she ran into him.

Okay... not permanent. That was a good thing. He knew how marking worked, although he couldn't understand the logic behind it. Maybe it was because of the way of his kind. If you saw someone you liked, you took them; there were fights between other dragons, but marking had been a petty practice that had been abandoned years ago. Ceral let his tail drape across his legs as he stayed rested on his side, sighing lightly. "We don't mark, cave dragons. It's first come first serve, and you try to keep them as long as you can." Even if marking was a thing, he doubted it would prove to push any other seeking seeders back.

"Were they still asleep? The other two?" Ceral asked as be turned back towards Ivan. He was already here and bet it might be a good thing to meet who he could, but he got bored quickly, and wasn't sure how long he'd stick around with just rolling in the grass. "That's a nice cave you guys have. I've never seen a door like that before though."

"Want a tour?" Ivan struggled to his feet. "I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you."

Ivy's lips turned down and she leaped to her feet. "That's my cue to leave." She shifted and spread out her wings reflecting shimmering green light onto the ground around them. She nudged Ceral with her muzzle. "Remember Beautiful if Ky gives you a rough time..." she grin showing rows of pointed teeth . "I'll take care of it."

Ky followed Nym to the door and wrapped an arm around the others waist. "Perhaps. Want to go get breakfast. We can gather or hunt for some of the food the humans have scattered across Avalon. Or if you're feeling especially lazy we can head right up to the gate until we get their attention and demand something specific." While Ky hated asking the humans for anything he did realize that everything he had came from them anyways.

((For me sometimes posting twice w/ different characters is weird, so you could always post different characters in the same post with some dashes or something for separation if you think that might work, lab? o: I don't wanna make you feel like you gotta over post or something haha))

"Maybe." Ceral rolled back into a sitting position and then easily got to his feet. When he heard Ivy's comment, he frowned. "You're gonna leave right now..?" He liked when Ivy was around, she was full of life and it was a nice change. He wondered just why she and Ky were at odd ends with each other. Was it really over the clutch things? They could breed more than one carrier, he couldn't understand why they were at each other's necks. He just hoped Ky wasn't as bad as she made him sound. "I'll make sure I get out in one piece," he teased gently, nodding towards her as she flew off.

"I could wait until they come out? You think that might be more appropriate?" Ceral glanced back to Ivan, his brows furrowed as he anxiously scratched at the scales on either hand. "I think I saw the door move a few minutes ago. I don't wanna... barge into your home." Ceral paused as he noted other voices. "I think they'll make their way out. Not morning people, huh?"

(Can I join?)

((Ah I got a little long with this reply. XD Haha oh well.))

"Oh-" Nym let out a soft sounds of surprise as Ky wrapped an arm around him, though he found that he didn't protest it immediately. "I have to say that I've never hunted for food before... Well, I mean, not for anything other than sport." That had been something his master had been keen about, hunting, and using Nym to do it. He was 'ten times more effective than only old fox hound', was what the man had used to say. "Anyway-" He gave Ky a soft smile, and pulled away from him again, prying his fingers gently off his waist. "Food of any sort sounds great, let's go outside."

Nym was sure that outside the cave it would be warmer, which would be good for Ky's sake whenever he chose to leave the nest, if he was indeed cold that is. Caves were dark, which obviously meant they were cool... Which in turn was something Nym was fond of actually. It made him tempted to stay hidden and out of the sun for a while longer, but he had hardly been given the chance to explore Avalon the previous evening, and while the nesting cave was snug and dark, he somehow felt like he was intruding on Ivan and Ky's space the longer he was in their little nest. He was well aware that neither of the two dragons seemed to mind, and in fact had seemed to encourage him staying the night with them, and now Ky was even behaving as if he didn't want him to leave, but it just wasn't something he was used to yet. Being so... Overly... Welcomed.

Without letting himself hesitate again, Nym finally pushed the door open, blinking a bit at the sudden brightness of the outside. It was going to be a little overwhelming until his eyes adjusted.

Despite being half blinded, it didn't take long for Nym to spot Ivan, and then two other figures, just outside the cave. Suddenly he felt his heart rate speed up, and he pulled a hand through his long hair a few times. He was only halfway leaned out the entrance of the cave, and peering cautiously to see if he could figure out who Ivan was talking to. Ky had mentioned a sister, which he assumed was the female, though she seemed to be getting ready to leave. The other dragon, he really had no clue about...

"Ah-" Nym waved, and then dipped his head at first Ivan and then the other dragon, noticing first his coloring, which according to his visible scales and his tail, was a deep purple. He picked up on his scent next, telling him that the new stranger was a carrier like he was. It made Nym relax a little and he smiled a bit as he stepped fully out into the open. "Good morning."

(YES please! Welcome DragonKnight!!!)

(Thanks for the advice Poppy. I'll try to do that for now on)
"A morning person? Ky?" Ivan snorted and sat back down. He laid back to put pressure off his back and smiled at Ceral. "If Ky had a choice he'd spend the whole morning lazying about, cuddling, and breeding." Ivan blew a lock of snowy hair out of his face with a huff. He could just make out Ivy's glittering scales through the canopy. "I wished they'd stop fighting. They're way too possessive. They act as though seeders are allowed to have as many lovers as they want, but they get jealous if another seeder even looks at their carrier." Ivan sat up at the sound of the nesting cave opening. "Speak of the devil."

"That sounds...lovely." Ceral snorted and eased back into his position on the ground, settling back down as he waited for the pair to emerge from the cave. "Why're they so mad at each other? Ky and Ivy, I mean. It's just cause of their mates?" Which was totally understandable, but Ceral didn't think he'd want to go through all that trouble over some past breeding himself. Ceral opened his mouth to ask more questions but paused when he noticed the unfamiliar face. Ivan had said he was Nym, if he remembered. Man, this wasn't as exciting as Ceral had thought it would be. It was still morning, though. Maybe he could follow this little group out later on and do stuff with them.

"Hey," Ceral greeted back, lazying on the grass with his tail once more draped over his smaller frame. If Ky was a seeder, Ceral wondered if this Nym had already been bred? They shared the cave together, all three of them, so he could only assume; otherwise, they might just be in the same boat together, and it would be nice to see how Nym felt about it. "You're Nym..?" Ceral tried for a small smile. He wasn't the best conversationalist. "Ceral," he introduced himself quickly.

Role: Dragon
Name: Kage
Gender: Male
Seeder/Carrier/Both: Seeder
Description: large form with sharp black scales. He has a glowing red crest on his chest that glows brighter when he attacks. He walks on four legs and has two large tattered wings with claws on the end of them. His had two horns on his head that curved towards his mouth. His human form is a tall man with pale skin with blood red eyes and next black spiky hair.
Enclosure: Avalon

Kage entered the enclosure fully asleep and tied down. Kage was one of the only dragons to still fight. However, the humans saw potential with Kage's power. He snored in deep sleep as the sedatives kept him under wraps.

"I guess I am horned... Rather like a devil." Nym chuckled softly at Ivan's comment and then took the liberty of meandering towards the pair. He glanced both of them up and down quickly, and then offered a soft smile. "Ceral..." He nodded towards the new dragon. "Yes, I'm Nym." He almost held a hand out in an offer to shake Ceral's but realized that perhaps that was only a human custom he'd picked up, and he refrained. He was beginning to become rather uncomfortable with the fact that he hardly knew anything about how other dragons were supposed to interact with each other.

Nonetheless, Nym did his best be the least amount of awkward he could manage. The only way he was going to make it in this place was if he learned.

"I think Ky's still back there, waking up." Nym jabbed a thumb in the direction of the cave, and then settled himself on the grass beside the other two. It seemed strange to be the only one standing. He glanced at Ceral briefly, figuring that he should probably be friendly. "Pleasure to meet you."

Ky left the cave and pulled Ivan onto his lap groggily. "You smell like her," he growled. He started kissing down Ivan's neck, trying to erase the pine smell. Ky wrinkled his nose at the purple dragon, Ceral, he smelled like pine too. Maybe he could change that. "Hey. I'm Ky. What's made you decide to talk to us finally?" He nuzzled Ivan's ear and whispered quickly. "Nym and I were going to go hunting. Want to come? Or do you want us to catch you something?" Then a bit louder to Ceral, "You're invited too Beautiful."

This was probably the first time for Ceral that he'd been in the company of more than two other dragons. Occasionally he would come across others of his kind in the caves, but that was very rarely, and when he did he often was the first to flee. He liked to avoid a fight if he could, and cave dwellers were very territorial over their regions of the caverns. Ceral smiled sheepishly at Nym. "Nice to meet you too." He guessed this was a lesson in socialization if he ever had one. While he knew the ways of the wild, he certainly wasn't as proper as he might've been if he'd been raised with humans, thus his rash behavior.

When Ky came out, Ceral bristled a little, frowning when the dragon noted the pine scent. He definitely didn't seem happy. Ceral just wanted to smell like himself, maybe he wouldn't attract attention then. "Got bored of being alone," he half lied. At the offer, Ceral blinked slowly, biting his lip at the name and dipping his head in acknowledgement. "Sure... if you've room for another." He hadn't been hunting in a few days since asking for food up front sometimes got him his meal, but interacting couldn't be that bad. Ceral stood, stretching for a moment and wondering where Ivy might be. He didn't want to provoke anything, but he didn't want to keep with one side either.

Nym nodded, pleased and admittedly grateful when Ceral agreed to join their hunt. He wasn't going to kid himself, he was nervous about traipsing off alone somewhere with Ky into this vast habitat. It wasn't that Ky didn't seem like a tolerable being, but he was pretty handsy, -for lack of a better word- and Nym wasn't quite sure he wanted to be isolated with him... He didn't want to be left alone with any seeder really, not yet.

"The game here... What kind of creatures is it that you normally hunt?" Nym watched Ceral stand and stretch himself out, and then looked to Ky. He had been on plenty of small game hunts, only once or twice for large game, and even then it was most of that time that he simply flushed the animal out and let the human (or humans) he was guiding to actually do the deed of killing. They had complained that he was never delicate enough executing or retrieving anything he hunted. "I hope I'm not more of a hinderance than a help."

"Ugh. No thanks." The humans hadn't restocked the pool yet. Ivan lived off of a diet mainly of fish and vegetation. Meat hadn't sounded all that appealing before he'd gotten knocked up... now... eck the though made his stomach turn. "I'll just go to the gate."

Ky narrowed his eyes at his young mate. "Promise? If I find out you haven't eaten anything.... I'll bring a deer home and make you eat it all." Ivan hated humans, he was more likely to try to maul one than ask them for food. Since he'd become pregnant though the scientist would often slide baskets of sea food into the enclosure.

The water dragon sighed and stood up to go. Ky was so annoying sometimes. "Yes, I promise. Bye Nym, Ceral. I'll see you later."

"Where did you find him?" Reva stared in aw at the new arrival. He was magnificent. "He looks like one of the ancients, back when dragons were feared." He sure looked like an aggressive seeder. He was likely the type of dragon to have a harem of carriers in the wilds, constantly bred. Maybe they'd have to send in some more carriers to keep all the seeders happy.

After Ivan left Ky turned his full attention to virgin carriers. "We have deer, large rodents, alligators, and rabbits. "

Ivan was still yards away from the gate went he caught sight of new seeder. The large dragon was bond to the ground with thick rope cables. Admiring the dragon's scales, the red crest that displayed a glimmer of his power, Ivan doubted that the ropes could hold him. They still looked uncomfortable. Ivan approached hesitantly and began to saw through the ropes with his claws. Ivan shivered. He never would have gotten so close if the other hadn't been clearly sedated. Even then he probably wouldn't have dared, but he hated the idea of anyone waking up in a new place drugged and bond.

"Hmmm?" Han glanced to Reva rather lazily. He was feeling rather smug about having this new arrival in Avalon. He was indeed glorious, and at first glance Kage looked as if he perhaps belonged in Valhalla. If his stature said anything about his his personality, then perhaps he would be persistent and cunning enough to persuade Ceral or Nym, the two seemingly reluctant dragons to relent and put out. He knew that they were still holding out for some elegant forest hybrids, but this could be promising as well.

"I really don't know where he comes from, but it was quite the ordeal bringing him here I'm told. The crew this morning seemed quite worn out." He glanced to the dragon, pointing out the bindings on him. "I doubt he'll stay tied for long... He is supposed to be a rather strong creature..." Han nodded thoughtfully. Yes, he was quite excited about Kage. "We may have to stock a few more 'friends' for him in Avalon if he proves to thrive."


"I'll eat anything." Nym said honestly, and then stood up, watching as Ivan wandered off. He glanced to Ceral and then Ky again. "Anything we can catch really..." Nym knew that he wasn't going to be getting the food he was accustomed to here. He knew he'd been pampered at home. He'd been given all sorts of things, sweets, breads, cooked and cured meats, all things that a wild dragon probably wouldn't normally... Maybe in the vastly ancient days when dragons shifted form and lived amongst humans and other creatures freely... But not now. Besides, he had eaten raw game before. It hadn't been his entire diet, but a good part of it all the same.

Taking a few steps back, Nym shifted. It was the first time in a while that he had fully shifted, well besides his usual habit of transforming at night. He hadn't even been able to do that in a few days though, having been dragged around and transported for a few nights in a row. It was refreshing to be in his other form again, even if he usually preferred his human guise. He was instantly aware however, that he didn't quite blend in with the enclosure's lush, green surroundings. Feathers and his ever familiar horns, long neck... He looked rather like a snowy owl that had been crossed with a basilisk... Or something of that nature. Either way, his grey and white color scheme didn't offer the best of cover.

Spreading his wings once and then pinning them onto his back again, Nym sat down, deciding to wait until he got further instruction. He felt lie he was suddenly getting ahead of himself. "I figure I'll quicker like this than on two feet-" He spoke. "Just direct me."

Ceral was most used to hunting for things such as fish and the like, and while he had never hunted down a deer or anything on land for that matter, he didn't think he'd have that much trouble with it. It was the same basic concept, hunting; he'd sneak up and then make a break for it, hoping he could catch his prey before it eluded him. Fish were more slippery than deed, he thought, so maybe he'd even have better luck with a land animal. Either way, he was just excited to do something different to bide his time.

"Same. I'll eat whatever I can catch." Ceral wasn't picky although he did have his preferences, but he couldn't always get what he wanted. Ceral watched Nym as they changed, studying their wings with an impressed expression. "In advanced, I should let you both know I can't fly." Ceral alread his own thin wings. "These are used for swimming, so if you plan on flying..." Ceral trailed of and shrugged. Flying would be nice and maybe more useful than swimming, but he couldn't change his anatomy now. "I bet I can get us a gator though. Any water creature, I'll take care of." Ceral grinned excitedly. "I can leave the land ones to you two?"

"Hmmm." Nym chuckled. His voice always seemed to be a little deeper when he shifted in this form, and it always took a little bit for him to get used to it. That or he didn't speak at all while transformed. "I don't suppose I'll be doing much flying." He craned to look up towards the sky, the faint glimmer of the electric barrier just barely noticeable against the light sky, and he remembered what Ky had said about flying too high. "Perhaps some gliding is all..."

Glancing Ceral over Nym nodded. Interesting... He'd never heard of a dragon who used their wings for swimming... Then again he hand't heard much about other types of dragons ever.

"I wouldn't say no to swapping part of whatever we capture." He said honestly. "Though I can't guarantee I'll be nabbing anything as impressive as a gator."

(Mind if I join too?)

Role: Dragon
Name: Lago
Gender: Male
Seeder/Carrier/Both (if dragon): Carrier
Gestation Period (Different for different species): 7 months
Clutches: 0 (in the facility), 2 (in the wild)
Currently Pregnant: No
Description: Swamp Dragon; In his dragon form, he's rather large and lumbering, with heavily-armored scales on his arms, legs, sides, neck, and shoulders. His scales are a dark brown color and are rather rough and bumpy with no shine or luster to them. The scales on his back are another story. They're huge, smooth and are fused together into a sort of hard shell with spikes across the surface. The shell is of the same brown hue, but with a dull shine, and the spikes are a bone-yellow color. His tail has a clubbed end and packs a wallop. The scales on his soft, round underside shine with a brilliant gold hue. In his human form, he's got a rather stocky, chubby body, with a decent pot-belly, brown-colored, dread-locked hair to the center of his back, brown eyes, and his forearms and legs (from the knees down) look like they're covered in mud, but it's just scales.
A flightless breed of dragon, swamp dragons are a rarity and are often considered the ugliest of all the dragon breeds. They're one saving grace; they're gold colored scales on they're undersides tend to get passed onto clutches regularly, no matter what other dragons they breed with--if they breed. Swamp dragons are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, mostly because they're a very lazy, stubborn breed. However, with lots of patience and the right training, swamp dragons are also prized night-guards because of their nocturnal nature.
Enclosure(if dragon): Avalon

(Late last night)
Lago snorted and rolled his eyes as the facility guards that had escorted him to his new habitat backed out of the door and closed it, locking it tight behind them. "Well...dammit." He took in his new surroundings as best he could. Taking in a deep breath he could tell there were at least 4, maybe 5 other dragons in the enclosure. His species eyesight was crap, being incredibly near-sighted, but their sense of smell was outstanding, and their hearing was pretty decent too. "Too dry. There'd better be some water in this place", he grumbled. He sniffed the air again and got a lock on the nearest body of water. He meandered his way over to the nearest pond, making his way through the vegetation as quietly as he was able to do. He grabbed swathes of leaves and berries and munched on them along the way. His species was omnivorous, but they mostly grazed on lots of vegetation because it was easy to get. Reaching the pond, he turned his nose up at the clean smell. Why couldn't they leave him in his swampy habitat? It had finally started to smell like his old home. Wading quietly into the pond, he grabbed two fish with surprising speed, and munched on them right there. He smelled a gator off in the distance, but he didn't feel like stirring up attention in a new habitat just yet. After his meal, he spied a big cluster of bushes near the ponds edges. "Well, this seems as a good a place as any to sleep for the night." He got on all fours and crawled into the thick of the bushes, munching on leaves and branches to make more room for himself. He was hoping he could stay hidden for a while before he had to interact with his new neighbors. Meeting new people was just...exhausting.

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