C Dragon Breeding Facility (Closed)

"Hmm," Ivy purred. "It is making me feel hot. Want to make out?" She asked huskily. She laid back and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close to that their chests touched.

"What?-" Nym's eyes were screwed shut, but he opened them for a moment and turned to look at Ky. If he had been in his right state of mind, he probably would have completely blanched at the other dragon's suggestion. Even now, though he was sure that he'd eventually be desperate to try anything, he was skeptical... Touching himself?... Would that actually even work? If it did, certainly there was no way he was going to try out here, in the open. The thought mortified him. If he were to even consider it, he'd need to be somewhere private. Maybe if he could seclude himself somewhere, he'd be able to deal with this better... But he didn't feel like he'd even be able to make it further than a few yards right now, let alone off into a thicket somewhere.

"No-" Nym finally muttered and then forced himself to sit up. "Can I just-" He reached a shaky arm out for Ky and ended up flopping himself against the other dragon's shoulder again. This was the completely opposite of being secluded, but it was the only thing he could think of, and muster himself to do.

To Nym's amazement, simply touching Ky again seemed to help. Of course, he was still wildly uncomfortable, and it still felt like he was on fire, but the edge was gone. Instead the tingly sensation was back, pins and needles everywhere. It made it hard to think, but at least he didn't feel like he was being fed hot coals anymore. He knew of course, that he couldn't force Ky to just sit here with him all day and night, but maybe a few minutes of some mild relief and he'd be able to think of something to help himself.

"I'm sorry." Nym sighed tiredly, head tucked against Ky's chest. "I'm just not... Quite sure how to handle this."

The question caught Ceral a little off guard, but he didn't feel the urge to protest. "Sure..?" he complied, smiling lopsidedly as he rested easily on top of Ivy. She similarly felt tingly against his skin, like small pricks sparked where they touched. He knew he shouldn't feel like this because this wasn't him, and it came to him slowly that maybe the scientists had given him something to egg on the mating. That was pretty scummy of them. He was curious if this was what they'd given to Nym too. There was only so long before they'd get fed up with all the carriers not wanting to do their job of carrying.

"They did this to make sure we mate," he said, his eyes narrowing as he considered the idea. "It almost feels like a heat." That was superbly annoying. Could they really not wait until everyone was comfortable enough to get knocked up? Ceral took in a breath and caught the subtle scent of heat. His heat. The one he hadn't had in at least two months and had been hoping it would be months more before it came back. That gross smell. He was tempted to curse out loud at them right at that moment, but Ivy took too much of his attention. Aha, those fuckers.

Ky held Nym close, brushing his sweaty hair back from his face with soft fingers. "It's okay. I wish I could help more." Ky brushed the tundra dragon's back in gentle strokes. "Do you think that the humans did this to you? That shot or whatever?" His chest rumbled in a deep growl. "I should have protected you. I shouldn't have let them take you. I knew something was wrong and I..." And Nym's scent was starting to make Ky feel a little heated too, but he shoved the feeling down. It was probably the most inappropriate time to be aroused.

Nym was what mattered right now, making him comfortable and helping him get through this without either of them doing something they would regret. "Hey, it's all going to be okay. Alright? Heats don't last forever, so it will have to go away on its own eventually. We'll get you through this okay. Maybe Ceral or Ivan will show up and they can give advice."

((So wondering do carriers always get pregnant on the first try or is it more hit or miss like humans, but with a higher chance when in heat?))

"You're in heat?" Ivy ran her hands down Ceral's supple sides imprinting the feel into her memory. Her brows bent together, her mind was a thick hazy mess of heat. First Lago's heat and now Ceral's, her hormones were a mess. "They made you go into heat? Oh!" Her hands stilled on his ribs, clenching and unclenching in micro spasms as her mind was racked with warring desires. Make Ceral happy, respect his wishes, worship and devourer his body, claim him as her mate. "So you don't... this... we should stop." She didn't sound very convincing to her own ears.

((Oh! Umm I'm not sure, how did you guys imagine it? I sort of guessed that it could happen during normal mating, but the possibility would skyrocket during heat because that's when their bodies are most ready/accepting? Still hit or miss, but just waaay more probable during heat?))

"Don't jinx it!" Ceral exclaimed teasingly, only hoping a tiny bit now that maybe he was just spitting up thoughts and he wasn't actually in heat. His heats tended to be more of an annoyance than anything. Some dragons had told him it felt like cramps, or someone was just ramming into them, but Ceral's was the simple kind that kept him up at night and kept him from hunting for food (thus why he had to stock before he thought he'd go into heat). His was the kind that had him rolling all day because he didn't have a mate and no one to help him. It was different knowing that you weren't alone anymore.

He didn't want to go through that. His heat averaged a good week, sometimes a few days more. They really screwed him over with this. He didn't know how to have sex, but he thought... that he was more willing to learn it now than endure a full week of this. And besides, it wasn't as if it was totally for sure he'd get pregnant, right? Like, there was an itty chance if he mated with Ivy it might just not happen. They were already here, tangled together. It only sounded right to try. Ceral swallowed thickly and looked back towards the walls. "Are they gonna be watchin'?" he asked quietly, looking over Ivy's comment about them possibly stopping, because if he thought about it now he might just well fuck himself over and have to go through a week of heat instead of calming the feeling in his abdomen now. "I don't want them watchin' us."

((I'm not sure on that, Lab. I mean, it would probably make sense that there are hits and misses, but I'd think that a heat cycle would definitely make the plausibility higher, which would explain why Han and Reva are so eager to shoot Ceral and Nym with hormones. Probably an almsot guaranteed chance of dragon babies, haha.))

Nym let out a shuddering sigh, and relished in the feeling of Ky's fingertips brushing against his back for a moment. He needed to keep calm, control himself, settle himself down... But he figured that the heat was doing exactly as it was meant to... It was making him feel, strange, anxious, like he wanted something. He could beat around the bush all he wanted, but he knew that the sudden desire he was feeling was one he'd never felt so strongly before, and it wasn't going to be going any time soon... Was this lust? Was it just the desperate need to just end this burning sensation? Heats as far as he was aware, were supposed to last days, he was going to claw himself apart before it ended, he was sure.

"I- I don't know." He finally answered. "I was fine until they gave me that shot..." He said bitterly. "I don't think it was a booster shot at all. I wish this would go away.. I was fine." He let out a an involuntary moan, almost a whimper as the burning seemed to flare up for a moment. Did all dragons go through heats this bad? Was it just a tundra dragon thing? Was it because it was his first time? Nym didn't know, he just hoped that if Ivan showed back up right now, that he wouldn't be too horribly angry to see him hanging on Ky like this.

((That's what I was thinking too))
"Who?" Ivy traced her hands up into his shoulder blades and into his silky curls as she teased his mouth open with her tongue. "Oh," she said, her mouth releasing his with a pop as she took a breath. "The humans?" She shrugged. "I guess. If it bothers you," she traced his left nipple with the hand not wrapped in his curls, curious about the way it stiffened under her touch "we could 'borrow' Ky's cave."

((I would imagine that heats made it much more likely. Like normal mating is fifty/fifty while heats are in the nineties)
"It sounds like it's getting worst." Ky flinched in sympathy at Nym moan. "Do you know how long tundra dragons are in heat or how often?" Ky laughed, "Maybe next time we'll be better prepared." Ky keep rubbing Nym's back and shoulders and he began to hmm, trying to calm Nym down some.

Ceral instinctively chased after Ivy's mouth when she pulled away, and his face flushed when he realized what he'd done. Oh yes, this was him during heat. This wasn't the normal him though. His actions felt alien, like his body was taking over and his mind was trapped to watch it all happen before him. He awkwardly shifted on top of Ivy, crossing his legs as the beginnings of slick trickled down his inner thighs. What kind of medicine had they given him? For a small dart, it acted obscenely fast.

He held back a gag at the smell of his own slick. How it appealed to seeders, Ceral hadn't a clue. "We can't borrow his cave," Ceral uttered in a raspy tone, shaking his head at the suggestion. He didn't need Ky on his back about that. Not to mention Ivan lived there too, it was crude to waltz in and breed in the place. "'kay, I- I guess this's fine." He sighed at the touch of Ivy's finger, his eyes closing briefly as he stifled a moan - one of pleasure or distress, he didn't know.

Ivy grinned when she caught the smell of slick. She rolled Ceral onto his back, her breasts and hard cock bobbing. She spread his legs to take a peak at his hole. "You're so wet." She trailed a finger through his silky pubes around the base of his hardening prick then lower to his gasping hole. She collected some of the slick and used it to lube him up, giving him a few gentle strokes as she leaned down to capture his mouth in another kiss.

Avalon... Was turning out to be quite the show. Demus had moved on from the first pair of dragons, passed quietly through a couple areas that smelled strongly of some powerful type of seeder, a weaker sweeter scent of another carrier and a dragon that was definitely pregnant... A few minutes later and Demus was now nearing a lake... Or a large pond, he couldn't really tell. Some peculiar cave like structure with a door wasn't far off... This place was weird.

Things only got stranger when he happened upon a second pair of dragons. Not just their smells... He could actually see them, though the scent was strong too. It was obvious that one of them was in heat, and entering an intense part of it, if he knew anything.

Not necessarily wanting to be seen, Demus zipped to the safety of the tree-line, just a little ways off from the pond. From what he could tell, the carrier dragon this other seeder was with, was absolutely miserable. Poor sap. Demus knew how he felt, and didn't envy him in the slightest... He couldn't understand though, why the two were just... Hanging out. The quickest way to remedy a heat was obvious. Breeding didn't have to take long either... From the sounds of it, they were, just talking to one another?


At Ky's mention of things getting worse, Nym simply nodded. "Hmmm... I just know that it's supposed to happen once every couple months. I was always just told that pills would save me from going through it... That it was a few days long otherwise." Nym's voice was muffled as he murmured into Ky's shoulder. Even just trying to lift his head at the moment made it rush. He hoped that this thing simply had some sort of peak, and it'd begin to ease off sooner, rather than later....

"Jesus- I think I'm dying." Nym stated rather dramatically. "I should have bit Han's hand off."

Ceral wanted to tell Ivy to go slow, because despite the shitty way the scientists had forced his heat, he was still new with this. Instead of a confident, smug remark, Ceral only managed a feeble "gentle?", staring up at Ivy with seemingly glazed over eyes as if he was in some kind of trance. He'd always felt this way during his heat, as if nothing else mattered, but now that he had someone here to satisfy it, he just let it happen. And maybe that was a bad idea but he felt more willing to oblige than fight now.

"You're dirty," Ceral retorted, snickering childishly as he watched Ivy above him. His chest tightened when he felt Ivy's hand around him, and he unconsciously wiggled his hips a little in an attempt to get closer. Ceral kissed Ivy back greedily, craning his head forward so he wasn't straining to reach her from the ground.

Ky laughed. "Maybe, but I still think he would have injected you with that heat inducing stuff." It was horrible of him, with Nym so obviously miserable and vulnerable, but he couldn't help but notice how enticing he was, flushed and panting, with a faint shine to his skin. Ky shifted uncomfortably, hoping that Nym wouldn't notice his developing problem.

Poor Nym looked absolutely miserable. He wasn't sure if he could handle watching him suffer like this for days. There had to be something he could do, beside breeding Nym. Nym did not seem ready for that level of intimacy yet. Maybe he could distract him. Ky kissed Nym lightly on the shoulder. "Tell me about yourself. What did like to do before you came here?"

"Course," Ivy whispered against Ceral's lips. "You're so precious to me." And he was. After over a year of hostile remarks from Ky and Ivan's apologetic looks it was so unbelievably nice to be with someone new. Someone who wasn't angry with her or who pitied her. She was so lucky that she'd met Ceral and that he'd talked to her first. She deepened their kiss, mapping his mouth with her tongue. She felt warm all over and light. Like all her worries had simply tumbled out. She slowly sped her hand up, bringing him closer to climax. She hoped that the overflow of hormones would take the edge off the heat and help Ceral relax some more.

"I love you," she breathed as they broke apart for air. Realizing what she just said she quickly smashed their mouths together again to prevent a response. That way he wouldn't feel obligated to repeat something he didn't believe. Love? Really? Ivy berated herself. She had just met him. It was a little early to get all infatuated with the dragon.

"I liked to read..." Nym said quietly. He wasn't sure if it was going to work, but maybe the talking Ky seemed to be trying to spur on would help keep himself distracted. The kiss to his shoulder left his skin burning where Ky's lips had been, and he reached to sling an arm up around the other dragon's neck. "T-There was a library... And I scoured it for hours- There were maps, and books, and... " Nym wasn't even sure if he was making sense. He wasn't sure if anybody else here would even know what he was talking about. "I-"


Suddenly Nym was cut off by an unfamiliar voice... And it caused him to jolt a bit. Was Ivan back? Was it Lago? He wasn't sure that he'd ever even said anything to Lago yet...

"You two, you know you're both going about this thing entirely wrong..." Demus had been quiet the entire morning, and now it was approaching mid afternoon, and he was getting antsy... These two dragons were actually starting to aggravate him. Did they know anything about heats and how they worked? All he was hearing was namby pamby stuff about books and things... That wasn't going to help. The carrier that was plastered against the other seeder's chest was obviously suffering. It was a shame, he was rather pretty... Both of them were.

Finally, Demus dropped down from the tree he had been half clung to in his dragon form, and shifted. He sauntered over, not seeming to be particularly worried, but still cautious enough to be a few feet off. "You know he's not going to get any better until his cycle is over, or you know..." Demus held up both his hands to make a rather obscene gesture. He then shifted his weight and put his hands on his hips like he was the ultimate expert on these types of things, which he wasn't, but he wasn't about to admit that.

"Ky?" Nym shifted to look at this new stranger... Utterly bewildered. Was he hallucinating now? "Who the hell is that?"

Ky groaned. Another dragon! Were the humans going to sending a new one in every day now or something?

"Hi. Um... I'm Ky and this is Nym." He couldn't tell if the new dragon was a seeder or a carrier, his nose was all messed up from Nym's heat. "Thanks for the advice...I guess."

He turned Nym's face toward him and looked into his glassy eyes. "Hey," he said softly, "Babe he's right. You either have to suffer a few days like this or... or you could let me... let me make love to you?" He hated how vulnerable he sounded. He wasn't sure how he'd feel if Nym said no. If Nym decided that he would rather suffer for days than be with Ky.

"Or... maybe maybe we can just mess around. Maybe we don't have to go all the way? We can avoid impregnating you right?" Ky looked at the new dragon expectantly. Even though Ky really, really wanted Nym to have his kits he didn't want to him do something he was ready for yet. Ky settled his hands on Nym's hips, their faces still close enough that he felt each of Nym's breaths.

"I'm Demus." Demus scoffed at the obvious look of displeasure that came across the other seeder's face. "Hey, I didn't ask to be dumped in here." He said flatly. He wasn't actually interested in breeding either. The smell of this carrier's heat was sweet, and enticing, yes, but he'd been here for literally less than half a day... And he'd been left here because he had been causing 'issues' not because they wanted him to be part of there out of whack breeding program.... Or at least he didn't think so.

"But..." Demus continued. Listening to Ky's hesitant offer. "I'd take him up on that if I were you, carrier.. Unless you want to feel like death for six days straight."

Nym did his best to ignore this new, overly pushy dragon. Ky didn't seem to be frightened by him... So he wasn't going to flip out either, but he did want him to stop talking. He wasn't helping.

"What about Ivan?" Nym asked Ky. "He's bound to you, isn't he? I don't want to interfere..." He trailed off as Ky took his face in his hands. Really at this point, he was becoming rather desperate to do something before this heat cycle got any worse. Already it felt unnatural, like the shot he had been given had thrown him right into the middle of of instead of letting it start slowly and taper off like it was supposed to. He really didn't want to find out how much worse it got... And Ky was so soft, and felt so strong against his own languid body. He'd sworn that he was going to avoid this... But he wasn't sure that he was going to be able to hold out.

"Hey, if this guy has a hang up or something.... With whoever Ivan is." Demus spoke up, looking from Nym to Ky. "I'm happy to help out." No he wasn't interested in breeding, but he was interested in being... Playful, so to speak. Besides this carrier looked like he needed something, anything, in a dire way.

"What?" Nym felt himself bristle, which caused some pain to shoot through his stomach. "No!" He didn't want this random stranger to touch him... He barely had known Ky for longer than a couple days, but at least he could probably consider them to be friends. He made Nym feel safe... "Ky, no, please don't let him touch me. For the love of god, if I have to do this, let it be you." His breath caught in his throat as he realized what he was saying. The words had spilled out, and there really wasn't any way he could eat them again.

Ky stiffened at Demus' 'offer.'  Couldn't the idiot tell that Nym was his! Their scents were practically indistinguishable by this point. He was going to tell Demus just what he thought when Nym made his pronouncement.

He practically shoved Nym to the ground and straddled him, their mouths smashing together. He wanted him so bad and he was feeling territorial, jealous, and heated up. "Sorry," he panted after a minute. "Sorry, I just... " he brushed Nym's face, losing his train of thought in those blue eyes. There was a darker ring of blue, almost black, around the pupil. "You're so beautiful." He wanted to touch all of him, kiss every inch of his skin. He kissed down Nym's stomach, pausing for a moment to give the sweet nub of his nipple some attention. Would Nym grow small breast and lactate like Ivan? Or was he more similar to forest dragons who fed their children soft fruits and greenery.

He kissed down Nym's flat stomach, hands trailing down Nym's trembling sides. He lapped at the hollow of Nym's hip.

Demus bristled as he watched Ky basically shove and pin Nym to the ground... That was his cue to go... He's spoken his mind, and that was enough. He didn't need to get caught up with a couple of hormonal, mating dragons. He was well aware that sometimes these matings were more like a fight than anything else. Without another he slunk back off to the tree-line and disappeared, there were other dragons in this enclosure. Less flustered, hot and bothered ones, he was sure.

Nym didn't see Demus leave. It meant they had some kind of privacy, sort of... But, he wouldn't have cared if the tawny dragon had stayed either. He was too wrapped up in the sudden wonder that was Ky. His breath rushed out of him as Ky pinned him down, and their mouths smashed together. Nym had always picture his first kiss differently... Something tender, something soft. Instead was like a tidal wave crashing over him. It wasn't anything gentle... Though he didn't seem to mind. His entire body was raging, roaring, bundle of heat and desire, and he was find that he wasn't even hearing half of what Ky was saying. His mind was suddenly mess, everything was a frenzy. All his walls he'd built up for himself were suddenly gone.

"Just, come here." Nym said breathlessly and wrapped his arms around Ky's neck, his finger tips moving up to the other boy's hair as Ky nipped his way down his torso. He was definitely wet, and aroused now, more so than anything during the previous few hours. Ky's scent was sweet, foresty and fresh, and he found himself just wanting to melt against the other dragon, and stay there as long as possible.

((Sorry I have to go to bed now. I have to wake up tomorrow early. Blah...  :(  ))

Ky moved back up Nym's body, his cock hard against Nym's stomach as he mouthed at the tundra dragon's neck. "You know how this works right?" he asked. He didn't want to take Nym surprise. He nudged the carriers legs open with a knee and dropped one of his hands to start teasing Nym's hole with light fingers. "Tell me if I'm going too fast."

((No worries!! I need to sleep soon anyway! Sleep well! :D ))

At first Nym shook his head. No, he really didn't know how any of this worked, but he figured that he was about to find out. "Ah- Alright." He gasped a bit and then just simply nodded. He didn't know what was considered too fast, but he was finding that he probably wouldn't have cared anyway. Anything to stop the horribleness he'd been feeling before... And what Ky was doing to him, was helping immensely. Suddenly most of the burning went from pain to what Nym could only describe as pleasure. The other dragon's fingers teasing at him caused a low moan to escape him, -louder than he'd been expecting- and he reached to let his own hands search for every part of Ky that he could manage to touch, his hair, his face, Ky's shoulders, all the way down to his chest. Suddenly he was wondering at himself, in the middle of his hazy thoughts, why had been resisting this so hard.

Lago gave a chuckle at Ivan's remark to his heat. "Oh, it's not that bad...yet. I'm Lago. That's one hell of a baby belly you got there. You carry it well." He said pointing to Ivan's swollen middle. He smiled and thought the pregnancy looked good on the other dragon. To tell the truth, Lago was looking forward to having another clutch. He just didn't want to have it in this place. He's had two clutches in the wild. All of this mating stuff was old news to him.

"Yeah, it's strange. I'd been so careful to count my days, but it seems like my heat has moved up in schedule. I don't get...". A look of realization spread across his face as he smacked his palm against his forehead. "Oh God...I'm an idiot. Stupid, stupid body", he grumbled as he slapped his belly. "Our heats can like...come early if there are a lot of seeders in the immediate area...at least 3 or more", he explained to Ivan. Even as they spoke, he could feel the tingling in his belly and groin growing more intense and heated.

He grimaced and rubbed his pudgy belly. His heat started off as something similar to indigestion, and just became more intense from there. He was starting to sweat a little from the surge of sexual hormones rushing through his body. He laughed a little. He couldn't tell if it was from delirium, or if he thought the situation was actually funny. "I can't help but think of all the seeders rutting me like a pig right now."

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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