C Dragon Breeding Facility (Closed)

A distraction... Was that a good idea? Well, anything looked like it would go in this situation, and Ivy seemed to clearly not want him anywhere near this Devin guy. Ceral half wanted to stay and watch what was going to go down; everyone looked like they had personal beef with this man and Ceral was definitely one for drama, but maybe it would be better if he just went ahead and followed Ivy. Still, he'd have to hear of it later. It didn't look like anyone had found the eggs yet, so they had to be safe, right? Avalon was a pretty big enclosure to sift through, especially for humans who had to do it all on foot.

"Yeah..." Ceral nodded, closing his jaws as the poisonous green ooze seemed to drip slowly but steadily from his teeth. Funny enough, Ceral couldn't control his poisonous spit - it sparked up when his emotions flared or he felt threatened, so he couldn't help but drool the dangerous stuff sometimes. He could, however, control his own noxious fumes that acted as the usual flames on a dragon. "Where are they?" he asked quietly, looking back to Ivy for instruction.

Ivy nudged Ceral the opposite direction from where Devin's crew had come from. "There's a group over there. Do you see Nym? There's several handlers surrounding him. Maybe we could help him out by picking a few off?" she whispered. She wasn't going to keep Ceral from fighting at all, she knew he could take care of himself, for the most part. But she knew Devin and she knew he didn't care about "breaking the merchandise." It was all some sick sport to him. Ceral was the best thing that had happened to her for years. She wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

Devin stiffened, a look of pure disgust on his face. "Sorry boys, but I don't rut with beasts," he snarled. He shouldered his harpoon. "Last chance. Shift. All of you. And tell me, where are the bitch's eggs?"

Ky snarled snapping forward and there were several loud pops as darts flew through the air. Ky was within biting distance of Devin when he finally fell unconscious, four darts sticking out of his scales. Devin snorted, kicking Ky's head as he walked by. "Anyone else going to cause trouble?"

And that was about all Lago could stand from this sadist. He shot his long tongue out and wrapped it around the harpoon gun that Devin was holding. Swamp dragons didn't have fire breathing or poison, but they did just fine with their strong, sticky tongues. Devin kept his grip on the harpoon gun and slid with it up to the swamp dragon. Before Devin could react, Lago head butted his gut, pinned him under his claw, and slammed his clubbed tail into the ground, getting into a low, defensive position. "Bring it on you human shit sacks!". He could smell the potency in their tranquilizers, and hoped he could last a while against them. He could feel a few of the light stings as the darts came flying. The majority of the darts either bounced off his shell or got stuck between his scales. He started feeling light headed right away. He shook his head to snap out of it, but his natural toxin resistance wasn't going to hold up for long against this stuff.

Devin's heart thudded with excited adrenaline as he was pinned beneath his enemy. While Lago was distracted by the darts of the other handlers, Devin pulled a jagged knife from his belt, examining Lago's scales for a target. Not the belly, not if he wanted to keep his job, although it was the most likely target. Lago's skin was covered in thick scales and Devin's eyes roamed the interlocking armor for flaws.

One of the other handlers pulled out a dragon prod to shock Lago with.

"Mm, yeah." Ceral nodded and stalked off towards the group surrounding Nym. If this had been a bad wake up call for the handlers, Ceral would argue that it was even worse for him, and the others here. Hell, he'd woken up expecting another day of hormonal emotions and eating and snuggling with Ivy, not to find Ivan in labor and hide eggs and for these handlers to come and basically be assholes to all of them.

Ceral followed Ivy's lead, keeping his jaws shut so his poisonous ooze didn't drip from his mouth. He didn't know how to go about this. Should they attack them all at once and hope they could overpower them? Or maybe just sneak in from behind and take them on one by one, going down the line until they got to the head honcho?

"How do you wanna do this," Ceral asked, eyeing one of the closer handlers within his reach. He wondered if his poison could penetrate those silly looking suits that the humans were wearing.

Reva left the Ivan's examination room with a groan. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Ivan's still not saying anything," she said to Han. "And he seems perfectly healthy. He shouldn't have miscarried. Though," and this was the interesting bit "Amber from the chem lab said that she found a strange toxin in his blood that may have caused him to go into early labor, but she needs to do more testing."


Ivy looked at the handlers sizing them up. There were six that she could see in this group. "We'll go after them one by one. See if we can lure them away and then incapacitate them."

Lago could still feel darts being fired at him. Most of them bounced off his spiked shell, but several more did pierce his tough hide. He lost count after 8 stings. He growled in irritation, his sight going even blurrier than normal. Suddenly, it felt like he was being struck by several lightning bolts all at once. He let out a roar as his muscles contracted from the dragon prod. He involuntarily clenched his claws, and one of them dug into Devin's shoulder.

When the prod was let up, Lago staggered away from Devin, trying to remain on his feet. He was shaking at this point. The mixture of the tranquilizers and the shock from the prod were proving to be too much. He began flailing his tail wildly, hoping against all hope he hit at least one of the handlers.

"Hey!-" Demus hardly had time to process what was happening before Lago was suddenly be shot at, and he watched as Lago pinned Devin down. "HEY!" Demus shouted louder this time, and dove forward to try and shove Devin and Lago apart as he realized that the man had a knife and didn't look afraid to use it. He was a moment too late however as the dragon prod was thrust at Lago, causing the swamp dragon to clench up and puncture Devin's shoulder before he was forced to stumble away, obviously dazed.

"You miserable fucks! You're going to kill him!" Demus let an infuriated roar rip from his throat and then darted to Lago, who looked delirious, like he wasn't quite there. He didn't even give a glance to Devin. For all he cared, if the the man was severely injured enough, he could writhe around and bleed out on the ground. "Oh god-" Demus' voice cracked as he watched Lago thrash, he couldn't even get near him, which only made him more upset. Seeing his mate so enraged, and in pain, it was horrifying.

"Devin!" Demus whipped around, instantly switching back to his dragon form, he faltered for a moment when he felt a couple of darts aimed for him make contact, he wasn't as armored as Lago. He was too upset to care though, determined to heed the darts little mind for as long as possible. He'd had enough of trying to play games with this son of a bitch, and his 'handlers'. A deep growl was slowly getting louder as he spoke."Stop! One more move, and I'm going to fucking shred you!"


"Ah, would'ya lookit that boys? This dragon here's a little afraid... Ain't he?" Ben smirked at his men. He had been enthralled watching the scene before him just unfrul, but stepped closer to Nym when he noticed the dragon trying to apparently sneak off.

Nym, who had so far stayed on the outskirts of the drama, was fully alarmed. The tundra dragon was watching wide eyed as Devin and Lago went at each other, and then had frozen when darts had started flying. This was turning into a blood bath, and fast. He hoped that perhaps these humans were going to be distracted enough that he could scamper off and find help from Ivy and Ceral... Wherever they were, but this didn't look like it was going to be the case. He could clearly see that Ben had his attention focused on him.

"Don't touch me-" Nym rose up onto both hind legs, wings spread as Ben seemed to dare to get closer. He figured that he could probably try and just fly off, but surely he'd just be darted. "If any of you were wise you'd see that this isn't going to end well for anybody."

"Oh, don't touch you?" Ben began to cackle. He was having much too much fun today. He hadn't had such a thrilling day on the job to date. "You're not a cuddly dragon then? But look at all those feathers-" Suddenly Ben was cut off as he heard a roar and he snapped his attention towards Devin again. "Holy shit!-" The man let out an audible gasp as he watched Devin and Lago struggle, then the dragon prod, and ultimately Devin ending up on the ground. "You disgusting little reptiles-" Ben shot a sharp glance back to Nym. "You don't know when to give up, do you?" Ben snapped his fingers to the troop behind him that looked anxious and eager to step into the chaos that was beginning in front of them. "How about we teach these dragons a thing or two."


"Ah, Ivan..." Han shook his head. "So stubborn..." Sometimes he wondered if the water dragon was worth as much trouble as he caused. His kits were gorgeous, and sold well, so he supposed he was.

"At this point..." He said wearily. He had no knowledge of the absolute hell that was breaking loose in Avalon at the moment, but he still seemed exasperated. "If he won't talk, and none of the others in Avalon will comply, we're going to have to clear the enclosure and bring in a tracker."

Lure them away... Ceral wasn't sure how well that would work, especially since they were basically surrounded, but he figured he could try. Nym wasn't attacking, and it was a little odd actually because Ceral definitely would've fought back - he'd been tempted to lunge at the Devin guy, but Lago seemed to have that over control; well, he'd once had it in control, but everything was going to shit and while he knew they would all end up getting punished, it would be in his favor to get a few good hits in, right? He didn't want to be remembered as the one that trailed behind Ivy for protection the whole time. And as it was now, he was still lean enough that he could do things, could still work with his natural agility well, and this seemed like the perfect little arena to test his skills. He'd only ever fought with other cave dragons, and it normally came to a stand still. This? This he was almost positive he could get the upper hand on the pesky, bad mouthing humans.

"I want that one," Ceral hissed, eyes flashing as he focused in on the handler speaking to Nym. All these bastards thought they were hot shit, the toughest thing around. Dragons were a force to be reckoned with, carrying or not. They weren't pushovers. Even though this whole situation surely wouldn't go over that well, they would at least make an impression on the humans that they weren't doormats. He was somewhat surprised no one had noticed he and Ivy yet, but that was a good thing. What, they were like the tiny spies out of everyone. Ceral crawled forward like a lion hunting its prey, lowered close to the ground, his tail flicking in anticipation as he figured what might be a good way to attack. The face? He'd get him from the back... Maybe the arm. Yeah, or the leg. Whichever limb he could get to first would fall victim to his bite, and probably his poison as well.

He wouldn't be able to pick them off without making too much of a ruckus, so Ceral jumped when he saw the chance, leaping forward and aiming to pin the speaking man down. The closest thing he could get to first was the arm, and Ceral sunk his teeth past the so-called protective material, pupils dilating when he hit flesh. Whether or not his poison did much of anything, Ceral wasn't sure; it was still there, although in sloppy globs of green goo that spilled messily from his jaws. Ceral drew his head up, still biting into the man's arm, and placed a steady claw on the man's neck as well, hoping he'd be able to hold him in place long enough for Ivy to do some damage to the others.

Ivy gave a mental "booyah!" when she saw Ceral latch onto the handler. With the other handlers distracted she bite one of the outlying handlers in the thigh, sinking her fang's through the thick protection and injecting her paralyzing venom into his bloodstream.


Devin cried out as Lago's claw punctured his shoulder, the same side that Lago had bitten in their previous encounter. He swore pressing a palm against the wound to stanch the blood. He was going to kill the fucking bugger and he said as much when Demus threatened him. Devin wasn't going to put up with being threatened by one of these demons. He moved to sit up, glaring at his handlers who had all paused at Demus' roar. "Don't listen to him! Imbeciles. You work for me."

Everything was starting to fade for Lago. His vision was fading in and out, and all sounds were just distant echos in his ears. He let his clubbed tail fall to the ground, his muscles failing fast. He could barely make out Demus' and Devin's voices. "De-Demus?", he managed to slur out as his rear end slumped to the ground, and his head swung from one side to the other. "Don't-do-don't let them hurt our b-babies. I-I-I love you Demus...", Lago mumbled out, and fell to the ground, the tranquilizers finally taking effect. In total there were 13 darts sticking out of his hide.

Demus was rigid, and seething mad as he watched Devin struggle to get up. His gaze darted from Lago, to Devin and back again. "You fucking touch one scale on him, and-" Demus was suddenly cut off as his attention was caught by Lago again, who was swaying. "Lago? God- No!" As his mate fell Demus bristled, back arched like a cat. "You!-" He didn't have time to finish speaking or to even think before he lunged at Devin. There was no way in hell that the man was going to put one finger on Lago, or their kits, not if he could help it.

With snap of his head and a sickening crunch Demus was suddenly latched onto Devin. Razor teeth sunk directly into the man's shoulder, the opposite of the one previously injured. Demus had meant for a quick, sharp bite, but he found that once he had Devin in his jaws, he wasn't keen to be letting go anytime soon. This bastard had ruined everything. He'd hurt Lago on two separate occasions now, and he was now actually threatening to kill, not only Lago, but the kits, and who knew who else.

"Holy shit!" There was a disembodied voice of yet another handler, and then several more darts. "He's got Devin! Get him off!"

Demus was starting to become delirious with the drugs that were being shot at him, but still didn't seem to let go. He simply shook Devin vigorously a couple times and then blacked, similarly to Ky and Lago before him.


"Ah! You little bitch!" Ben shot backwards after Ceral bit him. "That hurt!!" His arm seemed to be immediately throbbing. "You come here you little bastard!" Ben struggled to reach for his dragon prod which he had ended up dropping a couple feet away when Ceral had bit him. He wanted it held it up and ready to stun the purple dragon that had just attacked him. "You'll fucking regret that!" The man was so infuriated with what had happened to him, he barely noticed Devin or Demus. He was oblivious to Lago, and Ky. He just knew he was pinned down, and not happy about it. "Somebody help! Shit!"

"I'll get him!" Another man in one of the familiar red uniforms began to rush at Ben and Ceral, ready to smack the cave dragon off.

Nym watched in utter horror until the last moment, when he finally lunged forward and snapped at the approaching handler, catching him only just barely by the leg. It wasn't a particularly hard bite, but it was enough to draw blood.

"God!" The unnamed man immediately hit the ground and twisted around to kick Nym square in the muzzle in an attempt to force him to let go. "Hell, these beasts have all gone insane!"

Devin blacked out from the pain as Demus bit him. The other handlers rushed forward to pull the dragon off. Demus' jaws, even in sedated sleep were clenched in tight. Ajax called Han. "Shit...." he said waiting for Han to pick up. "Devin's down. He's really injured. one of the dragons is knocked out, but has a good grip on his shoulder. We can't pull it off without injuring Devin further. We need a doc."


Ivy let go of the handler and spun hearing Ben shouting at Ceral. Her heart thudding. She completely forgot about the handler she'd just bitten, who would still be up and kicking for a few minutes after the venom reached his brain and nervous system. She pounced on Ben knocking him back and snarled in his face, putting a shoulder between Ben's prod and Ceral.

The handler she'd bitten in the thigh growled and pulled out his prod hitting Ivy between her wings. She shrieked back arching and dug her claws into Ben's vest.

"Ah- Come on." Han growled exasperatedly as his phone rang, again. "What!" It was more of a demand than a question and when snapped the phone up to his ear. After just a few moments however the scientist paled and his tone changed to something that sounded more like panic. "What?- What do you mean Devin's down?... Where even are you?" He gave a fleeting look to Reva before dashing out of the room and to the observation desk. "The lake, you're all by the lake?"

Sure enough as Han switched to the camera that was filming the lakebed, there was the bloody scene that the handler on the other end of the phone was describing. Handers prodding and darting dragons, dragons snapping and pinning handlers, absolute chaos.

"Bloody hell-" He dropped the phone and put a hand over the speaker. "REVA! COME LOOK AT THIS!" He screamed for the other scientist and then put the phone back up to his ear. "Listen to me, you were supposed to be finding eggs, you morons, not attacking the residents of Avalon!" He could see clearly Mr. Fiske and Santiago's dragons, luckily both still conscious. The rest, the swamp dragon, the two forest dragons and the meddling prairie dragon were all facility property... Perhaps not so great a penalty if any of them were hurt, but still alarming all the same. "Listen to me." Han spat. "Get out of there, if any of those dragons or their are hurt, we're losing a lot of money and it's all you stupid idiots' faults." It was Devin's fault. The prairie dragon was indeed clamped on the man, and looked to be completely limp. "We're going to be sending in more competent handlers than you lot." Probably a doctor too... They'd be obligated to.

With that Han slammed the phone down and stood up, already searching for the number for the main lab. The needed handlers who actually knew how to keep their shit together. They needed a tracking dragon for the eggs, and they needed something to put the the remaining three dragons out of consciousness.

"Reva!" Han screeched again. "How do we deploy that gas we talked about a few months back? Will it affect humans?"


"Ah, god!" Ben thrashed as Ivy firmly pinned him down. He was beginning to feel... Strange, out of breath and light headed. The bite from the smaller dragon was piercing, pain shooting all the way up his arm and into his chest now. "S-Somebody get her off!"

Ben thought he was going to be saved for a moment when he saw the other handler hit Ivy with his prod, but it only seemed to make her grip at him harder. "Fuck!" He forced himself to take a labored inhale, though it was immediately painful. It just made him gasp a second time. "We need to get the hell out of here!"

Reva covered her mouth with a hand at the sight on the screen. "Oh gosh...." There was so much blood and Devin didn't look good and neither did Lago or Demus. Her head felt very light all of a sudden.

She blinked at Hans question. "Um... yeah it'll affect humans, but all the handlers should have gas masks. It is part of their standard equipment."

"Well-" Han answered gruffly. "They're going to need to use them. We need to knock the rest of those dragons out safely and effectively and make sure the others stay sleeping... I think some of the handlers from Valhalla should be able to handle this situation, don't you?"

He was already dialing and waiting for the line to pick up to the main building as he spoke, though he was still looking at Reva. "These beasts have caused enough trouble today, and we need those eggs as soon as possible, we only have so much time before they hatch somewhere in Avalon. Scampering kits are much harder to track than eggs."

Everything was happening so fast, Ceral didn't know what to do. Another handler was rushing at him but all he could focus on was biting as hard as he could onto the man's arm under him, his venom seeking into the gashes his teeth tore open. He didn't see Ivy until she put herself between the incoming handler and the one he'd been attacking. Ceral let his hold on the handler go, side stepping a bit as Ivy was attacked herself with the prod before he snaked forward again and grabbed the new human that had hurt Ivy, latching onto him steadily despite his thrashing about. He really couldn't be sure for how much longer the carnage continued, and it wasn't until a slight haze filled the air, making him tear up, that Ceral slumped from the other handler, rolling to the ground onto his side before his eyes flitted close.

Oh, gas. Lovely. He didn't even bother trying to fight it, knowing well enough that whatever this place had must've been good and geared towards dragons (and probably humans too, seeing as how some of them without their masks properly on looked to fall with the gas as well). In the sense of them having successfully hide the eggs and convince the staff that everything had just been because of a miscarriage, they'd failed; but at least they'd made it known to the humans that they weren't just pets or toys that they could fuck around with in their little play pen they had going on.

Once, twice... Three times Demus blinked, trying to wake up. White walls, tiled floor- Suddenly Demus' heart leapt halfway up his throat. "No-" The prairie dragon scrambled to his feet. He was somehow in his human form again... Though he didn't remember switching. His mouth still tasted of blood... And he was in this room. The room. The room he hated more than anything. He could already feel the silence roaring at him, the blank ceiling staring at him, the same way it had done for months on end before. Before Avalon- Before Lago-

Lago. Demus suddenly felt his sense of panic sky rocket? Where was Lago? Was he alright? Was he stuck somewhere just as horrible as this? Suddenly Demus couldn't even think straight. He could only imagine Devin, and Lago and the way the swamp dragon had been shot down. Were their kits alright?

"Let me the fuck out!" Demus abruptly shouted, staring up at the corners of the room, trying to find where the camera was, because he certain there was one. "NOW!" He got louder as he found the camera and spat right at it. "Let me out! You fucking monsters! You awful pieces of good for nothing shit!" Demus kept up that way, shouting and pacing for a good while, a whole rainbow of curses spewing out of him. Of course though, there was no answer, not a sound not a movement. The door stayed shut, and he stayed trapped and wondering. Eventually Demus was too tired to yell anymore and dropped against the wall, knees hugged up to his chest. He wanted to switch forms and tear up the padded room to pieces, but that wasn't going to work, he had already tried that on his previous visit. The room was much to small for him switch without hurting himself.


"I assure you Mr. Fiske, this was all preventable, nothing of this sort of situation will ever happen again."

Austin Fiske remained quiet for a moment, eyeing the man speaking to him up and down carefully. Han had never struck him as particularly well mannered or sensible man. He wasn't proving otherwise right now, blubbering and apologizing the way he was. It was rather off putting. "I should hope so... I must say that my family and I were very much dismayed when we received your cryptic phone call, especially my daughter... I have never known our Nymir to even raise his voice, let alone bite, he's been bred and socialized too well for this nonsense." He frowned. "I sent him here to provide a service. Dragons are a dying breed. Nymir is here to help remedy that, not to be turned into some savage beast."

"I understand." Han nodded quickly. He wished he hadn't had to notify the Fiskes of this incident at all. They had hardly inquired after the tundra dragon since his arrival in the facility... But this was enough uproar to cause for notice for any owners of dragons involved. Devin had been in horrible shape, and thankfully the prairie dragon who had maimed him was in sole custody of the facility, but Nym of course had bitten a man, another man had been caused irreversible respiratory damage and still wasn't even able to speak about what had happened. The whole thing was a mess. "There are precautions that were simply overlooked, another dragon seemed to cause quote a stir when-"

"I don't want to hear it." Fiske sighed and put a hand up. "I don't need to know how the riot started, Nym was involved, I will be paying for the injury caused to the man he bit." Fiske still thought that this was all a bit absurd, he had seen the video recording though, it couldn't be denied Nym had indeed bitten a handler. There had been several other dragons involved in the uproar, but they were none of his concern. "Tell me, Han, where is Nymir now?"

"He's being detained currently..." Han nodded. "Along with several other of the dragons involved."

"And his pregnancy is still viable after all of this ruckus?"

"Yes, of course, his physical and blood work came back clear." Han nodded.

"I would like to see him then." Fiske said. It wasn't a question. "If it's manageable of course." His tone was still not questioning.

Han looked surprised at that. He hadn't figured that Fiske would even be interested in seeing Nym, he seemed to still be seething mad at the dragon... And well, everything really. "Uh, alright." Han nodded. "It's not usually permitted that we bring anybody into the back of the lab... But-" He started towards the door. Fiske was an exception, of course. "Follow me..."


"Austin?" Nymir couldn't believe his eyes when the door to his little... Cell... Whatever it was officially called, opened to reveal Mr. Fiske, followed by Han, though that was much more to his dismay.

"Nymir... I believe I need to speak with you." Mr. Fiske's brows were both furrowed deeply. "Your behavior towards the handler you bit was highly unacceptable, atrocious, and I very much do not enjoy being called down here because you were impulsive enough to join in the horrible chaos I watched on that video." Fiske spoke rapidly not even giving Nym a chance to do anything but blink at him. "You have not lived in my home only to become this savage beast." He glanced to Nym's stomach. "You have a duty to do, you know that."

Nym gaped a few times, still knelt on the floor. He couldn't think of anything to say, though he did instinctively touch a hand lightly to his stomach. Fiske knew... Of course he knew. Nym realized instantly that it would be stupid to think that his master wouldn't know about his pregnancy... That's why he had been sent here after all. There was a rush of probably ten different emotions flowing through him now. Hurt, anger, confusion. Finally all that came out of him was a meek. "Alright. I'm sorry."

"Good." Fiske answered. "This was serious, and I expect you to obey Dr. Han and Reva. The next time you act up, the consequences will be far more dire, I can assure you. Han, show me out."

Nym just nodded, and then slumped against the wall once Fiske and Han were gone again. His mind couldn't even process what had just happened... Not now, not anything that had happened with Ivan, or the eggs. He was terrified that he was going to be left locked up and alone forever. It all felt like a dream now. A nightmare.

Ivy wasn't surprised when she woke up in one of the cells. It wasn't the first time she'd been put "in time out." Growing up at the facility she had caused her fair amount of trouble. She'd had plenty of time to become familiar with the small cell and the creaky bed and she doubted this would be her last time there either.

She sighed and flopped back on the bed, counting ceiling tiles. She already knew there were sixty-four, but eh.... she didn't have anything else to do, but worry about Ivan. She knew Ceral would be fine. He liked isolation. Her lips quirked up to the left at that. This was more of a reward than a punishment for him. And the scientist would take care of him, no harm would come to their kits. They were too valuable.

Reva had already come in earlier and yelled at her. Apparently the handler Ivy'd bitten was now paralyzed in his hips down. Ivy was a little disappointed that the paralysis hadn't spread. Either way Ivy wasn't going to get anything to eat for three days as she "thought over" her actions. She rolled her eyes. Whatever. She'd do it again.


Ivan had been staring listlessly at the ceiling for the last twenty-four hours. He didn't even blink when the door opened.

"You're lucky Ivan," Reva said, "We currently don't have any dragons nursing."

He heard a shuffle and a little mewl. He burst up to see Reva bring in a box of squirming dragon kits which she laid down on the floor. Ivan tumbled from the bed and was pulling his little kits out holding them to his chest and sobbing. They were barely a few hours old, too young to shift to human. They wouldn't get their human shape for six months yet. They were all tangled up with each other, blind and mewling, squirming over each other as they caught Ivan's scent and tried to move closer.

"But I warn you Ivan, the moment their weaned they're gone. We already have buyers for the lot of them," Reva snapped as she slammed the door shut on them.

Ivan's chest heaved as one white forest dragon with gold splotches climbed up his arm to nuzzle his hair. He wished Ky was here. Ky would probably never get to see them, all because of Ivan.

Lago was thoroughly enjoying himself, just floating down the muddy, murky river of his home. He cautiously glided over to a juvenile gator on one of the nearby banks. "Mmmmm...come to me my pretty. Get in my belly", he mumbled under the water. As soon as he was in striking distance, he shot out his tongue, grabbing the gator by the torso. He pulled the gator to himself, and with his powerful beak, pierced it's hide and snapped it's neck. He rolled onto his back, placing the gator onto his gold belly, and began munching on it, like a draconic river otter. He heard a voice come from the river bank. He looked and saw the familiar sight of an old, wooden cabin, and it's resident, an equally old and blind woman, calling him over. "Lago, boy, get on over here and share some of that gator!" He complied and swam over, switching to his human form, and carrying the gator to the shack.

"Hey, Edna, got you a present", he answered with a grin. "Oh don't you sass me you smart ass. You were going to keep it all for yourself weren't you?", she answered with a barely intelligible southern accent. "Edna, I would never!", Lago answered in a mock hurt tone. "Ho ho ha! You don't fool me! But you know something...you're not supposed to be here my little fat dragon." Lago looked at her with a puzzling look. "What do you mean? I always bring you gator."

"You're supposed to be back in that...whatever-it-is facility. You know, the place where you fuck other dragons and have babies." Lago suddenly started feeling very uncomfortable around the seemingly harmless old lady. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. What facility?" She came closer and he stepped back a little. And then, as if reality had gone to hell, her entire visage changed into that of a bloody and eviscerated Devin. He lunged at him, wrapping his hands around Lago's throat. "You fucking swamp demon...the breeding facility! That's where you belong! That's where you'll stay! That's where you'll die!" Devin pulled out a knife and brought it down towards Lago's face.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Lago flew from his bed and ran smack-dab into a wall. He fell back and held his now hurting nose. Where was he? What happened? Slowly, the events of the day flowed back into his tranquilizer and knock-out gas addled mind. His vision seemed to be even worse now than it usually was. He was smelling all sorts of cleaning chemicals used in the cell and it was making his head hurt even more. He quickly assumed he was in one of the holding cells used for discipline. "Aaahhhh...fuck me sideways." He liked saying that. It reminded him of Edna. She had a hell of a foul mouth on her. Oh God, were they all in these cells? "Ohhh, Demus...", he said longingly. He knew how much his mate hated these cells. He had told Lago that he had been in one of these places for months on end. He put his head into his hands and sighed deeply. "I guess we'll just have to play the waiting game, baby", he spoke as if he was talking to Demus. He stood up, and tried to stretch out a little, his muscles sore from the tranquilizers and the fighting. He looked down at his middle, looking just a bit puffier than normal. He patted his belly, a relieved smile coming to his lips. "As long as you're all all right, your papa and me will get through this."

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