Closed Arbitrary (Closed with 018Luxio)
Bucky didn't know where they'd put Steve at, nor the babies. He was back in some kind of bland room again, the only thing available to him being a bed with pillows - all there only because his tailbone still bothered him but it was healing slowly - and a toilet. The light in the middle of the room flickered on and off every now and then and it was the only interesting thing he could watch. He didn't know if Steve had a plan to get out of here, wherever he was, but he was just waiting for his friend to come bust in the door and tell him it was clear to finally leave and they could go back home to... wherever their home was, or rather wherever his home would be. Sitting on the bed, pillows stacked up behind his back, Bucky began counting the specks on the ceiling. Usually he'd be more anxious being with Hydra, but he had hope Steve would get him out of there and it'd all just turn out okay.
Steve had no idea where they had taken Bucky, they had came in, gotten him up and left as swiftly as they had appeared, soon throwing Steve into an room with simple white walls. He had been sitting on the cot they had provided thinking of a way to escape, to get Bucky and the girls out of here safely.

He thought for a full 3 days before finally coming up with a plan. When one of the scientists came to bring him some food Steve was waiting and ready, knocking her out and slipping out of the door before it could close. Making his way quietl down the hallways he searched the rooms for Bucky, finding most of them empty. He eventually managed to find a backpack which he quickly grabbed, managing to find the room the girls were being kept in next, waiting until the scientis left before making his way inside, wrapping them both up in blankets before carefully laying them in the backpack. He searched for Bucky next, eventually finding him. They had a good shot of getting out, if only they had anticipated the guards guarding the entrance, the ones in hiding. The last thing Steve remembers is Bucky yelling his name, him turning back to lock eyes with Bucky one last time before disappearing into the trees. Was that betrayal he had seen flash in Bucky's eyes? Sorry Buck, he thought as he made his way through the trees as quickly as he could while keeping the girls safe, I'll be back for you, I promise.

Within the next month Bucky had nearly fully healed, even if their second most important component had escaped they still had their breeder, their precious Winter, and he had no choice but to comply. They had been experimenting for nearly a week when they finally got the results they were looking for. The routine was the same as it always was only this time they inserted something a little different, something a little more potent. It was nearly another week before they were certain that the implantation was a success, though they weren't entirely sure the number of offspring just yet.
Bucky didn't blame Steve when he was able to get out. He was glad for him, even more so for the two girls he'd managed to slip out as well, but he'd be lying if he said he was content with still being stuck here. He didn't think he could do another God knows however many years with Hydra, and that's why Bucky starting making his plans for his own escape the moment he'd been put back into confinement. Now was the perfect time, wasn't it? He was healed for the most part and he didn't know why they didn't wipe his mind like they normally did, but Bucky found out soon enough. He wasn't allowed to be wiped when he was carrying because it was a danger to the fetus', it was then that he realized what they were going to do. His body wasn't meant to carry out of heat but the scientists had found some way to bypass that.

Direct IVF was what they did, and he can remember the cruel expressions on their faces when they'd finished the process. Bucky wanted to scream or cry out - he couldn't do another nine months, not when the last ones had caused him so much pain; he wasn't told how many he was having this time, not even an initial number to go off of. It was just whatever developed. That night, after the fertilization, Bucky broke down in is 'cell'.

Was Steve even coming back?
Steve had made it, he somehow made it back to New York, the first thing he did was get the girls checked out and taken care of. It didn't take them long to find many possible adopters, Steve finally settling on a decent couple that couldn't have children of their own. It was hard to let the girls go, he knew it would be, but when he looked at them the only thing he saw was Bucky. So to let them go made him feel as it he was losing Bucky once again, but it was worth it for them.

After getting the girls taken care of he set his mind to figuring out how to get Bucky out. It took him nearly 8 months to come up with a plan decent enough that he thought might work, only he was in for a big surprise when he finally busted into the Hydra base late one night, around midnight.
Unknown to Bucky, this time around he carried triplets, an average number altogether but their size was certainly anything but average; another group of large ones, and anytime Bucky was struggling to walk or catch his breath, the others on the Hydra team would watch and refuse to give him help. It was turning out to be agonizing by the time the eighth month rolled around, and with at least another month to go, Bucky was unsure of whether or not he'd really be getting out of there.

He'd been awake like he was most nights now when Steve broke into the compound. His room was locked and sealed tightly though, so he didn't hear the commotion outside of the room. Instead, Bucky was sitting on the bed - they'd had to make it bigger to accommodate his much larger size than last time - shifting some as he tried to get somewhat comfortable for the night of restlessness ahead. He never knew who the donor was when it came to Hydra impregnating him, but these particular babies had taken their toll on him. They seemed to enjoy tumbling and flipping and kicking at the worst possible times.
At the moment their fumbling and kicking was nonstop. As Steve made his way through the compound searching for Bucky's room he managed to take out many of the Hydra scientists. He came to a long hallway, the door at the end of the hall seemingly calling to him, Bucky was in there, and Steve was getting him out.
Bucky pressed a hand to his back, whimpering at the nonstop motion inside of him. It was really starting to just make him nauseous, not to mention the bruising pain thag came with it. These babies were unbelievably strong, and had even managed to break a rib or two or his once. He didn't know they were so active, and Hydra wouldn't give him any information. He'd considered getting up to walk around but getting up and walking around was the problem. His walk was more of a waddle now, and it made him tired just to carry so much weight. Bucky sighed shakily, instead deciding on staying on the bed for now.
Steve has a slight problem with the door, finally managing to get it open only to find himself staring at Bucky as he sat up on the bed, the door creaking as it was opened.
Bucky was expecting just another checkup or something by the doctors, but he was surprised to find Steve instead when the door opened. He wasn't sure what to think after Steve had left him here for so long. He wished that they wouldn't have more babies to worry about again but that liked like the case. There was nothing he could do about it now. Either way he was happy to see Steve, to see that his friend had at least not forgotten about him. As it was now though, Bucky didn't know if he had the... agility to get out of here fast enough. "Steve..?" His voice was hoarse and raspy. "Where... How'd you get back in?"
"I'll tell you later, come on" Steve makes his way over to the bed, holding a hand out for Bucky to take before they slowly began to make their way through the halls. Steve keeping Bucky behind him, protecting him.
Bucky trailed behind Steve as he took his hand, the other supporting the heavy weight of his abdomen. "I'm guessing you have a ride waiting, right..?" He swallowed, feeling on edge when the facility seemed to be too quiet. It couldn't be this easy, could it? "Or no..." This place was out in the middle of Russia wilderness, and at least in here he knew he wouldn't freeze to death.
"I do, just not here" Steve turns to look at him before he throws a blanket over Bucky's shoulders. "It might help for now, are you ready?" They were just down the hall from the main doors, Steve having already taken out a few of the guards. As the advance on the door, Steve jogs ahead of Bucky to start pushing one of them open.
"You really oughta tell your friends to come help sometime," Bucky says and takes the blanket from Steve gratefully. Not that he thought it would do much out in the cold, but hopefully Steve had a place in mind so they wouldn't have to travel too far. Bucky knew he couldn't go far in his condition - he was visibly bigger than last time. He was glad he even made it this far to the main door. "Yeah, let's hurry," he said, stepping up to the door as well and pushing hard.
They manage to get the door open, Steve letting Bucky slide out first, Steve quickly sliding out behind him. Steve looks around as they manage to get out, them heading to the trees. Surprisingly they make it to the trees, slipping into the thick forest.
"Are we really just going to trek through the forest?" Bucky cried out through the sound of wind and snow. He was already freezing, the blanket didn't do much to help, but he knew of he didn't keep going then there was a real possibility that Hydra would catch up to them and he'd just be used as a breeder yet again. He knew he didn't want to carry again after this. He was so tired of it, and similarly surprised his body had carried so many over the years. They didn't give him much time to recover from the last birth with the twins so this one was definitely taking its toll. "Where are we going?"
"I'm honestly not sure, I didn't expect to get this far" They continue through the forest for nearly an hour before coming to what appears to be an abandoned log cabin. Steve goes to investigate before managing to get the door open, he and Bucky heading inside.
"What about your ride?" Bucky asked incredulously. It was by some luck that they found a cabin, otherwise Bucky had the feeling they would've frozen over in the middle of Russia. Frozen over again. When they got inside, Bucky was shaking from the cold, his skin slightly paler than normal but he was still standing, if just barely. The cabin was nice but without any fire it was still cold in the room. The first thing Bucky does is make his way to the nearest chair, sitting down carefully and placing a hand on his overly swollen belly as he struggled to catch his breath.
Steve goes to check out there surroundings, managing to find some wood to put in the fireplace, it taking a few tries and some paper that he found to finally get the fire started. It was small, and thankfully getting dark so maybe it wouldn't attract any attention.
Bucky couldn't help but think about how ironic it would be if this whole cabin burned down. After all, it was a log cabin. Still, the fire that Steve made was more than nice, and Bucky thanked him softly as he pulled his chair closer to the flames, huddling near and pulling the blanket around himself. "Thanks... For coming back, I mean." He sighed. "I didn't know if you'd remembered or what-" He rubbed at one side of his belly, the kicking and flipping that had stopped for some time having started back up again. At least he knew they were having a good time. "-but you're about eight months too late, so here we are again." Bucky smiled awkwardly over at Steve.
"What the hell do they think you are? A rabbit?" Steve moves to sit down infront of Bucky's chair, letting the fire warm him up as well. "How many this time?" Steve layed his head back to lean on Bucky's leg as he looked up at him.

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