Closed Arbitrary (Closed with 018Luxio)
"I don't know... I'd like to see someone who's carried as many times as I have yet hasn't actually mated before, or who doesn't have a mate." He shook his head. "Probably no one; at least most omegas have a mate or something." He shrugged. "They didn't tell me. They said this was a special experiment. More than two, but..." He trailed off, letting out a breath at the kicking that had finally died down. "I don't know how many more."
Steve nods, them just sitting infront of the fire for a bit, letting it warm them both up. After an hour or so of silence Steve goes to see about getting some more wood, it was pitch black outside and he didn't have much to go on as far as light. He comes back a few minutes later with an armload of wood that he hoped would last them through the night.
When Steve comes back with the wood, Bucky takes them and begins placing them neatly in a pile in the corner of the room. It should be enough for one night, but Bucky had a feeling they'd be here for more than one night. Bucky wasn't sure what to say in the light of the fire. There was still a lot for he and Steve to catch up on but he didn't know where to start. So when he spoke it was a surprise to himself, and he was embarrassed at the question anyways. "Were we a thing? Back in the forties?" Bucky looks over at Steve. No going back now he guessed. "Sometimes I have little sparks of memories... And maybe it's just been this whole breeding thing lately, but I was just- curious." He rubs his hands together awkwardly.
Steve looks at him for a minute before nodding. "Yeah, before and after the serum" A small smile comes to Steve's lips. "Only the roles were reversed, I always thought that you were my alpha, then the whole Captain America thing happened. We didn't get much time together like that afterward, except for that last night." He was staring into the fire now. "It was our....your last mission"
"I don't think it's as taboo nowadays for two omegas to have been together," he noted gently. "I must've really played it up pretending to be an alpha back then." Since he'd been an omega all his life, Bucky didn't doubt he'd used pheromone concealers to mask his omega scent with that of an alpha. He nods at Steve's last comment, glancing away for a moment before he turned back to him. "Are you bonded now?" Bucky couldn't smell Steve being marked by another omega, but he knew there were tons of concealers this time in age. "Do you have a mate?"
Steve stays silent for a minute before glancing up at Bucky. "Its kinda hard to find someone with shared life experience, I mean I am technically 97 years old" Steve gives Bucky a small smile.
"I think we've got some pretty similar life experiences," Bucky said cheekily, returning the smile with one of his own. "Very different but very alike." Bucky sighed contentedly, more aware of Steve's scent in the room, of his own scent; it was oddly comforting to know Steve didn't have a mate, that he hadn't moved on from what they used to be. They must've never bonded, but that made sense because Bucky was technically a virgin. Bonds only ever happened during mating. "That's okay. We're both ninety-something." Bucky shrugged, standing from the chair he'd sat back down in to stand next to Steve.
"Your nearing 100 pal" Steve puts a hand on Bucky's shoulder. To be honest the thought of having a mate had never really crossed Steve's mind, not after he lost Bucky. To him he had always considered Bucky his mate, and he had been occupied with other things since he was thawed out.
"You don't call 97 nearing a hundred?" Bucky grinned, his face flushing a light red color as he nudged at Steve's hand with his own. "We're both still in the double digits and that's what matters. Kind of." Bucky wasn't too sure what to say next. He was still undoubtedly attracted to Steve, but he hadn't a clue on how to go about it. They were in a weird predicament. "Well, I still like you," he continued carefully, not bothering to detail that that really meant more.
Steve glances down at their hands before taking Bucky's hand in his own, squeezing his hand. Within the next second Steve has sat down in the chair, pulling Bucky down onto his lap. He leans in to nuzzle lightly at Bucky's neck. "I still like you too Buck"
Bucky makes a sound of protest when Steve pulls him into his lap, only for the most stupid reason ever. "I'm trying not to squash you," he says with a joking tone, his eyes seemingly lighting up as he gives a gentle laugh at Steve's closeness. "If you haven't forgotten, I'm lugging around a lot of extra weight." Maybe the chair wasn't the best idea. Bucky felt like a blimp on top of Steve. "Glad I'm still first to the gate," he says, taking in Steve's alpha pheromones as he wraps his arms around him.
"I can handle more than your think" Steve nuzzles at Bucky's neck for a few more minutes before kissing lightly at his pulse point, Steve's hands running along Bucky's back. It isn't long before Steve moves fro
Bucky's neck, moving up to nip lightly at his ear. Trailing his way around to Bucky's lips, Steve brushing his own over Bucky's.
Bucky lets a blissful sigh escape past his lips; he didn't know what he'd done to possibly even deserve someone as good as Steve but here they were, catching up on the affection they'd missed out on for over seventy years. It took his mind away from his current state although he was still slightly aware of it with how he sat on Steve. Bucky kisses Steve back tentatively, relaxing against Steve under him as he let his eyes fall closed.
Steve kisses Bucky for a full minute before pulling away, nuzzling against Bucky's cheek. Steve's hands continue to run along Bucky's back, eventually sliding into his hair, combing his fingers through it softly.
Bucky leans closer to Steve, pressing his face against Steve's neck to take in his scent. It all felt a little surreal but he couldn't say he was upset or disappointed or whatever else he might feel then. He was still embarrassed with how heavily his abdomen sat against Steve, but he tried his best to ignore it for now. "So I guess now..." He licked his lips as he pulled back some to look at Steve. "You're my alpha," he finished with a laugh.
"If you want me to be" Steve runs a hand along Bucky's back before letting his hand trail to Bucky's large abdomen, the babies kicking at Steve's hand. Steve let Bucky's scent wrap around him, it was familiar but also not, considering the last time he had actually been this close to Bucky was back in the 40s. The scent was calming to him, there was also the underlying scent of the pregnancy. And he had to admit, he didn't object to seeing Bucky like this, to keeping him like this.
"Well I certainly don't mind," he said smiling fondly. He could only recall vague memories here and there about how close he and Steve used to be, at least when it came to this realm of intimacy. "Now they're gonna be up all night," Bucky scoffed, pressing his hand over Steve's lightly, "but I don't think I mind if it means we can catch up..." And maybe he was being a bit suggestive but could you blame him? It'd been a long time since he'd been with Steve so close like this, so kicking or not, he wanted to get as much in as he could.
Steve runs his thumb lightly across Bucky's stomach. "I think you need to get some rest, we'll have plenty of time for catching up, I promise"
"You're just gonna kill the vibe like that?" Bucky teased gently, leaning forward to press light kisses against Steve's neck. "I'm not even tired now. I've got you up and these little devils inside me awake and moving." He snorted. "Even if I wanted to go to sleep I don't think I'd be able to, not with them trying to break everything."
Steve smirks before leaning his head to the side, giving Bucky more access to his neck. Steve moans softly as Bucky's lips run along his neck. He would never really get used to that, his hands snake back around Bucky's body before Steve slips his hands under Bucky's shirt, nails dragging lightly down Bucky's back.

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