C The Giant's Breeding Pet (018Luxio and Lovebite)

Gregory relaxed some at the damp cloth running over his skin, grunting softly and panting as he lifted himself up just a bit,"Oh god..."He dropped his chin to his chest, rocking back and forth again, breathless as he huffed heavily and bowed his head as he groaned,"I don't like it... Aeron..."He turned again, leaning back against the recline of furs and pillows, moaning as he spread his legs,"They're coming, and it hurts like a bitch."He complained, shaking his head and holding his belly, the baby shifted again and he groaned as his head fell back.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It's supposed to hurt" Aeron runs his hands over Greg's stomach as it continues to contract, pushing the baby even further down the birth canal. "Your not supposed to like it, not really"

"Yeah, well, then God's a jerk."He laughed just slightly, through flinching in pain again as he groaned once more, leaning forwards and grimacing,"That's total bullshit."He replied, shaking his head and reaching for the giant to hold onto him with a whimper, though moving to shift off of the bed and to his feet again as he sat on the edge of the bed,"It fucking hurts, and they're barely coming,"He shook his head and rubbed his low heavy belly,"Do you think something's wrong?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"That may be true" Aeron allows Greg to hold onto him as he runs a hand along Greg's stomach again. "Push with the next contraction, not hard just like your going to the bathroom."

Greg nodded,"Alright."He leant his head against Aeron's as he panted for a few moments, before leaning up off of his ass and pulling a leg beneath him to stay hovered above the mattress as he shuddered, groaning at the shifting of the baby inside of him. He could feel that they were restless too,"Will that get them out?"He asked, gripping onto the other male and closing his eyes for a moment as he concentrated, groaning when he felt the pressure moving finally, slow but still moving. Gasping and trembling, grasping onto the giant and grunting as he beared down,"Argh... Aeron, Mgh."He felt his hips shifting wider with the head squeezing through his pelvis, he shuddered and shook his head, it was too big."I can't!"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yes you can, just keep going" Aeron moves Greg up onto his knees on the bed as Greg spreads his legs a little wider as he prepares to push again.

Greg whimpered, holding onto the giant and the headboard with two separate hands as he tilted his head back, groaning as his thighs twitched while he held himself up and continued to push,"No... No... Fuck, I-I... Ngh."He grunted out, shaking his head but not stopping now as he continued pushing until he was red in the face and panting after the cramp released him finally."Oh, god, that's horrible."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Childbirth is a cruel thing" Aeron helps Greg get a few sips of water before he's pushing again, this contraction lasting longer than the others.

"That's what your mother told you? Mine told me it was the most beautiful thing you could see, and that when I ever found the right person I better stay the hell away when they were or they'd end up breaking my hand."He chuckled a bit and took the water that was offered to him gratefully, nodding a bit and turning to grab onto the headboard with both hands as he shifted himself slightly. Leaning his head forward,"I guess it's the same when I say I'm going to break your nose, I do it out of love."He laughed a bit harder at that this time, though soon was groaning again as he lifted himself up,"Mngh... Fuuck, no."He shook his head, wishing he could amend what he had just said, this definitely wasn't love he was feeling, it was hate for the giant who had shoved this massive kid up into him and was waiting now for him to push it back out of his ass. "Ahhgh, no.... Fuck! Fuck!"He repeated, grunting loudly and whimpering as his thighs twitched, he felt every inch of the baby squeezing out of him and it felt like it was taking his innards with him, he was spread wider than he had ever been and he felt it still wasn't enough,"I-I can't! I can't!"He panted, sweat and tears running down his face, the baby was just about to crown bottom first before he gave up.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When the contraction ends Aeron moves to check his progress. He had known that the child was breech as was actually surprised to find that it was so close to being born. He lightly pats Greg's thigh as he had moved around behind him on the bed, letting his hands run over Greg's body to try and relax him. "Your closer than you think"

"I don't want to. I'll tear."He complained, tilting his head back as he leant against him back to his chest as he sat on his knees,"Don't make me do this again, will you?"He turned his head just a bit to look at him, pouting some through his grimace as he moaned and held onto him,"Your babies are too big, I can't do this."He repeated, he wasn't relaxing as he had earlier with the feeling of the infant forcing it's way out of him, shaking his head and panting softly,"It hurts too bad."He sighed, but know he knew that the giant was barely listening, as what he thought wouldn't change this situation one bit while he leant forwards on his hands to push again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

As Greg pushes again he finally feels the feet pop free, him not stopping as its followed by the rest of the body before stopping at the shoulders which Aeron began to help ease out, him even rubbing some sort of gel around Greg's hole to try and help them ease out.

"Something's wrong isn't it?"He asked quickly, it felt weird, he could feel something but it wasn't like he imagined,"What is it?"He continued questioning him, whimpering when he felt the shoulders budge at his hole and blushed just a bit when he felt the other's thick fingers rubbing around down there, knowing he was helping as he closed his eyes."Just tell me, I can handle it."He huffed, head in his hands.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It's breech, that's why it's been so difficult to get moving."

"Why didn't you tell me?"He asked abruptly, glancing back at him just a bit and sighing,"I guess there was a reason for all my bitching then."He said, shaking his head and frowning deeply,"You really should have."He sighed and spread his legs a bit more as he took a breath, groaning through the next contraction without pushing yet,"What's next? The head, finally?"He asked and reached down past his low hanging belly to feel.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"The shoulders, then the head" Aeron chuckled lightly as Greg's bitchy comment before he finished rubbing on the gel.

"You're such an ass, you like it when I bitch and moan."He turned himself just slightly to swat at Aeron then squat himself down on the furs of the bed, the gel helping the slip of the shoulders as he closed his eyes again and grunted just a bit at the slow turn of the large baby's broad shoulders before they popped out of him. He exhaled sharply and tilted his head back,"Shit, that feels weird."He huffed and puffed in and out for now, closing his eyes and groaning again,"God, that's big."He felt it hanging out of him, ready to take its first breath of fresh air, well mostly fresh since it had gotten a bit stuffy in here. To him at least. "Should I push?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Slowly, yes" Aeron continued to hold the baby as Greg begins to push yet again.

Greg braced his chin against his chest, curling forward and groaning loudly as he braced himself through another contraction. Tensing up tightly while spreading his legs more and trying not to scream and waste his deep breath from before the pain started. Squeezing his eyes shut and grasping onto Aeron's shoulders,"Gah..."He grunted, head tilting back as the baby turned slowly, enlodged between his hips,"Pull it! Pull it!"He moaned, shuddering and leaning forwards carefully, legs twitching as he tried keeping weight off of his ass, careful of the baby hanging out of him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I can't do that, keep going, your doing fine" He presses a light kiss to Greg's cheek. "I've got him, I've got both of you"

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