Closed Not so traditional haunted house (Jolth12)
Plot- Geno has lived in his ancestoral home all his life and after becoming and adult, he hides the secret that it holds to the best of his ability. The home is haunted but instead of ghosts trying to murder you for revenge, ghosts and spirites seek refuge to come back into the world safely. Causing the head of the family to bear the no matter the gender. Having been head of the family for three years now, he's about to enter his fourth pregnancy but will outside influence make things worse for him?

(Sex scenes and labor will fade to black, sorry I'm not into rping that stuff. The pregnancy will always have multiple children so if you have a belly limit size for me then please let me know so you don't get mad at me for having a weird number. Also there will be growth spurts so it has a little bit of rapid pregnancy in it.Also if ya want, the rp can contain romance between the characters, just let me know if ya want to do that. If you have any questons just ask me)

Name- Geno Valor
Age- 23 years
Gender- male
Pregnant- not yet but will be
How many- TBA
Appearance- golden yellow eyes, dark brown hair, a bit pale looking. Often is seen wearing a blue vest, grey pants, white longsleeved shirt, and black shoes. Slender frame and build when not pregnant.

Geno gave a sigh as he did the final button on his vest, tonight would be the night for it once more. Though he was a bit worried, in the last three years he had to retreat from the outside world for it. It was just for the better honestly. It was extremely hard to hide his pregnancies. The first one wasn't so bad, he only had one. But the number increased to triplets the second time, and the five the last time. Truth be told, he was concerned about how big he could get with this one. But if he was lucky and didn't screw around with anyone; as he had been warned to not do that, it should only go up by two to three and if he got lucky it could always go down. There was no shortage of ghosts and spirtes though in the house, so he doubted the number would be going down any time soon. If anything, it might just get stuck at a number.

Leaving his room an then the house, the man went for a walk in the garden. The roses were in bloom and were quite lovely. The servants were at least tending to the place. Though the sound of bushes rustling caught his attention and he looked around.

"Hello?" Geno asked.

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Name- John Black
Age- 22 years 
Gender- Male
Pregnant- No, only seeder
Appearance- bright blue eyes, auburn hair, tanned skin. Usually wears jeans with a tshirt and flannel shirt on top, brown boots or converse. Has a built body from sports and being an outdoors type guy. 

Romance is fine between the characters. How else will the babies be made hehe

John was currently hiking on the mountain. He lived down in town for most of his life but he was an adventurer at heart so he deeply enjoyed being out in nature. He was currently working his way to the summit when he passing through some thick trees and bushes. It was until he pushed through that he came upon a large home at his destination. 

"I don't remember this being on the map earlier this morning." He pulls his backpack off his shoulder and pulls out the topography map he had tucked away. He was skimming over the paper so he didn't notice Geno approaching him.
No one answered him and that was slightly annoying to Geno. Course he knew that he didn't just hear things. This place was normally quiet and often animals were about, however he didn't think it was a animal. Moving along, he finally spied the person and picked up his pace.

"Hey!" Geno called at em. "Who are you and why are you here?"

The man came to a pause a few steps away, staring at the stranger. It had been a while since he last saw people outside of his family, so there wasn't much certainty on what to do.

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John's eyes quickly switched upward towards the noise of a person sounding alarmed. This stranger in the blue vest stood a few feet away and John chuckled to himself. "Sir, I am so sorry! I totally wasn't thinking. I apologize for trespassing as I didn't know this home was located here. My map must be out-dated as that was what I was using to navigate up this mountain. I promise you that i'm simply a hiker and lost my way." 

John extended his hand, hoping his gesture would be take in good faith. 
Geno raised a brow and tilted his head. A hiker lost? Rather strange, how come their map was out of date?

"May I see it?" Geno requested, he wanted to see if the man was speaking the truth.

He held out his hand for the map, though not to go to the stranger's hand. Geno knew that strangers weren't a good thing to have on the property to learn about the spirites. But he couldn't just let em waltz away if they were lying.

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"Sure." John handed the map to Geno. He hoped the man wouldn't think he was purposely trying to find this place.

The map was one he was given by his father. He assumed it was one that his father purchased but it turns out to be a map that purposely didn't have the home on the paper. Geno's ancestors payed extra attention in making their home seem impossible to find, or even exist. 
Accepting the map, Geno kept his gaze on it as he studied it. home. Alright then, so they weren't lying. Folding it back up, he handed it back to John.

"My apologizes." Geno said as he gave the map to them. "I just thought that my home would be on their by now, oh well. We're not used to getting outsiders here. I am Geno Valor, head of the family here."

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John reacquired  the map from Geno and placed it back in his backpack.

"It's alright. I've had enough run-ins with crazy landowners. I'm glad this isn't that type of situation. Nice to meet you Geno. I'm John. John Black." 
He pulled his hand back, figuring Geno didn't want to shake anyway. 

"Well, if you point me in the right direction, I can leave your land and never disturb you again. I do apologize for the intrusion and I promise you it was not my intention to make an appearance. I only have the highest respect for the land. I am a biologist after all." 
"It's nice to meet you as well, Mr. Black." Geno said. "It's alright, your map does lack a few things and you were merely following it, so it's alright. You can rest here for a few hours and I can give you some supplies to head back down with."

Geno gestured with the man to follow him.

"You needn't worry about the others here, since I am head of the family they will respect my choice and do their best to lend you a hand while you stay here for a little." Geno added.

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"well... if you insist." John followed the man as he escorted him through the garden, There were many beautiful specimens that they had, they certainly took pride in the place. He followed Geno inside and into the large welcome area. "I really appreciate your hospitality. I was running low on some supplies and while I could have made it back down alright, this will make my trek down much more enjoyable." 
"It's alright, I'd rather you make it back in good condition rather than to just turn you away." Geno said.

A few servants had spied the stranger and they seemed rather shocked. Course none of them said anything as they moved along. Geno opened a door to reveal a rather lavish room.

"It's one of the guest bedrooms, I do hope it's alright for the short amount of time you'll be here." geno said. "I can send for one of the servants to get you anything you need if you like."

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"Wow... This is very kind of you. I really appreciate it." John placed his bag near the bed and stared out the window that overlooked the garden. "
"Send someone in an hour or two. I'll just be jotting down in my journal and relaxing. Again, thank you so much." John gave a smile to Geno and came back over to address him before he exited the room. 
"You're welcome and it is no trouble. We don't get guests often so, it's nice to see these rooms put to some use." Geno said with a smile. "I shall send someone soon then."

With things settled, Geno went about helping make the preperations for the ritual that would come that night. Still there was worry amongst the staff as one of the older members reminded the young heir to not do anything with the stranger. He promised he wouldn't but he honestly didn't see what the issue was. After the servant left John's room with the list of things, Geno headed in.

"Hello." Geno greeted.

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John simply jotted things down in his journal about his day. The plants or animals he saw, the discovery of the place and such. He was simply sitting near the window when Geno entered the room again. 

"Ah, Hello there Geno. I hope the list i provided to your servant wasn't too extensive or complicated. This is an impressive home you run. Truly a masterpiece. John got up when the man approached his bed. It felt like something came over himself. Like an extra presence was in the room. His body began to get hot and sweat.
"It is no trouble." geno said. "Well this home has been in the family for a long while, it's hard to maintain it but we do our best."

Now normally these spirites weren't ones to cause trouble as they just wished to be reborn. However there were some who felt like Geno should have something more. SOmething other than bringing them back to new life. A large empty home with nothing but ghosts was lonely. And they knew it.

"Are you alright Mr. Black?" Geno asked.

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"I... I'm alright. Just must be more tired than I thought...." John rubbed his head. It wasn't bothering him but he felt... Influenced. Invaded. Like something was trying to control him. 

Unknown to him, a naughty ghost was purposely making John feel all flustered like this. It must have been a mischievous one before its death. John turned around when he felt his lower body twinge and flood with hormones. 

John was becoming fully erect and it was completely out of his control. He bit his lip so a groan would not escape his mouth as a very noticeable bulge began to show in his jeans.
"Are you sure?" Geno asked.

Most ghosts here didn't cause too much trouble. But once in a while you would get one. Course there was nothing he could do about as things quickly spiraled our of control.

(Fade to black. Skip to an hour later.)

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John just sat on the edge of the bed. His head in hi hands, wondering how all of this just happened. "Geno... I'm... I'm sorry. I do not know what came over me. I swear i had no control of my body or its functions."
Geno was also taken a back by this. He had been told never that with someone, but honestly what was so horrible?

"It's...alright Mr. Black..." Geno started. "i have a pretty good idea on what caused that to happen but...I'm certain you won't believe me."

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