Night Bearing (Closed)

Ryne started to tear up. "I'm sorry! I never meant to be like that!" He exclaimed on the verge on crying as he helped Damian to the bed.

" Shhhhh ryne it's okay...just help...." Damian whimpered

Ryne nodded as he helped Damian. He laid Damian on the bed and rubbed Damian's belly. "Damian, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were in pain. I don't deserve to feel pleasure." He said before crying.

" ryne baby you deserve so much pleasure...everyday..." He whispered " I'm fine ryne...just...ah! Labor...

Ryne still felt guilty but helped him during the labour. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you." He said rubbing Damian's and his belly.

Damian moaned as ryne rubbed his belly he laid back grunted and started to push

Ryne got in between Damian's legs. He rubbed his belly as he watched Damian's progress. "Your beginning to crown. Just keep pushing." He said .

Damian pushed harder keeping his focus on Ryne he smiled wide looking at his big belly

Ryne rubbed Damian's belly as he guided their child into the world. "Just a few more pushes and the head will be out!" He exclaimed.

Damian smiled and pushed harder " I...I love you ryne..."

"I love you too Damian." The baby's head emerged. "Just a few more big pushes and it'll be out!" He said excitedly.

Damian gave 3 huge pushes before the baby slid out ryne went to wrap the baby up but it bit him hard causing Ryne to feel sick and dizzy a newborn bite could be fatal

Ryne felt horrible when their newborn bit him. "Damian. The baby bit me! I don't feel well." He said before falling into unconsciousness.

Damian caught Ryne and laid him on the bed " Ryne...Ryne wake up for our children..." Damian begged sobbing

Ryne slowly opened his eyes. "Damian...what happened?" He asked weakly.

" you got bit...Ryne stay awake for me....Kayla...Roy!" He screamed

Ryne tried his best stay awake but it was hard for him. He rubbed his belly slowly, thinking of his babies. "Damian...will I be okay?" He asked.

" yes you'll be fine...just you have to stay awake RYne..." He begged as Roy ran in " Roy don't ask why just go get your aunt Elaine and tell her to get Solomon also"

Roy nodded as he went off. Ryne watched as his son went to find Eliane and Solomon. "Damian...why do you need them? Is it really bad?" He asked starting to get worry.

" yes ryne it's born bites are dangerous...and your pregnant!"

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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