The home birth (closed with bhdire8 )

The contraction finally let up and he took a second a to breath before the pain came back and he pushed again letting out a low groan he could feel the head stretching him. "UGGHHH T-to.. big.. I can't!" He managed to get out between pains.

Carl could see the head coming out slowly. Skin around the head was pushed forward and stretched to paper thin. Carl supported the skin and said "now pant a little, little pushes first, you could do with a little more stretching."

Logan groaned panting threw the contractions, a strong contraction came the strongest one so far. He cried out pushing hard he knew he was at risk for tearing but he couldn't hold back.

Carl's hand supporting the skin felt a sudden surge of energy and the head was pushing out strongly. He was forced to put a little counter pressure and yelled "no Logan dont push yet you would tear! Pant as I said, your skin is not ready yet!"

Logan shook his head crying out. "Gotta push, pressure.. It burns" he cursed loudly struggling to breath threw it he panted breathing hard through the contraction until it finnaly let up and he could breath again.

"Ok on next contractions you do little pushes ok? Got to give it time to stretch." Carl supported the skin and encouraged Logan. "This is the hardest part, hang in there Logan, you are almost there."

The contractions returned and he tried to push softly he gasped as the widest part of the head began to pass through. It hurt the child felt to big surly he was going to tare it was so big.

"Yes it is coming. Great job this is the right pushes. Keep going, you are ready now, the head's coming." Carl kept up his support and found rhe head coming at a gentle rate. He saw Logan's legs quivered with his exertion.

Logan could barrly hear him he just knew he need to get it out. The contractions barrly had a break anymore and he could do nothing but push with them. The pain was intense. He pushed again feeling the head lurch foreword as it came out the rest of the way.

"Ok the head is out! Good job Logan." Carl saw the head coming out totally with a splash of fluid. "I will check the chord now, then you have to wait for the shoulders to turn. Bear with me ok?" Carl inserted a finger along the rim to find the chord.

Logan nodded catching his breath. There was a short rest but the contractions continued. Logan struggled to breath threw the contractions the urge to push was so strong. "H-hurry.." He moaned rocking his hips.

"Ok it's clear, but the shoulders hadnt turned yet. Pant through it first. Remember the lamaze?" Carl rubbed on his back hoping to take his mind off the pain and urges.

Logan groaned nodding slowly and breathing threw the pains like he had been taught. He was getting tired and just wanted to be done already but he knew he couldn't push until the shoulders turned.

On the next contraction the baby didnt move at all. Carl knew this could sometimes happen, needing a bit coaxing with external force, so he put his hands around the head and gently reached in to move the shoulders a bit.

Logan groaned W-what are you doing.. i-it hurts.." He said one hand clutching his belly. Anther contraction was starting and there was nothing he could do but breath threw it as he waited for the shoulders to turn. "N-need to push.." he gasped.

"The baby wouldnt quite turn so I need to help it a bit. Ok now little pushes see if it could help things moving. Dont push too hard it could crash into your pelvis and make things even worst. Come on darling you can do this." Carl instructed Logan, a bit of sweat on his own forehead too now.

Logan groaned and pushed with the next contraction. He tried to hold back so he wouldn't make things worse but it was hard and the pain was intense. "I-can't.." He whimpered even though it was clear he had to keep going.

Carl huffed when the turning was slow. He suspected fhis could be a case of shoulder dystocia. "Babe I think the baby needed more help than your pushing. Now i will help you get back on bed ok? That positiom would be better for the baby now."

He nodded, his legs were shaking he was exhausted and in pain but he let Carl help him up on to the bed. "I-is it.. ok?" He asked concerned for the babies health.

Carl helped Logan on the bed, carefully cradling the head of the baby that was hanging out when he did so. He then helped Logan grab on his legs, a bit difficult as his belly was so big it made him couldnt really reach the legs. "Grab the back of your legs when you push babe, pull them all the way back as much as you can go. I will press on your pelvis to help the baby into a better position. You will need to push hard now. Ready? Contraction yet?"

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