O Running along together (Centaur Story)

brewing the herbal tea that was to be his gift for his im laws. he kept glancing at the door very much anticipating Gerard's arrival.

Gerard ran through the fields and dusty paths of the countryside, reaching the village and finally standing brave in front of Lumin's door, knocking. A special gift on his hands as he waited.

After a warm welcome and a long kiss, the dominant placed a copper amulet around the omega's neck. For traditional lifestyle centauri, copper was a precious metal, more praised than gold and silver for its qualities and simplicity. It's fair to clarify that despite the dominance of magic and natural harmony on the world, the concept of science was not foreign in its basic forms to the creatures of the realm. Therefore, centaurs had observed the conductivity of copper, associating it with the fast changes of life and the abbility to flow with it.

Back in the story, the alpha waited for his mate to answer.

Do you like it my angel?

As anxious as he was Lumin jumped a bit when he heard knocking at his door. He immediately went for it; pausing to fix his hair and the flowy black dress shirt he wore; before opening then welcoming the embrace and passionate kiss from his love. 

Lumin gasped in surprise almost in tears when Gerard revealed the most beautiful copper amulet he ever saw. He knows the deep value of the jewelry and was verry happy to be its recipient. In his happiness he lunged forward to his alpha for another tight hug and sweet kiss
Oh Gerard my love; it's beautiful! Thank you for such a wonderful gift! l promise to treasure it very dearly. I feel guilty though that l don't have agift to prove my love for you. I onlyhave the herbal tea that was to be my gift for your parents. Would you like to have some first? 

Sure thing my darling. Your love is the only gift I need, don't put so much weight over your shoulders. You can't do anything that displeases me. Gerard caressed Lumin's face, then let go awaiting the tea.

After asking his mate how he spent the night, they got out with the alpha's farmlands as destination. Just half hour away with a relaxed pace.

Ok my angel, you shall not be afraid when we arrive. There will be not reason. My parents will receive you with open arms and the herd will praise you. Some of them will be curious but I'll make sure they don't overwhelm you. He carefuly extended his arm over the passive's back, tickling his neck to scare away some of the tension.

Most of them prefer to be, eh.. . He trailed off for a second, blushing. Totally naked. He finished.

Maybe ask you to to be as them, if they feel you are comfortable. He lowered his head, ashamed for bringing this up so late. Well, their affection escalated quickly so he hadn't too much time to think anyway.
Is your right to keep your cloths saving your pure essence but for us, nudity is a pacific way of living. You would look so beautiful, your golden tail and white fur along with your silky skin, running with us under the sun, being a big family!

The alpha then looked at his mate, eyes at the edge of tears with a fantasy proper of a young colt. It would honor me if you accept but I respect if you don't. All your decisions are right for me Lumin, my sunshine.

Lumin served the herbal tea with delight. This is from the herbs l personally grew. Think it woud be enough to please your parents?

He then went to explainin the events of his night; how he became successful in suppressing the urges and with the rest of his night going well.

Lumin was still nervous as they walked over to Gerard's farmlands but with thr assurance of the dominant; his nervousness was replaced with excitement.

Your parents seems lovely. Now it would really be joy to meet them! Howeber his enthusiasm died a bit when informed of the most likely naked relatives. He was expecting that only the gorgeous body of his alpha he will get to see. He easn' t bery

He wasn' t very opposed to the idea though especially that nudity has become somwhat part of the alpha' s tradition. Making up his mind that he will try to get used with the nudity of relatives; he stopped making Gerard stop also. The passive taur reached to kiss the centaur's almost teary eyes.

My beloved don' t be so troubled. l will be alright eith seing you kin in their natural clothing. And though l was raised to always be properly clothed l can surely make an exception for my future family. 

Thanks love, I promise I will be by your side the whole time. Besides, I'm sure they won't ask you to do that right away. The alpha filled his omega with little kisses. After a prolonged hug they continued their path.

Minutes after they were entering the farm lands. A huge but simple gate indicating the main road to a series of cabins and stables. Gerard's mother (short female taur with chestnut fur like his) and father (a tall stallion with black fur, broad chest and tanned skin), ran to the couple, hugging their son and bowing in front of his mate.

We are so happy you came into our lives, accepting our son. The mother thanked between tears as her husband hugged her and comforted with little pecks on her neck.

Yes, healer Lumin, we are honored to accept you in our herd. Your herd too from now on. The herd leader finished, inviting Lumin for a hug between the four of them. The rest of the big family came over too, curiosity shining in their expressions. The dominant praised the gods noticing everyone decided to put clothes on. They respected the origins of the new omega, so effort for finding vests and blouses wasn't an option, but an order.

However, way back under a tree, was uncle Froy and his son Luke. Both fully naked, watching in amazement the arriving beauty. Muscled torsos sweating after harvesting and long members hanging free in the wind. The face Froy made was a wicked one, making Gerard give a scolding but subtle glare to his folks, feeling disgusted. They nodded, aware of the situation.

I will tell you later, don't worry, Lumin is safe. His father whispered as his mother placed flower on his mate's shoulders.

There you go sweetie, welcome! His mother celebrated, holding Lumin's hands.

Lumin was in awe at the sight of the homey farmlands of his mate; ecstastic though mervousness coming again when he saw the relatives. He gave a sigh of relief whem he saw all the centaurs coming to them were clothed at the moment knowing he'll have to get used with the nudity first.

The omega hugged the mother and gave a handshake to the father withan expression that was rather shy. He liked the idea of being part of a herd since he had only left was his mother. When he he saw tears prickling the eyes of his futurmother he panicked slightly.

M-maam please don' t t- the honor is mine. Your son had captured my love and trust; and I' m willing to give him my life too. If ever l should be the one that should thank you for giving me the most perfect alpha l could ever wish for. Being his omefa

is really a dream come true for me. And sir thamk you for accepting me into to the herd. he ended with his charmng smile.

focused on the flowers beimg given to him  he didn' tnotice the glare.

Both parents held Lumin tight, treasuring his words.

Ok, let's begin the feast. Announced the alpha leader, guiding the couple to a big table. The rest of the family came closer and offered hugs and welcoming words to the new omega. Gerard placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lovingly. There was no minute that passed without shows of affection like little pecks and nuzzling between the young males.

Mother and father had to admit the pure fragance of Lumin and their son made their thoughts dizzy. They acted seductively to each other. Alpha showing his member to the herd, omega raising her tail, inviting. When they realized, an apologie to the guest was out of question.

Oh, we are so sorry buddy, you have alluring....qualities. You should feel proud of that. Assured Gerard's father.

The table was full of all type of meals. Roasted rabbit, stew, fruit salad, spicy bread and more. They enjoyed lunch while brothers, aunts and cousins fueled their curiosity.

How's life at the village?

Is it hard to be a healer?

How much do you like musk? I like it a lot!

Would you like to hunt with us?

The younger members of the herd asked more. The alpha just made his omega scent his neck, to not be overwhelmed by the rushing questions. Just answer if you feel like it love. He whispered on his ear, still remembering the beautiful words he said to his mother earlier.

Various aroma invaded his nose that almost got him drooling, before Lumin was a banquet of which he thought he wasn't fitting for. Relative centaurs flooded them and he felt intimated but the squeeze from his alpha was surely enough to relax him. Maybe too relaxed though as he became open to to flirting back to his mate, intertwining their tails, shamelessly holding hands, and giving light kisses on his mate's body.

The sight of his future in-laws becoming close to making out got him stifling a chuckle for their cuteness. He wasn't bothered by it, actually it was the opposite. I hope me and Gerard can remain as passionate for each other as his parents. My our love forever be as strong. He thought dreamily as he admired the alpha and omega of the herd.

There's nothing to be sorry for,mam, sir. I actually find the way you interact with each other to be very beautiful, your great love for one another is evident. Pink again tinted the passive's cheeks as he heard their comment.

T-thank you. I got it from my parents?  Not knowing how to answer, uncertainty was clear. It felt different to be praised by others than Gerard, his mom and Mrs. Dashwood.

Lumin enjoyed the meal, feeling very much welcomed into his new family. The roasted rabbit was indeed delicious. His eating was then interrupted by the young ones invading him with their curiosities. He was encased in his lover's comforting hold, but he looked up with eyes assuring that he was alright with answering the inquisitiveness of the younger members. 

My love, I'm alright with entertaining them. It is only healthy for them to be this curious.  He then placed another light kiss on his mate's lips

It was adorable to him. With a light laugh he started to answer the questions as truthful as he can.

The village is quite a busy place with many joyful and energetic people that manage shops and others. It's very colorful and interesting. You should come by sometime.

Being a healer is hard, yes, but I love helping creatures feel better so it isn't that demanding for me. It's actually challenging; yet fun.

Musk? I...he started blushing again as he looked at the direction of his alpha. I like it too, very much. 

He was at daze for a moment, lost in the view of his beloved but then perked up at the mention of hunting. 
I'd love to! It would be an experience I'm sure I'll look forward to. How exciting would hunting with you little ones be!

(Sorry, this one is too long. Got carried away with details I hope you like. Your answers keep amazing me. Respect!) :)

Gerard heard thrilled every answer leaving his mate's mouth. His smile, his blushing face, the sated moans he made tasting the food. All of him was perfect. When Lumin accepted the hunt, Otto (Gerard's father), stood up proudly.

If that's the case, I would like to call you my son, Lumin, honored omega of this herd. We shall hunt tomorrow and run free, if you are free of your duties of course The tall alpha stated, followed by Deliah, his wife.

You are our son's mate, and a shining star that just entered this family. We want you to feel part of it, but of course, we will give you guys your time alone. She said, showing a raising eyebrow and a chaste smile. It was obvious for everyone, the couple needed to mate, properly. The members were too respectful to point at that openly though. Instead they made their hoofs hit the ground as a sign of celebration.

My sunshine, you decide. I know you have a busy schedule. However, if something is sure, is that we will dance and bath together tonight, under the moon, just you and me, no one else. He tickled his mate with his nose, scenting the apple pie aroma coming from his neck. Most of the adult centaur couples were touched by the affection, pheromones of mating calls filling the air a little, fortunately not enough for the healer to notice.

If they keep going at it I will pound you good tonight my queen. Whispered lasciviously Otto to his wife, whom snorted shyly, raising her tail again, teasing her alpha.

Keep looking for me and you'll find me. She whispered back, winking while the young couple wasn't looking.

Ohhh, but we wanted him for us!. Pouted Sasha , the alpha's little sister,after hearing about the moon dance. She was a young foal with brown and white fur.

Sorry little girl, I'm sure my angel is happy to meet you all but he must be tired too. By the way Lumin, she's Sasha, my sister.

(It's okay, I'm the one who's supposed to be sorry, noticing that my replies are getting longer as well. Your replies too are amazing! They really got me anticipating for more! Inspiration! :D )

From the young audience, Lumin's attention was drawn to the proud alpha of the herd; eyes almost shining in happiness at being accepted as a son and therefore an official member of the herd family. Being able to participate in hunting with his beloved and new family gave him the feeling of excitement, especially he was one who wishes to seek adventure at the moment.

 Thank you for your acceptance and invitation! I can surely make some time for the hunt. It would be a chance opportunity to get to know the herd more and I don't want to miss that, sir Otto. Anything for the my new family.

The wife then came to the taur next and while he was also greatly praised, really feeling the warm welcome of the family, he became bashful again at the mention of the alone time that he and Gerard might share during their time in the woods.

I am honored to be called a shinning star by the star that certainly shines brighter, maam. And I'm very grateful for the...uh...a-alone time me and your son will receive. We... we'll surely enjoy it well. Hooves hitting ground filled the room and the healer thought that it was the relatives show of support to the possible mating that might happen.

The soft nose of his alpha traveled to ticklish parts of his body, making him shut his eyes in laughter. How Gerard described how their alone time will be got him excited for it maybe more than the hunt itself. He encircled his arms on the dominant's neck and pressed their foreheads together. With a kiss on his mate's nose, he responded.

Alpha of mine whom I love very much, it would be very unfortunate to pass off this opportunity with you. I'm sure I'll regret if ever I do not became available for this. Right now I'm assuring you that I will certainly be there to bathe and dance with you under the precious moonlight, no matter what. You will not be alone during that lovely evening. He heard the other members gushing over their display and blushed further, even more when he saw the head alpha and omega going at it with the flirting again.

A young girl centaur approached them and when introduced as his beloved's little sister, he crouched down to hug and pet the hair of the girl.

It's a pleasure meeting a princess like you, Sasha! Don't worry, I'm sure your big brother is willing to share me with you. But until then I'll look forward to playing with you princess.

(Haha, let's go crazy Shiro, You don't have to be sorry about anything) B)

Is this true?, is this a dream?. Everything just turns out to be great! Shouted the dominant in his mind, feeling the nuzzling of his mate and looking how he smiled and talk to the little taur.

We all three will play hit and run then. He chuckled, kissing Lumin's cheek. But another day my lovely Sasha, brother really wants Lumin to meet everything first today.

She pouted again, going back to play with her friends.

The day passed and evening arrived.

It's time my angel, let's bath together. Sang Gerard in the omega's neck, kissing and playing with his teeth. His biting mark will be placed there. Walking to the private pond, Gerard tried to hide with jokes and pecks the fact everyone was getting into the cabins. Kids stayed by the fire, playing, while adults found privacy. A young mare could be heard in a cabin far away being pounded into paradise by her stallion.

Foals, give me foals please. The heated exclamation sounded in the distance, and the alpha just crossed his fingers hoping Lumin didn't notice.

Wild centaurs really found pleasure at mating. They considerated the sex act as release from formal chains, wheras other creatures thought breeding and pregnancy meant restrictions and (unnecesary) forbearance.

Of course, the new omega was raised in a big, advanced village, with other customs, and the stallion respected that. Gerard still wanted the transition into his culture to be slow and steady. Gods, it didn't help to watch his mom dripping fertile juices down his rear legs as Otto followed her with a growing phallus, into the main house. It almost seemed as a coordinated plan, the herd acting under heat to induce the young couple into a love-making session. No, that sounded unreal.

 It sounded that you really had fun together, I hope to be part of that fun someday.  Lumin winked at the alpha, returning the kiss.

I promise to play with you princess, don't be sad.
Lumin was able to take a leave off from the head healer the day before so he was all set for the hunt. Evening came and he swear he felt like a blushing mare as the bathing was soon to come. He felt his primal urges surging again, making him slowly heat up in arousal. While they were walking, Gerard could then smell an intensifying sweet scent from the young passive.

Too focused on the events that'll come between him and his mate, he wasn't able to notice the change of their surroundings or even the strange noises coming in from cabins. But he did saw Deliah dripping while seemingly alluring Otto to bed her and suddenly he got an idea of the situation.
His heart beat faster. We're really going to do it aren't we, oh my....  was his thought as he leaned closer to Gerard.

After a while, they found a beautiful river. The waters sparkling with the moon's glow. The omega looked into the eyes of the alpha and smiled fondly. Shall we bathe, my love?

The alpha smiled, catching the sweet essence of his lover.
Yes my angel, let's bath. He took off his vest, getting naked easily. Quickly he helped Lumin with his clothing, eyes on the tingling white and Golden tail of the omega.

You are so beautiful. He whispered, running his hands softly over his lover's face and upper torso. He also adored how the busy day left Lumin's body smelling heavy, sweet, omega. The virgin rear of the passive glistening in clean sweat too.

So handsome if we take it further. He teases with a smile, trying to steal a laugh from the healer, slowly washing his face. His own arse already marking the moment as theirs in a strong musk.

Lavender eyes widened slightly as the sight of the muscular alpha taking off his concealing vest came to be. Lumin became conscious of his body when Gerard then took off his own clothing, revealing the smooth, milky white skin and slightly curved body of the omega. He blushed but gave courage to peck his mate's cheeks.

And you are so handsome, my heart. He said as he leaned further to the alpha's touches, unshamefully moaning from the pleasure. They were alone afterall; this is their time, just him and his love.

The passive allowed the dominant to lead him to the cool waters of the river, slowly being bewitched by how sexy the dominant is becoming to him. He went to dip his hooves in the water wanting to feel the coolness of it. He feels so at peace, yet excited at the same time. 

He heard the sexual attempt for a joke of his mate, and though he did felt flustered again, Lumin chuckled returning an embarrassed seductive smile (Does this even exist?) 

T-to that, I very much... agree. C-care to... finally claim... what has always been yours? In his thoughts he was screaming. You call that seductive?! Lumin, you could be more inviting than that! He bit his lip as he went to be closer with his mate, his omega scent calling for mating almost becoming intoxicating to Gerard.

Oh trust me angel, I will claim you here and now. Tomorrow we'll be bounded. Said the alpha, raising his tail in dominance, sucking Lumin's neck with his moans, getting lost in that alluring smell coming from the younger taur.

Love, you look so sexy. You drive me crazy when you talk like that, your quiet but singing voice bouncing in my ears. I have seen so many wild omegas, always acting like queens, but you, your lavender eyes, they way you think before talking, they way you blush and apologize. Gods Lumin, you are so perfect my little sunshine. I want to spend my life with you, my humble prince

Gerard bent down, kissing his mate's hands, then sucking parts of his upper torso.

May I explore your rear with my nose love? I want more of your paradise scent. Pleaded the alpha looking up at lavender eyes, walking behind his mate with a heavy dick hanging low under him. He kissed and massaged Lumin's fur, just above his tail. His mind yelling: mount, love, omega, mount, foals, mark, love.

He took a glance to the entry, dark, clean but sweaty, slick gushing slowly out of it. Totally raunchy. He knew that word was inappropiate, his wild side didn't seem to care though.

Before I forget my sunshine, we have some herbs here at the pond that prevent, well.....pregnancy, I undertsand if you don't want my seed to take rut inside you. Know you are busy with work. The alpha stated, thinking on his mate life but a little sad, considering their love making wouldn't leave life in Lumin's belly. He hid the feeling with a calmed smile.

(fade to black soon? Blush )

The smaller centaur gave easily to the many contact of the alpha's lips and tongue on his neck, moaning blissfully. White tail swished up and down as well giving a peek to the glistening rump of the omega, the sweet scent becoming stronger with each movement.

Lumin felt himself heating up, especially when beautiful words of admiration came from his mate. Already all flustered with the heat and arousal, he aimed for his own kiss on the alpha, making it long and venturing.

I must disagree for I'm sure the taur with me is even more sexy, my heart. Who else can make my heart beat so fast with his mere presence? Voice alone is enough to get me blushing, and whose beautiful features can be compared to the deities? No one but you, Gerard. If there is someone who should be so thankful it should be me. You became my everything; my life, my purpose. As I said you are my forever, it would be a dream to be with you even till the end of time.

The moans got more sexual as the alpha moved to the different parts of his bare torso, sucking its milkiness.

There is no need to plead, love. I already said I am yours. Do with me as you wish, for you I'll always be willing. he said, swishing his tail up teasingly. Presented before his mate was his behind already dripping with fertile juices that smelled more tempting than before. He knew that the alpha was probably admiring the wet rump, so he pushed it outward more, primal side near to taking over.

The omega was saddened when his alpha suggested they use protection first. Although he was aware that it was because the latter was concerned for his profession, Lumin can't help think otherwise. He wanted to conceive on the first night he and Gerard officially become one. He certainly can make few sacrifices and he's sure he can handle being a pregnant healer. He was actually excited at the thought of it. So with pure resolve in his eyes, he turned to face the alpha and looked at him in the eyes again, relieved to see the other also saddened with no pregnancy.

Gerard my love, I do not care for what will happen to me with my work or if I'll struggle. What I want is to make this first night of our bonding to be memorable with the gift of a foal of our own. It is my dream to give you this heir, so please, love. Fill me with your precious seed, make me a pregnant omega tonight. His gaze turned soft and romantic, ending it with another longer kiss, their tongues clashing together though Lumin readily submitted.

(no fade to black. I think time is right, if you agree of course. Your reply was so.... wow, admirable. I will make sure to answer with an equal heated tone later today. As always, you are amazing). ;)

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