O Running along together (Centaur Story)

(Yeah, well it was just an extra for readers who like side characters. Wasn't planning on going further with them though)

You got it sunshine.

The moment was perfect, like a picture painted with fire and ice. The dark entry of his omega was so messy from prior events, it smelled so good and despite the lost of virgity it was still so tight. Of course, that last affirmation was proven true when the alpha was introducing his hard dick along the squishy channel in front of him.

Come on babe, squeeze me more. He coaxed in a sexy, low-tone voice, balls heavy and rear expelling lustful scents. His sweat was raining again on Lumin's silky skin as a slow pace joined muffled slapping sounds.

Keep asking for babies and you might catch three in that tummy angel. He grunted, testing his strenght while the tip of his dark cock touched the omega's pleasure point, covered in a heat resembling the sun, refreshened in part with waves of slick.

Fuck, sweetie how can you be so tight..... after, ah, last night?. A low rumble sounded on his chest. And so much love for me, with that sexy voice, fuck Lumin, where have you been all my life?

He raised his voice, pounding his mate into bed with increasing force and speed. This time however, he made sure to bury his cock in the right angle, so the omega could rub his own erection against the matress. Gently bites on the neck followed and gonads touched over and over.

(What I mean is can we not go into details with how Lumin and Gerard mate? Maybe on Gerard's part but not on Lumin?)

The omega smiled with the feeling of the familiar member on his awaiting entrance. He felt so loved. When praised on his tightness, he blushed. His mate made him feel like a virgin omega again. He gasped as he felt the member entering him but regained control after, already knowing how the length feels inside him.

With the request of his alpha, Lumin did squeeze, and squirm, and begged for more babies. Grips on the sheets went tighter and tighter as their activity got more heated.

Oh Gerard, give me more babies please. Make me pregnant with triplets or more! Ahh!

He heard the admiring words of his mate. Not knowing how to respond with the comment, he just bowed his head blushing, spreading his rear legs wider for the centaur. Uhhh...Umm.. T-thank you love? He answered unsurely.

The alpha was pounding him hard again, and at places that really gave him pleasure. The omega gave up holding his orgasm and spilled on the once clean bed sheets. The moans got louder but after a while the passive tried hard suppressing it since now they are in the cabin. It was too late when he realized that they might be heard. The moans became choked, the omega biting his lips as his alpha ventured his neck. 

(oh sure, no problem. I will adjust my replies to more background and less sex details then. However, I would appreciate you to be a little more specific with your request. Do you want to avoid all mating or just supress sex-related sentences?.
You decide :)

(Thank you for your consideration :D . I'm fine with the mating, just not so much on the sexual sentences. They make me feel uncomfortable.)

Gerard took a deep breath. He didn't want a one-million-lightning climax this time. He desired something else, not just for him, but for his beautiful prince. Taking a step back, he released Lumin from his weight, walking slowly and reaching the omega's face with both hands.

You are truly beautiful. He kissed him, tenderly, tongues dancing instead of fighting for air. The farmer's hands traced tribal lines along a fair chest, gently touching nipples. He then paced softly, drawing circles around the lovely taur, massaging back, sides, tail, fur. Every sensation was a step closer to heaven. He covered that body in little pecks.

Please, be mine forever. Please, let me see your lavender eyes every morning when I wake, every night before we sleep. Please stay with me, healer of my heart.

With that plea, he entered his love again, giving him more life after eternal moments of bodies crashing and souls touching. Lumin's belly looked round, perhaps just from the position they were in, but the vision of children growing there, with parents that fell for each other, was what oracles called magical.

Gerard was already thinking of names and a big family cabin, lost in the bliss of after-mating, relaxing gently on top of his lover.

Lumin smiled at how gentle the alpha was caring for him as they continue to be intimate with each other's body. He felt the weight of the other release from his back and he was at first confused, but then saw the handsome mate of his love so close up front of him and instantly the smile came back. The kiss was sweet and relaxing, different from their very passionate ones, but still he liked it all the same. And you, my love, are truly handsome.

The warm hands of Gerard had felt lovely on his cooling skin, muscles relaxing with every touch. He signed in bliss with the feeling. If he'll be rewarded with these gifted hands on him every time they mate then he thinks he is an omega truly blessed by the gods. And how the alpha's lips make him all tingly with all the pecks that he litters on his body. He feels being pampered too much, but maybe because it was his love doing this to him.

Hearing the plea of the darker centaur, Lumin chuckled. It was cute really.
Gerard dear, I think I've already said this, but you are my forever. I'm sure I won't be able to live that long if I'm not with you so be assured that it is by your side where I'll be. I will not leave you, nor let you go, my heart. My heart, without you I'll die. He ended with him littering the face of his mate with his own pecks.

The omega became more pleased to have the weight on him again for another round, making him become another flushed, panting 'mare'. He was already full from the previous rounds but he's sure that for his mate and the future of many foals, he could still easily accept more.

When it was over, the weight on him relaxed and he thought that maybe maybe Gerard was exhausted and resting. He let out a content sigh, feeling his belly for a bit before redrawing conscious of that his love might see. He could imagine it, a family soon with his alpha running along with them in the fields. Hair, eyes, and fur color reflecting theirs.

The farmer finally left his beloved, giving playful bites to his neck, proud of the affection in his words.

After having a break (and a cuddle session), Gerard stood up.

Ok my prince, I would love to spend the whole day serving as a breeding stallion for you *chuckles*, but I think my dad already set up the hunt. Want to run at my side, Lumin, best healer of this lands?

He closed the last sentence with a fake seductive voice, cleaning sweat from his broad chest and arms, leaning down as being in a proposal.

We will teach you everything you need to know. To be honest, you will look........ Awesome!.

Finished the alpha with the charm of a innocent colt.

Lumin shifted position when the other got up from him, so that he was facing the then standing mate. He gave off a smile that indicated his satisfaction of the alpha's show of affection on his body. He looked stunning; his white, shining body splayed on the bed with tail and hair all messy. The smile accented well.

The passive chuckled at the dominant's words, but sat up quickly with the mention of hunting with Gerard, running along with him as they hunt.

Of course! He exclaimed enthusiastically, before realizing that he might have sounded too excited. I mean I'd love too, especially with my strong and reliable mate by my side. 

He blushed with the action that the alpha did, kneeling in front of him with such charm. It didn't help that he thought the alpha was sexy with cleaning sweat off his muscular body. Though because he was aware that his mate was playing with him, he snorted and petted the centaur's hair.

Well I assure you that I am a fast learner. And of course I should look awesome! It wouldn't fit if I'm standing with a stallion that looks awesomer. He said as he played along the childishness of his love.

Well, well, awesome? me? nah. You already got that place covered. He chuckled.

The alpha filled his chest with pride at the compliments given. After a quick (almost not-touching) shower together, both males headed to the north side of the farm, where Otto, Deliah and other centaurs where waiting for them.

Welcome to your first family hunt Lumin! We are so happy you decided to run with us. Praised the herd leader, as the rest of taurs counted hard with their hoofs in appreciation. Everybody was dressed with leather clothing, adapted with pockets and brackets for hunting gear. That's when the head omega walks over Lumin with a fond smile and a decorated box in hands, standing beside her son, both grinning at the younger taur.

Angel, as we already said, we are honored to have you here, so we made this for you. His mother coughed ironically. Well, mostly mom and the alpha mares.

They gave Lumin the box, containg a small but large, black vest with golden traces at both sides.

Hope you like it my little sunshine.

(I understand if you wanna speed things up a bit after this) ;)

Though not unexpected, Lumin was still overwhelmed with the grand welcome his family had made effort with for his first hunt. He smiled brightly at the group, thanking them with all earnest.

Thank you everyone! I promise to do my best and not let you down on this hunt. Determination was clear on his eyes.

The omega's focus was centered on the approaching head omega and group of mares. A beautifully decorated box was then given to him. Surprised with the gift, he bowed quickly, taking the box awkwardly with a a blushing face.

Thank you, ma'am Deliah, thank you precious mares. I shall treasure this gift dearly with the reminder of your hard work always. His eyes widened when he opened it and saw the black vest. He looked at his givers with a grateful look before proceeding to wear it as a show of his appreciation. The vest suited him well, giving good contrast with his white fur. Lumin gave each of them a hug, saying an endless thank you to each, before returning to his alpha's side. 

I shall wear it proudly, ma'am! He said leaning to her son.

(Sure, to when do you want?)

(nope, just if you want. You can propose at anytime)

The alpha hugged his mate with earnest affection, messing with his blonde hair. The mares said to the new member of the herd there was nothing to thank for. After some checking and a quick arrow placing class, everyone was walking into the woods. Due to the genereous harvest on the current season, the centaurs were hunting only to keep their performance unaltered.

Gods, the smooth breeze and the scent of an oblivious prey were only overcame but the sight of the omega walking slowly, white legs imposing his tall frame, rear swinging side to side in a fine movement and tail lashing out once in a while, giving precious seconds of access to the entry that received life hours ago.

Concentrate G, concentrate. Thought the dominant for himself. He was lucky to have such awesome lover, he knew it.

After 15 minutes, Otto stopped, giving signs to his fellow warriors, indicating fresh paw prints on the muddy ground. Gerard aproached Lumin and gave him three of his favorite arrows before the group splitted.

Ok L, I love you and my inner alpha will protect you always, but I'm not blind to see you are a strong taur by yourself. I trust you will give us an amazing show today, no matter if you catch anything or not. Show me how you work those lavender eyes to focus on a target, my strong beloved one. He said with a stern look but a warm smile, knowing his mate needed more than a fluffly sentimental alpha. The swat on the passive's ass that came moments after was just an extra.

Just for....motivational purposes. The stallion smirked to his dearest. Don't you make that face. He muffled his laugh, tail high in a display of tentation.

(Okay I'll just finish the hunt and skip to Lumin beginning to feel sick?)

Lumin loved this adorable childish side of his mate, it made him feel giddy and young. 

The sun wasn't shining so bright, just enough to illuminate the sky. The woods seemed so inviting, and the young omega can feel his heart racing in adrenaline. He took much seriousness in the stalking of prey part. He made sure to be really careful, so focused that he didn't noticed the amusement of the alpha on him trying so hard. It didn't help that he was feeling some soreness from their 'activities'.

Otto gave signs and then Gerard came to him with slight worry in his eyes. He knew that there'd be some action soon.He received the special arrows thankfully, leaning in to kiss Gerard a thank you and a a good luck. He smiled hearing the encouraging words of the centaur.

I trust you, and thank you for your trust on me as well. With your words I shall be comforted and believe that I am indeed strong. With your spirit with me, I'll try my best to make you proud with a kill. He loved the serious look on his face but the situation required him to be serious as well. The moment broke off with the sudden slap, and though he was amused with the 'for motivational purposes part', he gave an fake angered pouting face. He laughed when the dominant called it off.

It had been a while since they split. Lumin frowned as he saw more and more members going with game on their backs. Every time he saw prey, the animal escaped his sight quickly. He was almost getting discouraged but then saw two rabbits in a clearing. Maybe this should do. he thought as he sneakily came near to the small mammals. And with two swift arrows, he got his first catch. 

As day finalized, everyone returned to the farm. Congratulations and pats on the backs was all that could be seen. The stronger stallions carried deers on their backs, as they were simple sacks, including Gerard.

But what happens when the alpha sees his omega with a pleased grin and two grown rabbits hanging from his dirty hands?
What happens when he sees that white fur covered in dust and moist, tail disheveled and yes, musky?
Does he run to his mate and covers him in little pecks until they are lost in bliss?
Does he let lust handle him, mounting the omega in front of the herd with proud escaping his chest?

No, nothing of that. Possible scenarios that looked attractive indeed. But he had other plans. He waited for his lover to stand before him, serious stare accusing the omega, crossed arms and frown serving as backup. The stallion's friends, Rackli (alpha taur), Scarlet (alpha mare) and Chester (Omega taur) followed, looking dissapointed.

As soon as Lumin's grin faded into sadness, the group smiled fondly at him, his mate hugging him hard, raising his arms as his friends kept their bodies in two legs in festivity.

Listen everybody, the new omega of this herd made his catch! He sang in victory.

Everybody ran to him, shouting the moon-born taur's name. No one cared about the massive deers or tasty badgers caught by the head warriors. Everyone was just looking at the new family member in awe. This was another blessing and Gerard made sure to treasure it.

Chester played with the healer as little colts after being properly introduced.

The night continued with the couple and family running around a big fire, feasting upon the best meats. The dominant could sense the fatigue and soreness of his beloved, so instead of mating they slept by the lake, tails crossed as they welcomed slumber between dumb giggles and jokes.


Weeks flew by. Lumin returned to village for his work, Gerard concentrated again on farm errands. However there was no day they wouldn't meet and at least have a nice meal together. When the omega started looking ill, his alpha was there, asking what was wrong.

The day of hunting ended with Lumin returning proudly with his catch of rabbits. He didn't mind that his was the smallest of game, he was too happy with his first catch to even care.

His happiness died down and felt self-conscious when he saw the disappointed look of Gerard and his friends. He was even ecstatic to show his catch to his alpha, picturing that he would be proud of himself also. Lavender eyes pooled in tears as he bowed down in shame. But he got a glimpse of the group's smiles and suddenly he knew they weren't as what he thought. He accepted their hug warmly, struggling to keep himself upright with the weight of all four centaurs on him. He didn't quite got what his mate yelled out with being almost crushed with the hugs but then more of their family came to them and and he was surrounded with even a greater crowd of joyous centaurs celebrating his small but first catch.

He really had fun with the hunt, he never felt so pumped up and appreciated in his life. So this is what it feels like to be part of a big family. He thought as he leaned over Gerard, watching the continuous merry making of his new family.

Thank you for this day, love.

Their relationship got stronger as they become more bonded with one another. The young passive really much appreciated the effort the alpha gives to still have time to visit him at the clinic and take him out on small dates.

However one particular day, Lumin wasn't feeling well. He had been nauseous and dizzy all morning. Still he didn't want to leave absent from work. That's why when this time the alpha came, he saw the omega rushing outside to a nearby tree, vomiting violently. He was crouched down holding his chest as he continued to heave.

The alpha held his omega as he kept emptying his stomach.

Love, love. It's ok. Leave it all out. He set aside the golden hair of his mate, watching worried how pale his skin was, eyes nearly closed and body tensed.

Lumin, how long have you been feeling like this? Let's go to the clinic. Maybe Mrs. Dashwood can help us.

He stood up with the ill taur, slowly walking to the healing room. His prince was sick and tired, and that just made his scent to change into "stressed alpha". Fortunately, the clinic was nearly desert, allowing the stallion to lead his mate into a private room easily.

My angel, tell me. What else do you feel? He asked, fear ignoring the fact that maybe these were the first symptoms caused by lovely creatures growing in his prince's belly. No, he could only see the taur of his life badly sick for the first time, and that tested his calmed mind.

Was this his fault? He wouldn't stop thinking of that as he prepared some towels and cold water to control his mate's fever.

With all focus going to his vomiting , Lumin didn't notice quickly the presence of the alpha, even as he was held and comforted. He only did notice when he felt a bit less nauseous and leaned back to a warm feeling that was Gerard. He looked up weakly to meet the worried face of his mate.  He was hesitant to tell that he'd been feeling like this for the past week. The alpha would certainly not like the news.

All morning, love. I don't know why but I'm so nauseous and dizzy. Sorry you have to see that. He gave in to the support of the larger centaur and was relieved to have a room where he could rest for a while. He sensed that the alpha was becoming very stressed about this but with the state he's in, he could only go for a reassuring kiss. 

My heart, I assure you I'll be fine. Other symptoms? I think I'm becoming faster to tire, even if  I try to sleep early. Also my appetite seemed to increase. And then there is the nausea and dizziness. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you anything about this, I was afraid that you'll be disappointed. 

Just then Mrs. Dashwood appeared and looked at the omega with shock, and slight happiness? she heard everything.
I was worried when you just ran after preparing the herbal pastes I needed but as I see it now, there's nothing to be worried for after all.

Lumin had a confused expression though he was blushing from the narrated incident. The head healer noticed this, and with a warm smile, approached the lying omega. Her student got even more confused when she had her skilled hands feeling his stomach. It didn't help that even as the younger yelped with a sore spot pressed, the healer just smiled. 

Dear, can you give me your hand? and the student did as he was hold. Lumin was giving Gerard a worried glance, scared with all the confusion. Mrs. Dashwood was silent, focused on hearing his pulse. It took her quite a while, but as she set the hand down again, she hugged the ill taur. 

"From now on, you're only on duty for check-ups and consultation. I don't want you getting near dangerous fumes.

An eyebrow was raised. He handled the medicinal mixtures himself, he was sure that they don't impose any threat even though they did smell quite foul.

"I think there'll be no need, ma'am. I'm sure our high solutions won't affect me. I'll be fine to continue."  but the old mare was not swayed.

"They won't affect you, but they certainly will affect your little ones."

"Little ones?" the healer just nodded, holding up 4fingers. He didn't doubt it,the old taur had the best senses.
 A gasp came from the young passive, then looking at his dominant with a shaky smile, eyes getting teary.

"G-Gerard..." All became dark as the omega fainted after.

(Sorry it became too long or if you didn't want to end the check-up quickly Blush and I also appreciate your effort on making your replies less of a mature content.  :) )

(Long? not at all. I actually loved how you turned back things! Don't worry for the content either bud. Anything to make an awesome story with ya. Also, don't be afraid to tell me if I'm being too sweet. ;) )

The alpha stood nervously through the whole check-up, face as confused as Lumin's at the head healer's words. However, when he heard "little ones" and saw the beautiful lavender watered eyes of his mate, he just ran to him, holding him close as he fainted.
He cried quietly with his lover in arms, joy raising from all the corners of his mind. The stallion expressed his gratitude to Mrs. Dashwood between sobs and prayers.

Thank you ma'am, thank you so much.

He wasn't worried for the loss of consciousness. The pulse of his lover was normal and his breathing even.

You look so beautiful my light, with your messy hair and that glowing skin. He touched his belly, without caring if the foals were formed enough to sense him. My children, Papa is here. Daddy and Papa are so happy with you, coming to our worlds. Just cut daddy some slack yes? He's tired, but he love you all so much. Tears ran down his face, kissing the precious omega that was sleeping blissfuly at his side.

My love, have sweet dreams while you can. You look so tired, but I'm here. Will never leave you.

Eres mi angel y no te dejare ir. (You are my angel and I won't let you go)


The room had been dark and quiet for a few hours now. Gerard and Mrs. Dashwood were discussing the new schedule for the young healer, future father/mother of four shinning stars.

Call it poetic justice, poetic gibberish or just young blind love, but when you think about it, what's more beautiful than the omega born under the moon, now giving birth to the stars that will call him dad, enlighting the night sky?

( :D )

Lumin had woken up from the most beautiful dream he ever had and can't wait to tell his lover of it, but as he saw the room he was in was not his room but rather in a private room of the clinic, he then realized it wasn't all a dream. A smile slowly formed on his lips, his gentle hands caressing his stomach. 

Thank you for existing my... He was in thought for a bit. ...little stars. he ended with a smile. It sounded fitting. If he was the moon, and Gerard a sun of the fields, then it would only be fitting that their foals be called stars. 

The omega though wondered where his alpha might be. He clearly remembered that he was with him.
With Mrs. Dashwood and Gerard,

The boy should be fine to continue as long as he stays away from the fumes and doesn't overwork himself, which knowing him he'll most likely still do. Also there is the concern that he's having four for his first pregnancy. It is expected that his symptoms will be more severe compared than others. Lumin is a strong omega so I don't doubt he'll manage but of course he'll be needing your support. Take good care of him and your babies alright? He's currently just into a month, and I've decided that I'll take him on leave by the end of the sixth. Til then I'll be watching him closely so please rest assured. Lumin knows well the do's and dont's but here's a copy for you in case he becomes too daring. By the way, congratulations, young lad.

They heard the omega's call for his alpha.
Go. He'll be wanting to talk with you. Make sure to not upset him okay?

Sure thing ma'am. Thanks for being such a caring boss with him. Have a nice day. Replied Gerard, waving back at the wise mare as she left. He entered the room with a bright smile, don't wasting time in laying beside his omega, hugging him and covering with little pecks on the neck.

Tell me omega-mine. How are the news sinking in? He raise and eyebrow with a goofy tone. His mate now looked radiant, ignoring the pale color and the vomiting of just hours ago. For the alpha he looked wild and full of determination, life and promises. He wanted to restrain from overwhelming his mate, but even gods knew he couldn't avoid it.

While the omega answered between giggles, he gently tickled his soft belly.

( :P )

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