Centaur Breeders(Closed)

Jace kissed his hand once more before letting go "Okay, on your contraction push as hard as you can and Ill pull, alright?" he said taking the head of the child in his hands

Liam nodded and pushed as hard as he could as a contraction hit him

Jace very slowly began to pull as he pushed. The broad shoulders were what was stuck and as he pulled he watched Liam get unbelievably stretched

Liam screamed as he got stretched sobbing and screaming but still pushing

Jace looked on worriedly knowing this wasn't the worse part as the bottom of a centaur was like a horses body and in proportion to this baby's head it would be huge. "You're doing so well, just keep going" he said looking at his....friend? Worriedly

The chest finally slid out as the horses body started to stretched Liam he screamed and sobbed in pain " I love you jace.." He said weakly sweating badly his whole body shaking

Jace looked at him worriedly "I love you too. Don't say that in a tone like you're going somewhere, because you're not, okay?!" he said holding the centaur baby's head and chest "You need to push okay?" he said leaning in to kiss him softly

" jace...I can't push anymore...I'm so cold..." Liam whispered even though he was covered in sweat he shivered and pushed with everything he had left

Jace gently pulled on the baby as he pushed. He watched him worriedly as he shivered and looked around spotting a woolen blanket, he got up and waddled to grab it, coming back he laid it around Liam's shoulders "You can do this, you're strong. Remember that time I hadn't had enough to eat and collapsed on our run. You carried me the 2 miles back home. That is strength, you are strong, just keep pushing" he said running his fingers through his hair

Liam smiled weakly " you were light as a feather carrying you was so easy plus I'd do anything for you..." Liam smiled weakly the story giving him strength to push Liam pushed hard the baby finally slid out Liam smiled but screamed as he felt another contraction " I can't.." He whispered weakly

Jace kissed him deeply pulling away to stare in his eyes "You can. And besides, it might just be after birth" he said hopefully. The baby centaur stood wobbly and left the room

Liam kissed back deeply then pulled back grunted and pushed hard "it's not after birth.."

Jace sighed a little "Its okay, you can do this" he held his chin up making him look him in the eyes "You can do this. You're brave and strong and amazing. You can do this" he kissed him softly again before resuming his spot in front of his anus

Liam smiled " be-be my boyfriend..." He whispered weakly as he cried out as he pushed hard the baby quickly crowning this time

Jace blushed looking at him shocked "W-what?" he asked quietly ignoring the centaur baby being birthed as he moved to Liam's side

Liam grabbed jaces hand and smiled " please be no one else's but mine be my boyfriend " he moaned and pushed

Jace smiled widely and leant in kissing him softly "Always yours" he said softly before going down and holding onto the baby's head "You're doing really well this time, just keep going" he said

Liam smiled and pushed hard the head then the huge shoulders came out Liam whimpered and pushed hard the body coming out slowly and ripping Liam he screamed a heart breaking scream/sob

Jace started to cry seeing Liam in so much pain. His heart was breaking listening to the sounds as he pulled the body out letting it run off, he ran getting the other blanket intended for him, by a guess, and went back to Liam pressing it against his bleeding hole as he wiped his eyes "You're going to be fine Liam, you are" he said crying and gasped as a sudden pain ran through his own stomach

Liam looked at jace weakly knowing it was his time he wrapped his arms around jace " I'm sorry I'm to weak to walk around with you but I'm here for you you can do this your truly amazing..." Liam whispered softly kissing jaces cheek

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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