Centaur Breeders(Closed)

Jace sniffled and nodded and moved over andpatted the space next to him looking at him worriedly

Liam nodded and laid next to Jace and held him

Jace moaned softly as another contraction hit. He held onto the sheets tightly breathing rapidly "Help. Help. Help" He cried out in pain

Liam kissed jaces cheek " I'm sorry I can't help you just breath through the pain..." He whispered biting his lip worried for his boyfriend as Jaces frame was small and he looked as he had at least 2 babies in his stomach maybe more

Jace cried out as he felt his water break. He screamed as a contraction ripped through his body. He grunted and tried to push "Nnnnnnnngh!"

Liam quickly got in between jaces legs holding his hand tightly " you can do this your doing great jace" he encouraged

Jace panted quickly and nodded and rose his chest off the groups as he pushed as hard as he could a load scream escaping his lips

Liam squeezed jace hand " the heads crowning already jace your doing so well..."

Jace sobbed and pushed as hard as he could squeezing his hand tightly as he clenched his teeth "Nnnnnnnnngh!" he groaned before falling back trying to catch his breath quickly as he sobbed softly

Liam bit his lip trying not to cry trying to be strong for Jace the head moved forward slowly inch by inch but the baby behind it wanted out also and pushed against the first baby

Jace cried out at the forceful pushing from inside his body. He groaned loudly and bore down again sobbing loudly

" you can do this the heads out..." Liam whispered the shoulders were massive and got stuck " okay jace I need you to push hard and I'll pull..." The baby behind the first one pushed against it ripping jace

Jace screamed in agony his chest rising up as a broken sob left his lips. He grabbed onto his hand tightly pushing as hard as he could, the burning and stretching now with an intense stinging too.

" shit" Liam whispered as he looked around finding an old sheet he pressed it against the rip then Liam pulled as jace pushed the shoulders sliding out Liam was broken hearted to see his boyfriend like this " your doing so good your so amazing the shoulders are out baby..I love you.."

Jace nodded "Love you too" he sobbed out before baring down again screaming in agony once again as he pushed with all his might

Liam grabbed Jaces hands trying to comfort him Liam's heartbreaking for him " is their anything I could do?" Liam whispered as the body quickly slid out Liam smiled amazed " it's out baby....but what do we do with it?"

Jace groaned feeling the next one already most of the way down his birth canal "I don't know. We can't let them go yet though in case they find Palentine" he said before gasping and screaming as he pushed again

Liam looked at Jace wide eyes " should I kill it?" Liam looked down at jaces birth canal " baby your doing so good just keep pushing" Liam encouraged

Jace sobbed and held onto the sheets tightly clenching his teeth as he pushed as hard as he could crying profusely. "Don't kill it. Its innocent" he said sobbing "Just close the door" he said moaning loudly as he kept pushing hard

Liam nodded and closed the door " it's not...innocent it's gonna turn into its father and rape helpless men..." Liam snapped he was angry Jace had to go through all this pain Liam laid next to him trying to relax his rubbing his contracting stomach and running a hand through jaces hair

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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