Alien pregnancy (closed)

Ryne thought about what she said for a second. "Get me pregnant? What're you talking about? I wouldn't leave you. I love you." He said before kissing her.

(08-12-2013, 09:18 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne thought about what she said for a second. "Get me pregnant? What're you talking about? I wouldn't leave you. I love you." He said before kissing her.

Lana readily welcome the kiss from Ryne. Taking both of Ryne hand into her hand, Lana take a deep breath. Looking into Ryne eyes, determine to get the truth out in the open, Lana slowly explain.

"Remember how I suddenly appear in this village out of nowhere? How I keep avoiding the questions whenever you ask where I'm from and when you can meet my family?". Ryna slowly nod.

"Well the truth is, I'm not from this planet. I'm not human like you. I'm an alien. I come down to Earth because I know that where you are. My mate" as I sadly whisper the last two words out.

Ryne blinked. He was processing what Lana said. "That sounds, amazing." He said kissing her. "But why were you crying? You don't want any children, do you?" He asked.

(08-12-2013, 09:34 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne blinked. He was processing what Lana said. "That sounds, amazing." He said kissing her. "But why were you crying? You don't want any children, do you?" He asked.

Blinking widely, Lana whisper in shock "you fine with all the things I been telling you?". Moving in nearly to Ryne, Lana say hoarsely "No I don't have any children before but I will soon. In 5 more months, you will be giving birth to our babies" smilling softly. Excited at the thoughts of building a family of her own with Ryne.

Ryne looked to her. "I'm fine with all that. I'm pregnant? How? How will I give birth?" He asked as he rubbed his flat stomach.

(08-12-2013, 09:48 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne looked to her. "I'm fine with all that. I'm pregnant? How? How will I give birth?" He asked as he rubbed his flat stomach.

Lana unable to keep the smile from appearing on her face. Grabbing a hold of Ryne face, Lana place a deep kiss to those plump lip. "I love you Ryne, with all my heart" Lana confess.

"During the mating process, the one being claimed will usually be bearer of the future children of his or her mate." placing my hand on your belly. "Your belly is expending. The babies is slowly growing" Lana whisper excitedly.

Ryne looked to his belly and smiled. He'll be carrying new life from now on. "I love you too." He said before kissing her deeply. "Will I have any symptoms? Nausea? Cravings? That sort of thing?" He asked.

(08-12-2013, 10:04 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne looked to his belly and smiled. He'll be carrying new life from now on. "I love you too." He said before kissing her deeply. "Will I have any symptoms? Nausea? Cravings? That sort of thing?" He asked.

Lana unable to resist giving Ryne cute pop-out belly a quick kiss. Looking up, Lana answered "Well the male bearer won't be going through any morning sickness though as the babies grow at a faster rate, your body will be aching all over and..." wincing at the news she going to deliver to Ryne. "...because our species is known for its strength, the babies kicking and moving will not be a pleasant experience. It will be quite painful." Lana chew on her lips, not liking that Ryne will have to suffer all this for 5 months.

"And yes, there will be the cravings" Lana smile gently.

Ryne smiled as he rubbed her back. "I'll make it. I have you to help me through it." He said kissing her.

(08-12-2013, 10:16 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled as he rubbed her back. "I'll make it. I have you to help me through it." He said kissing her.

"I will help you through this Ryne, everything going to be fine" Lana fiercely promised.

Ryne smiled as she promised. "Then I leave myself in your hands." He stated kissing her and lying next to her.

(08-13-2013, 12:43 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled as she promised. "Then I leave myself in your hands." He stated kissing her and lying next to her.

Lana gently kiss the top of Ryne head, tracing the outline of Ryne mouth with her thumb, she lean forward to kiss him on the lips "There will be a lot of changes to your body within this 5 months in preparation for the birth".

Lying down on Ryne shoulder, Lana say "In your 5th month, there will be an opening right below your member which allow you to birth to our babies natural"

Placing her palm right above Ryne, Lana continue "You will able to natural breast-feed our babies too to provide the essential nutrient to them. Basically your whole will change." Closing her eyes, Lana pray that Ryne will be one of those lucky one to have a smooth first pregnancy.

Ryne nodded as he absorbed the information. He kissed Lana and said. "This is all so interesting and i accept it. But there's one thing I have to ask." He said in a serious tone.

(08-13-2013, 04:45 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne nodded as he absorbed the information. He kissed Lana and said. "This is all so interesting ANSI accept it. But there's one thing I have to ask." He said in a serious tone.

Lana lift her head up to look at Ryne face curious "what is it Ryne?"

Ryne smiled as he went to his jeans and pulled out a box. "Will you marry me?" He asked smiling.

(08-13-2013, 04:51 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled as he went to his jeans and pulled out a box. "Will you marry me?" He asked smiling.

Lana face break with a huge smile and she give a nod "Yes!" she shout. Rubbing Ryne growing belly, Lana look into his eyes "I promise to cherish and protect you and the babies as long as I live".

Ryne smiled as he slipped the ring perfectly onto Lana's finger. "And I promise that I'll get big and round and carry out children for as long as I live." He said as he kissed her.

(08-13-2013, 04:58 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled as he slipped the ring perfectly onto Lana's finger. "And I promise that I'll get big and round and carry out children for as long as I live." He said as he kissed her.

Kissing Ryne lip, Lana exciting say "Can't wait for you to get huge and round with our babies". Gently giving Ryne belly a soft pat.

Ryne smiled. "I'm feeling a little tired. Why not we head to be?" He said as he lied down.

(08-13-2013, 05:12 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled. "I'm feeling a little tired. Why not we head to be?" He said as he lied down.

Nodding her head in understanding "Sleep." Lana order gently. "I wait up till you fall asleep". Pulling up the blanket to cover Ryne, she turn to dim the light off.

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