Our family (Closed)

Ariel shook her head slightly feeling weak she had lost a good amount of blood from ripping and she was still bleeding

Jack was worried about the amount of blood Ariel lost. He called a ambulance quickly and they arrived shortly. He asked his neighbours if they could watch his kids, which they agreed, as he went with Ariel to the hospital.

Ariel hold onto jacks hand the whole way to the hospital she whined a bit really hating hospitals " Jackie...wanna go..home.." She whispered out of it

Jack kissed Ariel's cheek. "Don't worry. As soon as I know you'll be okay, we'll leave without another word." He said promising her.

" Jackie..." Ariel whined " I'm fine...time to go home.." She whispered

Jack kissed. "It'll be alright." He said as they arrived at the hospital. Ariel entered the surgery room and jack wasn't allowed in, so he waited.

The doctor walks out " she's okay...we stitched her up....she can go home but she's a little bit funny from the drugs"

Jack went into the room. "Hey baby. How're you doing?" He asked to Ariel.

Ariel giggled " JACKIE!! Baby....hey...hey.."

Jack smiled. "I see your jacked up on drugs. Never thought you of all people would do that." He joked.

Ariel giggled " hey...what?...home?"

Jack smiled. "Yes, let's go home." He said picking her up and carrying her to the car. He carried her in bridal style, thanked the baby sitters and took her to the bedroom.

Ariel laughed and fell asleep

Jack kissed Ariel and fell asleep too.

The next couple months was hard for them they tried to get jack pregnant again but it just wouldn't work but Ariel refused to give up because jack never gave up on her jack held Edward Madison and James as she held the twins belle and Ben

Jack looked at his daughter Madison, she looked just like Ariel but with eyes. He was determined to carry more children. "I'm going to the doctors and seeing if I can get pregnant again." He stated

Ariel nodded kissing Jacks cheek " okay hunny I'll watch the kids while you go"

Jack nodded as he went out. A few hours later, Jack came into the house with a big smile on his face. He came up behind Ariel and hugged her.

Ariel smiled as she was cooking she leaned against jack " good news I'm guessing?"

Jack smiled. "I'm pregnant." He said kissing his wife's neck.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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