C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Name: Dave Harrison
Age: 38
Occupation: foreign minister of a small european country. Inherited an earldom but was more recognised by his ability while climbing the career ladder. Representative of one of the richest countries in the world, coming for a state meeting.
Appearance: tanned and handsome. Dark hair and blue eyes, his smile was particularly charming. Tall and muscled. Often captured by paparazzi going to the beach, he wasnt too shy in showing off his body. 

Dave had been waiting in his penthouse for the arrival of the makeshift translator. He was here for the first time, but apparently he had attracted much media attention, enough that caused a minor car accident rendering his original translator unavailable. He swirled his cup of drink, looking at the view from the top floor of this skyscraper hotel. He wondered who the local governement would arrange, and hopefully they would have a pleasant enough experience together.

Name: Noah
Age: 32
Occupation: Foreign language interpreter/ college language teacher sense interpreting is often not a full time job so he works at the local college twice a week teaching the language.

Noah, hand not expected to get a call requesting her interpret, he was supposed to be resting sense he was so close to his due date. However, it was urgent he was the only one around and so he agreed. It was just one meeting, it was only after he agreed that they told him who he would be interpreting for, of course it was someone famous. He cringed at the thought there were going to be many eyes on him and he hated the idea of it. He tried to brush it off though and not let it get to him. He got his things ready and then left driving his car to the address he was told to go. He was meeting the man at a hotel, vary nice hotel at that and was now simply waiting to be let in so he could meet Dave.

Noah stood about 6'4, he had been muscular before the pregnancy but had lost most of it, his belly was obvious in the suit he wore but the suit did in fact fit him well he made sure of that. Noah cared a lot about being professional. He had brown hair and green eyes he was handsome actually though he might have argued if someone pointed it out to him.

The doorbell rang through and Dave turned around and set down his drink, looking at the doorway. The butler opening the door sounded hesitant and surprised, which aroused his curiosity. It wasnt easy to draw that reaction from his butler. He stayed where he was though, letting his people deal with the situation, for he trusted their ability.

The butler eventually ushered the translator in, in steps that were slow and heavy. Dave raised his brow at that, though as soon as they came in, he immediately understood the reasons for all the unusual reactions. This translator was very pregnant. He had an aunt who was pregnant with twins but still, her belly didnt look anything like this. He strode forward and took his extended hands, the shock only lasted for a fleeting second. "*You are our translator for this trip? Nice to meet you. I am Dave, and you have already met Mr Norfolk, our butler. Please, come here and sit.*" while they shook hands, he led the translator to the couch, helping him down as he had with his own auntie, and stuffed a cushion behind him.

"*Noah, it's nice to meet you dave, and Mr. Norfolk.*" he said giving the butler one more nod, he was a bit thankful for the help even if he hadn't mentioned it he was glad to sit down again. "*Sorry about the mix up with the interpreters, but I promise I'm just as good.*" He said this because there had been occasions where he had filled in when someone couldn't make it and the client had been mad because it was not who they had originally chosen. It wasn't Noah's fault of course but sometimes people tended to think so, in all honesty Noah was vary skilled in the language he had studied it for a long time unlike others who took one or two classes and thought they knew everything. "*So what are we doing, they called me in pretty quick, I got something about a meeting, and an address.*" Noah admitted.

When he sat down, the suit seemed more strained as the weight shifted, and also from how he had to spread his legs wide to accommodate for the belly. The quiet sigh of relief didnt go unnoticed by Dave, but he kept his face straight, tearing his eyes away from the belly and focus on Noah. "*ah it's on our request that you are here. Our own translator got into an accident.... you must be the best in field to be called in when you are, not in the most convenient stage.*" The foreigner said, then quickly gone down to business. "*we are having a meeting tomorrow, a full day one where we would need your assistance. Then later, dinner with the president. The day after would be a visit with people.from my country, so it's not strictly necessary for you to appear, then later it's just miscellaneous semi-formal meetings. We do have a busy schedule.... if you dont mind me asking, how far along are you, Noah?*"

Noah nodded listing to him. "*I've been doing this awhile, most of the others around here have taken a few classes and think they know what there doing. Anyone that would qualify besides myself in the area at the moment had to be flown in.*" Noah didn't even hesitate when he was asked the question. "*35 weeks.*" He admitted, so he was vary close to his due date but he hadn't reached it yet most of his family had to be induced anyway he wasn't vary worried about it. "*It's alright.*" He said as if he could sense Dave's slight hesitation. "*I can handle it.*" He smiled lightly thinking over the schedule "And alright, yes that makes sense it defiantly will be busy.*" Noah was a bit worried, there were a lot of high ranking people involved in this and he didn't want to screw up.

"* great. That would be perfect. Thank you very much for your help.*" dave said flashing a bright smile that always drew a blush from whoever he was facing back in his country. "*as you may have guessed, we have done background checks and as part of the team now, we could be travelling quite far. Would it be a problem for you to spend thr night here - or wherever we found ourselves to be, during the next few days? Our whereabouts are to be kept at certain level of confidentiality... you might need to call your partner for that?*" He asked, strangely looking forward to the next few days. He had plans to sneak out to the city if the newly assigned translator's more "convenient", but he had a feeling talking with this young professor would be fun in its own way.

"*I.. er..don't currently have a partner.*" Noah admitted running a hand threw his hair. "*So it doesn't matter really wherever you go I'll be there as well and I don't have to tell anyone where it is we are headed.*" Noah smiled lightly, his 'partner' or the man that was supposed to be had left awhile ago he hadn't really been in the picture, Noah wasn't going to force him to stay, he had never expected the man to unfortunately. "*So, yea, it's alright I don't mind staying here as long as you're sure that is what you want, I wouldn't want to be any trouble.*"

"*it wouldnt be of any trouble. We have made arrangements for a translating personnel in the first place anyway. I think we would cooperate well ahead.*" Dave sat down beside Noah. He found himself quite delighted to hear of his lack of partner, due to unknown reasons. "*though if you requre any medical appointmnets, or any needs, do voice up and it could be arranged. Anything that you would need in the next few days? Special requests and arrangements could be made anytime.*" he offered, with his hair back now he could see dark circles under the professor's green eyes, which wasnt exactly out of place considering he had entered the last phase of pregnancy.

The male shook his head, he didn't have anything scheduled not until two weeks from now when the child was supposed to arive he shrugged. "*nothing planed, I should be alright." Noah smiled, he kind of liked this man, famous as he was he didn't act like it. He was kind and wasn't pushing Noah around like some others had been known to do. He looked up meeting the man's blue eyes for a moment with a soft smile. It was probably clear Noah was tired though he wouldn't have openly admitted it he hadn't been able to sleep much with the baby kicking him so often.

"*Right. I would show you your room then? I do expect you to need to get back and pack some of your personal belongings. Mr.... how about I also accompany you - that is, if you dont mind. I am curious as to how a normal household would look like here, compared with what we usually have in our own country.*" The foreigner stood up and offered his hand for Noah. "*i know.this could be personal. Forgive me for my nosiness.*" he said as he took more of Noah's weight as he had difficulty lifting himself up from the soft couch.

"*Ah, yes I will it's just across town I don't mind though you're welcome to come along.*" With a bit of help he stood back up It was interesting having someone like this with him. He let the man show him his room pausing for a few moments to look it his car with Dave at his side. His car was a bit old but it was clean and he didn't suspect that it would take them long to reach his house sense it wasn't rush hour, probably just about 30 minutes. Thats about the time it had taken him to get here. "*So, what is your home like?*" Noah asked after a bit trying to cover the silence.

Dave had been looking with amusement how Noah seemed to be driving without much problem, though he noticed the seat had been pushed back to as far as possible, and somehow he was sitting slightly turned to the side so his belly couls rest on his lap without getting into his leg's way of controlling the car. He was a bit distracted but he soon caught on. "*hm? It's more like... a hunter's cottage if i have to compare. Most usual hosueholds hang their hams and other preserved meat in their kitchen. We also have a lot of wooden furnitures. Carpets are a must, but usually only in the living room.*" he said tilting his head to look at Noah.

Noah gave a small nod, "*Sounds cool*" He tried to make a bit more conversation but they did reach his home eventually he lived in a one story small white house. The home opened up into the living room there was a lot of light it was a nice home . off to the side was a kitchen and between the living room and kitchen was a hallway leading back to the bedroom. It was mostly clean just a few things scattered about, there was half a crib set up in the living room he still hadn't finished because he had been called away. "*I'll go grab my things, just make yourself at home.*" Noah said heading for the hallway.

"*Go ahead. Take your time, we are in no hurry.*" Dave nodded and looked at Noah's back. He could be wanting to leave a professional impression, for he didnt support his back with his hand, which had his waddle a bit more obvious with the lacl of support. He then turned his attention to the living room, looking at everything, though eventually focused on the crib. He looked at the scattered parts with mild curiosity. In his country, cribs were sort of like an heirloom, seldom did they have a new one puechased. It symbolized good wishes from the whole family.

He sat down and started assembling the crib. He got the hang of it after some initial setbacks. It just seemed wrong to let Noah do this on his own with such a large belly in front. The picture just appeared to be dangerous.

Noah did take his time it took him a bit to grab his things but he did manage to gather them all and put them into a bag, Then, pulling it behind him he came back into the living room pausing when he saw that Dave had finished the crib for him. He blinked a few times vary surprised. "*Thank you.*" He wasn't sure what else to say, no one else had tried to help him before. "*You didn't have to do that..*" Noah knew the man must have already knew that and smiled at him coming over to get a good look at the crib, "*You certainly did it much faster then I could have managed..*"

"*You are very welcome. I just like to do these little things. Carpentry is my favrouite passtime anyway, and this is close enough.*" Dave waved it off and came over to take the bag. "*YOu could come inspect my work. Is it what it's supposed to be like?*" He asked holding Noah to get closer to the crib. The translator is tall, they were almost the same height. Dave just naturally put his arm around Noah's back that was arched forward.

IT felt natural, Noah didn't even notice at first he looked at the crib closely and gave a small nod. "*Yes, that is exactly what it is supposed to look like.*" He smiled, and though he though he thought about protesting he didn't really mind the help with the bag he just gave anther small nod of thanks looked around to make sure he had not forgotten anything else and put his jacket back on to head back to the hotel with Dave. He was starting to like the man, he was kind, vary.. interesting.

As they apprached the car, Dave hesitated when entering. "*If you... never mind. Let's go.*" He was about to offer to drive, but it could be taken in the wrong way by Noah so he held back the offer. What he couldn't resist, however, was to help Noah get into the car and help him fit the seatbelt when he apparently have difficulty finding it beside him, his sight obscured by his belly.

As they travelled down the road, Dave casually asked. "*So, you must be on your maternity... sorry to be dragging you out at this time. Though I have to say, you really is very proficient in our language.*"

Noah could have guessed what he was offering but he would have said no anyway. He did however not mind the help with the seat belt and getting into the car. It was kind of nice to have it actually. "*Thanks, I grew up with it, I mean, my family speaks English but we all learned different languages, ya know, some kids do sports? Yea we did language. I forgot most of the others but this one happened to stick for some reason.*" Noah shrugged "As far as maternity leave, yes, but it's alright honestly gets me out of the house."

When they reached the hotel Noah parked and got his things, with a bit of of help from david they headed back up to the room. They did after all have a long day ahead of them tomarrow

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