C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

(sure we would continue on this. btw, really thanks for agreeing to start this! Good night ;))

During the remaining break time, Dave did have a chance to walk around as he conversed quickly with his subordinates. He did consider offering to take Noah to the restroom afterwards, but thought it could appear a little awkward, so he went alone. Noah could use some more resting anyway.

The meeting started again not long later. This section was a closed door meeting and the discussion was clearly much more heated when they could really start on their negotiations. Each speaker dragged on long and spoke fast, making it a harder job for Noah to catch on. He also needed to translate fast as it became almost like a quarrel.

Noah did his best to keep up and not fall behind and honestly he did better then most probably would at this point. The meeting was long at least it was starting to feel that way to Noah. The cramps had returned random, but they hurt when they came. They were still far less then when he had been walking so he kept his focus on what was around him. Still, he couldn't help be a bit nervous at this point trying to get everything correct, anyone would have been.

Not only was the opponent heated, Dave was getting more into the discussion as well. As foreign minister, it was his job to work.out the best for his country. He had almost cut in before Noah managed to get all of it translated, and the intensity of th3 situation put much pressure on Noah. "*…with the attitude of yours, I doubt if we would be having any room for discussion. I guess that wrapped it up.*" he said in a sneer as he quoted a proverb in his language. It was sort of a scolding phrase, and it would be very tricky to transalte.

Noah almost had to ask for clarification, he wasn't sure he knew how to translate that correctly he paused for a moment partly because he had to think about it, partly because a pain on his belly had caught his attention. "Uh, With that attitude I doubt there will be any room for discussion, I guess that wraps this up." He matched Dave's tone as best he could because that was what he was supposed to do. He expected a vary agittated response and prepared himself to translate back. while also catching up on what he had missed in the few secounds he had paused.

The speaker on the other side responded with another proverb, followed by a string of.profanities. Dave could understand that but he was only glad to hear that. An angry person would always lose in a negotiation. He, though, still lookrd at Noah for a translation. He almost felt sorry for putting Noah at such a difficult position. He saw Noah's sweat coming down from hsi forehead, but he just assumed it was from the intense conversation.

Noah tried to translate again he had to pause for a moment, he didn't want to repeat what the man had said though he knew Dave would know it wasn't him who had said it. He translated it even the curse words, because he was supposed to, that was his job. He expected the man to fire back right away and prepared himself for it, this was getting heated and Noah didn't like being in the middle of it, it was stressful. He wondered if it was the stress that cuased the next pain to hit him, was it just his imagination, or where they getting stronger?

Dave responded quick as Noah had expected, though in a tone that indicated he was being sarcastic. He leaned back and smiled cockily at the other side, in that lazy manner of his that spoke of superiority. He gestured for Noah to translate, though muttered in a light voice to his assistant, basically teasing the man in front being a balding coward, which apparently didnt go unnoticed. The poor man stood up, his face and neck flushed with fury. He slammed on the desk and demanded from Noah, cutting off whatever he was sayiny. "What is it that he had just said!" He pointed to Dave, who just shrugged and grinned.

Noah didn't move for a moment the intensity of the man had startled him. He had to translate what was said it was policy and Noah wasn't the enemy here, but he wasn't sure that man understood. "He.. uh... Called you a c-coward." had he really stuttered? Was it fear or the cramps? He wasn't sure any more they were both equally problematic. Before he could be interrupted again he also quickly finished translating the sentence he had been on before. How did Dave stay so calm?

Dave's smile grew. He noticed how Noah omitted the "balding", and he looked at the opposite side with an amused smile. He added a quick phrase to further explain their standpoint to Noah, pointing at something on the notes to indicate where he wanted to add that. How close seemed together seemed to fuel the opposite side even more as the man rudely ripped Noah of the notebook he had been referring to. "You, Mr, should be one of our side! You traitor... what have you two been conspiring!" he said in utter annoyance as he flipped through the pages and fuond himself unable to understand whatever was on, and felt even more humiliated to find he had "lost" to Dave in another way. He ripped the notebook apart and threw it back to Noah, who was almost stranded in his chair and unable to duck. Dave brushed the flying booklet off and sneered. "I do not know why your country have such a low standard of education. You are just pathetic accusing an innocent man to be a traitor." He said as the guards came up and subdued the attacker.

Noah's eyes had gone wide, he had tried to answer to say something else but the notebook was pulled out of his hands to quickly and then it had been ripped up he hadn't gotten a chance to read it. It was stupid of the man, it hadn't been written in English had it not occurred to him? Noah was shaken by what had just happened but with the man dragged out of the hall maybe they could get back on track? He hoped so, he didn't want to deal with anything like that again. He really didn't like it. The baby had started moving quiet a bit again, also likely caused by the stress. He caught Dave up on what had been said and... the meeting continued... For awhile things went smoothly after that though the meaning seemed to drag on and Noah's pains that had been vary random before he was sure were becoming more regular and annoying. He would shift in his chair slightly, not that it would help much.

Dave took advantage of the chaos and pressed for more in the bargain. "*I am very sorry for that outburst, and this is indeed a very bad impression for your country. I think I have to reconsider what we have agreed upon, unfortunately.*" he had said while sitting back down on the chair. As bascially the meeting was restarting from teh start, albeit it being smooth, was getting more tedious, as they proceeded to discuss with details. The meeting had entered it's 5th hour and Dave was sensing more discomfort on Noah's side. He would shift forward, arch his back so much that his belly was pressing on the chair in a somewhat uncomfortable position, then he would move his hips from side to side. His breathing was also more labored as he seized the moment of lowering his head to scribble notes to squeeze his eyes shut.

He didn't have to translate anything for a moment, that was good considering he wasn't able to pay much attention his focus had gone to keeping his breathing even so he wouldn't draw in to much attention while at the same time trying to deal with the latest pain moving threw his body. One hand tightly gripped the pen in his hand. The pain passed and he relaxed and continued on, they would start speaking again soon and he would need to pay attention so he could translate, hopefully things would not get as heated this time.

The outburst from their comrades put the opposite party in an disadvantaged position, and Dave was not backing down on whatever issues. He didn't get appointed as foreign minister simply by being a blue blood, that's for sure. He almost smiled at how the opposite party tried to persuade, giving longer and longer speeches to get to their point in a subtle way. That also seemed to be the flaw because of it being teh second in command taking over the meeting, for this old guy was dragging on. He had been talkng nonstop for 10 minutes now without really getting to the point, and Noah had to flip yet another page to jot down his notes.

Back on track he had been doing pretty good at focusing and translating when suddenly his pen stopped moving his back arched just slightly by the time he remembered to pay attention he had missed something and he knew it. He tried to pick up on it but couldn't and ended up skipping over what ever sentence or two he had missed. He wasn't paying much attention to the times, but the pain once again died away and he was able to write properly The meeting was taking forever he was starting to get worried.

The skip was unusual and Dave looked at Noah with an inquiring look. He reached for noah's hand, which the pregnant man quickly put down after he's done with writing, clutching hard on his back as he repeated what the other party said. Dave furrowed his brows when he felt Noah trembling, there was a faint wobble in his voice now as well, and he was taking breathes at strange intervals, sometimes wavering slightly. He looked at Noah with slight concern, perhpas staring at him a little longer than he intended.

Dave was just lucky Noah could still properly get the words out that his brain would work well enough to do that. he tried to relax but even between the pains he was uncomfortable now unable to find a position that would make the pain in his back ease completely. He knew that Dave was starting to notice even though none of the others had and silently tried to tell him he was fine, was he though? That was a good question. He was less sure at this point. As the meeting dragged on on Noah found it increasingly hard to pay attention to what was being said.

A quiet gasp was heard by Dave in the middle of his turn. The first instinct was to grab Noah's hand and he felt the other squeezed on it tight as he once again scrunched up his face. He was definitely in pain now. Dave paused and drank from teh cup, buying time for Noah but he soon had to resume. He released his hand and continued on, and Noah was writing with trembling hands, his writings barely eligible as he could only spare a hand now, his other clutching so tight on his belly.

Noah was thankful that he had paused for a moment by the time he had to translate the pain had let up again. He spoke looking out at the others across the table, he just had to get threw this conversation, he was worried anther pain would him him while he was speaking that wouldn't be good he wasn't sure what he would do then. Still, he didn't rush and kept his voice as steady as he could manage to.

however, another contraction did hit in the middle of Noah's translation, his words were faltered and he sweated while sneaking his hands down to hold his belly. Dave had been murmurring quickly with his subordinates when he heard that, and he turned sharply to Noah and saw his effort in keeping thing professional and maintaining a straight face, even though his knuckles went white under the desk, squeezing the chair as he endured the pain.

He gripped tightly to the desk but somehow managed to continue speaking his words were slowed and he stuttered slightly his breathing labored. Still, everything was ok until the contraction hit it's peak and her couldn't help but groan. This was the strongest one yet. GRanted it was quiet and he had been pretty much done speaking anyway but Dave likely would have heard it.

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