C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Dave turned back to Noah when he heard the sigh. He knew the man was getting a break finally, though he still needed him to pretend doing some translations. He waited and found Noah wasnt taking the cue, as it should be his turn to talk. He theredore cleared his throat and asked. "*tell me something. Whatever. How are you feeling?*"

"*Sorry, sorry... I'm alright.. that last one was stronger, but there still pretty random.*" He had also been keeping track of the times sometimes they would come every 5 or 7 minutes or they would skip and it would be 10 or 20, that was still pretty close together honestly, much more then his liking but at least it meant he probably wasn't really in labor. "*I'm alright mostly just uncomfortable.*" No one else could understand the conversation and he went on a bit longer adding a few things so it would at leas seem as if he had translated.

"*ok, that's great. Be sure to tell me if this gets too much ok? I would try to speed up the meeting. Next up is thr real part......*" dave started his part, watching carefully for signs of discomfort ot Noah. Th3 last thing he would want to see was Noah getting too far in this and pressed on even when he shouldnt. His part was short, and Noah seemed quite ready in translating it when Dave sneaked a handkerchief for him. "*you are sweating. Use it.*"

Noah took it wiping the sweat off of him he translated it knowing it was important it wasn't a vary long part but he had to be sure to get it right. He was able to get it quiet well though it was towards the end anther pain had began. He mentally cursed but somehow managed to keep going, he stuttered slightly towards the vary end but that the only thing that he seemed to truly mess up on. he bit his lip and leaned back again. The pain didn't last nearly as long as it had last time and he relaxed before anyone on the other side could have questioned anything was up.

One of the opposite parties stared at the translator as he finished, but Dave soon tsked to show his annoyance and the man quickly turned away to begin their discussion. What dave had said was a harsh condition, and there were some discussion required on their side. While Dave waited for them, very confident he would be getting his way, he took Noah's hand to squeeze it, showing.him a gentle smile. "*next part, tell me everything you know about the child will you? Did you know about the sex, what have you prepared for the little one so far?*" he requested referring to the part where Noah had to translate "something".

"*It's a girl , I have the crib finished now.*" He smiled lightly giving the man a small smile before he continued. "*Other then that I painted a small room but I can finish most of the other things latter on. She'll be sleeping in my room anyway.*" Noah pointed out. "*Her name will be Emma.*" He added sounding a bit proud, and proud he was even if he was raising the child on his own...

"*emma, that's a beautiful name. You are a proud father of little, or shall I say big emma. She weighs how much now?*" dave asked beforr starting on his part. It was quite funny when they sneaked in casual chats within such a serious meeting, though it's a pleasant deviation from routine. These meetings were boring and repetitive, mainly just each side stressing on their standpoints until one side eventually compromised. He liked this little distraction a lot.

"*My last appointment was 2 weeks ago where they estimated her to be about 10ish pounds.*" Noah admitted The baby was vary big and he knew that, that was why he vary much planned on doing things in a hospital, it was safer and probably better to have a doctor around. This meeting was boring he hoped the next words from the other side would in fact be some sort of compromise, he thought Dave had done a pretty good job so far of speaking.

"*no wonder, your belly's indeed quite large, even.compared with my aunt who carried twins. I remember the twins were 5 and 6 lbs when born. You planning on a natural birth?*" Dave asked, simultaneously placing his hand on Noah's belly. He managed to.keep a straight face. Everything was going.quite fine, they are getting to a compromise, and he managed to bargain far more than their bottomline. Which, somehow, was thanks to Noah and the chaos.

Noah shrugged "*hopefully, that's what I would prefer but if I really couldn't handle it.*" He had been ok so far hadn't he? It was.. unpleasant and the pains had hurt but he had managed pretty well today all considering. Still, he would be happy when this was over and he could go back home and attempt to sleep.

He felt anther pain starting up and gave Dave a look silently warning him as the pain crashed threw him. They were at randoms times but were strong when they hit. His jaw clenched tightly he was sure if he had to speak no real words would come out. he would start groaning so he hoped he wouldn't have to say anything else for a moment.

Dave had dragged on for a little longer but he eventually had to stop. It would appear to be suspicious if he gave a long speech but Noah wasnt able to translate it into something with more or less similar length. He coughed and drank slowly again, stalling and waiting for Noah to get through this bit. When it didnt happen, he raised a hand and exchanged a few words with his assistant, then said something.like he had changed his mind when what he said was indeed the same.

When he paused this time Noah covered himself simply pretending he hadn't understood at first. When Dave finished a second time he began speaking going over the man's words to the others at the table, using the same tone and expression Dave had used the first time to give his original speech. He managed to get all of it and not drop anything somehow.

"*that's a close one. We did make a nice team dont we?*" dave said after they managed to get through the challenge. "*and little emma also cooperated. She didnt kick as hard now, knowing daddy's doing his job.*" dave gave Noah a little smile as they finally reached consensus. It's almost a wrap and they could soon wrap up the meeting.

"*yea, we do make a good team.*"Noah said quietly. "*and yea, she was much better that time. But I think it's because you're close honestly..*" She didn't know how that might have sounded to Dave but it was true every time he was around the baby would calm down.

"*because I'm close... hmm, yea, then I guess I have to keep.you close company instead of the other way round from now.*" He nodded to the opposite side as they finally agreed upon the trade terms, though disappointingly, the old guy had chosen this time to once again demonstrate his rambling.skills. it was obvious he held a grudge, for he kept on stressing over how advantageous it would be to Dave's country, contrasting to their side's "generous compromise", to which Dave endured at first but eventually rubbed his.nose again to ask.somebody to cut him off.

They were pretty much done, someone did cut the old man off though he didn't seem vary happy about it and Noah managed to translate the last few sentences. He had pretty much finished and Noah was glad for it. He was exhausted and he wanted to lay down. Others had began getting up but Noah felt anther pain starting it would look odd if he didn't stand but he didn't think he could for the moment. his breathing was a bit faster but he worked to try and keep it even as best he could

(I am gonna head out. Continue this tomorrow?)

Dave stayed close beside Noah, waiting subtly for Noah to recover as he exchanged words with his asistants. His people were all very excited discussing about their tremendous success. A few come to shake his hand. It was however, time to go and Noah was still in the middle of a contraction. Dave took his hand and asked. "*are you ok? Can you get up?" He helprd remove the cushions and everything, yanked the chair back and ready to pull him up

(Indeed I probably won't be around until late though, er, well about the same time I showed up tonight.)

Noah nodded and took Dave's hand slowly getting to his feet he leaned on Dave for a moment before he could steady himself the room was mostly empty and the contraction had now ended he pulled the keys out of his pocket before they had even gotten down stares. "*Can you drive back*?" Noah asked quietly as they slowly began heading for the door.

"Sure. Just rest." Dave took the keys feeling strangely proud that Noah was giving him this level of trust. He took the keys and supported Noah better, wounding his arm around his waist and half carried him out of rhe room. Dave casually glanced back and found the chair that Noah had sat on was wet. A dark patch on it. "Your water wouldnt be broken right?" He asked urgently, but soon saw how Noah's shirt was soaked wet. He was less alarmed now, though just to make sure, he asked again. "Tell me that's just sweat?"

"It wasn't." Noah said quietly he slowly made his way back out to the car with Dave, his water hadn't broken, not yet but he thought it might soon, he honestly wasn't sure. There was a sort of pressure that wasn't there before but that was the least of his problems with everything else he was feeling. He just wanted to go back and lay down.

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