C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"I have to admit our hands are tied.... well at least this woudln't be any formal meeting, if you don't feel ok it's always possible to take a break. We got the upperhand here afterall, since it would mostly be your government's responsbiility to ensure of our safety while on your soil... however cruel that sounded." He grinned and sat down beside Noah, keeping an inch's distance but eyed his belly curiously. He couldn't help but noticed Noah's nipples stood up from perhaps cold or anxiety. Then his belly started contracting again, and Dave just put his hand on the belly, wrapping Noah up in his embrace. "I am forever grateful for your sacrifice in this..."

Noah lean into him leaning his head into Dave's shoulder as the contraction moved threw him. he wasn't prepared to deal with it and it had caught him off guard. his body had tensed and let out a low groan until it let up and even then he did not let go of Dave right away pulling away only after he had caught his breath and contained himself once more.

Dave let Noah go almost reluctantly. He wanted to be there for Noah, and physcial touches was the only way he found comforting himself. As a child he always cried for someone to hug him through his pains and sicknesss, so naturally taht's what he was offering Noah. "I just want to let you know if you want any hugs or embraces, I am here." He finally settled on just offering, lowering his hand to plant on the bed just behind Noah.

"Will you rub my back?" his words words were really vary quiet as if he wasn't sure if he should ask them or not but his back was bothering a lot and he thought it might help. "Just.. for a bit?" He bit his lip he didn't think Dave would mind but he couldn't be sure. For awhile he stayed there having contractions every so often but doing his best to work threw them. For a bit Noah had even managed to sleep a little longer but eventualy they did have to have the meeting.

"Of course, that's the least i can do." Dave was thrilled to be asked, and swiftly started his rubbing. The muscle was tight and knotted, after a whole day of contracting, eventually he heard Noah's content sigh. He made a move that was considered as daring, and pressed Noah's head gently on his shoulder as he rubbed. He smiled when he felt the weight on him getting heavier, and after sometime, he was quite happy to hear gentle snoring from his translator.

Dave moved Noah to lay down after awhile, putting his belly on himself and wound his arm around the other man, and managed to catch some sleep himself. He woke up the next day, barely aware of where he was, and was initially stunned by how he found Noah pressing close to him. He looked at the door to find the reason for him to wake up, and saw his butler mouthing to him the ofificla would be ready in half an hour. He nodded his understanding and decided to slip off bed and let Noah sleep for a few minutes longer.

Noah awoke a few minutes latter to find Dave gone he sat up and got himself dressed before heading down stairs to find Dave. He wasn't as tired as he had been the day before at least he had gotten some rest. He was feeling a bit better that was for sure. "Good morning." HE said softly when he did see Dave. Noah knew they would have to he taking off vary soon but he was pretty much ready anyway.

Dave was surprised to see Noah once again dressed in impeccable full suit, at least, as impeccalbe as it could be with the belly. He had to smile for he had been in his robe only, making Noah appearing to be way overdressed. "Where do you think you are heading?" The amused glint in his eyes were obvious. "Oh well, i should have briefed you earlier but I wasn't expecting you to be up so quick. We are having the meeting here, to save all the additional risk of commuting. It would only be held in the basement of the hotel, a safe room. That's the reason for them to put us here in teh first place, with the readily available facility. That suit's looking awfully constricting. Do you want to change into something more comfortable? I don't think they would mind."

Noah blushed slightly "yes.. I.. yea actually." He was glad they didn't have to leave and even more so that he didn't have to worry about the suit he smiled lightly. as long as Dave was ok with it he didn't think it would be a big deal. He left and came back a few minutes latter in a simple pair of pants and a decent shirt, casual but nice. It was then that anther contraction hit him. He took one hand and leaned over the chair trying to force himself to relax and keep his breathing steady until it passed he didn't have to hide the pains at the moment so he made no atempt to .

"That shirt looks great actually, where did you...." Dave's casual chitchat attmept was cut short by Noah's pained groan. Dave shoot up and took Noah's hand. The belly had once again tightened so much ti was rock hard. He moved the man over to the couch, lowreing him slowly onto the soft surface. He started worrying about Noah, and whether he could get through this contingency meeting. He eventually turned and waved over the butler. "*Call the doctor, anyone, just ask those people to get someone here.*"

When it finally let up he leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes breathing properly again. "I-I'm alright." He gasped he was glad that Dave understood and spoke English even more so now because he wasn't paying attention enough to just start speaking his language even though he knew as the translator he should be.

"I have called for the doctor already, just stay here? I wouldn't want you to have your water broken while we are in the meeting...." He said. The butler nodded but right when he was relaying the message, two agents in full suits were at the door, about to knock. Both of their faces spoke of no nonsense and said. "With all due respect, Sir, we need to have this meeting as soon as possible. Your safety is in great jeopardy for the time being, and we need to arrive at the safe room for the presentation right away." One of them said, gesturing for him to go out. Dave have no way but to refer to Noah, needing to upkeep his pretense.

Noah did all he knew to do and translated the sentence. then with a bit of help he got to his feet to go with Dave. If it had been anything else but saftey he would have stayed and simply relaxed but the strange men were right this was a matter of security and Dave might be in danger Noah had to come with it wasn't really a choice. Besides if something did happen he would be safer there then anywhere else.

The agents were obviously more anxious than Dave, for they sandwiched the two while they proceeded downstairs, scanning through the environment for potential threats already. They stood close together in the lift, Dave's breath brushed against the back fo the neck of Noah, his hand lightly placed on his back. With a ding, they arrived the designated basement floor and went out. Everything was smooth, and they sat down in the safe room, which suprisingly looked almost like a normal suite with a living room and a bedroom. "*SO we are supposed to be here for days?*" Dave asked, quirking up a brow.

"Were supposed to be here for days?" Noah translated looking to the two men as soon as they were in the room he backed up a bit away from the others he couldn't help it being so close made him a bit claustrophobic especially at the moment. At least, being trapped down here didn't seem so bad it wasn't that different from the room upstairs honestly.

Dave was a little surprised by how Noah seemed to be shying away from his touch, but he went forward to sit down on the couch anyway, making himself comfortable. One of the agents, the female, said in a monotonous tone. "Yes, we would be arranging you to be staying here for at least these 3 days. We have intel on a scheme that targeted your highness, with an aim of jeopardizing the relationship between our 2 countries. It's for your safety and please, refrain from leaking your whereabouts to any other parties."

"*They've arranged you to stay here for 3 days they think you're being t-targeted.. along... to jeopardize the relationship ...between the 2 countries..*" He moved a hand to his his side and went quiet he wasn't trying to hide it as much as he had before mostly because he honestly couldn't. He hadn't bothered with the whole translation though he had done a good part of it before he became to distracted.

Dave concentrated more on the reaction of Noah than really teh content of the translation. He frowned and asked. "*Has the pain started again? Come sit down... there isn't any rule against it. And I assume the doctor would be here soon, my butler is ever efficient.*" He said moving over, extending an hand for Noah. "*Come here.*" he said ignoring the slightly shocked face of the agents.

Noah barely hesitated and in moments found himself sitting down next to Dave as the rest of the contraction died down. He sat down curling up next to him almost like a hurt child. He might have found the reactions of the agents rather amusing had it not been for the fact it was him causing them. He chose not to translate all of those words either and just tossed glance back at them for a moment.

Dave leaned back all the way to allow space for Noah and circled arn arm around his shoulder, making sure he had easy access to the belly, caressing it in an intimate way that had the agents oggling even more. He smirked and cleared his throat, giving the pair in suit a "so what" look and kissed Noah's forehead lightly as he half forcefully pressed his head on hsi shoulder.

Noah could see the pair mentally freaking out as if they had never seen something like this before. He smiled and rested his head on Dave's shoulder closing his eyes and resting for a moment no one was speaking there was nothing for him to translate. Under Dave's hand the baby shifted and moved slightly in it's limited space granted it was resting rather low now so it's movement got a small uncomfortable gasp from Noah as he was kicked.

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