C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"*Hmm? What is it?*" Dave asked gently turning to Noah. He saw Noah's hand quickly raised to cover the lower side of his belly. He glanced down and covered Noah's hand with his own. "*little emma's again kicking you? Which part is it... your pelvis or your bladder.*" He made wild guesses, the smile on him was amused and excited. "*Can i feel it?*"

"*both.*" he said rolling his eyes but he was still smiling and moved his hand way so that Jace could feel the baby's movement. with a hand out of the way he probably would have been able to see it even the kicking visible. "*Shes always active but especially lately*" Noah pointed out trying to relax.

"*An active little girl.. .she would be a handful when she comes out.*" Dave commented happily. "*Oh she's saying high to me! Through your bladder... I presume, though still, a hi.*" He said hearing Dave's pained grunt again as the kick transferred to his palm. Just then, someone knocked on the door and Dave looked up. "*It could be the doctor, though they would have to check.*" He said gesturing to the 2 agnest who were shifting around awkwardly.

Noah groaned "*Yea that be about right.*" He froze when he heard the knock he glanced up at the door and watch the agents go to check it. He didn't think much about it at the moment it was probably just the doctor which was fine. He let Dave continue to touch his belly mostly because after a few more moments it seemed to be calming the child down a bit. It was still kicking but it wasn't being as rough about it.

"Who are you, identify yourself." one of the agents - the younger one asked. "Are you the doctor." Upon hearing this, Dave frowned at such a rookie mistake and stared at the pair with more concern. He quickly stood up and went to the door himself. "*Who is this? Are you there Tom?*" he asked using his butler's first name, but there was just silence outside and Dave was sensing something not right. He looked back at Noah who was looking at him curiously. "*This is probably not my guy, go into the room.*" He said shaking his head to the agents and sliced his finger through his neck, gesturing to the door.

Noah went from calm to suddenly vary worried in a matter of moments, it had been a threat before but it hadn't really hit him until now, people were vary much likely trying to harm them. He stood slowly to his feet, when the man behind the door had given no answer Noah also knew something was up. unfortunately weather it was the sudden panic or perhaps just the timing, either way he was gripped quiet suddenly but anther strong pain and found himself unable to move from his spot for a moment.

The agents were alarmed as well and quickly pulled out their guns and ducked on either side of the door. The more experienced one continue to yell something, but Dave had no mind for it. He saw Noah froze on the spot, his hands holding tight under his belly as he slightly curled himself forward. Dave glanced back and decided they had no time to lose and quickly lifted Noah up from his spot and went through to the bedroom, where the door was enhanced and bullet proof, a saferoom within a saferoom. There were ventilation and there was water supply from teh adjoining toilet. Dave slammed the door shut with his foot and hurried over to put Noah on bed. "You ok buddy?"

Noah instinctively moved to his side curling in on himself as if that might ease the pain it didn't but it also began to fade after a few more moments. "Y-yea." He straightened up a bit and glanced around the room he tried to listen for what might be going on outside. He looked frightened and he had reached out a hand to Dave. The man calmed him..

Dave came to his side after securing the door. He listened for a moment and heard more yelling, but so far no gunshots. He sat down beside Noah and clutched his hand, brushing his hair back. "You are safe here... we are in fact quite self sufficient. Trust me." He said kissing Noah's forehead. "I guess we could resume what we had been doing now." He smiled reaching a hand down to Noah's dome, caressing it from teh sides.

Noah shook his head, perhaps it was him being tired that gave him the boldness to do it but When Dave joined him on the bed he didn't just let him sit he reached a hand out hand pulled him down to lay next to him wrapping one arm around the man. He didn't think much of it he just did it. It was as he did this though that two things occurred to him. One, Noah vary much liked this man, in ways he was not sure he had words for yet and two, Dave would be leaving when all of this was over. Noah pulled back slightly letting go as he realized this.

Dave was surprised but complied with Noah's wishes, fitting himself comfrotably wrapping Noah in his arms as well. He was confused when Noah pulled away. He looked at him, not quite asking but his eyes conveyed of his confusion. He kept his hands on his belly nonetheless.

Noah was still and quiet for a long few moments and he finally spoke. "*you'll go back, when all of this is over. It's to be expected you have to. you don't live here It's just....*" This broke every rule in the book he was not supposed to be saying things like this and despite all that had happened in the last few days he had no proof Dave returned any of his feeling Noah went quiet just laying his head closer to Dave and closing his eyes. He didn't know what else he could say.

"Sure I don't live here.... " Dave measured his words carefully, especially when he chose to not use his native tongue. "But that doesn't mean.. .i cannot fall for you. And that I cannot continue to be fond of you.... we could figure those out later, there got to have some solutions. what i want to clarify is, since you are so, concerned about our residential places, you are, feeling the same as me?" He asked, still keeping it subtle but there was an exciting hope in his eyes.

"S-so.. you do feel the same? I mean.. I yes.. I like you a lot." He spoke English and he still couldn't find the proper words. He seemed to relax slightly maybe.. Dave was right maybe they could figure this all out latter. Noah closed his eyes for a moment only to be gripped by anther pain just a few moments latter. No longer was he relaxing his body tensed and he clutched tighter to dave.

Dave was thrilled and about to properly kiss Noah when the contraction hit again. He frowned and smoothed over Noah's back, this time less awkward and aware of his proximity with Noah. He could hear Noah's heavy breathing distinctly with him laying his head on his chest. It felt so natural and easy, Dave could only be thankful that he had been here to help Noah get through this difficult period of time with him.

After a bit it let up and he let up a bit steadying his breathing again. He was glad that Dave was with him even if they were in an, interesting situation at least he was with someone and not alone.

"They are really getting close together, isn't it. Actually, were you going to have a home birth?" Dave asked curiously, again his hands were almost glued to Noah's belly as he rubbed the once again softening flesh. He even nibbled on his neck as he murmured. "That's such an untimely contraction.... cutting off the serious talk we got." He said, making his way to Noah's lips.

Noah shook his head slowly. "No I wasn't, I had considered it but with the baby's size..." He shrugged. "It's alright.." He tried to keep the worry from his voice but Dave was right that one had been much closer. He smiled lightly kissing Dave back this, despite everything was the happiest he had been in a vary long time. Perhaps not the best of circumstances but it could be a lot worse. They were safe.

"You sure is a great nurturer to have Emma to be such a big baby.... " Dave joked cupping Noah's belly, not exactly pushing it up but weighing it in his palms. "Consider the extra weight you carry around, you really surprise me with your agility." He further commented and then enjoyed the kiss, finding himself utterly lovestruck with feelings he had for the man. "I couldn't wait to see how this beuatiful girl looks like." he caressed Noah's face as they finally separated, but soon a gunshot and loud yells could be heard from teh outside that caused both of them to snap out of their romantic bubble.

Noah froze his gaze pulled away from Dave and to the door he sat up a bit, the fear in his eyes was obvious. He looked back to Dave as if he might have some sort of answer as to what was going on. He probably didn't, but.. they were safe here weren't they? That was the theory but the people, if there was shooting had gotten threw the first door would something stop them from getting threw this one?

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