C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"From what I heard this is a reinforced room. They basically have to bomb through the door. Dotn worry it's all ok. It most probably would be a simultaneous attack as frrquently adopted by terrorists, but even if your governemnt couldnt spare the effort, my people are pretty good at their job as well." Dave said hugging Noah close. "We could be here for awhile though.... " he added. It could take at least a few hours for his.people to arrive, and judging by how frequent Noah's contrations were coming, they could be having the bitth brfore they arrive.

Noah nodded slowly trying to calm himself down. His body tensed again and he felt a contraction starting. He let out a groan, his eyes closed there was a lot pressure it probably wasn't going to be much longer until his water broke. Hours seemed like a vary long time neither of them had to say that though they were both well aware the baby would probably be coming before that.

The chaos outside was soon muffled up and there was still some fighting sounds, but it seemed like the pair managed to subdue the invader, for a recognised voice could be heard knocking on the door, reporting that the threat was cleared but they were advicsed to stay in there, then waited for an affirmative answer for their wellbeing. Dave looked at Noah and was about to answer of the afirmation while clutchign Noah's hand.

Noah nodded the pain took longer to let up but it eventually did "that one.. hurt.." He said still catching his breath a bit but at least it seemed like things outside had calmed down quiet a bit that was good. Hopefully nothing else would happen He tried to relax letting his head rest on Dave's shoulder for a few moments before shaking his head, this, was comfortable anymore it wasn't that he didn't want to be close to the male he just needed to be up for a moment. Slowly he give Dave a kiss and prepared to get up.

Dave didnt understand at first but soon understood and got off bed first, staying close ready to offer his help holding Noah's arm as he shuffled closer to the side. The pressure must be great, for Noah seemed to be more clumsy than before while moving across the bed to get down. "The baby must be pressing really low.... " Dave commented looking at Noah finally planting his feet on the ground and ready to heave himself up. The lowest part of his belly now pressed down against the mattress.

"It is." Noah assure him the baby felt vary low he held onto Dave to help pull himself up then slowly, and rather awkwardly began to move the room. He would freeze when a pain hit him and lean on the closest thing to him weather it was Dave or a wall. He groaned and tried vary hard to deal with the pain that only seemed to be growing worse. Eventually he did feel his water break taking care of some of the pressure but not nearly as much a s he had hopped for.

Noah had once again impressed Dave by how long he had endured on his legs. He had been walking around for at least an hour, before his water broke, and even though he had been moving slow, from how awkward his steps were, Dave was pretty sure he was suffering from huge degree of discomfort just by stepping forward. He tried to stay close and the splash of liquid startled him a little when all his attention was placed on Noah's upper half, so to speak. There appeared to have a large dark patch on the carpeted floor as Dave quickly held Noah steady, where the laboring man had been panting. "That's it.... well guess Emma's really quite ready to come here. I guess she likes this room."

Noah couldn't help but let out a groan he was almost completely leaning on Dave. The relief was vary short lived and the contractions that fallowed his water breaking gripped him hard. "G-guess so." He smiled lightly though the slight hint of fear in his eyes was vary hard to miss. "Ugghh.. h-help me to the bed.." He said no longer wanting to remain standing.

"Yea, yea... " Dave answered as he manhandled Noah back.on bed, basically heaving him.up.and put him close to the headboard. He could guess laying.flat on his back wouldnt be the most comfortable position for him now. He went to the bathroom and collected a wet towel to wipe away his sweat and clean him up a little, but be ignored the little whimper as Noah, hard hit by the pain, seemed to be confused by where Dave was going, completely forgetting they were actually quite trapped here and the door that Dave went through wasnt the exit.

Noah groaned trying vary hard to remain calm. His body hurt when he finally got a break from the contraction he leaned his head back and closed his eyes for a second. It wasn't going to wait anymore the baby was coming and they were without any sort of medical help. It could have been worse but still, Noah worried. He blushed when he realized what he had to do next, his pants were wet anyway "Help me get these off.. please?" Noah said quietly unable to keep from blushing a bit.

Dave had to chuckle at the embarrassment, which lifted his own uneasiness. "Well, this certainly isnt the scenario that I would omagine doing this to you the first time, but... either way I am happy to help." He said climbing onto the bed and peeled the soaked wet pants away. At least these werent the tighter dress pants, so it was relevantly easy to pull them off Noah's decidedly plump and shapely butt. "Nice...." dave just sighed, not specifying what he was describing.

Noah blushed, it didn't really fade much, and Dave's comment wasn't any help this was not how he had wanted to go about this he was starting to panic slightly, though his quick breathing could have also been from the contraction that had now gripped him. He tried to get himself to relax, really, at all but it was becoming a task. The blush faded as he closed his eyes tightly and leaned his head back against the head bored.

The dull thud of Noah leaning back pulled Dave's mind off from staring at the quite perfect figure of Noah, despite being as hugely pregnant as he could. He took the wet towel and started wiping the area clean, and bit his.lips from commenting how Noah was cleanly shaved. His mind wandered off a little before a pained grunt of Noah dragged him back to reality once again, and he finished what he started, parting Noah's legs slightly and stuffed a pillow underneath so it would be easier to access him.

Noah was breathing hard between pains his body ached, the contractions were nearly constant now. "It hurts." He whimpered but there was a new feeling with the next contraction and he gasped. "uggghh it's coming, I have to push." He managed to get, out as his body tensed up. He was no longer embarrassed or really cared about anything accept getting the child out of him.

Dave wasnt sure of anything about delivery. All he knew were frankly from movie portrays that probably didnt givr out any reliable information. He stuttered a little when he saw Noah started to push. "Y-you gonna push? R-right, yea, push!" He echoed and stared down, half expected to see a head to just pop out which was obviously not the case. He did, however, spread Noah's legs wide and palmrd his lower belly gently to feel the movement inside.

Noah felt it make slow progress down word. His hips and back ached as the baby moved down and he could do nothing but groan and try to deal with pain that only seemed to be getting more intense. Between pains he would take a few moments to breath and push again gritting his teeth threw the slow progress.

It looked very uncomfortable for Noah to be doubling forward when he pushed, and it looked like his effort wasnt exactly effective. Noah wasnt sure what else he could do, he just sat between his legs and rubbed his thighs in between pushes and when Noah would collapse back and pant hard. Everytimr when he leaned back, he looked uncomfortable with no where to rest his head, and Dave just crept up and sat next to him, hopefully he could make himself useful, at least as a cushion for Noah.

Noah groaned loudy the progress was slow but it was coming, not fast enough for his likeing but it was progress. When Noah came to sit next to him Noah leaned on him breathing hard between pains. He knew the boy didn't know a lot about any of this but Noah was starting to get worried with the lack of progress. He couldn't help but groan and push again clutching tightly to the blankets under him.

Dave did what he could, wiping Noah's face from time to time to cool him down, and also give him water when therr was a break. The grunts of Noah was getting somehow less in controlled, and the slight fear seeped through to Dave. "It's alright. Help is on the way, just do as you feel lilr. Your body knows best." He said holding Noah up, feeling him pant on his chest created a resonance with the "mother" and child.

"T-this isn't working it's not coming." even as he said this anther pain moved threw him and Noah leaned foreword to push. "It's to...slow.." He wasn't sure if it was simply due to the child's size or if something was actualy wrong. He leaned into davetrying to calm himself down they had been saying help would be there for while, and yet no one had come Noah was honestly starting to doubt it.

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