Centaur Breeders(Closed)

Jace grinned widely running his hand through his hair still, ignoring the pressure for a second as he listened to his boyfriend

Liam smiled in his sleep " jace he looks just like you I love you..." Liam whispered still dreaming

Jace hummed softly "I love you too" he said quietly. The pressure suddenly became unbearable and he yelped unable to stop himself as he grabbed his stomach. He felt he suddenly needed to go to the bathroom and got up trying to get there in time before he heard a small pop and he wet himself...but the wrong hole had done it. "Oh god. Oh god. Oh god"

Liam woke up and looked at Jace seeing the water rush down his leg he knew exactly was going on he jumped up and took Jaces hand " hey your okay...just breathe your water broke..." Liam stated kissing him on the cheek

Jace shook his head quickly tears rolling down his cheeks "I can't....I can't do this. Its a baby, our baby, its a normal labour, its lasting for hours and hours. I can't do this" he said shaking terrified. He bit his lip as his first contraction hit moaning quietly for the few seconds it occurred

Liam gave Jaces hand a reassuring squeeze " jace calm down and breathe with me..." Liam demonstrated how to breathe in through his mouth and put his nose he wrapped his arms around jace and started walking around the house with him " your water broke so it shouldn't be that slow plus walking will speed things up I'm here for you jace your doing great" Liam encouraged

Jace walked slowly as he breathed as deeply as he could. After six hours the pain was becoming unbearable, a light sheen of sweat already covered Jace's body. He leant heavily against the wall squeezing Liams hand tightly for a whole thirty seconds as he sobbed a little

Liam helped hold Jace up he put his hand down feeling his hole " you feel fully dialated you feel the need to push...you wanna go to the bed or you wanna squat whatever's comfortable I'm here for you your amazing " Liam whispered really meaning it he didn't know if he could do this for six hours

Jace moaned softly at the touch of his sensitive area then sniffled "I don't think I can....nnnnnnngh.....move. Ill try squating first" he said leaning against the wall, his legs spread apart as he squatted down. He took a shaky breath tears rolling down his cheeks constantly. He bore down "Nnnnnnngh! Nnnnnnngh!" he groaned trying to move the baby

Liam held Jaces hand as he looked at Jaces hole he could see the baby but it wasn't crowning yet " keep pushing jace it's lowering your doing great..." Liam encouraged rubbing Jaces hips to help him

Jace groaned and pushed as hard as he could "Nnnnnnngh! Get ooooooooooout!" he moaned tears continuing down his cheeks "Please" he whimpered

The baby slowly moved inch by inch the head was quite big so that's why it was taking so long the head finally crowned Liam smiled " it's crowning jace keep pushing your doing so well " Liam encouraged

Jace sobbed "I can't do this, it hurts, please make it stop" he sobbed and bore down screaming in agony at the stretching

Liam frowned " jace you can do this your strong you had the centaur babies you can give birth to our baby...your so strong keep pushing" Liam encouraged reaching down massaging and stretching his hole to help him

Jace sobbed "Its different. That was almost a year ago. This labour has lasted forever, Im so tired" he sobbed brokenly as he bore down again squeezing Liams hand hard groaning loudly

" I know it's long but your almost done baby your so strong your doing it" Liam encouraged and the huge head slowly slid out stretching jace to the max Liam tried to help by stretching and massaging Jace whole

Jace screamed in agony holding onto his stomach as he sobbed "It hurts so much!" he cried in pain as he started to shake from the pain holding onto Liam for dear life.

Liam sighed hating to see his boyfriend in so much pain the head slid half way out and Liam was amazed at how big it was " keep pushing the heads halfway out you can do this jace" Liam encouraged

Jace sobbed and bore down again screaming at the pain "Nnnnnnngh!!! Come on!" he sobbed as he pushed

The. Head finally slid out and Liam smiled " the heads out a couple more pushes and your done.."

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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