C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Dave, clueless of the process, didn't understand for Noah's pause in pushing, but he let him rest assuming he just needed a break. He supported the head and wasn't too aware of the turning because of the towel in between. The thing with the wait though, was blood started clotting while the baby turned, the narrow neck allowing room and time for the blood to coagulate. Now that Noah was pushing again, he was once again tearing open his wound.

Noah cried out when he felt it his back arched and he struggled for a moment not to let the pain overwhelm him he began pushing again gripping to the sheets and giving a loud cry. He felt one of the shoulders come free before the contraction ended giving him a moment to breath.

Dave could feel a new wave of warm fluid coming from Noah. The towel was soaked with blood and the new stream overwhelmed its capacity, making it known to him that Noah had been bleeding again. It was all bloody but soon he felt the child surged forward, one shoulder literally shot out of her bearer. He scrambled to held the baby with both hands. "One shoulder's out, just one bit left now Noah."

Noah clutched to the side of the bed breathing hard until anther pain hit and he had to push. He cried out as the second shoulder came out. , it should be easy, in theory, Dave should have just been able to pull the child out from here.

Though obviously Dave didn't know what t odo with the situation. He was ahving a baby in his hands, halfway out, stuck at what would be horribly painful position in Noah, and felt so squishy and soft he dared not put any force on it. "W-what do I do now?" He asked in his panic.

"P-Pull." Dave gasped pain moving through him. It didn't occur to him until now Dave didn't know what to do, of course, he knew that but he was so tired it didn't register again until Dave had asked. "just gently pull, i-t should...come out."

(Mixed up names did you ;) HAHA anyway...)

Noah's probably all exhausted, he was not trembling anymore, rather, his muscles twitched and spasmed making Dave realise he needed to do something, and do it fast. He pulled as instructed, though at first having difficulty getting a good hold of the baby, he did managed to grab her tight and pulled. Her bum was the last bit to born, and he almost yanked her through the tight birth canal.

(XD it was like 9am lol )

Noah cried out as Dave tugged at the baby. It was helping but it hurt he could feel it moving and he gritted his teeth. "UGGHHHH!" he gasped his energy spent he tried to push to help Dave but it wasn't strong enough to do much.

(HAHA fully understoooooood)

The hips proved to be a real obstacle. It was somehow even wider than the head and Noah was so exhausted he couldnt offer much help. Dave pulled on the child with measured strength, he couldnt really have a good grip and really just yank. It would only tear open Noah's wound even wider if he just use brute force. He struggled to free the baby, though with one strangled yelp, Noah's legs just gave out and he almost dropped down on the floor.

He had managed to catch himself on the side of the bed though just barely, this position wasn't any better. "Pull." Noah groaned as the muscles tightened around the baby again. "He could feel why Dave was being careful. This part of the baby was big but he was too tired to care anymore. "get it out!" he gasped as the pain peaked. He tried to give little pushes but there wasn't a whole lot he could do being so tired.

At first Dave continued his effort, but he then found the baby's color going strange. So deep red was the baby he was finding it unnatural. In one bold move Dave yanked. The baby still wouldnt budge at first, but he pulled harder and harder and eventually, the baby breached through, dropping down with a huge gush of fluid out into his hands, feeling quite heavy. "She's here!"

Noah cried out his back arched barely able to move the pain was intense he could feel Dave tugging at the baby and he cried out as he felt it move then, it was out and Noah pretty much collapsed breathing hard. He turned his head to look at the baby noticing how big it was. No wonder it had given him so much trouble.

Dave quickly glanced at the clock. "Woah that's.... " it was almost 2am now. "Congratulations Noah. Time of birth 1:57. Emma's birthday is officially today." He smiled and held up the baby, still bloodied. Dave was a little awkward then, the chord's not cut yet and they were all tangled together. "I am putting you back up on bed ok? Can you hold Emma?" He asked turning Noah so that the two would be facing each other.

Noah nodded taking the child in his hands. He felt Dave pick him up and whimpered slightly when he was moved. It wasn't that bad but his muscles were sore and he was tired. He tried to stay awake because it occurred to him Dave might not know what to do if he passed out, "Have to... find something to cut the cord..." Noah mumbled.

Dave looked around and wasnt really fnding anything that's sharp enough to cut it. He settled Noah as best as he could, propping him up in pillows and cushions, putting clean towels on him and the baby to keep them warm. "I.will search around.in the drawers." He said finally, leaving them on the bed while frantically searching through the room for.something.

"There should be a first aid kit in the bathroom or something." Gear mumbled, of course, he couldn't be sure but he was guessing they would put one in here someplace. They had to, it was a safe room it would be pretty stupid not to wouldn't it?

Unforutnately, even with a firstaid kit, aside from the bandages and some disinfecting alcohol, there wasn't anythign useful. No sign of having a scissor. Dave bit his lips and decided he would have to use the silverware at the drawer for dining in the drawers. Taking the alcohol, he came back with everything he thought he could need. The girl laying on Noah's belly was mewling, her chord still linking her with her parent. "I will have to use this knife...though some grinding would be necessary." The man wasn't sure what should happen now. everything he knew about childbirth ended with the baby out, as no television would bother showing the afterbirth and all. Dave took up chose a point to start girnding through the chord with his disinfected knife, and thereby was pulling on the placenta at the other end.

Noah suddenly understood why using scissors was important. He gasped gritting his teeth, his jaw clenched tightly as he felt it. The feeling was uncomfortable but in theory, it shouldn't take long to cut the cord. Emma had fallen asleep in Noah's arms worn out by how long it had taken for her to be born. Noah understood how she felt and tried to focus on Emma instead of the uncomfortable feeling of the cord being moved.

The knife was not blunt, but not sharp either. The chord was thick and the moment it pierced through it, it started bleeding. Dave bit his lips and continued, he was partially sure it wasn't really blood from the baby or Noah, despite how Noah had been squirming. With a last grind, he finally cut the linkage between the two, and thankfully the blood had stopped. He looked at the chord still dangling and wasn't sure what he should do, and tried to look at Noah for some more instructions.

Noah could feel the dull ache of the contractions coming back. "I-it's normal, just have to get the Placenta out." He didn't want Noah to worry or anything as he began giving light pushes, it shouldn't take much for it to come out and Noah was right with just a few pushes he had managed to get it out. Now, hopefully, he could actually rest.

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