Just his breeding machine (c/w bhdire8)

Alford "Al" Branner
Age: 26 yrs
Appearance: 5'5" yellow eyes, red-brown hair, white skin, slim build with a little muscle
Personality: Faithful, kind, optimistic, unambitious and quite submissive.

Al was 3 months pregnant man that lived in one of the biggest mansion in the city. His life was changed when he was chosen to the mate on the strongest and biggest nobility that was the last magic user remained. The chosen one was anyone who could bear the children and preserve magic power for his children. The chosen could be anyone from noble to villager. 
Al has been chosen 5 months ago when it was time for the leader of magic nobility to have his child. Everyone knew his name even the king of the city, but no one knew what he needed to face living in this mansion. The problem was his mate who seemed to hate Al so much. He had never come to his room after their breeding night. It was really bad for Al although other people here were really good and kind with him. The head of his maid took care him as her child and even his husband's father was so kind to him, but it wasn't helpful since his mate hated him. Al couldn't avoid meeting his mate since they needed to have breakfast and dinner together. 
It was another day that Al was waiting for his mate for the dinner after his work at the living room of the mansion. He didn't feel that good since his morning sickness was getting worse. He preferred the normal white gown since it wouldn't be too hard for cleaning if he threw up and his humility was something that made everyone like him. Al could hear someone was walking in the room but it seemed to have more than one person.

(I think I' doing so bad at the start. Please don't mind me. It's long time since I'm the one who starts the thread lol) 
(The image is Al in my imagination but with less confidence and more submissive hehe)
[Image: 13636113_268718310157691_943193361_n.jpg...Mg%3D%3D.2]

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Not at all! You are doing a great job ;) i like the image.... hmmm but maybe I should do what you did as well and find an image who.would be my personification so we could both have a better idea!)

Name: George von Malroy
Age: 30
Appearance: dark hair and silvery eyes. He's tall at 6" and handsome. With his magical power, he used to be discrimated, especially when he was young and still a scrawny kid. He thereforetrained up himself and eventually become physically and magically strong.

George was a man that's serious and cool. He was used to people coming to get close to him with their secret agenda. His identity as the last magic user and his family name had brought to him more trouble than advantages. Since everybody seemed to approach becausw they wanted something from him, he was used to exploiting them as well. Too many people are eager to get to his bed, so why not enjoy it. His bearer was no different to him.

As magic.user, he was required to reproduce. When he reached 30, he was ordered by his father to produce an heir. He reluctantly obliged. He rememebrred his face, surely, since they had meals together, but he never spoke to him. He supposed he introduced himself as something.like Al, bur he didnt rememeber his lastname or whatever else about it. There was simply no.need.

Under the request of his father, he agreed he would respect the young man, which was demonstrated by him refraining from.bringing.someone else back. However, he made his anger and frustration show by silently protesting, therrfore he never stepped into that man's room ever again. He did his duty, therr's no more need to get close to him anymore. Tonight, while he was out tending to business, a stranger came by, a blonde girl with gorgeous figure. Amy?
Annie? He.couldnt remember, but he could do wirh a good shag. He bumped into.the room, laughing into the attractive woman as he barged through the door and stumbled into the living room. He did share a drink with this girl, and both of them were a little under the effevt of alcohol. "Babe you are so pretty." He chuckled and kissed the girl, not even acknowledging Al's presence at all.

(Ahh, can't wait for Gorge to hold Al in his embrace like that woman hehe. You can find the pic you like and post it later.I don't mind that much. I think we set it in the middle ages, right? I'm thinking about the ceremony later with the king that is one of their guests. That's why I talk about the king in the first reply. I also make Gorge's family is the strongest nobility because of his army and magic. Maybe we can play about it later. This MAY BE long story hehe since I'll try to make it long and fun enough for both of us.)

Al was sitting at the another side of the table where he could see everything. He might walk out of the room for not bothering his mate if the old tradition didn't force the mate to have the meal together. Al tried to focus eating his meal and avoided watching his mate. Although it was quite sad seeing his mate kissing another woman, Al could understand everything. They both didn't start with the love or something. It was just the duty for both of them. Only the best thing for Al was his family that had the better life and he also had good friends here, at least Al had his maid that was staying beside him.
He looked at Mira who was also looking at George. Mira was an old maid that lived here since she was young, but she had never liked what George doing with Al. She always encouraged Al with this situation since It wasn't easy for him. "It's fine Mira. I can handle that." Al said, looking at his mate. His face was pale since his morning sickness was really bad and Mira was the one taking care of him all the time. She could notice when Al had a bad sigh and got the bowl on time as he threw up during his dinner. Al just hoped that It wasn't bothering his mate too much.
(I think we both we both can play other characters even ask each other to play other characters if it make thing funnier)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(It would be awhile beforr George would treat Al better. And sure the king.could.play a part. What kind of ceremony are you planning for? I am looking forward to a fun story ;))

George was busy kissing the girl sitting.on his lap when Mira rushed to get the bowl, and he frowned when he lifted his head and saw Al's pale face and how he threw up. The girl in his lap - who he confirmed was called Anna - scrunched up her lovely nose at the smell. George wasnt happy about it, he covered Anna's nose and shielded thr girl from the pungent smell, even though the sound of Al throwing up still could reach theit ears.

Mira was a well-respected maid. Her lomh years of service made her a feared one among the servants. As haulty and proud as George was, he still held his respect to thr lady. He could see the accusing look the maid was throwing him, and George bit back the scolding words he almost spat out at Al for scaring his pretty visitor. "Sorry, Anna. Are you quite done with your meal? We could leave once we are finished. I bet you have lost all appetite now anyway. Doesnt matter, we could get some snacks later when we are back.inthe room." He caressed Anna's face while avoiding the maid's angry face.

(Yea sure that would be good :) make the story even more unpredictablr!)

(Should I be awhile? I'm forcing myself making it turn to be the romantic story asap again hehe)

It took just a bit time when George left the living room with his girl. Al couldn't even stop throwing up all his dinner. He smiled at the old maid when she got the bowl from him and gave Al a water for washing his mouth. "It's fine, Anna. Thanks for taking care of me. We both have our life. This is just the duty" He said before any words from his maid as he knew what Anna would talk with him, He sighed, rubbing his flat belly. It hadn't shown yet since he was only 3 months. He couldn't even continue his dinner with all thing happened this evening. Al didn't know why he cared his mate that much, but he ould be happy if his mate just talked to him, although he knew that it will not gonna happen. He smiled when Anna got the pudding for him. It was his favorite thing and could help him feel better.
(Maybe wedding ceremony and also for their upcoming babies? They just become mate and haven't had any ceremony yet. I for got taking about the babies. Should we have twins again? Maybe one boy one girl?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Is it Mira is the maid and Anna is thr girl George brought home? And oh well you know me. I always like some romance, just it would take a little bit of time for George to soften ;))
His girl had left her fan in the dining.hall, as a gentleman towwrds his bedmates, George agreed to help her retrieve it. He came back into the hall just in time to see Al starting on thr pudding. He sneered. "Now you got an appetite. If it hadnt been me coming back, I wouldnt know you are such a good actor." He said cruelly, taking witb him the featherly fan from his side of the table. George misunderstood Al to be faking his sickness, since all he could see now was how he delightfully was eating the pudding.

George was about to turn around and leave the room again, when Mira finally broke her silence. "Young master, you have been wrong! Al had been suffering from severe morning sickness and only pudding managed to stay in his stomach. Have you not noticed how master Al's lost weight?" She said sternly, attempting to stop George from misjudging Al. She knew George is a kindhearted man deep down, and she couldnt just see them tolerate each other in this bond.

(Hmm yes interesting. A wedding would be nice. And yes, twins of one boy and one girl would be lovely. Perhaps this would make Al in even more desperate need of George's constant presence to support thr growth of the babies?)

(Ahh, my bad lol. Yeah, She is Mira)

Al held Mira's arm tightly after he said that. He knew how George respected Mira since she was the maid who raised him since he was young, but Al didn't want anyone having the quarrel for him. "I..It's fine Mira. You can say what you want Sir George, I know that I'm not a good man. I know that you didn't want me even being here." Al said with his pale face and red eye rim. "Just take care your girl and take your time, Sir. You don't need to waste it here" Al put his spoon down as he couldn't even continue his pudding and his morning sickness was so bad again. He couldn't even breath while he was throwing up everything. George could see how Al was suffering it and Mira was also looking at him with her desperate sight.

(Hehe twins make Al need lots of magic power, but it won't come from only sex since you know that I don't like too many sexual things lol. I'm thinking how log we should play this awkward moment. Ahh, It may be soon for romantic moment since I can't really wait for it lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes maybe magic could be supplied to Al when they were staying close enough. Perhaps sleeping in the same bed or just in general stay together. Hmm yes let's see if we could make them come together, maybe George or Al fell sick or got hurt?)

In the end it was Mira's silent beg in her eyes that had him staying. He sighed and approached Al. George wasnt aware of how the morning sickness was induced, but he could make Al feel better with his power. He got near the smaller man and touched his forehead. "Relax, close your eyes." George said simply, his warm hand was a contrast with his usual cold demeanor.

George muttered a few words and immediately white light sparkled, going from his hand to Al and rushed through his body. He would take away the nauseousness and make him feel better for awhile. Little did he know that by simply touching Al, he was making his magic resonate with the developing fetus and make Al feel instantly better.

(Yeah, Al will get very serious sickness soon, and I'm also thinking about it. That may me some dramatic scene, hehe. Should we play after this scene? or we cak keep tho awkward moment if you want.)

Al could feel the magic power from his mate. It was the first time since he had sex for having the baby. He could breathe easily and felt better with George warm hand on his forehead although he knew that his mate wasn't' willing to do that. "T..thank, It's better now. Take your time. Don't let her wait for too long" He said, looking at his mate who was also looking at him. Al asked Mira for the water since he needed to wash your mouth and his entire face. "I think I need to sleep now, Mira. Can you get the scented candles for me?" Al said with his mate for doing someone he asked for almost every night. His morning sickness was worse than it appeared as he couldn't even sleep without the scented candles.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes let's get to that. George would still be annoyed at first but soon he would change his mind when he really got to.know Al;))

George removed his hand and simply nodded. He was about to leave and rejoin his lovely lady when Mira clutched his arm and wouldnt let him go. "Master, please, would you keep an eye on Al for me while I go to get the candles? You know, the candles that are therapeutical?" She said, hinting on how much need Al was in need now.

George was about to protest but Mira disappeared before he could say anything. He huffed out a frustrated breath and pulled out a chair to sit down. He looked at Al and found he looked really pale. His gown lookdd like it was at least 2 sizes too large, even though he knew that had fitted Al before. He frowned and glanced down at his belly to find it hidden quite well under his clothes. He sneered and looked away, impatiently waiting for Mira to rrturn. He knew deep down that Al needed someone to keep an eye on him, which was why he agreed to stay.

(Should we skip to sickness scene after this scene? or wanna play more awkward moment scene?)

The room was silent when Mira left the room. Al could only hear how George was hissing. "I'm sorry for this." Al said, looking down at his belly. He couldn't even look at his mate when he hated him this much. He leaned a bit as Al tried to relax as much as he could. Although the magic was helpful, it still had the limit and Al still needed to suffer some sort of weird feeling in his stomach. He looked at George was sitting beside him when he looked to another way. George had the perfect build with firm and strong muscle. His body was bigger that Al's. Al had ever heard many people talked about his bravery in the war years ago, and it wasn't strange if Al would feel something special with his man since their first meeting, but it was impossible and Al knew that well. He closed his eyes again when his mate turned his face on him as Al couldn't even handle that silver eyes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Hmmm i guess we could move on to sickness scene.... how about George returned to the girl and because they stayed at the guest room, which was even further away from Al's room, he started getting very sick at night? George would be forced to send the girl away, and while he did that, hthey bumped into Al and Al threw up on yhe girl.... then the girl want to slap him and George stopped her. Oh, or if you have an idea on that, just go ahead on your story!)

George at first was just looking around, playing with the fan Anna had left with, but soon he felt the lingering gazes on him. He looked up to find Al was looking at him, which actually made George to smile in amusement. It was interesting this man who'd come to be the breeding machine showed such deep emotions while looking at him, like he was longing to be near him. He shook his head. George reminded himself again that Al came for the money and the glory of being the bearer of the next generation of magic user, and that's all.

Mira came back then, with candles in a basket. She loojed disappointed at the couple, as they clearly didnt speak to each other much, like she had hoped. She sighed and bowed at George, who quickly stood up and left the room in silent. He had a girl to return to, and soon George chased away the image of Al's longing face. He had a splendid night to look forward to with Anna, he should just be enjoying himself.

(Hmm, I have an idea for sickness scene, but it means that we will move to the romantic part after that. I'll skip to 5 months pregnancy with that scene and with some scene with George and Mira. We can play something before that if you still want haha)

He smiled as Mira who was walking to him with the candles in her basket. He always knew what his maid want, but it didn't gonna happen since George hated him that much and always looked at him as the bad person who wanted only money and glory. "It's not got to happen Mira, and It's fine for me. You're so kind and other people even Lord Finn is also kind. That's enough, and you know that I don't wanna live here for the whole life." He said, looking at Mira who was taking care him like her son. He sighed when he thought about the future, but shook his head when realized how his feeling affected his baby. He asked his maid for helping him to the room that wasn't too far from living room. Everyone smiled at them all the way back, and it was something that was helpful when Al had to handle with his mate.

(Lord Finn is George's father. One of us can play about him later and you can also add George's mother if you want. George's mother can be both male or female. It's up to you, My George ;))

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh let's do them both! I have come to like my idea ever since I thougth about it xD It would be a gradual change in their relationship so let's start with a little disrutpion at night that alerted George to the suffering Al was going through for their babies xD)

Geroge had, as expected, an enjoyable night with his new blonde mate. Anna's every bit as mesmerizing as he had assessed when they met. It was in the later part of the night, almost 3am, when someone urgently knocked on the door of the guestroom they were sleeping in. Startled, George sat up quick, almost brushing the girl who was sleepign on his chest to the floor. His sleeping robe flew to him with a wave of his hand, and he grumbled and asked. "Who's that?" He said getting himself presentable as his partner also woke up from her sleep.

"Sir, I am sorry to bother you, but Al wasn't feeling too well..." It was Mira at the door. George frowned and cursed under his breath when he waved open the door, not minding at all Anna who squealed as she wasn't properly dressed yet. "What's wrong with him again?" George said walking to the door. He didn't notice, nor did he cared, that Anna was following him, scrambling to get her dress on. "I am no physician, Mira, and if he's not feeling well, you should call for a proper doctor." He said though he knew as a magic user, he could do more than a proper doctor really. He followed MIra who was leading the way to Al's bedroom at the other end of the corridor. he might not care for the man, but he did care for the child in him. "My Lord.... Al had been throwing up nonstop since he returned to the room. Not even the candles helped and he was having difficulty breathing with the constant retching... poor boy, he hadn't eaten anything for the whole day, not after you have interrupted with his pudding..." Mira said accusingly glaring at George.

(Yep his father would be interesting... though I think Geroge could lost his mother somehow. Which was why he had become cruel and not understanding how painful it could be for Al to be alone without his support?)

(Okay, let's do that idea first and just make George still hate Al till his 5 months pregnancy because he'll be very bad person in my situation. Yeah George could lose his mother and I think I can play about it soon ;))

George seemed to be very upset with that word from his maid. He didn't only need to get to Al's room, but also needed to send Anna back. He might reject that if the one who asked for help wasn't Mira who liked his mother since George had lost his mother when he was a child. Mira led his master to Al's room that George barely came here, but It wasn't only George since Anna also followed him to the room with no reason.
Al was sitting on his bed, breathing heavily with his sickness. He had stopped Mira for calling his mate, but the old maid seemed to not listen to him since his sickness was so bad and needed to be cured. Al grabbed to bowl when another wave had come one from his mouth. He was wondered why he threw up this much when Al didn't even eat anything and his throat felt pain when his gastric juice also came out with his puke. His entire body was hurt now, but Al still didn't want George to be here since this could make his mate hate him even more.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ok, George wouldnt accept Al so easily. Though he could defend Al when confronted.... above all, he cherish his unborn child as well ;))

George entered Al's room with a marked annoyed look. "So what's wrong?" He demanded before even taking a good look of Al. He frowned when all Al could reply to him was another dry heave. The retching sounded painful. He frowned and moved forward. George knew Al couldnt continue like this, he would be harming the babies if he couldnt even keep fluids down. He sat down on the bedside, similar as before, he pressed a hand on his forehead and muttered so the worst nauseosuness would disappear.

Anna was looking at first from afar, especially when the white light shone from George's hand, but soon she got bold. She had witnessed how George didnt really care for Al, and therefore when George had released Al, she attempted to nudge close to George, pressing against his back with her full breasts and flitt with the magic user.

(Yeah, and also keep the twins as the secret for George hehe ;))
It was the wrong timing when Anna got closer to them and Al hadn't completely cured yet. He had threw up again, but this time it had spread all over George and Anna clothes. He could see how the gorgeous girl showed her true side when she attempted to hit him with her hand. The weak pregnant man could do anything much just defended his body with his arm. He could even move after that situation and finally collapsed on his mate who was quite shocked with that. Although Al was a breeding machine in George's sight, the baby inside his belly was really important and needed to be protected from the thing liked this. "I...I'm sorry" Al could only say the words when he was on George's chest. Mira rushed beside them and tried her best to get Anna from them. HShe was really sad that everything turned to be this way.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Perhpas it could be a rare occurence, especially for magical babies. Maybe that's because of how strong George was as a magic.user ;))

George was qyick to react and only got caught in some of Al's vomit at the corner of his sleeping robe, but Anna wasnt so lucky. Because George had moved away quick, she almost got covered entirely by spew. She screamrd at the top of her lungs, though before she could let out her frustration through slapping Al, George was there to push her away, just in time to catch Al in his arms. "What do you think you are!" He scolded, his voice thundering through the room. He didnt notice but George was almost shielding Al from the lady.

George sighed when Mira managed to drag Anna away. The woman was stunned by how George scolded her. George could guess why Al had vomitted again once she approached, Anna had worn very strong perfume and that was too much for Al who wws still sensitive to smell. However, once his loyal maid disappeared, he turned to Al and scolded him. "You disgusting thing! You...." he was too angry that he stormed out of the room.

(Yeah, and It's also because how they are really fit each other. It likes a good blessing for the true soulmate hehe.)

Al had already cried out as the situation was really bad for me. "I'm so sorry. Sir. I won't bother you anymore" He said with his tears were running down from his eyes. Al was really sensitive not only his body but also his emotion. He could feel how his mate hated him and it was really hurt for Al. It also insisted how worthless he was for his mate. Al wanted to leave his mate fast as he could, but he had no enough energy for that. He could only rest on George's chest till Mira came in again and helped him for cleaning himself. "I'll take care of him, Sir. thanks for being here" Mira said with her sad sight. She could guess although she took quite long time for sending Anna back. "Don't cry my dear, you didn't do anything wrong. How can you handle that with his bad sickness?" Mira said with Al, but ould enough as she also wanted George to hear it.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes the blessing of magic, that would be sweet :))

George could guess Mira wanted him to become sympathetic to Al, but he just couldnt. He felt betrayed by Mira, who had always been kind to him, and rhought in a childish moment Al was evil enough to steal Mira's kindness from him by pretending to be suffering. He felt unfair for Al could be soft and weak, while everybody lookes at him with accuse and harsh scolding. He was angry and he walked out of the room quick once Al was away from his chest.

On his way back, he thought about how Al pressing against his chest made him feel strange. Like he had become more lowerful. He turned the corner to get back to his own room, the room that was almost just next door to Al. He thought seriously on what just happened. It was said that if a magic user met his true love, he would be strengthened further. It was curious and he wasnt sure if what he had just felt was this. However, after some consideration, he thought even if that was, it was too bad his true one was a liar and golddigger, with his head only full of greed for money and fame.

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