C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

To be honest, Dave was disgusted by the mass of bloody flesh passing out of Noah. He had never seen it and it frankly looked horrible, but he handled it with care when ti was clear the Noah had been pushing it out, scrunching his face up when he did so. He gently tugged on it to help it pass at the last push, and the bedsheet was once again tainted with a fresh supply of bloodied fluid. what scared him though, was how a small trickle of blood continued to come out of Noah. He lowered down the man, hoping the bloodflow would stop when he was laid down.

Noah was exhausted, he wasn't aware of the fact he was still bleeding nor would he have known what to do if he was informed. He was tired and placed Emma down on the bed next to him, she was asleep, she wouldn't move. Noah's vision was blurred and he was too tired to stay awake any longer what ever danger he might be in Dave was on his own now.

Dave saw Noah slipping into unconsciousness and almost panicked. he looked so pale and was so unresponsive he wasn't sure if he had fainted or just fell asleep. He was about to shake him awake, wishing desperately for him to stay with him, when there were frenzied footsteps outsdie and a bang on the door. Finally, his men had arrived with help.

It was a rush of confusion afterwards, and when they were finally settled, Dave had come to learnt that the 2 agents outside had did their job in fending off the terrorists, both were injured but would survive. He stayed with Noah in the hospital for the night. He would have to leave in the morning, the attack had cut short his visit, so he wished his dear translator could wake up so they could bid their farewells before he had to leave the country.

It seemed Dave would get his wish, it was very early morning when Noah's eyes fluttered open again and he looked around the room. It took a moment to realize he must have been moved to the hospital. He smiled lightly when he spotted Dave and realized the man was still their sense Noah wasn't sure how long he had been asleep for.

Dave was just staring at his phone more than really working. There was tonnes of things he had to deal with, but he just couldn't concnetrate on it when he was about to leave his newly-established lover. The stir of Noah alerted him, and his face lit up seeing Noah finally opeend his eyes. "Hey..." He said quietly, movign closer to him. "How are you feeling?" He said clutching his hand. "Did you hear my wish? I was hoping i could talk to you for a little before i need to be shipped out... or flew out to be more specific."

"You're leaving already?" Noah's voice was rough and it was obvious he was still tired, he probably wouldn't be staying awake for very long. Noah looked up at him and there was sadness in his eyes. He really liked Dave, but someone like him, surely he wasn't actually going to come back was he? After all, sad as it was Noah had become used to be being left on his own. He didn't like it, but that was how it was.

Dave noted the coarse voice and he supplied Noah with water, gently holding him up from the bed. He waited until noah took a few big gulps before saying. "Yes, with the threat overboard, I was summoned back by my uncle and the prime minister both." Dave's uncle, the king of his country, was gettign quite worried learning of the incidetn. "Though... Noah, I have a proposal. Would you, by any chance, be able to come with me?" He said with hope in his eyes. He could arrange for a medical flight to come with them, so Noah could be in good hands while travellign teh distance.

Noah sipped the water before handing the cup back to Dave, for a moment he wasn't sure he had heard Dave right, did the man just invite him to go with. For a long moment, he was silent processing Dave's words "Yes, I mean..I think so." He wanted to go with Dave, and he found himself smiling up at the man almost grinning at the offer.

"... You would?" Dave was beyond happy. He wasn't sure if Noah would take up the offer. it was asking a lot for him to come along, leaving everything behind. He was so happy he hugged Noah tight, littering his face with kisses and murmured thank you over and over again. He found his face almost split in half with how happy he was. "Babe i am so happy.... i promise you i would make this all to be good to you. thanks...." He said finally kissing him on his chapped lips.

Noah kissed him back, he would have to call into work, there would be a lot to figure out in the next few hours. Maybe he was insane for doing this, running away to a different place with a boy he had met only a few days ago. It was crazy, yet, there was no convincing me he didn't want to do it. "When do we leave?"

"In a couple of hours... my plane needed fuelling. I would arrange for doctors to come with us. If you have calls or anyyhing, you need to do, you could also do it on the plane, or even better, after we arrive. You are afterall in your maternity leave right?" Dave said gently. "I am sorry it all came as such a rush.... i just coulsnt let you go." He said squeezing his hand.

Noah would give a nod, Dave was right it could be dealt with later "It's alright don't worry. I wouldn't have let you go anyway." At least, Noah wouldn't have wanted to. He wanted to stay awake but he was tired and his eyes were drifting closed again. He was falling asleep. He probably wouldn't wake up again for a few hours.

Dave smiled at how Noah drifted off to sleep again. He hoped he would sleep through even the flight, enjoying it all undisturbed through the fuss.

There was lots of preparation but Dave's wish came true. Noah and Emma remainrf blissfully asleep while they were got out of the country, for Noah, a slight dose of sleeping pill was given to make him rest better. Dave smiled as he settled Noah in his mansion, Emma sleeping in the room next door. This is home and famlly.

When Noah opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find himself not in the hospital. Instead, he was in a normal bed. It occurred to him he must have arrived at Dave's house. He tried to sit up a bit to get a bitter look around the room but was still too sore and tired to get very far.

Noah woke up while Dave was taking a shower, so when Dave emerged from the bathroom, he was surprised to be seeing Noah attempting to sit up. He surged forward and held him, putting pillows behind his back when he himself was just in a towel. "Caredul Noah... you tend to forget about your predicament, do I need to remind you how many stitches you had at your bottom?" He smirked teasing Noah.

Noah rolled his eyes, "I forget but I always remember pretty quick." He blushed slightly seeing Dave in just a towel. He looked up at the boy and gave him a tried smile. "I guess I was out for awhile wasn't I?"

Dave chuckled and crowded over Noah, slipping onto bed himself so he could snuggle close to him. "You are, but that's intentional. The doctor gave you a slight sedative so you wouldnt be disturbed.too much. Emma, on the other hand, woke up several times for food, though now she's sleeping in the room nextdoor. How are you feeling now?" Dave nuzzled against Noah's neck, right under his eaes that were flushed.

Dave couldn't help but blush, he didn't mind this. It wasn't necessarily expected but after a moment of not knowing what to do he leaned into Dave rest his head on the mab's shoulder and relaxing. "Better than before, just tired, sore, but better," he said quietly. "Can I see Emma?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yea, though... mind if we wait for that for a little while more? I think it's just 20 minutes until her next cry.... you wouldnr believe how hungry that kid is." Dave sighed in exaggeration for how he had attempted a feeding for several times, but he soon found himself unable to handle it. He placed his hand on the stillpuffy belly of Noah and just snuggled close. "This felt even better than I imagined...."

"No that's fine," Noah said quietly he felt Dave cuddle closer to him and smiled. He was content just being close to the man. "Hey, what time is it anyway? When did we get here?" He askd trying to peace together what had happened while he was out.

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