C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Dave managed to look a little embarrasssed at that. "I am sorry that I had basically kidnapped you... if it hadnt been me and my job, we could very well develop much more and not at the price of all your relationships and bonds back in your country.... i promise we would be visiting. Soon." Dave said with a determination. The appetizers were served quick and they enjoyed their food looking out at the stunning view. Right when they were sippinh the soup, Dave reached over to hold Noah's hand and smiled when he asked silently, shrugging to say he didnt mean anything in paritcularly, just enjoying holding his hand.

"Na, don't worry about it. I wouldn't have come with if I didn't want to." However, Dave did like the idea of a visit and it had him smiling quite a bit. He liked his new home and he had never once complained to Noah for moving him. It wasn't that bad honestly He really did like it here. Noah looked back at Dave lovingly Givin his hand a gentle squeeze. They were quiet, but that was fine they didn't need to say anything to say a whole bunch of things.

(Just to warn you probably going to be gone all day tomorrow.)

(Ah it's fine ;) just come back whenever you are ready!)

Noah wouldn't admit but he was nervous. His heart was beating like crazy, but miraculously, when he saw the happy smile of Noah, he thougth everything would turn out to be alright. Yes, nothing would be wrong. At most Noah would say he need more time. He looked out at the familiar lake and found himself calming down quickly.

The moon wasn't too bright tonight, and Dave looked expectantly at the bushes around the lake. "I hope today we are lucky enough to see..." He said without specifiying what it was that they were waiting for to appear.

Noah looked back out at the lake fallowing Dave's gaze to the lake before them. "See what?" He asked quietly. It really was a nice night the moon was pretty and shined on the lake from where they sat they could see around it well. Noah got the feeling that something was up, Dave had seemed a bit nervous, but just for a moment.

"Hmm just wait..... there it is!" Dave looked, pointing excitedly at one of the bushes. "Dont blink." He said, as if they were hearing him, the fireflies came out, floating out from the dark shades of bushes around the lovely mirror like lake under the moonlight. The little dots of greenish and dreamy light was lighting up intercessantly, making the whole view even more surreal. "That's what I most wanted to shwo you ... " he smiled and gazed at Noah.

"Lightning bugs?" Noah said a grin appearing on his face as he looked out the window in awe, he had never seen anything quite like this. Even growing up in the country it was amazing. "There beautiful." Noah said with a grin. "that is amazing! Thanks for showing this to me." His gaze hadn't drifted away from the flickering lights across the lake.

Dave got out of his seat and got to Noah's side. He bent down to kiss him on his cheek while he was still gazing out, anf then when he turned to him, he knelt down on one knee and took the little box out from his pocket. He opened it to show a thick band of platinum, with a diamond in the middle about as thick as the band, with intricate patterns on the broad ring. "I know this had been quick.... but I am feeling like this is it. I want you in my life, forever. So Noah, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" He looked up, eyes bright like the fireflies.

Noah turned his head to face him and his eyes went wide, he clearly hadn't expected this but even so, he was smiling looking back at Dave, he was speechless. "Yes.... yes of course!" He had felt the same way, yes, they had only known each other a short time but so what? he felt like he knew Dave better than he had come to know anyone else. He wrapped his arms around Dave despite the fact that he was still kneeling down he hadn't even thought about it might result in knocking him off balance.

"Wow... " Dave wasnt expecting the Noah to just surge forward to grab him, and he lost his balance, ending up sitting on the floor even.though he instinctively grabbed Noah tight so he wouldnt bump onto yhe floor as well. He grunted but then smiled as bright as he could, laughing and wrapping his arms around Noah. He cupped his face after their laughter paused, and then kissed him as deeply as he could, showing him his exictement and happiness. "Thank.you..... for making me the happiest man alive." He slipped the ring.onto Noah while they are still on the floor, then once again broke into a fit of laughterkissing each other.

(Awwww so cute XD)

Noah was laughing to it was a long time before the two could contain themselves enough to stand up. He was so happy he couldn't stop smiling at Dave, he had never guessed that this was coming yet he was sure it was what he wanted. Who would have thought taking one job just a few months ago would change his life so much? Noah could never have guessed. To think, he had almost turned down the job if the man on the phone hadn't sounded so desperate... There were so many things the could have happened instead of them meaning it was almost like fate.

(HAHA yep thanks for the idea xD... i would take the liberty to skip ahead?)

True to his promise, after his proposal, Dave arrranged for a trip back to Noah's home, and successfully asked for Noah's hand from his parents - even thougb that should have been done in reverse - and came out alive. He had dreaded tbat moment so much but in the end he managed. Perhaps with a lot of convincing from Noah behind his back. The problem that followed was tbe wide media coverage on their engagement and impending wedding, as fhe news had surfaced while they were out of the country. On the plane, Dave had already gotten.news on media crowding the airport trying to get a picture of them being together, the most eligible bachelor of the royal family getting married with a foreign single-father - thats headline news for every newspaper. He sighed and clurched Noah's hand. "I am sorry .... there would be a lot of unwanted attention on you soon..."

"No, it's alright." Noah had insisted, though he did admit at points it had stressed him a bit, or rather a lot actually, still he was managing. He was getting used to all the reports allowing them whenever they went out. Or the looks he now got when he was recognized. Some of the reports had even gone as far to say as this was all some sort of fake engagement related to a conspiracy theory, at which Noah had spent some time laughing at with Dave when they had found the article. "Honestly, as long as I'm with you." He gave Dave a light kiss. "It doesn't matter."

"Thank.you for putting up with all these.... chaos." Dave said sincerely. The pressure on Noah was tremendous, and Noah wouldnt need to handle all that had Dave not been who he was. Even Emma was getting spying, which had been the bottomline for Dave and he had taken it to legal actions to prevent media from going after the baby. He did some work behind Noah's back, and that had somewhat suppresssed part of the more hostile comments the press had casted on Noah.

Eventually, their wedding had gone up the agenda of the royal family, and Dave was bringing Noah to meet the King for some formal jntroductions, and somehow they were cayvht off guard when a group of reporters got tbe news of thier visit. Noah had brought Emma with him, but outside of their door, there had been a large crowd of people blocking thier way. Dave tried as much as possible to xlear a way for Noah, but eventually one of the reporters got bold and almost hit Emma with a microphone. That had angered Dave very much and he almost shoved that man aside. "How dare you!" He shouted and signalled for one of the guards to handcuff him. "I.wont allow for anyone to hurt my family, and that's your example." He said looking threateningly at the crowd.

(I hope i wasnt dragging on this for too long... if you want to skip ahead, do so.)

(Na, don't worry I like it.)

If Dave hadn't done something it was likely that Noah would have. However, the man's action's still surprised Noah greatly The reporter looked just as shocked as he was handcuffed and moved away. The crowd, perhaps taking the hint moved just enough for them to get through once the doors were shut behind them Noah leaned his back against the door as if he expected someone else to open them. In all honesty, it was more the crowd had overwhelmed him. He could handle large groups of people very well, but not when they were so close together and all rather hostile. He looked down at Emma who had begun crying. "Hey, now you're alright." He said bouncing her slightly. He looked back up to Dave after a moment and gave him a small smile, "You ok?" He asked pushing away from the door and coming closer.

Dave had been mulling over the doorframe to the living room and when Noah asked, he sighed and then wrapped Noah tightly in his embrace, minding enough not to crush the baby. Perhaps the nudge on the baby calmed her down, Emma had reduced to a light sobbing when surrounded by her parents. "I am so sorry Noah.... I should have done more precuation. what if..." Dave muttered, the aftermath catching up with him in what just happened. He sometimes would doubt if it's the right decision to drag Noah into all these so early into their relationship.... perhaps he should have waited.

"Shush. it's ok.. Honestly," He smiled lightly at Dave keeping one arm wrapped around him. "None of that was your fault, you couldn't have known it would happen." He could tell Dave was upset, perhaps even feeling guilty. "nothing bad happened so you don't have to worry." He gave Dave a kiss "I love you." he muttered quietly trying to reassure him. Sure Noah had been frazzled and a bit stressed but he knew Dave was trying to include him and actually he preferred that.

Dave was very greatful for how understanding Noah was and vowed to himself he would do more for the protection of the two. He rubbed Noah's back and kissed his forehead, and also Emma's, as he sighed deeply. "And i love you too.... thank you." They walked slowly back to Emma's room and put her down to sleep, the scare just now was soon dissipated as the girl reunited with her favourite toys on her bed. The couple gazed at the baby lovingly for awhile before retiring to their own room.

"So, what do you think of the arrangements? ARe you fine with the wedding to be held so fast? How many people would you want to invite?" While they were settled on bed, Dave asked, his thumb rubbing against the back of Noah's ringed finger.

Noah thought for a moment laying his head on Dave's shoulder. "There are just a few that I know would travel for it." He admitted thinking it over. "not too many honestly." He looked up at Noah with a smile, not sure what to tell him honestly, he as pretty content just being with Dave for the moment in quiet. Emma was calm now sleeping in her room. He didn't mind how fast the wedding was held it didn't bother him really, honestly... he kind of liked it. He knew the news had judged them harshly because they had moved so quickly but he was sure of how he felt he didn't think anything would change that.

"Aww that would be their loss. They are going to miss a verybeautiful event, and also the lovely scenery in this country, our country." Dave said proudly. He kissed Noah's forehead and rubbed around his back. "It would be a small event but, sorry about this, we would need to release a few pictures to the media. I am pretty sure we would be able to melt everyone's heart with the help of Emma. She's just a little angel. And of course you as well, my bigger angel."

Noah chuckled "That's alright I don't mind." and he really didn't Noah had never been camera shy, though he admitted he didn't like it when Cameras were being shoved in his face all the time."I'm sure Emma will like it as well." He looked up at Dave grinning almost.

In the weeks that followed there was a lot of planning to do for the wedding, many things that had to be taken care of security measures, the pictures but Noah, and Emma even had been a pretty good sport about all of it. That, and Noah had begun looking into getting a teaching job around the area, he could teach English sense he knew both languages well.

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