Alien pregnancy (closed)

Ryne moaned louder as Lana rode him. "Yes! I'm coming!" He exclaimed, letting out a torrent of his seed.

(08-16-2013, 06:44 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne moaned louder as Lana rode him. "Yes! I'm coming!" He exclaimed, letting out a torrent of his seed.

Lana scream out as they both come together, letting Ryne seeds fill her womb. Too exhausted after the love-making, Lana just whisper a cleaning spell and pull the blanket over their naked bodies. Hugging close to Ryne, Lana settle in to a deep sleep "night Ryne."

Ryne smiled as he held Lana. "Good night. I love you, Lana." He said before falling asleep.

(08-16-2013, 09:01 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled as he held Lana. "Good night. I love you, Lana." He said before falling asleep.

" I love you too". Rubbing Ryne belly, "love you guys too". Giving one last yawn, Lana fall too a deep sleep.

Ryne woke up the next morning a found his belly bigger. His belly was the size of full term quintuplets. He rubbed his large mound and moaned at the kicks.

(08-17-2013, 04:23 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne woke up the next morning a found his belly bigger. His belly was the size of full term quintuplets. He rubbed his large mound and moaned at the kicks.

Moving closer towards Ryne and the babies, Lana continue her deep slumber. Too exhausted from last night activities.

Ryne smiled as he snuggled with Lana. He rubbed his belly and Lana's back, moaning as the babies kicked.

(08-17-2013, 04:39 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled as he snuggled with Lana. He rubbed his belly and Lana's back, moaning as the babies kicked.

Rubbing Ryne belly, trying to ease the ache from the kicking. "Morning Ryne....and babies" Trying to stay awake from the comfortable cocoon created by snuggling with Ryne and the babies.

Ryne smiled as he kissed Lana. "I see they like their mother more than me. They only calm down when you rub my belly." He joked. The babies kicked again and Ryne moaned in pleasure.

(08-17-2013, 05:13 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled as he kissed Lana. "I see they like their mother more than me. They only calm down when you rub my belly." He joked. The babies kicked again and Ryne moaned in pleasure.

"They not kicking you to hard aren't they? " Lana slowly press hard down Ryne aching back using her knuckles to release the tension that have been building. "Your belly have already grown so huge. They will kicks mofe often now that there limited space."

Ryne moaned in pleasure as Lana released the tension in his back. "They're being nice. At least they're not rough housing in me." He chuckled. "You know. I do need some new clothes. Something stretchy but can show off my belly." He said grinning.

(08-17-2013, 06:05 AM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne moaned in pleasure as Lana released the tension in his back. "They're being nice. At least they're not rough housing in me." He chuckled. "You know. I do need some new clothes. Something stretchy but can show off my belly." He said grinning.

"Are you up for shopping in this condition?" Lana question, looking worry. "I don't want you to over work, carrying the extra weight around."

Ryne smiled. "I can still walk. But I don't know how people will react." He stated, unconsciously rubbing his belly.

(08-17-2013, 03:40 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne smiled. "I can still walk. But I don't know how people will react." He stated, unconsciously rubbing his belly.

Kissing away the frown in between Ryne eyebrows, Lana promised " Yes people will stare but I don't think they dare to ask or questions your belly. And if they do. They have to deal with me first. "

Ryne raised an eyebrow. "And what, pray tell, are you going to do? And how will people not question my belly?" He asked rubbing his belly as the babies kicked.

(08-17-2013, 04:25 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne raised an eyebrow. "And what, pray tell, are you going to do? And how will people not question my belly?" He asked rubbing his belly as the babies kicked.

"Humans are not the type of species to say upfront. They are more likely to point and stare and talks behind people back." Lana gently explained her reason. Placing her hands on top of Ryne as they feels their babies moving. "As for what I CAN do. Well let keep that for another day. I'm sure you have enough things to worry about now" Lana playful wink at Ryne.

Ryne nodded as he kissed Lana. "Help me up? I can't really get up with our babies weighing me down." He chuckled. Lana helped him up and Ryne went and got on some jeans, with some difficulty and a turtle neck shirt. The shirt stretched around his belly and stopped at around his bellybutton.

(08-17-2013, 05:08 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne nodded as he kissed Lana. "Help me up? I can't really get up with our babies weighing me down." He chuckled. Lana helped him up and Ryne went and got on some jeans, with some difficulty and a turtle neck shirt. The shirt stretched around his belly and stopped at around his bellybutton.

Rubbing the base of Ryne belly that is almost stretch to it limit those the skin remain smooth and gloriously healthy giving a pregnancy glow. "Can't wait for our babies to grow even more. Want to see you all huge with my babies in you." Lana hotly whisper to Ryne ear. Unable to resist to give one sharp bite on Ryne ear outer shell.

Closing and locking the main gate tightly behind. Lana hold Ryne hand and lead the way to the nearest mart by going through the shortcut. "Let walk and give your body some exercise. It important to start preparing the body for the birth."

Ryne nodded as he walked to the nearest store. He gave his belly a few rubs, feeling the babies kick inside him. He smiled as they entered the store. People gave him odd looks but he ignored him. He looked to find some large shirts and stretchy pants. He found a cute shirt shirt that said 'buns in the oven' and picked it out, even though it was small for his belly.

(08-19-2013, 02:54 PM)MpregMaster9 Wrote:  Ryne nodded as he walked to the nearest store. He gave his belly a few rubs, feeling the babies kick inside him. He smiled as they entered the store. People gave him odd looks but he ignored him. He looked to find some large shirts and stretchy pants. He found a cute shirt shirt that said 'buns in the oven' and picked it out, even though it was small for his belly.

Returning to Ryne side, she hold up a big size shirt saying "Baby On board". Laughing as Lana throw the shirt in their trolley after showing if off to Ryne. Placing her plam on Ryne belly, she look up "you doing fine? We could call it a day if you exhausted."

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