C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Dave was playign with Emma when Noah camr out, and he smiled holding the baby up, waving her little hand at Noah. "Here comes mommy... hello sleepyhead. Rested well?" He smiled and got up, pressing Emma's face at Noah's, getting the baby to chuclle. "Dinner's ready." He wrapped a hand aroune Noah's waist and in fact felt it got a little thivker than he rememebered.

Noah smiled "what for dinner?" He asked smiling at both Emma and Dave. He made a Face at the little girl making her laugh again. "thanks for taking me up there." He said "I definitely slept better than I would have in the chair. "When did you get back?" Noah asked, knowing that sometimes the time varied depending on how busy Dave got at work.

"Perhaps an hour ago. . I am lucky to have bumped into you sleeping... otherwise Emma wouldnt want me as a toy for that long." He smiled and escorted his husband to the drawing room, where a simple table was set. "It's beef stew with mashed potato tonight." He entered and the maids bowed at them. "I thought last time you ate quite a bit of that?" Compared with fish, Dave noticed Naoh seemed to prefer beef more, perhaps it's the flavor.

Noah had liked the stew a lot more than the fish, He honestly had liked fish but the smell. He sat at the table across from Dave where the food was already waiting for them. They soon began eating Noah was actually pretty hungry and ate quite a bit of the soup while also asking Dave about his day and what he had been up to. Noah talked a bit about his class and students, of course without mentioning names, because he wasn't allowed to.

It was lovely seeing Noah's face lit.up just from mentioning his students and all the fun they had in class. It also made Dave less guilty in a certain sense - Noah was rippedfrom his own country becaude of him, and seeing him merging in and adapting well in life here was somewhat a reassurance. He listened attetively, and they were enjoying some tea moving to the living room where they could just sit close to each other on the carpet.

Noah had Emma in his lap making funny faces at the child to make her laugh, she really was very well behaved and rarely gave the two of them any trouble now days, of course, she had begun to crawl now so she could start getting into things. That was great. They would have to be sure to really keep things out of her reach.

From the side, Noah's little belly was quite obvious and Dave wondered where the extra wirght came from - Noah hadnt had the best of appetites for awhile. Just when he was retrieving some of the toys scattered on the floor, he heard a gasp and turned around to see Noah pressing on his breast whivh was apparently hit accidentally by the toddler. "Noah?"

"It's fine." he said though still wincing slightly, he hadn't realized how sensitive he was until now. Emma was laughing still, the child at least found it amusing and he set her down letting her crawl over to Dave, which she did and when she reached him held up her arms to be picked up again.

Daved looked at Noah, not entirely convinced but their little angel crawling to him askingfor a lift was too distracting, he immediately forgot about everything else. He raised the brave girl high up and drew a string of chuckle from the toddler. Later that night, when he got into bed with Noah, wrapping his hands around his waist, he once again took note of his slightly bloated belly, but wasnt sure if he should mention it kjowing how self-conscious Noah had been.

It wasn't as if Noah hadn't noticed he had gained a bit of weight again, he shrugged it off like always. Though the signs were clearly right there, it could all be explained by other things, the stress of a new job, however much he did like it the job was stressful and raising little Emma even if she was well behaved. Noah closed his eyes, snuggling a bit closer to Dave. "Goodnight." He mumbled softly before he began to fall asleep.

Dave almost chuckled at how easily Noah was falling asleep. He had been quite tired lately, but that was understandable with his new job that required him to wake up much earlier than he was used to. It wasnt until a few days later when Noah's symptoms worsened further that Dave started getting a tad bit worried. They were having brreakfast and Noah just went pale all of a sudden, covering his mouth looking.positively like he was going to puke. Dave hurried to his side and rubbed his back, signalling for the servants to bring a basin quickly.

He had been fine when he first came down but that had changed rather quickly he felt sick, he pushed away his plate pretty sure he was going to be sick. Thankfully, Dave had noticed this and the trash was brought to him just in time. When he had finished, and recovered slightly his gaze drifted to Dave. For the first time, Noah wasn't clueless as to what was wrong with him, he was pretty sure he knew, though not for sure... he had only been sick like that with Emma.

Dave frowned hard, still unaware of what's going on. He was oblivious to Noah's gaze, busy asking for a cup of clear water so Noah could rinse his mouth. He made sure there wasn't any foul taste left in Noah, and wiped his mouth for him. "babe you ok? Let's go to the clinic... have you eaten soemthing bad? Is it the steak last nigth? the salad?" He asked reciting what they had for dinner the previous night. "I am so sorry babe... you must feel terrible." He nudged close against Noah and then finally noticed his peculiar look. "What is it?" He asked curiously.

Noah shook his head, "I don't think It was anything I ate." he smiled lightly leaning into Dave "last time I was sick like that I was with Emma, plus... everything else. I didn't really think about it before I guess I was pretty busy. He paused for a moment perhaps not quite sure if he should just say it, but he was almost positive even without some sort of test now that he had figured it out he just knew... "I think I'm pregnant."

"Y-you are pregnant?" Dave was so surprised he could only repeat after Noah like a parrot, his mouth dropping open making him look seriously dumb. "Y-you.. are....." He quickly glanced down and rested his shaky hand on Noah's slightly bloated belly. He started connecting the dots and stuttered. "Y-you, that's why the weightgain... and then how sensitive y-you..." He couldn' thelp but sneak a peak on Noah's breast and then a huge smile uncontrollably broke through. "Oh my god!" He jumped up from his chair only to lift Noah up and hug him as tight as he could. "OH MY GOD!"

Noah hugged back, he was grinning, just as happy as Dave was. He knew this was what Dave had wanted and Noah wanted it as well. he held tightly to Dave, surprised slightly when the man picked him up. However, he only laughed "It's great, isn't it?"

"we are going to be parents - again! That's as great as it could be...." He smiled and kissed Noah deeply. They were both panting when they separated. Resting their foreheads together, Dave's exctiement was still obvious. "Hmm that actually was quite a relief... now that I know there's nothing seriously wrong with you. We still would need to go to the clinic... nevermind. I would ask our doc to come. He's really good and always had been very helpful. You shouldn't be moved too much.. and yea, you would need to let the school know. Oh and the nursery should be refurnsihed. Forget it, we should get a new one started up, that adjoining room to Emma's should do, and we could take care of them both easily if they happen to fuss at night... and yea we have to change the menu. From now on..." Dave was rambling on while asking the maids to get the doctor, already planning ahead too far.

"Alright, alright." Noah leaned into Dave giving him a kiss in order to make him shut up. "You're getting way ahead of yourself there. Just relax for now" He smiled lightly though he liked Dave's enthusiasm. He wrapped an arm around the male and held him close. He wanted to stay like this, but unfortunately, they would both end up going to work soon.

"No no! You are, unstable, arent you? At least let the doctor give you a thorough check first. There could be supplements required... Noah... stay for a little longer? I know you dont have class for the morning..." he pleaded and would not admit to memorizing Noah's timetable already. In the end they were both late, but thr whole day everyone in office noticed how excited and happy Dave had been the whole day and heated discussion had taken place discussing what could be the possible cause.

To be fair his class didn't really seem to care, they got a bit of free time, so what if he was a few minutes late. Actually, they didn't get much done that day. the class seemed to realize Noah was a bit distracted even if they didn't point it out. They went over a few things and had the rest of the hour to study. When it was over he headed back home, like normal he arrived before Dave.

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