C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

Dave was getting quite excited and he got back fr9m office whistling a tune when he took his car. He had called the doctor after Noah's brief checkip and got reassured things were progressing quite well and that the worst period should end soon, and Noah should have his appetite resumed after at most of a month. He smiled when he saw the lights in their house, feeling especially warmed by the simple sign of home.

Noah was playing with Emma when Dave returned, he had the child in his lap and had pulled out one of the books currently reading to her. Surprisingly the toddler was actually listening. Looking mostly at the pictures more than much else but still.

Dave had a fleeting moment worried that maybe Emma would kick on Noah's belly when she got excited, but then he reminded himself he shouldnt treat his husband like he was a fragile china doll. He nonetheless clapped his hands and to get Emma's attention, and was rewarded by a great smile from his angel. "Oh cone ob Emma, give your daddy a kiss. I miss you so much baby." He smiled at the child when he successfully lured her to him.

Noah handed Emma off to Dave closing the book and setting it aside for now. "How was work?" He asked glad to see Dave was still in the same good mood he had been when he had left in the morning. "Anything interesting?" Noah stood up and stepped closer to the both of them. He seemed just about as happy as Dave was at the moment.

Dave couldnt help but extend a hand to help Noah up. Hr knew his husband's more than able t9 take care of himself, he just couldnt help it. With a hand at Noah's lower back, he kissed his husband and smiled. "Nothing out of the ordinary... or peehaps i am just too happy to notice. I couldnt help but miss you... and i promised myslef I am gonna do this." With Emma in his arms, he knelt down and pushed up Noah's shirt to show his slightly bloated belly, then kissed lightly on it. "Emma? You wanna kiss mommy as well? This would make mommy very happy." He bumped Emma and asked.

Noah blushed slightly, though even if he wouldn't admit it he rather enjoyed this show of affection. Emma surprisingly did give Noah a kiss copying Dave. It was actually pretty cute. Noah looked at the two and chuckled. "You're lucky you're cute. " She said, clearly speaking to both of them. It wouldn't be long after that before they put Emma to bed and would soon retire for the night themselves.

Dave took Noah's hand onxe Emma settled, with a goofy smile on his face. He led him to the bed and laid him down, brushing aside the blanket, he kissed Noah's cheek lovingly. "Thank you for this.... I am sure this would be a lot of work for you. Tghanka foe doing this for me.." he said in a whisper, his eyes sparkling under the dim light of the room. He kissed along Noah's front, then chuckled when he got to his belly. "You know, I thought its just you putting on weight at first and, ha, how I tried to avoid that topic!"

"Yes, well you weren't the only one. I thought that too. " He smiled looking back at Dave and laughing at his remark. "I'm glad that wasn't all it was though." He curled up in bed next to him and closed his eyes ready to sleep for the night. It had been a long, and somewhat eventful day for the both of them. IT seemed so silly now that he hadn't realized before what was going on.

Time then flew, Dave had been so enthusiastic that he had workmen coming to decorate and refurnish the room next to Emma's already. Him appearing in yhe hospital with Noah for the first time went unnoticed by the media, whivh Dave had been quite relieved. They even went on shopping without much disguise. The shop was a brand that had been recognised by the royal family. "What about these green onsies? Looks really cute!" Dave even took the piece and placed it on Noah's growing belly.

Noah picked it up to look at it, it was cute. he did like it. However, they still didn't know the gender of the child, just like with Emma Noah had refused to find out. He didn't want to know, he didn't really care. Though it did make clothes shopping a bit interesting. "I like this one." He said after a few moments of studying it and then would place it in the cart. Next, he picked up a purple one very dark at the bottom but lighter at the top. It was cute. "What do you think?"

"Hmm yes. And would be even better matched with this little hat. Like an eggplant." Dave chuckled adding a cotton deep purple hat onto the outfit and took both pieces into the cart. "What about those little shoes? Hey these are in the exact purple! We gotta buy them..." Dave's hand crept up Noah's waist as they went through the shops which had been closed down for them to.shop in. Dave didnt want any noise to.go out yet, or they would be bugged by reporters very soon. What he hadnt expected was how the sales could react to their visits. He just assumed they would help in keeping all these confidential.

Noah had more or less assumed the same thing. He hoped he wouldn't be wrong. HE was glad that they hadn't told a lot of other people yet, or really anyone. He knew that once they did it would be much like after Emma had been born. The reporters wouldn't leave the two of them alone. They were lucky to get peace and quiet now but as soon as they found out about the pregnancy Naohknew they would have to forget about it and honestly it was only a matter of time before they knew.

Noah wasn't showing that much yet, not with his loose clothes, but to an experienced pair of eyes they could notice something. They spent some more time in the shop. Dave then started fidgeting, getting a vibe of someone prying on him. His suspicion was soon confirmed when one of the sales approached them with eyes that spoke of excitement. "Your highness.... I, me and my friend are fans of you and your husband. Would you please let us have a picture together? Maybe an autograph as well? My friend is just outside waiting!" She pointed, and Dave frowned looking out of the glass door to see an equally excited girl waving enthusiastically at them.

Noah looked back at Dave, he had noticed the fidgeting but hadn't said anything and then the sales person had approached them and Noah understood why. "I don't know," Noah answered before Dave could because he figured Dave's answer would be about the same. "I mean," He wasn't good at flat out saying no, after all there was really no harm in it was there?

If the sales hadn't looked so sincere, Dave probably would have said no. Though, the excitement and how much she seemed to be looking forward to a yes moved him. "Hmm.. Sara is it?" He glanced at her nametag and started. "As you can see.... Noah's in a bit of a delicate condition now. I do NOT wish for any leakage, and I knwo this could be difficult, but please, don't share this ANYWHERE, and I mean inclusive of your family and friends, not to mention the social media, ok?" He said waving for their bodyguard outside of the shop to tlet the girl in. "I would be exceedingly disappointed if I ever find out any other person finding this out... you know. I am risking the health and wellbeing of my husband and future child in fulfilling your dream." He joked with a gentle smile, while the sales squealed and rushed to hug her friend.

Noah wasn't sure he trusted it, not at first but Dave knew what he was doing, didn't he? so he agreed. Soon he and Dave posted with both girls for the picture. It felt strange to do it, even after all this time of being with Dave things like this still felt weird sometimes. Having someone just want to take a picture with you? Oh well. The rest of the shopping happened rather quickly, it wasn't too long before they finished for the day and would head to check out with things in hand.

Dave could somewhat sense Noah wasn't particularly comfortable with the phototaking. On their way back, he took his hand and asked. "ARe you not happy with what just happened? Sorry.. I should be more sensitive. I would ask fro your opinion next time first." He said wanting to reassure of Noah.

They eventually still have to deal with the timing of when to announce it to the public. Noah's student would soon notice their lecturer's changes, and franklly everybody knew who he was. The worst thing would be for Noah to encounter a group of paparazzis suddenly at the door of his school.

"It's alright." He tried to reassure Dave an although he hadn't really liked it, it was ok. That was really the complicated part trying to figure out when to announce it. Eventually, they had to, people were bound to figure it out on their own soon enough. Then what would happen? Besides, it was good news it was just, they both knew people would blow all of this up.

"How about I prepare a statement within a few weeks to release to the press? Then they wouldnt bug us for too long... and hopefully it would be plain and bored enough to deter their effort from scrutinizing into our private lives." Dave suggested. "You.wouldbt be able to hide for that much longer ... better we takr the initiative."

The afternoon they were due to release the news, Dave left office early to join one of Noah's later class that was done in a big hall. He sneaked into the lecture hall and sat down at the back. Seeing Noah talk in class, albeit slightly less swift in hisnmovements with his ever growing belly, is a very nicr thing.

Noah was going on about a few of the harder words to comprehend, that and what would be on the test he had set up. He knew that Dave had snuck in but it didn't seem as if anyone else had noticed and for that Noah was glad. Class ended soon after and one by one the kids left the room until it was Just DAve left sitting there. "Hey." Noah said smiling back at him. "How are you?"

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