C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"The president insisted it would be a great symbol for the liaison of the 2 countries... you know, that bs involving the unison of 2 countries, the perfect couple blah blah....." Dave sighed and muttered under his breath. "Damn that ugly balding man... all he knew of is politics. He didn't give a damn to any other.... just see, he woudln't have the support of the royal family in his next election." He said, pouting childishly.

Noah sighed curling up next to Dave and wrapping his arms around the man. "IT's ok will figure it out. It's just one party." He wasn't happy about it either and even when he tried to be optimistic the fact that he didn't like it was pretty obvious. He didn't want to throw a part, but if it had to be done then it had to be done and it wasn't as if they could change it.

"I am so sorry Noah... i would negotiate with them. Perhaps you wouldn't need to show up at all, or maybe we could make it happen faster so you wouldn't be as burdened. And even during the occassion, you just need to show up for the opening. Snap a few pictures and...." Dave blurted out everything that he could think of to improve the stiuation. He eventually just sighed and buried his head into the bossom of Noah. "I am so sorry babe.... had i been more powerful, we wouldn't have to do this..... I am so so sorry..." He said defeatedly, feeling powerless. He didn't do a good enough job to protect his hsuband from the media, and now this. He was such a failure.

"Hey, it's alright," Noah muttered with a small smile. He held on to Dave the best he could, his eyes were closed and he was clearly thinking about the whole situation. "We can't change it now, might as well make the best of this right? It's ok.I know you're trying to help." He kissed Dave's forehead and held him close in an attempt to comfort him.

"Thanks babe..." Dave was very touched. His previous hunch was right, his husband is very good at making everything better. He sighed and muttered. "You are the most soothing creature on earth.... although just slightly in front of Emma." He smiled with his eyes closed thinking about their little angel. "I would try to make this as good as it is... you wouldn't have to arrange for any details. Just show up for 5 minutes and we should be good to go.... i would let the butler know about it." He said and was already making plans for the banquet. It would be held on one of their the heritage that belonged to their family, but it's so grand and remote Dave never liked it too much. "You might need to do a little translation though, like that day." He smiled thinking about the birthday of Emma.

Noah thought about it and gave a nod. It had been awhile since he had translated anything and it would take a bit for him to get back into it but it wouldn't be too hard. He had been surrounded by Dave's language so long he worried more about messing up the English and saying something wrong. Noah snuggled up to Dave glad that he was a bit calmer. Noah hoped he had helped. "It'll be alright." He said again his eyes closing it probably wouldn't be long until he fell asleep.

Dave hugged Noah tighr and patted his back. "Let's sleep now, we would have the details figured out later...."

It's a lot of meetings afterwards. Dave tried to figure out as much of his work needed as possible so he could have a long paternity leave. He kept a watchful eye on Noah so he wouldnt be straining himseld too much as he started his english "revisions", even grabbing Emma with him as they started watching english tv as well.

The party grew nearer and Noah did his best to brush up on his English. He had grown quite a bit just in the last few weeks he looked almost like he had when the two had first met. It was sometimes hard to think that had been a whole year or so ago now. Preparations for the party were being made and it would be happening in just a few days.

They went to the fitting today and it was quite interesting hearing the tailor muttered under his breath for things like it wouldnt have any silouhette and stuff like that. It should be insulting, but how seriously the tailor treated his job of making glamorous fashion made it hilarious. "Honey you know he didnt mean it that way right?" Dave smiled and leaned close against Noah, looking at the old man marking Noah's waistline shaking his head.

Noah pouted just slightly, "I know." He muttered softly. Noah did know. By now he had come to learn that This man took fashion very seriously. He didn't know what the tailor was going on about half the time and weather or not he should laugh, or be offended. Noah was off of work now on leave for awhile. A sub, who in Noah's opinion wasn't as cool had taken his place for now.

There had been some frustration for Noah about how the pregnancy and the banquet almost disrupted with their lives entirely. Dave tried to makr him feel better, and the good thing is when they got over this, it would all rrturn to "normal".

Dave hugged Noah from behind and rubbed his massive belly. With such a tall frame, it's quire amazing how big his belly had become. "You want a belly rub after this? A feet rub as well?" He offered, and also reminded himself he would remind the tailor to spare a few icnhes with how Noah had been growing fast.

Noah loved that idea and he smiled giving a small nod. Noah had been stressed out about the banquet. Honestly, he didn't want to do it. He was tired a lot of the time and didn't sleep much because the baby was active and the thought of dealing with so many people. Noah liked crowds but he didn't like them lately.

When the tailor finished Noah turned around and wrapped his hands around Dave the best he could considering his belly got in the way. He had indeed been growing a lot over the last few weeks.

The hug's slightly awkward now, more like Noah was hanging on Dave than anything with his belly, but Dave had always loved these. It's a simple gesture that showed how they mutually supported each other. Dave held back Noah's waist and patted his back. "This would end very soon, I promise."

Dave fitted the sunglasses and the overcoat for Noah when they braved the exit, holding Noah's hand tight. They had attracted a small crowd, but it's quite manageable this time for they were only normal citizens. Still, it's a relief when they got into the car. Dave put his head on Noah's shoulder and rubbed his belly. "Baby these are all your fans. Be prepared you are born a celebrity.... but daddies would ensure you have a happy childhood as well."

Noah smiled at his husband's words. He was also thankful it was just people and not news reporters. People were a lot easier to deal with. Under Dave's hand, the baby kicked. Noah hadn't been expecting it and it caused him to gasp, followed by a quiet laugh. "Look at that it likes you," he said cuddling up to Dave in the car. Home wasn't to far from here and he was happy about that.

"Hey that's granted!" Dave protested. "I am his father you know....he should love me." He smiled cheekily at Noah.

When they arrived home, Dave was surprsied by how his secretary was standing at the door looking very agitated. He helped Noah out of the car first, holding his arm with such care, and waved his secretary into the house as well while he settled Noah on teh couch. "You stay here and watch tele for awhile? I would have a quick chat in the office. The rub would come, a little later." He promsied and kissed Noah before heading off. He seldom leave Noah unattended, but this time he didn't expect a long absence - but he was wrong.

(Sorry did we discuss on the gender of this baby? I thought it's a boy.... but i could be wrong LOL )

When Dave returned Noah would have fallen asleep he was sitting up curled up with a blanket pulled over him. It had taken Dave so long that Noah had been asleep for awhile now. He was kinda cute like this though, he seemed almost peaceful curled up the way he was.

(sorry It's a short response, I don't think we talked about it no but it can be a boy.)

Being a big guy, Noah was never the "cute" type but indeed Dave had never found a more adorable person. Despite how it should be awkward with his belly in the way, Noah managed to not only balance himself, but also make himseld quite cpmfortable in this position. Dave waa slightly guilty for taking so long and decided it wasbt worth it to wake Noah up. Trying to be as quiet as he could, he moved Noah from sitting against the headboard to move onto his chest and very gently laid down together. His heart warmed up when Noah only grumbled and then found himself a better spot snuggling close against him.

(Ah it's ok, lengrh isnt the most important thing ... good, rhen a little brother it is!)

(Time skip? and if so where and when?)

(To the banquet directly?)

The last few weeks had been crazy, to say the least. Trying to get everything in order for the banquet but at least it had come together well. Noah was there with Dave to see to help oversee the setup of everything. Er, at least thats what the two had said, in all honesty, he just prefered to be here with Dave. Besides, he was so late in his pregnancy it wasn't as if he could actually help with a whole lot. Things were almost done for now though and soon people would be ariving.

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