C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

"Hey if you dont feel right we could always stop ok?" Dave noticed Noah's reluctance and gently added. "Comr on let's changr this position... i want to hold you in my arms." Dave moved to sit behind Noah, holding between his legs. The temperature is dropping outside but within the car, they were both warm from anxiety.

Noah now rested in his arms and Dave moved his ahnd over his belly and started rubbing his breasts.

Noah leaned back against Dave and tried to get himself to relax. It would get cold soon but right now he was still hot. Noah wasn't sure how well any of this would work but he found a sort of comfort at least in being so close to Dave.

The nipple stimulation worked and soon Noah was panting harsh with the contractions reaches unprecedented height. It worried Dave with how pale Noah lookrd with the intense pain. He stopped what he was doing, but the contraction seemed to build up further.

Noah was glad in a way, that it had worked but the pain was worse than it had been. The contractions were strong and Noah often had to be reminded to breathe through them. He was getting tired and tried to rest between them but there was little time for that. "Uggghhhhh!" he groaned gripping tightly to Dave's hand with the latest pain.

Dave wasnt sure how much time had past, but they seemed to have fallen down a spiral of intense pain. Noah even sufffered from a cramp in his thighs as they were stuck in such a small confined space. The baby seemed to havr taken his slow sweet time to descend though, and even the dilations slowed down at the 8cm mark. They were having trouble moving the baby down. Dave had been checking Noah's progress but they seemd stuck.

"Noah, how about we try a squat?" Dave suggested when another checj confirmed the dilation was still at 8cm and Noah's belly appearing still quite high up. They had little space to manipulate with but it.should be achievable.

Noah looked back at Dave and gave a nod. With quite a bit of help, he managed to get him self into a squatting position. It was awkward in the limited space. he gripped the back of the seat and sort of leaned on Dave when he needed to. Noah groaned as the pain began once again he wasn't sure how well this was working but it felt a bit different.

The thing with squatting, it was a great position to open up the pelvis, but then it put a lot of strain on Noah's legs. Considering their limited space, it was easy for Noah to suffer from a cramp again. Dave hoped the baby could make good use of this position and descend quick. "Keep breathing, push when a contraction hit, I think it would help the baby move down." In any other case, Dave wouldn't be advising something like that with the cervix still not fully dilated, but he was getting worried. The baby had to move down so they must try, even though it could burn out Noah's strenght before he got to the pushing stage.

Noah glanced back at Dave just long enough to see if the male was serious and once he knew that the man was he needed and began pushing, he wasn't sure how much it was helping but he thought he might have felt it shift down a bit more. Noah groaned loudly leaning back on Dave between the pains. The child was stubborn and that was annoying.

It's a uphill battle and a bet really - Dave was betting on the push would help, but he also risked exhausting Noah unnecessarily. He had no choice though and could inly go with his judgement. He reminded himself to stay strong - his husband and chold's life depended on him and there was no room for self-doubt. He steadied himself and rubbed Noah's arms. "Yea just like that, doing very good. Just lean back on me whem you need a rest, and push again when the contractions hit again." He still couldnt determine if the baby's head down or not, but either way they had no other choice.

Noah took in a few deep breaths relaxing before the muscles tightened again and he was back at it. Gripping tightly to Dave he actually cried out during the worst of it. His knees were shaking slightly, he probably wouldn't be able to stay in the position for too long before he would have to move again.

The cry sounded desperate. Dave noriced Noah's shaky legs as well and tried to hold him better at his armpit, but he soon realised there was no way Noah could hold this position for long - not with the intense pain and the added weight of thr belly. He felt around the belly, mutyering encluraging words before the contraction ended and Noah collapsed back on Dave. "Just push once more like this, ok? Jist move the baby a bit further down.... i know it's difficult. But do it for us please?" Dave begged. He guess Noah wasnt even feeling any urge to push yet, which made it even moredifficult.

"it hurts." He whimpered, but he wasn't about to give up either. He would do what Dave suggested groaning loudly he pushed again, he wasn't really sure it was helping but it made him tired, his legs shook slightly as he focused his effort into trying to move the baby down.

"I know, I know... you are so brave. Be brave for us again please? Yes good job, keep it going…" dave said keeping a close eye on Noah's shaky legs. They now risk another round of cramp with them pressured, and Dave decided they shouldnt linger on this.position after this contraction.

Surprisingly this contraction was exceedingly long and intense. Dave could only encourage Noah into pushing further throughout, not having the brrak to move him yet. "Just push through thid contraction, just a bit more babe!"

Every muscle locked and became tight as he held the push trying to move the child down. His hips had started to ache, he wasn't sure if that was a good sign, or simply that he had been holding this position to long. Noah was getting tired but the contraction wasn't letting up. He groaned through it gritting his teeth and leaning forward a bit. When it did finally let up again he leaned back onto Dave and took in deep breaths.

Noah's breathes were shaky, in fact his whole body was shaky, probably from exhaustion and Dave helped Noah remove his.legs from.under his body. Noah was so rigid and tensed, he had to remind him to relax. "Yea stretch your legs forward.. no.more.squatting for now. You have done great, doing so well for the baby and for me." He kissed repeatedly on Noah to.praise him. The belly did felt slightly lower, but.Dave could not tell how effextive this was.

He held Noah in his arms again, resuming tbeir original position as the laboring man panted. "This is very good. Let's rest as much as we can for these few contractions. Recover a little ok?"

Noah nodded slowly his eyes closed and his head leaned back against Dave. He was exhausted but he wouldn't get much time to rest, even if he wasn't pushing anymore the contractions still hit hard causing him to groan and learn forward. Anything to try and ease the tension there. This wasn't a good situation, Noah knew that he was tired and the baby should have dropped a lot more than it had by now but the storm outside only continued to pick up. Rain pounded against the window, they were stuck here for now, at least until morning.

Dave opejed another bottlr of water and fed it to Noah during the precious few seconds betweeen contractions. Keeping Noah hydrated was also important as he glanced at his belly. His shirt was entirely soaked and sticking on Noah's quivrring belly. He let Noah rest a bit more and then asked. "I would check you again. Just keep your eyes closed and relax as much as yoy can." He told Noah when he slipped his hand down his body and once again, stretched into Noah.

Noah forced himself to relax and not tense up he tried to distract himself with something else while Dave checked him, he was still having contractions every few seconds and this whole feeling was unpleasant he was uncomfortable no matter what happened, all he could was try to deal with it for a moment.

Thankfully the pushing did work, not as fantastically as Dave would hope, but at least it's moving the baby a little lower and his dilation was going well. "You are almost there, just wait for signs of your body. When you feel lik epushing, I htink you are ready." Dave said thougthfully. He rubbed Noahs' limbs as they endured through another contraction, encouraging circulation and hoping he wouldn't suffer from another bout of cramps. It's draining and Noah was pretty exhausted now.

in would still be a few more minutes before he felt the need to push, but in a way that wasn't so bad, Noah needed the rest. When he felt the urge he curled forward and began pushing. He groaned loudly it was coming down, but it was taking its time and Noah could tell.

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