C Pregnant translator (w/ secretsparrow)

The baby's inching forward, dragging its' way down the womb of Noah. dave grabbed one thigh of Noah's and pulled it back, forcing his pelvis open to give space for the baby. The only thing Dave wasn't worried about was the weight of the baby. Their doctor had informed them that their baby's weighing way above average, and if he continued to grow further, a cesarean might be needed - no longer necessary in this situation though.

At the end of the contraction, he fell back on Dave breathing hard. His back hurt and his hips were starting to ache, he could tell the pushing was at least making a little progress but it hurt. It didn't get long to rest before the pain gripped him again and he leaned forward once more bearing down. "Uuuggghhhh!" He gasped when he realized this contraction wasn't going to let up as quick as lost one had.

Huge sweta was dropping down Noah's face as he strained to push teh baby down. his pushes were strong but not at all effective, just barely making things progress. Dave wiped away the sweat and heaved his upper torso forward so he could push that bit easier. "you are getting there, keep pushing, the baby's gonna come." He said and felt along the belly, smoothing it down attempting to help move the baby - then he realised. The baby's head was very high up, almost just below NOahs' stomach. The baby's breached.

Noah had no way of know, last time he had thought Emma was breach but she had simply been big and he thought that was the same case here. Unfortunately, it wasn't. The contraction ended and he leaned back against Dave again. Glancing back at him he saw the worried look. "What is it?" HE asked as he caught his breath. "Dave?"

Dave hesitated in breaking the news to Noah. It would only make him nervous but he wasn't sure , Noah seemed to have the right to know as well. He sighed and kissed noah. "IT's nothing babe... just taht our baby's taking his sweet time. Must be a troublemaker for being so stubborn, wanting to stay inside of you as long as possible." he said still rubbing Noah's belly, trying exert some external pressure in forcing the baby down. It would indeed been a very long and difficult birth, nothign was right even from the very beginning of it.

Noah nodded, to him, it seemed like a good enough excuse and he was too tired, and in to much pain to put much thought into Dave's words. With another groan, he pushed again trying to move the baby down but in its current position, it wasn't going to be easy.

They worked on it together, but the pushes were doing minimal amount of work in forcing the baby down. Dave was pushing harder and harder into Noah's belly, creating an indent. "Noah, on 3 again, let's push together. Come on, stay with me." Dave fed Noah a few more mouthful of water before making use of another contraction to get the baby down. It's taking very long, but they were making progress, slow, but progress nonetheless.

Noah was getting tired, he cried out in pain groaning loudly, the pressing was helping but it wasn't very comfortable, and he did his best not to squirm under Dave. His body was shaking with effort trying desperately to move the stubborn child down. When the contraction was over Noah leaned back breathing hard. he couldn't keep doing this they had been at it for a long time already.

"Noah I am going below. I am going to check what's the progress ok?" Dave said and shifted Noah to lean against the door. He wanted to stay with Noah but he needed to see what's going on. He had a feeling maybe the feet was getting downn... or the bottom. He didnt know which was better - either way looked pretty painful.

Noah was now leaning back against the door his head tilted back as he rested between contractions. It wasn't long before another one gripped him and he was pushing. It hurt, but Noah could tell now it didn't feel right. This wasn't the feeling he had gotten with Emma at this point. The feet were small enough but he could feel them coming down. "Something isn't right." he groaned looking up at Dave. "It doesn't feel right." OF course, Dave already knew what was going on, but Noah didn't.

"It's... Noah. It's... not." Dave didnt know what to tell. He knew he had to confess now that even Noah noriced something's wrong. He pulled Noah's hand over and put it over the head high up in Noah's belly. "Feel this? That's the baby's head...." he said indirectly,then thought there was no.point in hiding anymore. "The baby's head up. It's alright, people deliver babies like that all the time. Dont worry, just keep on pushing like before." He held Noah's incredulous gaze, but another contraction interrupted them. It's another thing that Dave was fidning strange. Noah's contractions were sporadic, and they sometimes varied in intensity as well.

Noah's eyes went wide, he hadn't realized before now, that wasn't good, but that explained a lot. Noah knew there were a lot of complications that could come with the current position of the child. "A-are you sure its ok?" He whimpered but already a new contraction was starting and Noah had to pushed. He bared down trying hard to move the child lower there was progress but again it was slow.

"I would make sure it's ok. I would...." he said sternly. He knew this was not a time for any doubts. All they could do was keep the pushing coming anyway. "You keep on pushing, I would monitor how the baby's coming." He said and slipped his hand into Noah again. He could feel a little feet. Finally. The feet was just reaching Noah's cervix at an awkward angle, but it would be the only option for both of them to try push the baby out like this.

Noah wanted to say more, he was worried, he knew the position of the child was dangerous but it was too late to do anything and the contraction that came hit him hard. Noah groaned loudly gripping tightly to the edge of the car seat as he pushed. He could feel the change and he clenched his teeth tightly it was uncomfortable and the progress was slow but this contraction also wasn't letting up.

Noah's groan was gettinf more pained, Gil knew it but couldnt do anything to it. "Come on, this wohldnt affect anything. Just push...." he said emptily. The cervix was slowly opening, not exactly dilating entirely but it was sufficient for the feet to pass, which it did, little by little, slipping its way into the birth canal - but that's only one of it.

It hurt he wanted it to stop but he knew it wouldn't not until he could get it out, Taking in a few breaths he was at it again pushing as hard as he could manage. there was a new sort of pressure that came with the child dropping down. "uggghhhh get it out!" he was in pain half panicked and by now tired.

The prrssure was from the baby's bottom and the leg thay was tugged up pushing their way through Noah's cervix. It would be a huge challenge for Noah, its girth was even wider than the head, and even Dave was getting nervous because he could feel the little feet coming out, yet it was not mpving.out despite Noah's push. "Dont panic, Noah you woud havr to be patient. Please Noah, you are getting a difficult task ahead, you have to keep pushing no matter what from now.on."

He took in a few deep breaths and then nodded slowly. He knew Dave was right this was the only real way to go about this but that didn't mean he liked it. His whole body ached. He tried to spread his legs more to give the baby more room and take off some of the pressure but still in the car there wasn't much either of them could do. Noah was soon pushing again leaning forward and bearing down.

They had so little space with them, when Noha leaned forward, his opening was in fact pressed against the car seat. Dave was finding that this wouldn't work, not when the baby made an appearance. He waited for Noah to complete the push, then heaved his hip forward and then turn to the front so his bottom was resting at the edge of the seat. "Noah, try it this way... and this." He removed his shirt to push it behind Noah' s back as some kind of support, hopefully it wouldn't hurt his back too much. "Hold your legs behind your knees and push again, the feet is about to come." In fact, when Noah spread his legs wider, his opening would bulge a little, with the tiny toes showing just a slight bit.

Noah groaned loudly, this new position helped but it put the strain on his back. It wasn't comfortable but it gave the child room and that's what they needed. When the next pain came he did as Dave suggested pulling his legs back he leaned forward and pushed. It took more energy this way but it was also seemed to be helping a bit with the progress.

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