Centaur Breeders(Closed)

Jace quickly got off him and raised his hands above his head "Breathe with me baby" he took deep breaths

Liam tried to take deep breathes but it came out like little gasps " help please jace..." Liam sobbed panicked

Jace held his face in his hands "Liam! You need to calm down. Look at me okay?!"

Liam stared at jace finally taking a long shaky breathe he snuggled into jace and relaxed
( skip a couple years and do your idea?)

(sure :) )

Jace and Liam had taken Connor and the twins out for a little picnic at the edge of the farm. The two girls were babbling away in baby language to themselves as Connor talked excitedly about a book his fathers had read to him recently. Anyone looking on might think it was just a normal cute family thing but secretly Jace and Liam had been arguing a lot recently.(is that okay to add? If not just ignore it)

( Yes :) I like it)
Liam smiled paying attention to his son listening to every word he said ignoring jace they just hadn't been the same lately the stress of family weighed on them especially since Liam still had frequent panic attacks Liam felt like jace resented him for that feeling like he was the fourth kid so he tried not to talk so they wouldn't fight there was a rustle in the bushes but Liam didn't notice


Jace bit his lip feeling hurt. Liam had been giving him the cold shoulder for quite some time and he didn't understand what he had done wrong. They hadn't even slept in the same room for the last month. If Jace got in the bed first Liam would sleep on the couch. If Liam was first in the bed Jace would get in and Liam would leave. So Jace had been sleeping on the couch not wanting his boyfriend to be uncomfortable. He heard a rustle and stood up quickly staring into the trees.

Palentine walked out and grinned at the boys "Well well well" he said happily "Look who we've found! Our little breeders that escaped!" he said and reached forward grabbing Jace's chin holding it tightly "Oh! And look, you've been reproducing yourselves with the presents we gave you. Tut tut" he said clicking his free hand so other centaurs came grabbing the children

Jace pulled away quickly "Don't touch them!" he screamed angrily "Take me. Ill reproduce for you the rest of my life just leave my kids and Liam alone! I won't try to escape, i won't complain, I will do your bidding just leave my family alone. Please" he said desperately.

Palentine chuckled and turned to his eldest son on his right "Herodus? What do you say to this humans request?"

Before the son could answer Liam flipped he wouldn't let them take his children to become breeders he wouldn't let them take Jace " don't touch them please let them here! With jace I produced multiples usually I can give you all the children you want just leave my family alone.." Liam screamed throwing a punch at Palentine this son smirked quickly taking Liam's hand and flipping him he hit the ground with a thud " big mistake...lets take them both father take the children as an insurance we can keep them and even raise them as our own...or eat them if things don't work out..." He laughed


Jace screamed "No! Leave them alone! They're just innocent children!" As soon as Palentine's son touched Liam Jace charged for him tackling him to the ground with a great amount of strength.

Valentines son laughed at the attempt and quickly grabbed jaces shoulder dislcoating it Liam groaned as he was lifted up from the ground by other centaurs and so were his children and so was jace

Jace screamed in agony holding his shoulder as he struggled in the centaurs grip. The twins were screaming but Connor was dead silent.

Liam tried to sing a lullaby to calm the twins but he was hit by centaur hard but he kept singing loudly and off key to try and sooth the twins his voice cracked here and there so worried


Jace kicked the centaur in the head who had hit his boyfriend. He continued to struggle in their grip

The centaur went to hurt jace but Liam kicked and screamed distracting him

Jace struggled in their grip more as he saw the cave come into his view "No. No. No. No" he said panicking his breathing coming out in gasps

Liam reached for his boyfriend being able to grab his shirt " baby shhh I'm here shhhh calm down.."

Jace shook violently as he began crying "No. No. No. No. Liam. No." he said panicking terribly

" please let him down we won't run let me calm him down before he has a heart attack..." Liam warned

Jace struggled wildly terrified "No!" he screamed shaking

Palentine frowned "Let them go, we have their children they won't run" he said and watched them get dropped

Jace landed on his bum and started rocking quickly shaking at the memories

Liam rushed to him wrapping him up in his arms " baby breathe I'm here were gonna get through this like last time but you gotta breathe our family needs you..."

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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