Centaur Breeders(Closed)

Jace screamed pushing as hard as he could his back arching

The head slowly inched out " that's it keep going..."

Jace screamed in agony as he pushed as hard as he could "God fucking dammit!" he screamed

The head slipped out and Liam held it " keep going baby..."

Jace sobbed "I can't. No more" he said desperately

" I'm sorry hunny but you have to meet keep pushing deep pushes!" Liam whispered holding jaces hand

Jace screamed and squeezed his hand as hard as he could as he pushed as hard as he could

The shoulders slowly inched out and Liam slowly pulled the baby out

Jace sobbed and screamed as he pushed as hard as he could

The baby finally slid out and Liam out it aside and held Jace close

Jace sobbed quietly into him, his stomach was still huge so you knew there was more

Palentine frowned as a foal trotted out. He quickly went inside finding they had dropped the rope. He growled and grabbed both off before tying their legs together and tying them upside down with thick chains "Escape from my torture again and your eldest son will become my dinner"

Liam sobbed " please just let us...go we won't run will give you all the children you want..." Liam tried to reason with the huge centaur

Jace cried out as a contraction ran through him

Palentine growled "Don't you understand puny human?! This is to show you what happens when you run away from us"

" we won't run again we understand you have are children we will stay here just let me us down please I will do anything..." Liam whispered trying to barter with Palentine

Jace cried out as a strong contraction hit

Palentine growled "No!" he roared "You will do what I say, when I say it""

Liam grabbed jaces hand " okay I'm sorry...master..." Liam whispered

Jace squeezed Liams hand tightly breathing quickly

Palentine stood tall "I will be back soon to see how far you've....progressed" he grinned

Liam squeezed jaces hand " breathe and push when you have too..."

Jace groaned and tried to push as hard as he could

" keep going baby your so strong..." Liam encouraged

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Last Post by DragonKnight
11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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