C Rebuilding Crimson [Closed with Gre-y | Shifter RP]

RJ sighed and laid back against the head of the bed, he scooted over slowly, making room on the crappy mattress and patted the space he made "You look tired... Come rest with me." RJ said, holding his hand out to Kodi and smiling lightly.

Once Kodi was situated, RJ sighed and ran a hand over Kodi's stomach "Are you okay? The pups?" he asked quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear should they be walking by at the time he asked.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi worriedly looked at him, and refilled the little water cup in case he wanted more. “Careful, RJ,” he said, wincing slightly when he started moving over on the bed. He didn’t want his mate in any more pain than he had to be in. He couldn’t resist laying next to him though, so he climbed into the bed and settled next to him.

Kodi shivered slightly as RJ lightly touched his stomach. He was a tad ticklish. “I’m fine, RJ. I’m just very worried for you,” he replied. “The pups should be fine,” he responded in a hushed tone. Luckily he wasn’t big yet, so it was fine to be in a public human place.

RJ wrapped an arm around Kodi's shoulders and held his mate close. There was an incessant stretching in his neck as the wound started to slowly mend on its own - the antibiotics working quickly to rid him of the infection "We will not be here for very much longer... The wound is already starting to heal..." he said, reaching up to scratch at the closing wound - it was very itchy and irritating the hell out of RJ.

"No need to worry about me... This is not my first hospital visit, but I do hope it will be my last..." RJ kissed the top of Kodi's head and sighed "I'm worried about you, it is natural... You are carrying our pups, and you were attacked just a week ago... What was that about, anyway?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi pressed himself against his mate and breathed in his scent, finding that it relaxed him. Only now he stunk of humans and medical supplies. He didn’t like that one bit, but his original scent was still there. He lazy wrapped an arm around RJ’s middle. “I’m glad to hear that. You even seem a bit better too,” he said happily. “Don’t scratch! You might claw it open,” he said. “You don’t want that bleeding again..”

“I hope it’s your last as well.. I don’t like seeing you so sick,” he said. He closed his eyes when he kissed the top of his head. “I don’t think our pups were harmed in any way.. at least I hope so.” Great. Another thing for him to worry about. He sighed a little when asked about the attack. “It was Tessa, and those other two that follow her around,” he said quietly. “Basically she was furious that you had picked me for a mate instead of hers, and she went into an insane rampage trying to kill me, I think.”

RJ furrowed his brows upon hearing why Tessa had wanted to kill Kodi in the first place "That's a little... Extreme." He said quietly, rubbing up and down Kodi's back lightly "She has known for years that I was not into women... Why would she think that I would just suddenly change my mind on that?" It was a rhetorical question, at best, but still he wished he had an answer for it.

RJ snaked his fingers into the waistband of Kodi's pants, holding onto the warm flesh of his mate's back end "You're gonna have to bust me out of here... I don't think I can stay in here much longer with your scent right in my nose and not want to do something absolutely crazy with you..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi was just as confused as he was. “I know.. she was always very rude to me from the start, but I didn’t think it would turn into something like this,” he said with a slight shrug. “Maybe She had always been a bit unstable, and maybe this just pushed her off the edge?” He shrugs again, not really understanding why. At least she’d no longer pose a threat to him now.

He gasped slightly as RJ grabbed af him, blushing a shade of red. “Nng..” he shifted slightly. “You need to rest..” he gripped at the shirt RJ wore, bunching up the fabric in his hand.

"Your hormones are all over the place... Perhaps... screw leaving the hospital..." RJ said huskily, turning Kodi over onto his other side, he moved aside the hospital gown he was wearing and lined himself up to impale Kodi on his hard member.

The next day, Doctors' were confused as to how quickly RJ had healed, no sign of infection or illness, his fever was 'high' by their standards but RJ assured them that he was just born that way - which was true, he was - and they had no choice but to release RJ back into the world.

By the time RJ signed all of the discharge papers and he and Kodi left the hospital, Devin was already there waiting for them "Thanks for the ride, Cuzzo." RJ said as he climbed into the backseat and tugged Kodi in with him, holding his mate close and kissing his head "I'm ready to go back to the den now... I feel a bit weird, not being around them..." RJ said, leaning back in the leather seats of his cousin's SUV.

Devin nodded his head "Nothing extreme happened while you were away...Tessa's mother would like to slap the hell out of you, RJ, for apparently killing her daughter, but other than that... There has been no changes." Devin said, and spoke more about all that had happened, even filling RJ in on the days after the attack since RJ had not been readily present for them.

RJ just listened and held onto Kodi, one hand rubbing constantly on his mate's slightly swollen stomach.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi stayed over night with RJ in the hospital. They slept on the same crappy bed, pressed against each other, until the morning. There was so much improvement in his wounds and in his behavior! Kodi was happy to have RJ back to normal. They could finally come home too!

Kodi climbed into the backseat of the van with Rj and settled into the seat next to him, and buckled up his seat belt. He leaned against his larger mate’s side and looked out the window a little bit. Things would be alright.

He frowned upon another mention of Tessa. He certainly felt awful for killing her, but it was self defense.. “She tried to kill me!” He protested. “If she didn’t pull that stunt, she’d still be okay,” he growled slightly. He shook his head a little, not wanting to deal with any of this. He’d probably hide in the den until it blew over a little bit.

He just sighed and pressed his face against his mate’s body, closing his eyes. He felt safe when he was with him. He smiled, feeling his warm hand on his stomach.

RJ kissed the top of Kodi's head "You did nothing wrong, we all know this, Kodi... Otherwise you would have been punished already. The pack knows, and accepts that you were attacked first and should any more danger come your way - I will deal with it." RJ said fiercely, his protective side - not only for his mate, but his pups as well - coming out in full force.

They arrived at the forest parking area where other cars were already, they were almost home. RJ could feel the wolf inside of him, begging to be released into the wild once again. As soon as he and Kodi got out of the car, he was already stripping himself of the confining clothes that were clinging to his muscular frame, he would have to run and stuff to regain the muscle mass he had lost, but he felt much better and would no doubt regain his muscle quickly, as well as the body weight he had shed through his illness.

RJ quickly shifted forms, landing on four paws, he let out a rumbling howl into the air, alerting his pack that their master had returned, before taking off at a full-tilt sprint back to the den area. The grass and dirt underneath his paws felt amazing, and the wind that ruffled his coat was blissful. He felt like his normal self again.

RJ whined happily once he got to the den area, being greeted by his fellow packmates. He nuzzled and loved on each and every one of them, delivering long tongues kisses to the top of his nieces and nephews heads. Once he had greeted everyone, RJ laid in the middle of the grassy area of their den, rolling on his back in the grass and whining as itches he could not reach were scratched "This is so much better than a hospital..." RJ commented, knowing his mate was near him - Kodi always was, and RJ loved it.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi was still pissed about the situation. He huffed slightly and just shook his head a little. “It’s just so crazy..” he muttered. At least the situation would be resolved by RJ, and he would be protected by him should any further situations arise.

Finally they were home! Kodi took a deep breath of clean forest air, and climbed out of the car when it had been parked and stopped. He couldn’t stand his human form anymore and started yanking off his shoes and clothes. Rj finished it much faster and was already gone.

He finished undressing, transformed, and started padding bck into the main area, holding onto the clothes to return them to Thomas. He padded along until he found who he was looking for, and he returned the clothing. He thanked him, and went on his way to the den.

He yawned sleepily, seeing the den coming. He greeted a few packmates and padded deeper in, looking for RJ. “Hmm you’re happy,” he noted, laying down on top of RJ’s stomach. He was big enough to lay on top of!

RJ grunted with the added weight of his mate, but he smiled and wrapped both of his paws around Kodi's body and snuggled him close, nuzzling at his mate's neck and face with much more affection than he ever really showed "Of course I am happy... Aren't you? It is always a wonderful feeling, being reunited with the pack..." RJ said quietly.

"Being Pack Master... It is almost like being an Omega, in a way... I get lonesome when I do not have the pack around me... I mean, yes, I am a loner and tend to stray away from them, but they are always nearby and I can always smell them..." RJ explained quietly, pulling his claws lightly through Kodi's coat - grooming him lightly - "I have smelt nothing but death and decay... and hospital... for the past few days... so their scent is very welcoming to my nose."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi tucked his tail on his left side and laid across his mate, lovingly looking down at him. He smiled back and pressed his nose against his. “You look so good,” he said happily. “You’re back to normal.” The little wolf chuckled as he was nuzzled, and nuzzles him right back. “I am happy to be home.. that hospital was horrible.”

He listened silently to his alpha and laid his head against his soft cheek. “It is lonely without others,” he relates, rubbing his nose against RJ’s face. He too was happy to have the familiar scents of others around them, and the fresh forest scents. The disease and the strong cleaning products in the hospital gave him a headache, and he was glad to be rid of it. He takes in another deep breath.

RJ frowned slightly, continuing to rake his claws through Kodi's fur, getting down deep enough to lightly scratch across his mate's back "Do you think you will be alright when we leave the forest in two weeks? Winter is coming soon, and we cannot stay here for it..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi frowned a bit. The little wolf was so happy to return home, but just in a few short weeks they’d be returning to the town. He rested his head against his fluffy chest and sighed softly. “I’ll just have to deal with it,” he said quietly, dreading the thought of having to spend more time with people. “It’ll be safer for the pups though.. to have a warm house..”

RJ nodded and nuzzled against the head on his chest lightly "You won't have to spend much time outdoors if you do not wish too. I know you are not comfortable around the human world..." RJ said quietly, licking the top of Kodi's head in an attempt to comfort his mate "Our pups will be happy to have a warm home and comfortable place to sleep, it would be too much to ask of them, so young as they would be, to sleep on a stone and dirt floor..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi nodded. “I would be busy with them anyways, I would probably have no time to go outside,” he replied. “If I’m still pregnant when we get there, then I definitely wouldn’t be going outside,” he added, licking at his mate. He hated the smell of human towns, and how busy and strange they are..
“I guess that’s true. They’ll have a better chance of survival if they’re warm and safe from the start,” he reasoned.

RJ nodded and smiled "Survival is key for my babies." RJ said and ran a paw down to Kodi's slowly expanding stomach "They are not due for another four weeks, love... We will be safely in the town before they are born, i promise."

RJ nuzzled his mate closer and closed his eye - just breathing; the scent of his mate, the scent of the land, the scent of the rest of the pack nearby... It was all relaxing and soon enough RJ was fast asleep with Kodi still wrapped in wolf-like arms.

(Skip to the move back to town if you want?)

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi nodded. “We’ll have the strongest babies in the whole pack,” he said proudly, nosing at his chest. He nodded. “Yeah..too bad our pups will be born in the winter.. but by the time we come back, they will be big enough to enjoy spring!” He said, curling up a little tighter on top of RJ. He closed his eyes as well and let out satisfied sigh.
moving to the town

The weeks went by, and the weather was getting colder. It was no longer chilly at nights, now it was chilly during the day, and the pack made the right choice by deciding to migrate back to their winter homes. The area was being a bit cleaned up and it was busy, everyone grabbing their items, grabbing their children and trying to get them loaded up in cars.

By now, Kodi was obviously pregnant with a litter. The idea of going to the town didn’t appeal to him at first, but now he felt the cold weather and he wanted his pups to be safe and warm, so he changes his mind. Besides, it’s not like he has to be outside all the time!

RJ loaded the last of their things into the truck - it wasn't much though, considering Kodi had no belongings to call his own and RJ always packed lightly for the months he was in the den area. He took one last look around - they were the last to leave, as it was prudent for the Pack Master to make sure everyone got out safely. "Stay by the truck, I am going to have one last look around to make sure everyone has left and collected all of their belongings."

RJ took off at a relatively fast-paced stroll back to the den area, he looked into every nook, cranny and hiding place that was there and was almost relieved to find nothing left behind... until some noise caught his attention. His ears, not as strong in human form, perked up slightly, and he moved around the den slowly, looking for the sound - Coming from the corner, a small pup was huddled up in a sweatshirt, whimpering and crying "Oh hell little one..." RJ lifted the infant up into his arms, keeping the sweater wrapped around his body - He didn't even smell like one of their own.

RJ carried the pup back to the truck and looked at Kodi "I found him in our den... Unfed, shivering his little body off... He isn't one of the families though..." RJ said, holding the pup out to Kodi -- Kodi would also notice that the pup did not have that unique scent that accompanied all Crimson wolves - even Kodi now had that unique scent.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Kodi made sure to say bye to everybody as they left the area. Lots of hugs were exchanged until the last family left, and the pair were the last ones. Kodi was in his human form to assist everyone with packing and clearing up, but later he’d switch into his wolf form, since it would be better to pose as a ‘pet dog’ when coming home. He loitered around the truck, leaning against its side while RJ ran around before leaving.

He looked up at RJ coming back, now with something in his arms. “Oh no!” He said as he came closer. “Oh this poor sweet baby..” he said, reaching for the tiny pup. He didn’t smell like family, and he noticed that quickly. He took the pup from RJ and held him close in his arms, trying to warm up the shivering baby.

He worriedly looked up at RJ. “Do you think there’s more? Who would leave their little pup here like this?” He said, looking back down at the little pup. He gently stroked it’s little head, feeling motherly towards it.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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