Closed Rebuilding Crimson [Closed with Gre-y | Shifter RP]
RJ shook his head "He was the only one I scented in the area - Perhaps he got lost whilst his mother was moving them to a new location... There is only one problem, Kodi..." RJ said as he lifted the sweater up a bit, scratching at the pup's ear lightly "He is not a shifter, like us, this is why he smells so different... He is a full-blooded wolf, an Omega like you but still a full-blooded wolf..." RJ said quietly.

He sighed and frowned "We would never be able to keep him past the age of one... but still, he is only about two weeks old... He is starving." RJ said quietly, looking down into Kodi's eyes "Would you feel comfortable... shifting and feeding him our children's milk? I know that you have started the... lactating process... Perhaps it would be alright for this one to drink it."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi cradled the whimpering pup as it trembled in his arms. The poor thing was so tiny! “He’s small..” he said. He looked up when RJ told him he was a full wolf. That meant they couldn’t keep and raise him forever.. Kodi felt a bit sad about that, even though he had just held this little baby for about thirty seconds. “We should care for him until we can.. return him into the wild. We can’t leave him,” he said looking up at RJ. That wouldn’t be right to leave a tiny starving pup in the cold.

The little guy could give Kodi practice for when he had to care for a whole litter. He looks up at RJ’s suggestion. “I’ll have to- I can’t let him just starve,” he said. “We can leave, I’ll just sit in the backseat with him.” Kodi said, handing the pup back to RJ so he could undress and shift. He wrestled off his clothes, and then shifted into his wolf form since it would be easier to feed him. He could also curl around the pup to warm him up.
RJ laid the pup close to Kodi once his mate was inside the back seat of the truck, he helped the pup connect with one of Kodi's lactating nipples, and rubbed the pups back lightly "If he does not show signs of aggression, when he is older... perhaps we could keep him, but he is still a wild creature to us... Wolves and Wolf shifters are vastly different... but for now, he is our son and we will raise him along side the rest of our sons, as if he were one of our own." RJ said as he carded his fingers through his mate's thick mane before shutting the door behind Kodi.

RJ got into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking area, he drove carefully back to the town and to his house -- it was a small, single story home, with only three bedrooms and two bathrooms, but it was his and he liked the area. Neighbors were milling about, preparing to head in for the evening when RJ pulled up "We will wait until the last of the neighbors head inside, and then I will bring you and our boy inside... I will start unpacking now." RJ said, leaving the heat and engine running so neither pup nor mate would get cold. He started unloading the bed of his truck, carrying the few belongings that he had inside.

Once he was finished, everyone of his neighbors had gone inside and he was able to safely bring Kodi and their new pup into the home. "He will need a name, so he does not get accustomed to just being called 'The pup'" RJ said as he helped settled Kodi on the couch, the pup tucked up against his chest and stomach once again for the warmth.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

RJ opened the door for him, and Kodi climbed into the backseat and laid across the seat. He watched as RJ places the pup against his belly, helping him to get attached to a nipple. He leaned his head down and gently groomed his tiny soft head and back. “We’ll take good care of our new son,” he said as he looked at the tiny pup with a motherly gaze. “I really do hope he would s gentle as he gets older..” it would be heartbreaking to raise him and get attached, and then have to let him go. He licked RJ’s hand before he closed the car door.

Kodi rested in the backseat of the car, putting all of his attention on the pup. When the baby finished eating, he groomed him all over, and tucked him close to his belly so he could warm up. The pup soon stopped shivering and silently slept. Kodi kept his head curled up near the pup at all times.
Soon they arrived at the house, and he spied out the window, seeing the people. He huffed a little and put his head back down. “You have too many neighbors,” he said.

Kodi waited patiently in the car with the pup while his mate unpacked. Finally everyone left and he was able to exit the car with their new son. “He does need a name.. something that suits him,” he replied as he curled up on the couch, the little pup against his stomach.
RJ sat on the floor, resting his hand over both the wolf pup and Kodi's puffy stomach; there was small movements coming from inside as their own pups grew and squirmed around "Have you an idea on what to name him?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi gently nosed the pup, earning a small squeak from him. “Oh.. sorry little guy..” he said lifting his head. He looked over at RJ and was silent for a moment. “His fur is dark,” he noticed. “Maybe we can call him something to do with that..” he licked RJ’s hand that was laying across his stomach.
RJ laughed softly, wiggling his fingers through the thick fur on Kodi's stomach, concealing his own children "Perhaps we can call him Shadow... Or Storm... Since he is a full-blooded wolf, he does not need a human name..." RJ said as he ran his free hand lightly over the tiny pup's body "What do you think, little man, do you like either of those names?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi smiled in delight while RJ pet his soft tummy fur. “Right.. one of those would suit him perfect,” he said happily, nudging gently at the baby. He wiggled around, stretching out his tiny stubby legs. “Hmm.. do you think.. Shadow..” the little pup did nothing except squirm some more. “Or Storm..” he whimpered softly, ever so slightly lifting his head. “I think he picked his own name!”
RJ smiled, resting his chin on the couch as he watched Kodi interacting with the small pup "Storm Jackson... I like it, and apparently so does our little one." RJ said quietly, skimming his fingers over Storm's lithe frame "He is going to be a small one, Kodi... He... He won't be strong enough to survive on his own... Even if I teach him how to be a wolf, he will not survive out there without a true pack..."
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi smiled down at their new pup while RJ gently petted his back. His fur was soft and silky. “Storm is perfect for him”, he said placing s lick kiss against the top of his head. He glanced up when RJ told him he will be small. “He might get big.. with us caring for him and feeding him, he’ll have a good chance,” he said hopefully. “Even if he doesn’t, I’ll care for him..”
"Is it wrong that I've already grown attached to him? After only an hour of being with him?" RJ asked quietly, thumbing one of the pups tiny ears between his fingertips.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi shook his head. “No.. I’m already attached to him as well..” he responds. “He’s Just so little and innocent..” he cooed, lightly nuzzling his little back with his nose.
RJ nodded and frowned slightly "He will be a good boy... We will make sure of it, so we do not lose him come spring... He is pack now, whether he is a full blooded wolf or not." RJ said as he stood up and stripped his clothes off.

He shifted forms and jumped up onto the couch behind Kodi, "He just cannot be marked... Not until he is older and stronger... He would die if I tried to bite him now..." RJ said as he laid his head over Kodi's back, nuzzling his own nose close to both his pups growing inside of Kodi's womb, and the young pup tucked against his stomach.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi nods, quite pleased with their new little son. He already had quite the attatchment to him. "He'll survive until spring.. he's in the safest condition he can be in," he said happily as he looked down at the tiny boy. He was suckling milk from Kodi again. Hungry little fella.

Kodi was pleased to see RJ shift forms once again, and he adjusted himself so RJ could fit comfortably on the couch. "Oh no.. you can't do that yet, he's much too tiny," he protested. He sighed contently as RJ laid his head against his stomach. He could feel their pups kicking inside.
RJ smiled and licked the tiny pup on the top of his head as he drank from Kodi without a care in the world "Our pups will be born soon, and Shadow will be a month old by then... Much bigger than our little ones... I do hope that he does not try to hurt them..." RJ seemed a bit worried, but he hoped that he could tame Shadow before their two weeks were up.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi nods. "I hope he will be a good big brother too them.." He responds. "Surely he would recognize that the other pups are like him, and he wouldn't be aggressive?"Kodi hopes, looking at their boy. "He's an omega too, so that may help for him to be on the mild side.
RJ nodded and closed his eyes, sighing heavily "He is still a full-blooded wolf, Kodi... We have to be wary of him and careful around the rest of our pups when they are born."

It took a few days to get settled into the house, living sometimes in human form and sometimes in wolf form; but both Kodi and RJ were slowly getting used to the routine, and rather than lazing around the house, they did the things needed to get prepared for their own pups to be born, all while taking care of Shadow, who, day-by-day was growing bigger and stronger.

They were only a few days out from the due date of their pups, and it was obvious that Kodi was so close to giving birth -- Their due date was not precise, and at any moment it could happen. RJ was nervous a lot of the time, sticking close to Kodi should anything happen.

Now they were laying on the couch, watching as Shadow played on the ground with a squeak toy that RJ kept to entertain himself with most of the time.
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

"We can hope he'll be gentle.." Kodi said with a little sigh, and he put his head down near Storm. He finished his meal and just laid his own little head now. Kodi yawned sleepily.

Kodi had gotten used to living in the house, and he found that he very much enjoyed it! It was at a comfortable temperature all the time, there was soft stuff to lay on, and food was easy to get from the fridge and pantry! He noticed that RJ was basically glued at his side, always worrying and checking up on him.

Kodi lazed about on the couch in his human form, sleepily watching as Shadow played with a squeaky toy, shaking it around and squeezing it between his teeth. Luckily he kept himself entertained with toys. Kodi lightly stroked his swollen belly, feeling their litter rolling and kicking. They had gotten much stronger!
RJ sighed as he rubbed Kodi's stomach with him "They're getting ready for their journey into the world... All that moving around in there... They'll be here very soon..." RJ said quietly "They're turning so that they can all be ready to come on down... Are you ready for that, Kodi?"
[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.

Kodi nods, looking down at his belly. He was a bit surprised at how big he got with RJ's pups. "Yeah.. they never stop moving," he said, rubbing his belly with his finger tips. He looks over to meet his eyes. "Im.. I'm a little nervous, but it'll be okay," he replied with a small smile.

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