C Pregnant Man’s Quest (Now we have our three people)

Caleb looks at him not fully believing what Namina said, but he’d just wait for Namina to tell him if it was something important “Alright then come on we got the vault open and I came to get you so we can collect.”

He walks back to the vualt. He pulls his hood off. What lay inside shocked him. He simply looked awe struck. He simply stood back and let the other pillige he wasn't much for plundering.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Caleb and Thomas picked up as much gold as they can and after their bags are full. Caleb goes over to Namina “Hey are you doing okay you didn’t look so good before and I wanted to check in on you before we leave?”

"yea I'm fine just got the wind knocked out of me. I'm fine it's nothing." Misty buzzed around his head tugging on his ear fur then bolted to Caleb and then flew around his middle. He gently grasped the fairy and geared at her. He then walked over and picked up his shear of gold and put it in his sachle.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


(we still alive)

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


(Yeah I actually didn’t know it was my turn guess I forgot and as for PoisonElixer they live in England and the time zone is way different so that’s probably why he hasn’t posted much lately. The two of us also do a Discord RP together so there also is that.)

Caleb turned to the others “So I guess since we collected the gold and killed Balrog we can send the signal for the King’s troops to take this fort for us.” “After they arrive we’ll leave go to the nearest town or city and I’ll tell you about our second target.”

Thomas yawns "Is there somewhere I can rest my head? Maybe Balrog had some chambers somewhere?" He walks and then turns back "Anyone else gonna come? Or am I going alone?"

Namina folowed his steps seemed more pronounced almost like a waddle. He followed behind them breathing softly through a contraction. He could ferl his stomache harden under his finger tips. He'd make it he had the will and even in active labor he'd not even reached yet it would take hours for his twins to arrive. He seemed slower than normal. He was also hiding his face in his hood. Misty was also acting strange she seemed agitated.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Caleb looks at the two of them and hands them his map “On this map should tell you where Balrog’s private chambers are and any other sleeping quarters that you may enjoy.” “Now that we’ve cleared this place out I’ll head outside and sound the signal for the soldiers to take this place over.” Caleb leaves to go do the signal.

Thomas turns to his last companion "are you ok there? You seem to be in pain" He takes a few stepd back and wraps him arm around Namina's waste. "It's alright, put your weight on me. That's it. We'll get you to a bed and you can sleep for a bit" they walked up some stairs and found Balrog's quarters "Look, you take that comfy bed there. I'll be next door if you need me. Caleb will check on you on the way up" he walks out the door "shout if you need me" he closes the dpor softly. He goes into the smaller room next door and takes his top off. He lays on the bed and begins to massage his belly

Caleb lights off the flare in the air showing large enough for the troops to see. They start making their way there it will take about an hour for all the requested troops to arrive. He goes to the courtyard waiting for the commander to appear.

Thomas saw the Flare from his window. He believes something is wrong. He runs topless outside to Caleb. He taps Caleb "What the hell was that? Are we under attack?"

Namina lays down and manages to fall Adler for about half an hour. He was woken by a sharp pain that shot up his spine. He hadn't meant to but he yelped in pain. His stomache was extremly tight. Musty was buzzing around his head he just wanted her to leave him be.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Caleb turns to Thomas “No that was the signal for the troops to come and take this place.” “Now go inside and put on a shirt the commander should be here soon and the commander likes people to look presentable.” “Go check on Namina though he may need some help.”

Thomas nods and runs inside. He pulls on his shirt before checking on Namina. He walks up to Namina's bed snd says quietly "N, the commander's going to be here soon. Are you okay? You look in pain." He looks at Namina's large belly "Is it here?" 

Namina looked up at him breathing heavily. The pain across his back and abdomen unbearable. He whent to stand up and as soon as he was up a pool of us was around his feet with a splash. His inner thighs were soaked with the hot sticky fluid. He looked up at the other panic rising in hus chest.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Thomas stares "You're water just broke!" He helps Namina back onto the bed. He tries to calm him and then says "I'm going to get Caleb, stay calm." He rushes to Caleb "Babe, Namina's water just broke. What do I do?"

A garrison of soldiers appear at the door a man with more impressive armor then the others goes over to them. “Hello I’m commander Dalvien so you’re the king’s solider I salute you for helping us Balrog was a plague on us all.”

Caleb nods “Yes though I should tell you I have two companions in the fort so make sure to tell your soldiers not to attack them.”

The commander nods “I’ll get right on it I’ll prepare a war room where we can meet and plan the targets death.”

The commander and his men go inside and when Thomas runs out to see him and tell him this news “I’ll go get some help hopefully the commander has a doctor in his garrison that should help him.” “Come on let’s go.”

Namina pulled his clooack off. His fuzzy digigrade feet in view. His ears twitched. He knew he had to breath. The pain was now ten times what it was before. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes. He wanted to cry but just tryed to stay calm. His mint green gaze was pained. Misty sat on his stomache which now had drooped down and was lower than before.

      we are all alicorns on the inside!


Thomas rushes back to Namina "Ok, Caleb is dealing with the soldiers so I'll have to deliver them." He rubs Namina's belly "push when you feel a contraction"

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