The Witch’s Cabin (Closed w/Lovebite)

This was embarrassing and truthfully, it wasn’t helping the situation any, but here was one of Travis’s terrible quirks: Like every Aries man and woman, when something hardly went their way, a tantrum of petty sorts was bound to be thrown. In his case, he got verbal.

“J-Jill,” he tried to call out, but just because his face had full features to speak, some words needed a bit more of the body to properly project the voice. Instead, he was left there with a kiss on the cheek until Helena returned.

“Apologize for what? You’re the one that’s doing this.”

He struggled to move so badly, but all his head did was ease back against the back of the couch itself. “I can’t apologize for saying what I meant. If you’re that offended by it, we can just leave once the weather lets up. Now, be a doll and just undo whatever it was you did.”

Jill didn't stop when she heard her name called, she briefly felt bad about leaving him there but with one look at Helena she knew it was the right decision to leave him to the other womans 'punishment'. As she removed her outer wear and started to get settled in the room, locking the door and going to the bathroom with a plan to take a hot shower and crawl into that fluffy looking bed. Besides whatever was happening to her brother in the other room she felt completely safe where the witch had left her.

As Helena stood in front of him and put her hands on her hips whole looking down at him,"You're completely ignorant to the effect you have on others, aren't you?" She tilted her head a little and came closer to him, smiling at him and shaking her head,"You won't be leaving here until I'm satisfied that I have changed you." She said simply and left him to take what he would from it as she hiked the skirts of her form fitting dress up and climbed onto his lap.

"What is it you said? Men deal with more than women do? You really believe that?" She held his shoulders and ran her fingers down his chest to settle a palm against his firm, flat abs, smiling a little at the man beneath her. His feeling was slowing coming back but only to his torso as her hand rested on his middle, if he was a woman her palm would be right against a womb. "Why don't you tell me what men do that's harder than what a woman does?"

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Travis was just plain right annoyed now. Jill was ignoring him and here he was, on a couch as some witch -He was calling her just that now- practically tortured him.

“What do you mean,” he said rather flustered. “Jill has never once truly complained and everyone else is alright with how I do things? It’s only you that’s taking it seriously!”

Change him? Whatever did she mean by that? She wasn’t going to turn him into an animal or anything, was she? As he felt movement return to just his torso after she sat on his lap, he thought it was more than enough to move. Sadly, that didn’t work as his heart was racing in pure panic.

“You all have it very easy,” he said, his mouth seemingly shaking as if to indicate a deep state of rage behind it. He was mad, but maybe ultimately, it was resentment at people not seeing him as a success story, just someone to constantly reject. “You all can just scream what you want and people will believe you. You’re not the one who has to prove anything to anyone almost all the time. Providing, being supportive. All you really do it just sit around and birth children.”

Helena tilted her head,"Oh? I'm sure she has, but your pride was deafening you." She held his chin with her other hand and smiled gently,"We'll fix that too. You're much too handsome to be so rude, it makes you ugly." The woman rubbed her thumb against the skin around his belly button while looking at him, listening to him silently as he spoke. With every word that escaped him, it seemed he was fueling the energy she was transferring to him, a sort of bloating sensation would fill his lower belly.

As he finished it seemed to grow worse, especially with the last point he made, she stepped away then to stand up again. Leaving him still sitting there on the couch, the bloating feeling growing worse, accompanied by an intense pressure and if he looked down he could see his waist line slowly expanding. At first seeming like a trick to his eyes but soon enough it was obvious that his gut was growing as if something was inside of him.

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He was listening to her talk. Her talking about him being attractive was nice, but something didn’t feel right. It was more than just the fact that he couldn’t move a majority of his body. No. There was something else occurring and it was right where she poked him at: near his belly. A soft groan from a dull ache filled his mouth as a light sound of fluids rushing through the body could be faintly heard to even her hears. His blue eyes rushed down to see what was causing the ache equivalent to that of bowels churning that would otherwise alert someone to use the restroom. He didn’t have to go though and if he did, his body refused to move. What was going on was his stomach was beginning to jut out.

It was hard to notice at first. Travis was wearing a nice buttoned up white dress shirt and a crimson red sweater over it. Sue him for trying his best to dress sophisticated as if already being a hopeful for the Winter Olympics wasn’t enough. Point being, he could feel everything. It started with the folds to his black T-shirt underneath it all filling out. Then, came the strain against the white shirt itself and even his belted blue jeans. That was when he started to panic upon seeing a faint bump protrude from his sweater.

“W-what did you do,” he stammered. Travis wanted to move, watching as his body changed further. “Make it stop!”

But, it wouldn’t stop. It went much further, a strain presenting itself against his body. If he could move his arms, he would have tried to relive himself, but it was too late. With a huge set of multiple pops, the shirt underneath the sweater had torn forth and then, boom! The button to his jeans shot forth across the cabin, the zipper to them rolling down to allow his belly to swell out with ease. He groaned, not out of pain, but because of a dull fullness to his body as all three layers of his shirts rolled over the belly and his pants? Well, he heard several rips as his hips shifted around to accommodate his new frame. Travis could only watch in horror as his partially hairy belly rested between his legs while his chest began to ache.

Helena watched with interest, it wasn't the first time she had done something like this and she was sure it wouldn't be the last, plenty of women came to her to deal with men like this. But this man? He was going to be her personal play thing, she'd teach him some manners herself and she would make sure he didn't revert back to his old ways. Though right now was only the beginning as his once flat torso began expanding, rounding out slowly from one month to two and then three, all the way to six in only a few moments.

She was impressed, usually it took a potion to do such damage, but now she had her hands in the situation, her own magic was fueling this and not some home brew. This also wasn't just an illusion, this was real and very intense from the look on his face as she simply stood back and watched him. The panic on his face was simply delicious and she ate it up, as she moved to sit beside him once again, folding her legs beneath herself and smiling at his fear.

"You must be holding in some pretty bad stuff, young man. It looks like you might be carrying multiples." She said and watched as his shirt rode up with each inch onto his waistline, he wasn't fat either, his growing belly was firm and round. Obviously much like a pregnancy if he ever seen one and he was helpless to stop or even touch it as the orb of flesh grew and grew. "I can't just make it stop, this is good for you, you're going to be releasing whatever you had balled up inside of you in the form of pure little babies. Oh, it'll be wonderful." She smiled end looked from his panicked expression back down to his gurgling mound that pushed open his pants more and more as if it would never stop.

It was even getting harder for him to breathe, the new, fertile womb inside of him was getting bigger and bigger and his organs had to unnaturally shift to make room for it. But shift they did, even if it was a little more than uncomfortable for him, pressing against his bladder and diagram, filling his lap with gently rippling flesh. The four new, growing lives inside of him stretching and feeling out their new home.

The pop of the last button surprised her and she knew this would be an exciting situation as that full term belly only grew bigger and bigger. The flesh settling on his thighs and briefly touching his knees with each strained breath,"You feeling okay?" She asked him and stroked his hair away from his face once more, wondering just how he might deal with this,"You're very, very pregnant, my dear. I don't think I've seen someone become so...gravid in a case like this." She stroked his cheek and looked down again, not touching his womb that must've ached for someone to rub the stretched skin.

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His breathing was heavy, rather labored. By the time everything seemed to have ceased, Travis was looking at his exposed hairy tummy resting close to his knees where he was sitting and when he looked closely, there were a few protrusions against the large mound. Whatever was inside him, they were full of energy and kicking. That in itself caused discomfort among the more blaring signs: His bladder felt full from this all and physically: he felt dizzy or nauseated. With the finishing touches, a dark line began to become visible in the middle of the belly as his belly button itself began to push out like a ripe plum. More changes would come, but for now, asides from his chest beginning to serve another purpose, this was it for now.

She said what he was. He was pregnant and clearly much more massive than what should be considered normal. This wasn’t a normal situation, because clearly, men never got pregnant in the first place. Streaks of tears ran down his face as out of this all, he felt one thing: Like he was completely ruined. He didn’t want to look at her, his blue eyes looking in the opposite direction even. He couldn’t keep it for long though. His clothes felt too tight, he really was feeling the effects of these equally eight pounded babies press against his bladder and ultimately, he felt like he was going to hurl.

“I really need to use the restroom. Bad.”

That’s exactly how he was feeling presently. He would try to focus on everything else afterwards.

From the looks of it, he wasn't even full term either, for now he was possibly in his third trimester and early in it with how high his belly was on him. She was impressed by how much he could take and how much bad he had held inside of him, they'd delve into that later. For now she needed to get him accustomed to what would be going on here, as she sat with him and watched his squirming belly with wonder then looked up to his face. "Oh, you're so full." She mentioned, obviously gaining enjoyment from this, yet she leaned in to wipe at his warm tears even if he wouldn't look at her. He looked ready to pop if she was honest, but she knew he was far from delivering. One of her hands skimming over that dark line that traveled from beneath his boxers waistband to his stretched navel.

Helena stood up to her feet when he said that and looked down at him with a hand on her hip as if judging the predicament he was in. "If I let you up, you won't give me any trouble, will you?" She asked him, though from the look of him she knew he couldn't run even if he wanted to, especially not in the snow or in the dark. Another knowing smile crossed her face and she leaned down to grasp his hand, the numb feeling thawing away from his limbs and allowing him movement instantly. "Up you go." She said and braced her feet, ready to help counter his weight so he could stand.

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Travis felt dazed, perhaps due to his head hardly being able to make sense of what just occurred. One minute, he should have been on his way to the bonfire with his sister and friends. Now, here he was, feeling like an alien to his own body with the person responsible for it cradling his new figure in her hands. He was angry at Jill. She just left him to all of this and even trying to call out to her would be on deaf ears. He could hear a shower running. He still felt this was all her fault as he wouldn’t be in this situation had he not felt guilty about leaving her to walk in the forest on her own.

And, where would he exactly run off to? Before he even regained his movement back, he looked like he downed a huge watermelon whole. He was already feeling a shortness of breath just from forcefully sitting on the couch alone. When she did fully restore his movement, everything felt so different that now he was getting a dose of the other physical changes done to his body. Travis’s feet ached badly, his ankles and feet having swelled a bit as much as his hands. He was also not familiar with his new body at all. He was trying to stand normal and even walk just like that, but there was a huge belly that made it feel like he was lifting thirty pounds near his stomach, except it was starting to droop down and that’s when he felt the sharp pain to his back. He rested a hand on the back of his waist for some kind of support, but he never let go of the witch’s hand. He really was going to need help getting to the restroom as he found himself slipping out his shoes due to the way they felt against his socks and skin.

“I won’t run away....” he said rather meekly and timidly. Clearly, he physically couldn’t do it.

Helena nodded, that was a good start, they couldn't have him trying to get away and hurting himself or the cargo within him. She smiled still and held his hand firmly as they walked slowly out of the living room and down the hallway towards the back of the cabin. Past a few closed doors, one having the sound of showering escaping from it which was the one Jill had occupied currently. She took him all the way to the master bedroom, her own room filled with little trinkets and photos that one collects throughout life.

"I know this is a lot at once, it would have been easier if you were only carrying one, but we can't help that now can we? I'm sure you'll get used to it quickly." She said and she continued to help him into the bathroom and to the small closet like room that contained the toilet, opening the door,"Go ahead, take your time. I'm going to check on your sister." She let go of his hand, leaving him standing there at the door to the toilet, closing the bathroom door behind herself.

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“I wouldn’t be in this mess if you didn’t touch me in the first place,” he said with annoyance.

He felt entirely embarrassed. His pants and clothes were in an entire tattered mess. He was struggling to get around properly and to make it worse, his balance and coordination was entirely off. Slowly, he waddled to the Master bedroom until he was finally left alone in the restroom. There should have been a sense of relief, but there was a problem: He could hardly get his jeans off. Grabbing the tears that came from the middle to even near his rear, he tore them loose and finally lowered his boxers. As he sat down, because standing wasn’t even an option, he contemplated what he was going to do, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt to give himself some breathing room. He had to figure something out, figure a way to escape. The thought of calling someone came across his mind several times, but as he rose away from the toilet when everything was done, of course it lacked a signal at all. He trudged out the small restroom slowly after washing his hands, looking around the room just a little. Maybe when the snowstorm died down, he could try to slip loose.

She didn't reply to what he said, he'd learn to watch his tongue soon enough, she smiled as she left him to go to the other room, one of the four. Knocking,"Hello?" Helena waited for a reply, the shower had stopped and Jill soon answered. Opening the door, her hair wrapped in a towel and wearing a robe she had found in the bathroom, she looked at the other woman who was happy with what she had found. "Everything alright in here? Are you hungry?"

Jill thought about it and looked out into the hall briefly, before she answered those questions she asked,"Where's Travis?"

Helena glanced back,"Relieving himself." She shrugged and looked to the pile of clothes on the floor,"I've got some sleepwear if you want? I'm sure you'll be staying the night, maybe two. I'll call a friend of mine up to give you a lift down the mountain when the snow clears." She explained and the younger woman nodded, that sounded alright to her, her brows furrowed briefly though and Helena explained,"He'll be staying though. If it's alright with you. I have a technique to...fix men like him. It's foolproof."

The brunette looked at the woman who was still mostly a stranger and knew she had no say in this, nor did she exactly want to take her brother back with her. Not until he fixed his attitude, but she also didn't want anything really bad to befall him, so she simply went along with the woman. "What's your name?" She asked.

"Helena." She smiled and turned to go,"I'll bring some pajamas for you and then we can all have a sandwich before bed." The woman walked off back to her room and saw Travis standing there in all his wonderfully pregnant glory, raising her brows,"Can't get your shirt off?" She asked him and closed the bedroom door back behind her, not shy at all as she looked his half naked body over. Going over to her dresser to grab some garments for Jill.

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He was trapped in a foreign house. Standing was not the idea he was wanting, but he really didn’t know where to go. As it happened, he stood there in his captor’s room in nothing more than a sweater, former button up short and black t-shirt that rode over his belly with ease and red briefs that were barely doing much to cover up the fact that when he saw himself in the mirror, his hips had spaced out and judging from the breeze he felt against his butt crack, the underwear themselves were hardly holding on around his form. At least the socks still fit. The door to the room opened and there was the stranger again, seemingly mocking him about his shirt.

“None of this fits anymore,” he said lowly with reserved anger. “I just need something to wear.”

The woman was at a dresser though. Whether she got him anything or actually had anything for a male was beyond him.

"I see that." She said in reply with a smirk and dug into the dresser some more before taking out a pair of pants and a shirt holding them under her arm. Then looking back at him,"Would you like something to wear?" She asked and stepped away from her dresser,"You're welcome to anything I have in here. Or there." She pointed to the closet as well,"Anything you can fit at least."

Her eyes looked him over, it seemed he was a bit...wider either way so maybe he could fit some of her things. He'd be around for a while anyway, maybe she'd ask Jill to bring him some of his clothes to wear but she was sure he wouldn't be able to fit them. Maybe she would have to make him a gown for the time he would spend there with her.

"I'm going to go give these to your sister. Find something to wear and then join us for supper." She told him and turned to leave the room just as soon as she came back, going to give Jill her pajamas and then go into the kitchen. She gathers the ingredients for sandwiches and waits for the two of them, content with the events of the nights.

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Of course she was getting some odd thrill out of this. None of this made any sense, but the very mention of her insisting they have dinner, or supper per her words, with Jill, he shook his head. He wanted to tell her no, but she was fine with the set of clothes she picked out for his sister. Travis couldn’t let Jill see him like this. While he wasn’t exactly fat, some of his muscles did lose some luster to them behind some amount of thickness. He really hoped this didn’t turn into some kind of softening feminization situation. He’d feel completely terrible then, more than he was already feeling. That in itself came with a loud growl from his belly. It was clear the children were making him hungry.

He had no luck finding clothes in the dresser. They were all female attires. The closet was a different story. There were quite a few clothes meant for males or just gender neutral in general. Getting them on was a different story. He couldn’t stand to put them on. He eased on the bed to get the pants on his legs and around his waist. Ever a fan of sweaters to a degree, he found a nice navy blue cardigan to wear over a T-Shirt that was barely riding over his belly. He rolled the sleeves to the cardigan up and slowly waddled to the room door while gripping things here and there for support. He really did not want Jill to see him like this, but he really couldn’t starve himself either. Not like this. Still, a thought was running in his head: If she’s done this to other men that women sent her way, then who was the other parent?

The two of them met in the hall on their way to the kitchen, though Travis didn't want Jill to see him the way he was, there was no choice as she stepped out in the crisp pair of pajamas. She stopped when she saw him and rose her brows, unsure if he was completely the same even after only an hour or so it being separated. Jill was silent for a moment and her eyes skimmed him, but in the dim light of the hall and how far away he was she could barely tell that anything was wrong with him. Other than the different color of his sweater, she noticed that alone as she turned and continued back into the living room and the attached kitchenette, she didn't look back at Travis. Almost as if he wasn't there to begin with as she took at a seat at the table along side Helena who was waiting patiently for the both of them.

When Travis showed his face again, the witch smiled and sat back, her legs crossed, she had been waiting for him especially,"We're all hungry, Travis. Why don't you make us something light before bed?" She asked him, addressing him as his name for the first time as she rested an arm on the table and watched him,"The ingredients are on the counter."

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What? She was expecting him to do things like he was some maid? She was the reason why he felt a bit lethargic and ultimately, hungry in the first place. Now, she was trying to boss him around? The nerve! Then to top it all off, she treated him like the figurative red-headed ugly step child, as if he was nobody worth looking at. As if his sister was more important.

“No,” he said flatly. “I don’t have to do anything for you.”

He might do it for Jill, but that was as far as it went. The way he saw it, it was this mystery woman, who apparently knew his name when he never gave it, who practically made him a freak of nature.

"No?" Helena knew she had heard him correctly, she smiled lightly at the man who stood there,"Would you like to rethink that answer?" She asked him and propped her head up on her hand as she leaned forward against the table, looking at him,"I'm a bit too tired to argue with you, Travis. Either you make the sandwiches or I take away your motor function again with a snap of my fingers." She said to him and Jill turned her head finally to look at her brother and her shock was immediately evident on her face.

His sister's eyes widened as he looked at him, skimming over how bloated and uncomfortable he looked just standing there. She looked back to Helena again,"What did you do to him?" She asked and stood up from the table, moving over to her brother instinctively when she finally noticed what was wrong with him. His abs were gone and replaced by...a belly... Even his pecs looked soft beneath the sweater he now wore,"What's wrong with you?" She asked him, finally worried about what might be wrong with him.

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Travis was firm on not wanting to do that, but when she made that threat, he wasn’t exactly sure anymore.

“You wouldn’t do that,” he stated, nervously. “You’d probably hate me, but they didn’t do anything to deserve falling over on a hard floor for.”

By them, he was referring to the babies. If she chose to snap her fingers and do whatever, the chances of him falling on the floor belly first were high. A part of him thought she clearly didn’t think this through in the long run, but everything went away the moment he heard and saw Jill staring at him.

“I...I...” Travis really didn’t know how to say it, that he was pregnant. His belly did the talking though, kicks here and there protruding from the belly and underneath the fabric as a result. Out of embarrassment, he started fixing the sandwiches without hesitation.

Helena rose her beautifully shaped brows at the challenge,"You believe I didn't think of that first?" She sat up straight as she looked at him,"Your womb is the safest place in your body, since I created it. It wouldn't be smart of me to punish you any time I want with the repercussion of hurting them in the process, now would it?" She asked him in return, smiling lightly and looking up to Jill who was noticeably panicked.

The young woman waited for her brother to speak but he said nothing and he turned away from her to do as the witch asked him to. But not before she noticed the movement inside of him, her eyes never leaving him as she stared at him in shock. Looking back to the woman who had offered her home to them for the night, she had wanted this at first but she wasn't sure now that there was some foreign thing inside of her brother. It wasn't natrual.

Helena read her face and she stayed as calm as any time before when she spoke again,"He's pregnant. I've made him like this." She said and Jill's shock didn't end there and so Helena continued,"I assure you it's completely safe, just insanely uncomfortable as a process. But in the end, I swear, he'll be the most well behaved man you could ever hope to have as a brother." She smiled and Travis's sister just stood there in her confusion and slowly sank down again into the chair she was sitting in before.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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